
Terms for subject Commerce containing They | all forms | exact matches only
If goods are not properly packed, they would be exposed to peril如果货物包装不当将会发生危险
In spite of all their assurances, they didn't make the delivery in time尽管他们作了一切保证,但未及时交货
Representatives of Consumers Associations will discuss how they can contribute to their countries’ efforts to improve the quality and safety of food消费者协会的代表们将讨论如何促进各自国家努力改善食品质量和安全
Rubber goods depreciate if they are kept too long橡胶制品存放太久就会贬值
The both parties shall be bound by any practice which they have established between themselves双方当事人必须受彼此之间已确立起来的习惯做法的约束
The buyer is in certain cases entitled to refuse the acceptance of the goods i£ they are not packed in accordance with his instructions or with the custom of the trade买方在一定情况下
The buyer is in certain cases entitled to refuse the acceptance of the goods i£ they are not packed in accordance with his instructions or with the custom of the trade有权拒绝接受货物
The buyer is in certain cases entitled to refuse the acceptance of the goods i£ they are not packed in accordance with his instructions or with the custom of the trade如果货物包装与买方要求或行业惯例不相符合
The Certificate of Inspection covering the shipment indicates that the goods were in sound condition when they were shipped有关此次发货的检验证书表明货物在装运时情况良好
The cost of building the bridge was much more than they had bargained for这桥造价大大超岀他们的预料 (on)
The ship stuck on the sand and they could not get it afloat again他们无法使之重新漂起
The ship stuck on the sand and they could not get it afloat again船牢牢搁浅在沙滩上
These goods are not in plentiful supply, on the contrary, they are running short这些货物并非供应充足,相反却快要售完了
They are haggling over terms of payment他们在对支付条款进行争论
They are haggling over the price of the goods他们在对货价进行争论
They are keen on trying out a sample shipment他们很想买一批样货
They did not rate the equipment above its real value他们没有对设备估价过高
They discovered certain discrepancies in his financial report他们发现他的财务报告有些矛盾之处
They entertain the idea that the prices are not workable他们认为这些价格无法成交
They estimated the cashier's defalcation as US $100,000. 000. 他们估计出纳员盗用公款达100,000美元
They have closed the business他们达成交易
They have closed up the business他们关闭了商店
They have placed an order for 10,000 bicycles with our factory他们已向我厂订购自行车10,000辆
They made a commitment to pay immediately他们承诺立即付款
They netted only a little from the sale他们从这笔销售中赚钱不多
They reckon the output will increase by 30%他们估计产量将增加百分之三十
They trade in light industrial products他们经营轻工业产品
They've developed a new process of testing他们创造了一种新的测试方法