
Terms for subject China containing These | all forms | exact matches only
achieving the goals for this NPC's legislative work实现本届全国人大的立法目标
an accountability and assessment mechanism for meeting these targets目标责任和评价考核体系
as provided for in this Law依照本法规定
attach great importance to formulating this legislation高度重视此项立法工作
be governed by the relevant provisions in this Chapter适用本章的有关规定
be handled with reference to the provisions of the relevant articles of this Law参照本法有关各条的规定办理
during the second half of this year今年下半年
ensure that China is able to take advantage of this period of important strategic opportunities维护我国发展的重要战略机遇期
ever since this NPC was elected本届全国人大成立以来
important items on the agenda for this session本次人民代表大会的大会的重要议程
in addressing these problems针对..... 等问题
in addressing these problems针对……等问题
in addressing these problems解决……等问题
major tasks for this year今后一年的主要任务
put a resolute stop to these unhealthy practices坚决制止不良风气
the basic principle run through and is embodied in this law as a whole基本原则贯穿并体现在整部法律的始终
the State Council determines the steps to implement these provisions国务院规定法规的实施步骤
under this agreement根据本协定