
Terms for subject General containing These | all forms | exact matches only
added to this此外还有
added to this除此之外
after this manner照这样
Alexander Walker? I'm sorry, but there's nobody here by this name亚历山大•沃克?抱歉,这里没这个人
All the staff of this travel agency is off now旅行社所有员工现在都下班了
all this while这-阵子
and all this而且
Are all these goods duty-free?这些商品都免税吗?
Are there any unusual things produced in this town这个镇有什么特产吗?
Are these clothes on sales?这些衣服搞特价吗?
Are these duty-free goods?这些都是免税商品吗?
Are you feeling better these days?这几天感觉好点了么?
Are you serious? How is this possible? You have to reapply!真的假的?这怎么可能呢?你一定要再申请一次!
as described earlier in this chapter如本章前面所述
as this is the case既然如此
at this在这时候〔时刻〕
at this distance of time在相隔很远的今天
at this distance of time过了好久到现在还
at this juncture在这个时候
at this point此时〔处,刻〕
at this point这里
at this rate照那〔这〕种情
at this rate那〔这〕样的话
at this rate如果那〔这〕 样
at this stage眼下
at this time当〔其,那〕时
at this time of day这么迟
at this time of day直到这时候
at this very moment此刻
before this在这以前
Before you reach for the cough syrup, try one of these natural remedies在你使用咳嗽糖浆之前,试试这些天然疗法的其中之一吧
but this is only half the story但这还只是问题的一半
by this在这时以前
by this到这时
by this time到现在
by this time到此刻
by this time这个时候以前,已经
by this token由于同样原因
by this token其证据为
by this token而且
by this token还有
by this token另外
by this token据此想来
by this token同样〔理〕
Come on, give me a break on this别这样,你就让点儿价吧
come under this category归〔属〕于这一类
come under this head包括在本项目下
Could you change these euros for me?能给我兑换这些欧元吗?
Could you please fill in this form?您能填一下这张表格吗?
Could you show me this camera?可以让我看看这款相机吗?
Disease in the body, such as headache or stomachache, with this kind of disease we have to go to the hospital to see the doctor如果是头痛或腹痛之类的身体疾病,我们必须到医院看医生
do it like this照这样做
Do you have any charges for this morning?您今天是否挂账用酒店的服务?
Do you have anything for this one and a half years old baby?请问有一岁半儿童能吃的食物吗?
Don't be like this. You should be brave to yourself别这样,要勇敢面对自己
Drive along this street, turn right, turn left, keep straight. OK沿着这条街开,右转,左转,一直往前。好的
except to recognize this除去承认这点以外
Excuse me. Can you cash these Canadian dollar traveler's cheques of George Brooke?打扰一下,你能将乔治•布鲁克名下的旅游支票兑换成加元吗?
Flashes are not allowed to be used in this museum博物馆里不准使用闪光灯
for all this尽管这样
for these reasons由于这些原因
for this end为此目的
for this once就这一次
for this reason由于这个原因
for this reason因此之故
for this reason为此
from this day forth从今天起
from this day forward从此以后
from this day onwards从今以后
from this day onwards从今天起
from this time forth从此以后
from this time forth今后
from this time forward从此
from this time forward从今以后
from this time forward从此以后
from this time on从此
from this time on从今以后
from this time on从此
Go along this street to the end沿这条路走到尽头
going on this premise从这前提出发
Good heat preservation is a feature of the electric cooker of this brand保暖性强是本品牌电炉的特点
Good morning, John. Jessie and I are checking out this morning. We're going hiking早上好,约翰。杰西和我今天早上要退房了。我们要去远足
granting this to be true姑且认为这是真的
Have you been feeling this way for a while?你已经疼了有一会儿了吗?
have you time to read this book?现在有时间看这本书吗?
Have you used an agent or representative to complete this application?你让他人或者代理机构帮你填写这份申请表格了吗?
he ought to be here by this timeby now, by 3: 30他此刻现在,3: 30应该已经来到这里了
he ought to have arrived by this他此刻该到了
he went this way他向这 〔那,另一〕边走去
Hello, have you ever been to this country before?你好!请问你以前来过这个国家吗?
Hello. This is Mrs. Charles. I' d like to buy a new car. Could you offer me a new type of the car, please?你好,我是查尔斯夫人。我想买辆新车,你能给我介绍一款新车吗?
Here's my passport. I'm going on the CAAC Flight to New York with this bag这是我的护照。我准备带着这个包坐中国民航班机去纽约
How can you refuse my apology to you? This is rude你怎么能拒绝我对你的道歉呢?这是不礼貌的
How do I fill out this form?我要怎么填这张表呢?
how do you like this lathe你觉得这台车床怎么样
How do you like this room?您觉得这房间怎么样呢?
how does he stand on this question他对这个问题孢什么态度
How long do you intend to stay in this hotel?您打算入住多长时间?
How many days is this ticket good for?这张票有效期是几天?
How many universities have you applied for? How many of them admitted you? Why do you want to study in this university?你一共申请了多少所大学?有几所录取了你?为什么选择这所大学?
how much a gallon is this oil这种油多少钱一加仑
How much do you want for this?这件东西你想卖多少钱?
How much do you want to pay for this?多少钱你会买?
How much will these jewels be altogether? Please send it to my address, I'll pay the messenger on delivery这些珠宝总共多少钱?请送到我的住处来,我把钱给送货员
however, this need not always be so然而,并不一定总是如此
I am sorry to bother you at this hour很抱歉这时打扰你
I bought this belt here yesterday. Can you punch a new hole in the belt for me?我昨天在贵店买了这条皮带,你能帮我在皮带上打个新孔吗?
I can't make this equation come out我解不出这个方程式
I' d like to change this ticket to the first-class我想把这张票换成头等舱
I’ d like to make a reservation for this Saturday evening我这个礼拜六晚上想订张桌位
I don't know what this tool is used for我不知道这工具是做什么用的
I feel bad about how much my car is adding to the pollution problems in this city一想到我的车排放的废气加重了城市污染,我就感觉很糟
I felt OK when I woke up, and then, suddenly, I had this really sharp pain我起床时还好好的,然后突然间就感到一阵剧痛
I got these mugs as freebies at the supermarket我这些马克杯是超市给的赠品
I hate to say this, but this is the worst food I've had我不想说这些,但是这是我吃过的最难吃的食物
I have to confiscate these fresh fruit. Give your declaration form to the attendant at the exit. And have a nice day我得没收这些新鲜水果。请把申报单交给出口的服务员。祝您旅途愉快!
I heard other stores were having great discount on this item听说别家的这个东西在大减价
I know what this is worth我知道这东西值多少钱
I like the design of this suit. But the texture is not so soft. Can you do any change for me?我喜欢这套西服的设计,但是衣服的质地不够软,这款能改做吗?
I like these brown shoes. Are they real cowhide?我喜欢这双棕色的鞋子,这是真牛皮做的吗?
I' m sorry to inform you of this, but this is our responsibility很抱歉通知您,但这是我们的责任
I placed reservation for this room through a travel agency, not through the Internet这间房我是经旅行社代订的,不是通过网上预订的
I planned to enlarge this picture我计划放大这张照片
I really have to get to Paris by this evening. Would you please try to find any other available flight?我真的必须今晚到达巴黎,请你替我找其他的班机好吗?
I recommend this kind of full-bodied wine with a hint of sweetness来点这种浓郁、强烈,但有些甜的酒吧
I see. Thank you for these tips我知道了,谢谢你的建议
I started feeling kind of sick last night after dinner, but this morning the pain got really bad! Then I just doubled over昨晚晚饭过后我就开始有点不舒服,今早疼痛加剧,然后我就疼得直不起腰来了
I think my English is sufficient for this trip我觉得我的英语水平能够满足这次旅行需要
I will definitely come to this hotel next time I am in New York下次来纽约我肯定还会来这家酒店
I will take five of these我买五份
I wonder whether this is done or not这熟了吗?
I wonder whose notebook this is我不知道这是谁的笔记本
I would like to cash these traveler? s checks, please我想把这些旅行支票换成现金
I would like to give him something special this year我今年想送给他一些特别的礼物
I would recommend this dish to you我愿意向您推荐这道菜
I'd like a refund on this ticket我要退这张票
I'd like some coins for this note我想把这张纸币换成硬币
I'd like to leave this with you, and there is not anything valuable or breakable我想把这个寄放在你这儿,袋子里没有贵重或易碎物品
if this were not so如果不是这样
If we refuse your application, we will give or send you a notice of refusal. This document will list the reasons for the refusal, and will explain your right to appeal如果您的申请被拒签,那么您将收到我们寄给您的拒签信。拒签信上会列明您被拒签的理由,并说明您是否拥有上诉权
If you do this, the credit company, or the bank that sponsors the credit card, will add a small service charge to your total bill如果你这样做,信用卡公司或发卡银行会在你的账单总额中加收一点手续费
I'm afraid this currency is not accepted in our hotel我们恐怕不能接受这类货币
I'm afraid this currency is not accepted in our hotel恐怕我们酒店不能接受这种货币
I'm having several friends over for dinner this Saturday. And I was wondering if you have the time to join us这周六我约几个朋友吃晚饭。你有时间参加吗?
I'm sorry these curios are prohibited here对不起,这些古玩是禁止出口的
I'm sorry. You can't try these hats on as they are easy to get dirty对不起,这些帽子都不能试戴,因为容易脏
I'm through. Please take these things away我吃完了,请端走这些东西
I'm very interested in this except the price我彳艮喜欢这个东西,但是价钱不太合适
In some cases, these tests can even prevent cancer from developing in the first place在有些情况下,这些检查项目甚至可以预防癌症从原位蔓延恶化
in some of these books在这些书当中的某几本中
in the preface to this book在本书的序言中
in these days近来
in these latter days现今
in these latter days近来
in these times当今
in these times现今
in this在这时候〔时刻〕
in this area there is no coal but, instead oil在这个地区没有煤,而有石油
in this chapter our theme is three fold本章的主题有三点〔三方面〕
in this context在这方面
in this context在这种情况下
in this context在这里
in this context关于这一点
in this context在这个意义上
in this context由于这个原因
in this exigence在这紧急关头
in this instance在这种情况下
in this regard关于这〔那〕一点
in this regard在这〔那〕方面
in this review在本书〔评论〕中
in those days this door wouldn't open那些日子里这门老是开不开
information of this nature这种性质的信息数据,资料
integrating this equation yields...对此方程式积分可得出…
is are these yours这个〔这些〕是你的吗
Isn't this the car store?这里不是卖车商店吗?
It is common in China for an applicant to have relatives in other countries or a petition to immigrate on file. These factors by themselves will not necessarily prevent approval of your application中国申请人有亲戚在国外或者正申请移民是很常见的。这类情况不会妨碍你获得批准
I've never seen any service like this我从未遇到这样的服务
I've never seen any service like this我从未见过这样的服务
Jack knew Lily never offered to pick up the bill, so he suggested go halves this time杰克知道莉莉从不愿掏钱,所以这次他提议各付各的
let us take a more detailed look at these examples让我们来更详细地看看这些例子
like this这样的
like this像这样
May I carry this satchel?我可以带着这个小提包吗?
Men in kilts in a crowd wearing everything green marked this year's St. Patrick's Day Parade成群结队身着绿色苏格兰短裙的男子成为今年圣帕特里克节游行中最亮眼的风景
most everybody knows this element几乎每一个人都知道这种元素
much has been done in this field在这方面做了许多工作
much of this is true这有大部分是真的
My car is in the parking lot. Let s go this way. Let me help you with your bags我的车在停车区,请这边走。我来帮你拿行李
My current situation is quite urgent, since I got my leukemia relapse this time目前我的情况非常紧急,因为这次我是白血病复发。 (recurrence, 小贴士: sign 是医生或者其他人观察到的某种事实或者特征。medical sign 是医生在体检 (physical examination)过程中发现的某种医学事实或者特征。当然,也可能医生与病人都注意到了某种状况,那么它可以既是 symptom 也是 sign。比如,疼痛 (pain )只能是 symptom, 因为医生无法感受到病人的疼痛;而血细胞数量值只能是 sign, 因为病人无法感知。不要混淆 sign 和 indication, 后者是使用某种治疗方法的根据,在中文中似乎也翻译为“症状”。)
My wife will love this jade necklace我太太一定会非常喜欢这条镶玉的项链
neither air nor water has any effect on this element无论空气或是水对这种元素都没有任何影响
no defects did they find in these parts在这些部件中他们没发现任何缺陷
none of this concerns them这事与他们毫无关系
North of these mountains lies Siberia and Lake Baikal西伯利亚和贝加尔湖就位于这些山岭的北方
Oh, sorry, I'm afraid I won't attend the meeting this morning. Last night I had a sore throat抱歉,我不能参加今天早晨的会议了。昨晚我嗓子疼
on this account因此
on this account于是
on this account为了这〔那〕个缘故
on this occasion在这一次
on this occasion在这个时候
on this supposition假定〔设〕
on this understanding在这个条件下
on this understanding根据这个条件
Once this happens, blood appears in the vomit and feces一旦出现此种症状,呕吐物和粪便中就会带血
one of these days在最近期间
one of these days总有一天
one of these days两三天内
one of these days日内
Ouch! This tooth hurts哎呀!这颗牙疼
People who would like to have a romantic relationship with somebody may use the occasion to make this known, often anonymously如果一个人想要追求另一个人,便会利用这个节日以匿名的方式向对方告白
Personnel Department. This is Carol speaking人事部,我是卡洛
Pharmacologists are studying up on allergic reaction of this medicine药理学家们正在认真研究这种药的过敏反应
prepare readers for understanding this使读者为理解这而作好准备
pursue this principle to the design把这原理贯彻应用到设计工作中去
Since this morning I've had high temperature, and I feel generally wretched上午我发高烧,浑身疲软无力
Sky blue and cloud white of this city form a picture of harmony and unity这个城市的天蓝色和纯白色构成了一幅和谐、统一的图画
so much for this topic关于这个问题就讲这些
sorry, sir, but we cannot cash this check immediately. This is a personal check, sir对不起,先生,我们无法立刻兑现这张支票。这是一张个人支票,先生
Surgeons have to operate on this patient immediately医生们不得不立刻为这位病人手术
take an average over this range对这个范围取平均值
take an average over this range取这个范围内的平均值
take care not to let these goods be rained on当心别让这些货物淋到雨
take these things back把这些东西拿回去〔拿进去,背在你背上,带给他,拾起来,拿上楼去〕
take these things in把这些东西拿回去〔拿进去,背在你背上,带给他,拾起来,拿上楼去〕
take these things on your back把这些东西拿回去〔拿进去,背在你背上,带给他,拾起来,拿上楼去〕
take these things to him把这些东西拿回去〔拿进去,背在你背上,带给他,拾起来,拿上楼去〕
take these things up把这些东西拿回去〔拿进去,背在你背上,带给他,拾起来,拿上楼去〕
take these things upstairs把这些东西拿回去〔拿进去,背在你背上,带给他,拾起来,拿上楼去〕
Take this prescription to a pharmacy and buy medicine拿着这个药方去药房买药
The buildings in this school are all in smoke grey这个学校的建筑都是烟灰色的
The dark mica in this granite should be called biotite花岗岩里的黑色云母应称为黑云母
the God of this world撒旦
the God of this world恶魔
the God of this world混世魔王
The intense internal heat generated by this sort of yoga was meant to purify and cleanse the body这种瑜伽能产生体内高温,旨在对身体净化和排毒
The light in this room is too dim这房间的灯光太暗了
the literature proper to this subject专为这个题目所列的参考文献
The main ingredient of this cream is olive essence这种霜的主要成分是橄榄精华液
the reason is this理由如下
The room rates in this hotel are quite reasonable这家宾馆的房价很合理
there is no sound evidence to prove this没有可靠的证据证明这点
there is no wear in this stuff这材料不耐磨
there is something wrong with this machine这台机器什么地方出了毛病
There will of course be no charge for this replacement这次换货不需要任何费用
There's no bus conductor in this city. Drivers play both role of driver and conductor. You have to go to the front and drop your fare into a metal box这个城市的巴士没有售票员。司机兼有双重职责。你得到车的前面把车费投到金属盒里
these answers don't agree这些答案不一致
These are choice apples这些是精选苹果
these are the best data yet available这是到目前为止可得到的最好的资料
These are too tight. They pinch这双太紧了,夹脚
These are your baggage checks这是您的行李提单
These are your baggage checks. Which would you like to have, aisle seats or window seats? You don't smoke, do you?这是你们的行李托管证。你们想选择靠过道的还是靠窗的座位?你们不抽烟,对吧?
these bearings have not to be oiled这些轴承不需要上油
these boring tools are so dull that they are no longer cutting这些镗刀钝得镗不下去了
these boxes are much of a size这些盒子差不多一样大
these chemical reactions look as if they were simple这些化学反应看上去仿佛很简单
These couple rings are the symbol of long-lasting and pure love of lovers这对情侣戒是情侣之间永恒与纯洁爱情的象征
these data will be of direct value to us这些资料对我们很有〔很少有,有一些,没有,特别有,有直接的〕价值
these data will be of great value to us这些资料对我们很有〔很少有,有一些,没有,特别有,有直接的〕价值
these data will be of little value to us这些资料对我们很有〔很少有,有一些,没有,特别有,有直接的〕价值
these data will be of no value to us这些资料对我们很有〔很少有,有一些,没有,特别有,有直接的〕价值
these data will be of particular value to us这些资料对我们很有〔很少有,有一些,没有,特别有,有直接的〕价值
these data will be of some value to us这些资料对我们很有〔很少有,有一些,没有,特别有,有直接的〕价值
in these days目前
in these days如今
in these days近来
in these days最近
These items are for personal use这些东西都是私人物品
These medicines can be applied by injection or orally这些药品可以注射,也可以口服
These pearls have a beautiful luster这些珍珠光泽很美
these same前述的
these same所谓
these same
These sandals cost me an arm and a leg我花了大价钱买这双凉鞋
These shirts are two for one这些衬衣买一送一
these shoes let in water这些鞋子透水
These small spiced cakes are peculiarities of the region这些别有风味的小蛋糕是该地的特产
these stones feel cold这些石头摸上去是凉的
These tests suggested that the ovarian tumor was benign, and that she also had malaria and signs of inflammation in the lungs, which could have been caused by pneumonia or tuberculosis这些测试表明,她的子宫肿瘤是良性的,但她患有疟疾,并在肺中发现了炎症的迹象,这些病症可能是由肺炎或肺结核引起的
these tools are theirs, yours are over there这些工具是他们的,你们的在那边
these tools may come in handy one day这些工具有一天可能有用处
these two instruments work on the same principle这两种仪器的工作原理相同
these values are up 7 dB这些值增加 7 分贝
these wheels are constructed smaller这些轮子做得小些
things like these defy enumeration不胜枚举
things like these defy enumeration诸如此类
things of this nature这种〔类〕事情
this being so既然如此
this book is not above me这本书对我不是太难
this bout这〔那〕一次〔回〕
this bout这〔那〕时
This boutique looks terrific!这家精品店看起来很棒!
This bow tie blends with you striped shirt这个领结同你那件条纹衬衫更匹配
This bracelet is made of platinum, beaten out by hand这只手镯是用白金,完全靠手工捶打而成的
This bus is leaving. Non-passengers must get off now班车即将发车,非乘客请下车
this clock needs winding once a week这钟每星期只需要上一次发条
This commercial invoice is still valid这张商业发票还在有效期内
this concept is hard for many to grasp这个概念许多人难理解
This “ Cream of Olives ” is our bestseller for combination skin. You can try some on your hand这款橄榄滋养霜是我们卖得最好的,专门针对混合性皮肤。你可以在手上试一下
this date至今
in this day and age在今天这个时代
in this day and age目前
this day month下个月今天
this day week下〔上〕星期的今天
this day week上〔下〕周的今天
this day year去〔明〕年今日
This dish is somehow greasy这道菜稍有点油腻
This dress is very stylish and really becomes you这件裙子很时髦,而且很适合你
this far这么远
this fashion does not take这式样不流行
This fish is very delicious这种鱼很好吃
This flight has been canceled due to a typhoon in Hanoi. There'll be no flights to Hanoi until tomorrow本次航班因河内有台风取消了。要到明天才会有班机飞往河内
This glittering green emerald is of high purity这个翡翠绿莹莹的,成色极好!
This hotel declines any private check本酒店恕不接受任何私人支票
this instant马上
this instant即刻
This is a great area of the city for shopping. There a grocery store just around the corner这一带是市区里购物的好地方,在附近有一个杂货店
this is a grinding machine or something这是一台磨床之类的
This is a medicine problem这应该是内科的问题
This is a model quite suitable for domestic use这是一款适合家庭使用的汽车
This is a rip-off!这是宰人啊!
this is almost, but not quite, correct这差不多是对的,但还不完全对
This is an emergency. I need to get in contact with him right now情况紧急,我需要马上和他联系
this is far from being the case事实远不是这样
this is far from being the case情况远非如此
this is how it happened事情就是这样发生的
This is Immigration Department. What can I do for you?这里是入境处。请问有什么可以帮您的吗?
This is Marlene Casper. I need to meet with Ms. Carling. She knows who I am我是玛丽妮•卡斯帕,我要约见卡玲女士,她知道我是谁
this is most difficult这是很困难的
this is much the better of the two两个当中这个好得多
this is much the simplest case这是最简单的情况
this is no place for parking这并不是停放车辆的地方
this is no small contribution这是很大的贡献
this is not always the case情况不是这样
this is quite possible though somewhat unlikely虽然并不很大
this is quite possible though somewhat unlikely可能性是有的
this is simply a question of procedure这只不过是个手续程序问题
this is so of physics对物理来说就是这样
this is the best way to do the job这是做这件事的正确〔错误,最好〕的方法
this is the best way to of doing the job这是做这件事的正确〔错误,最好〕的方法
this is the biggest hot spring yet discovered这是迄今为止发现的最大的温泉
this is the case情况是这样
this is the last thing in labour-saving devices这是节省劳力方面的最新产品
this is the only solution imaginable这是唯一想得出的解决办法
This is the peak season. I'm sorry, but could you call us again later on this week? We may have a cancellation现在是旺季,很抱歉,您这周晚些时候再打电话过来好吗?也许会有人取消预订
this is the reason why这就是为什么…的原因
this is the right way to do the job这是做这件事的正确〔错误,最好〕的方法
this is the right way to of doing the job这是做这件事的正确〔错误,最好〕的方法
this is the very tool for the job这是最适合干这件活儿的工具
this is the wrong way to do the job这是做这件事的正确〔错误,最好〕的方法
this is the wrong way to of doing the job这是做这件事的正确〔错误,最好〕的方法
This is United Overseas Bank. How may I help you?这里是大华银行,有什么可以效劳的吗?
this is very damaging这是很有害的
this is very much the pattern we follow我们进行的方式和这个差不多
this is very wasteful of time这很浪费时间
this is what you are looking for这就是你在寻找的东西
this is where the new design has the advantage这就是新设计有优点的地方
This is your discharge certificate. I'll send a nurse to fetch your bill at the Admission Office and then you can go through the discharge formalities这是你的出院证,我叫护士马上到住院处取你的账单。然后就可以办理出院手续了
This is your voucher, and you can get your luggage back on this这是你的行李回执,凭这个条取行李
this job is not so difficult but what we may try it这件工作没困难到我们不能试试的程度,用于
This kind of coffee possesses greater body background这种咖啡的口感比较重
this long这么长
This manual has been prepared to acquaint you with the installation, operation, and maintenance of your electric water heater and to provide important safety information in these areas本手册目的是为了让用户熟悉电热水器的安装、操作和保养维护,并提供有关的重要安全信息
This meat is too fatty这肉太肥了
This meat is too tough这肉太老了
this minute即刻
this minute现在
this model has been continually improved over the last few years这种型号近几年间一直在改进
this very moment此刻
this very moment现在立即
this morning今晨
this motor needs repairs这台发动机需要修理+ ing
this much这〔那〕 么多
this negative prints well这张底片印出来很好
This offer will expire in two days这个特价再过两天就结束了
this order is a must这个命令必须执行
this pen is the same colour as yours这支钢笔同你那支的颜色一样 (is)
This photograph flatters you这照片比你本人漂亮
This photograph has been retouched这张照片已经修饰过了
This piece is perfect except for a small defect in the seam这件很完美,除了在缝合处有个小小的瑕疵
this point cannot be over-emphasized这一点无论怎样强调都不算过分
This powerful electric juicer automatically separates the pulp from the juice这种大功率的电动榨汁机能够自动将果肉与果汁分离开来
this present speaking目前
this present speaking现在
this problem is a real snorter这问题真棘手
this problem is one of great difficulty这个问题是个大难题
this question can stand over这个间题可暂时搁在一边
this rack is only to be used for light articles此架只供放置轻便物体之用
this relationship obtains at all instants of time这关系式在任何时候都是成立的
this represents a typical problem这是一个典型性的问题
this result would obtain for point x这个结果对点 x 来说是可以的
this river is small in extent这河大〔小〕
this river is vast in extent这河大〔小〕
this road goes to Beijing这条路通北京
this same前述的
this same所谓
this same
This sandstone consists of quartz primarily and feldspar secondly这种砂岩的成分以石英为主,长石次之
this screw has worked free这只螺丝松了
This ship is going to lie at anchor here船要停泊靠岸了
this shows the new machine to have many advantages over the old one这表明这台新机器比起那台旧的来有许多优点
this side这一面
this side此侧
this side ofM корп.упр. 不超过 M
this side ofM 在 M 以前〔下〕
this side up此面向上
This silk dress presses well这件丝绸连衣裙很容易烫平
This skirt is very stylish and not very expensive这条短裙时髦又实惠
This soup is too bland for me这汤我喝起来偏淡
this station当前站
This stew is a bit greasy这炖肉有点腻
This street is a dead end这是条死胡同
This supermarket has a good selection of preserved food这家超市卖很多种腌制食品
this table wobbles这桌子不稳
this tap won't turn这龙头拧不动
this terrestrial ball地球
this terrestrial globe地球
this terrestrial sphere地球
this time这一次
this time这次一定
this tool will do quite well这工具很合用
This type of microwave oven is safe and easy to operate, and cooks fast这种微波炉既安全又简便,且烹调速度快
This type of shoes sells very well这款鞋很畅销
this vale of tears现〔尘〕世
this version is not placed first because of its simplicity这个方案不是因为它简单才放在首位
this way从这儿走
this will do harm to the machine这会损坏机器
this window will not fasten这窗子扣不上
this winter今年冬天
this wood has lost its tone.这块木材失去了弹性
this wood won't burn这木头不会燃烧
this word possesses a syndrome of meanings这个词具有多种意义
this year今年
Though children like KFC, this kind of food is not good to our health尽管孩子们非常喜欢吃肯德基炸鸡,但实际上这类食物并不利于我们的健康
Though cups and plates remain the primary field of ceramic use, these common utensils can be very artistic虽然杯子与碟子仍然是陶瓷的主要用途,但这些日常用品能够做得十分艺术
to this day到今天
to this day直到今天
to this degree approximation在这一近似程度上
to this effect带有这种意思
to this effect为此目的
to this effect用这个意思
to this end所以
to this end为这个目的
to this end为此
Today's average car contains more than 15, 000 separate, individual parts that must work together. These parts can group into four major categories: engine, body, chassis and electrical equipment现代汽车由超过15000个独立部分组成,各部分必须协同作用。主要包括4个功能部分:引擎,车身,底盘和电控
toward this end为这个目的
toward this end所以
toward this end为此
Traditionally these were sent anonymously, but nowadays we often make it clear who is sending each "Valentine"按照传统,这些礼物会匿名送出,但现在我们更倾向注明发出者的姓名
turn to this handbook for information on transistors从这本手册查阅有关晶体管的资料
under this heading在这个标题下
up to this point直到现在为止
up to this point直到这时
up to this point至此
up to this point迄今
up to this point在这以前
up to this point直到目前为止
we are much at one on this point在这点上我们的意见大致相同
We can't give you a refund for this ticket这张票我们不能退钱
We have this rose color. We also have different shades of beige我们有玫瑰色的,还有深浅不一的米黄色的
We have to flip over this guy我们得给它翻个面
we have to have this in view我们得把这点考虑进去
we must find out which of these screws has worked loose我们必须査明这些螺丝中是哪一个松了
we shall be installing the equipment this day month下个月的今天我们安装这套设备
we shall write down these data so that we may not forget them以免忘记
we shall write down these data so that we may not forget them我们把这些数据抄下来
We should inspect this batch of porcelain ware to see if there is any breakage我们要检查这批瓷器,看是否有破损
We'll have to destroy these fruit. We don't want to risk infestation我们得把水果销毁。我们可不想冒被病虫侵袭的风险
Well, may I cash these three checks for 100 dollars each? I think that will be enough我可以把这三张支票分别换成面值100美元的现金吗?我想那就够了
We're lost in this masquerade我们沉浸于这场假面舞会中
We're specializing in the export of Chinese jeeps, we wish to express our desire to trade with you in this line我们是专营吉普车出口的中国厂商,我们非常希望与贵方在此领域合作
were this not so如果不是这样
What does this import?这意味着什么?
what does this word mean这个词是什么意思
what heading does this come under?这个应归人哪一类?
what is this tool used for这工具是做什么用的
what kind of steel is this这是哪种钢
What sauce goes best with this steak?这种牛排配什么酱料最好吃?
what's this stuff这是什么东西
whose notebook is this这是谁的笔记本
Will this be for here or to go?在这里吃还是外带?
Will this flight get there on time?飞机会准点到达吗?
With a kitchen knife in his hand, Antonio began to cut and carve this butter安东尼奥手持餐刀,开始雕刻这块黄油
with this这样说着
with this说完这个
with this arrangement, there is no indication of which point has caused the alarm这种布置方案中,没有表明是哪一点引起了报警
with this end in view考虑这一目的
with this end in view为此
with this end in view所以
with this end in view以此为目的
with this end in view孢着这种目的
within these shores在这个国家内
Would you cash these traveler's checks, please? I need ten-dollar bills, please请你兑现一下这些旅行支票好吗?请给我十元一张的
you could work the screw loose this way这样拧也许你就能把这螺丝拧松
You have to pay duty on these items你需要为这些商品付税
you may take any ten of these bolts你可以从这些螺栓中任取十个
you ought to make this experiment before you come to a conclusion你得先做这个实验才能得出结论'
You will feel a slight dizzy sensation inside you as you do this, specifically in your upper torso你这样做时,会感到体内,尤其是躯干,有种轻微的晕眩。 (小贴士:美国的医院不负责售药,只负责开方子。但只有凭医院处方,才能在药店购买处方药。美国看病贵,主要是因为美国实行医疗保险制度,大多数人都有保险。换言之,如果没有保险, 是很难看得起病的。在美国,大多数人看病都是通过雇主或自行购买的医疗保险。生病后到医疗服务机构就医,医疗费用主要由医疗保险机构向医疗服务机构支付,病人只需承担医疗费的一小部分。)
Your camcorder should have these basic functions: auto focus, playback facility and zoom lens你的摄像机应该具备以下基本功能:自动聚焦、回放和变焦
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