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Terms for subject Economy containing The part of the | all forms | exact matches only | in specified order only
A part of this agreement is composed of the terms of the underlying contract本协议中的一部分由基本合同的条款组成
After such payment the rest part of the loan shall be held at the disposal of the manager此款付讫后,这笔贷款的其余部分将归经理支配
Each part shall be bound to the terms of this agreement各方均受本协议条款的约束
Each party is entitled to terminate the said agreement if there is a default on the part of the other party如一方违约,另一方有权终止该协议
Good industrial relations play an important part in the running of the company良好的劳资关系在公司运行中起着重要的作用
If any part of the property should be destroyed or injured by fire or other casualty, the purchase price specified above would be abated to the extent or amount of such loss如果该财产的任何部分被火焚毁或其他意外事故所毁坏或损害,上述的购买价格将予以削减以抵销此损失
If the tenant wants to repledge a part of the premises, he shall first get the permission of the owner如果承租人有意把房产的一部分转让给别人,须首先得到业主的同
No one can use any part of the agreement for any immoral or illegal purpose任何人不得将本协议任何部分用于不道德或非法的目的
Owing to the limited manufacturing capability, part of the products will be made in the factories of由于生产能力有限,产品的一部分由转包商工厂生产
Part of the materials have to be degraded because of defects由于有缺点,部分材料必须降低等级
refund of a part of the income taxes already paid多退缴纳的部分所得税
sacrifice a part of commission to put the deal through牺牲一部分佣金达成交易
the addition part of bill期票附件
The equipment may be seized or distrain-ed in default of liabilities on the part of the contractor因承包商方面未能履行义务,其设备可被没收或扣押
The functions of management may be performed by the owner of a business, or they may be delegated in part to hired managers管理的任务可以由企业主负责,也可以部分地委托给雇用的经理人员
The invalidity of any part of this agreement will not necessarily lead to the termination of the agreement本协议中任何一部分的失效不一定会导致该协议中止
The second party will be reimbursed for a part of its expenditure by the first party第二方费用的一部分将由第一方偿还
The TV sets have arrived, but part of the accessories are missing from the shipment电视机已运达,但随船运来的部分附件下落不明
The water is above the load line, we should remove part of the cargo水已漫过装载线,我们应卸下部分货物
There is no inclination on the part of the seller to reduce the price卖方无意降价
There is no responsibility on our part for the loss of goods in shipping船运中货物损失,我方不负任何责任
We add a schedule to the deed as an essential part of it我们给契约附加一份明细表,作为它必不可少的组成部分
We permit you to revise some part of the proposal until May 1我们允许你方5月1 日前修改建议的部分内容
We will give them information on the construction of each part as well as detailed specifications我们提供给他们有关每个部分的结构和详细规格等的资料
You cannot use the collateral or any part of it without written consent of the secured party未经担保一方书面同意,你方不得利用附属担保品或其中的任何部分