
Terms for subject Commerce containing The new | all forms | exact matches only | in specified order only
A prospective channel for the sale of our new products has been discovered我们已找到销售新产品一条有希望渠道
come into personal contact with the new customer与新客户建立私人联系
Declaration on the Establishment of a New International Economic Order建立新的国际经济秩序宣言 (1974年4月至 5. 月联合国大会第六届特别会议通过两个文件之一,另一文件为 Programme of Action 行动纲领)
evaluate the new project对新工程项目估价
expenses in the trial manufacture of new products新产品试验费用
generalize the use of a new invention推广一项新发明的使用
New production methods put the company in the black新的生产方法使该公司开始有盈余
New York is the financial capital of the world纽约是世界的金融中心
The business negotiation covered much new ground贸易洽谈涉及许多新问题
The new agreement becomes effective from December新协议从十二月一日起生效
The new economic system has changed the appearance of the country新经济体制改变了国家的面貌
The new factory is to be located in our city这座工厂将建在我市
The new rate of commission is to take effect from the next contract. It is not to be backdated to any previous ones不得追溯以前的合约
The new rate of commission is to take effect from the next contract. It is not to be backdated to any previous ones新佣金率从下一份合同起生效
The new regulation became operative on 1st August新规章已于八月一日生效
The new regulation is to come into force on the 1st of January next year新法规于明年一月一日开始实行
The new regulations governing export trade have come into effect新出口贸易规定已经生效
The new tax program is now over the hill新的税法已渡过了危机
The ship cleared for New York yesterday这条船昨天结关后离港驶往纽约
There is no inclination on the part of buyers to place new orders with us买主无意向我方递交新的订单
We hope that you will direct your efforts to the promotion of this new product我们希望你方努力推销这一新产品
We hope you'll take the lead in introducing this new product to your market我方希望你方首先在你方市场推销这一新产品