
Terms containing The new | all forms | exact matches only | in specified order only
tech.a guide to the structural design of flexible and rigid pavement for new roads英国新建道路柔性和刚性路面结构设计指南
econ.A lot of new important points are embraced in the new contract新合同内包括了许多新要点
commer.A prospective channel for the sale of our new products has been discovered我们已找到销售新产品一条有希望渠道
proj.manag.A senior engineer of a public body is assigned to supervise the construction work of the agency's new headquarters building一名公共机构高级工程师、 获派监督该机构兴建新总部大楼的工程
fin.accelerate the cultivation of new rural financial institutions加快培育农村新型金融机构
China, polit.Act of the International Convention for the Protection of New Varieties of Plants国际植物新品种保护公约1978 年文本 1978
fin.actively promote the establishment of more equitable and more balanced new global partnership for development积极推动建立更加平等、更加均衡的新型全球发展伙伴关系
UN, afr.Ad Hoc Committee of the Whole of the General Assembly for the Final Review and Appraisal of the implementation of the United Nations New Agenda for the Development of Africa in the 1990s1990年代联合国非洲发展新议程执行情况最后审查大会特设全体委员会
UN, policeAd hoc Expert Group Meeting in Conceptualizing New Approaches to Crime Prevention and Criminal Justice in the Context of Development and the New International Economic Order构思发展和新的国际经济秩序形势下预防犯罪和刑事司法的新做法特设专家组会议
China, polit.adapt to the new situation适应新的形势
fin.adhere to the new path of industrialization with Chinese characteristics坚持走中国特色新型工业化道路
busin.adjusted to the new job适应新职
econ.All the technical details on the new product are given in our document在我方文件中说明了新产品的全部详细的技术规格
UN, polit.Almaty Programme of Action: Addressing the Special Needs of Landlocked Developing Countries within a New Global Framework for Transit Transport Cooperation for Landlocked and Transit Developing Countries阿拉木图行动纲领:在内陆和过境发展中国家过境运输合作全球新框架下解决内陆发展中国家的特别需要
proj.manag.An order processing system inside an e-commerce site may poll the database to see if any new orders need to be processed电子商务站点内的订单处理系统可能轮询数据库以查看是否有任何新订单需要处理
proj.manag.And if the new state-owned enterprise is to get a return on the huge investment required, broadband charges for consumers will have to rise如果负责这个项目的国有企业打算在如此巨大的投入下有所回报、那么消费者的支出不得不涨
repr.biol.Annals of the New York Academy of Sciences纽约科学院年报
China, polit.approve of the new law赞成新颁布的法律
proj.manag.As you know, the layout design and facilities for new industrial properties are different now正如你所知的、新型工业大厦的设计和设备是完全不同的
econ.Before attempting to build a new workshop, you have to submit the plans to the director在设法建新车间之前,你必须先把各项计划提交给厂长
expl.Blasting involves both the creation of new fractures and the extension of existing cracks and joints to loosen and liberate "in-situ" blocks within the rock mass structure爆破既产生了新的裂缝、又延展了固有的裂隙和节理、这样可松动并取出岩体结构中的“原位”岩块
econ.board gave the new company's project qualified approval董事会有保留地同意新公司的规划
econ.Both the companies are bid ding on the new building contract这两家公司都在投标承包建筑新大楼
China, polit.bring about a new phase in the work of people's congresses开创人大工作新局面
gen.Bryn Athyn College of the New Church新教会布林艾莎学院
econ.By mutual consent, the agency contract with Hailing Co., New York, will cease to exist at the end of this month与纽约赫林公司所签代理合同,经双方同意,将于本月底失效
gen.Can I get a copy of the New York Times here?我能在这里买到纽约时报吗?
proj.manag.Can the Postmodernism offer some new spiritual resources for Psychology?后现代主义能否为心理学提供新的精神资源?
gen.celebrate the new year过年
footb.China-Korea King of the New Stars Match中韩新秀王杯
proj.manag.Click Browse, and then double-click the name of the new pointer that you want to use for that task单击"浏览"、然后双击要为任务使用的新指针的名称
busin.combine foreign trade with the introduction of new technology技贸结合
commer.come into personal contact with the new customer与新客户建立私人联系
earth.sc.Commission on New Minerals and Mineral Names of the International Mineralogical Association国际矿物协会新矿物和矿物命名委员会
China, polit.comply with the stipulations of the new law符合新法律的规定
UN, polit.Comprehensive New Plan of Action for Integrating LDCs into the Global Economy最不发达国家融入全球经济综合性新行动纲领
securit.conditions provided in Security Law for the issuance of new shares证券法规定的新股发行条件
UN, polit.contact points at their permanent missions to the United Nations in New York and at the ministry/agency principally responsible for the implementation of the sanctions measures驻纽约的常驻联合国代表团以及负责实施制裁措施的主要部委/机构的指定联络点
econ.cost reduction in the new era新时代成本降低
otorhinol.cyst of the new born新生儿囊肿
fin.dealing for the new time次账期交易
UNDeclaration on Cities and Other Human Settlements in the New Millennium关于新千年中的城市和其他人类住区的宣言
interntl.trade.Declaration on the Establishment of a New International Economic Order建立新的国际经济秩序宣言
commer.Declaration on the Establishment of a New International Economic Order建立新的国际经济秩序宣言 (1974年4月至 5. 月联合国大会第六届特别会议通过两个文件之一,另一文件为 Programme of Action 行动纲领)
busin.Declaration on the Establishment of a New International Economic Order建立国际经济新秩序宣
econ.Director-General of the Xinhua News Agency新华通讯社长
securit.distribution of new shares from the current year's profit用当年利润派股
China, polit.elections of members for a new term of office on the villagers' committees村委会换届选举
China, polit.elections of the new county and township people's congresses县、乡人大换届选举工作
UN, afghan.Emergency Loya Jirga, to decide on composition of the new Transitional Administration紧急支尔格大会
proj.manag.Enter the latitude, longitude, and time zone in formation, then click the OK button to redraw the map for the new position输入纬度、经度、时区等资料、点"确定"以刷新星图
UN, polit.ESCAP/World Tourism Organization Seminar on Challenges for Human Resource Development in Tourism in the Asia-Pacific Region in the New Millennium亚太经社会/世界旅游组织关于亚太区域新千年旅游业人力资源开发面临的挑战讨论会
commer.evaluate the new project对新工程项目估价
econ.Every clerk must observe strict secrecy regarding all the information relative to the new product每个职员对有关新产品的一切情况必须严守秘密
gen.Every year we export large quantity of our products to the Asian market, but your company seems new to us每年我们都要向亚洲各国出口大量产品。不过,你们公司对于我们来说,还是新客户
busin.existing system and the new information system现行制度与新信息制度
busin.expense in the trial manufacture of new product新产品试制费
econ.expense in the trial manufacture of new products新产品试制费
shipb.expenses in the trail manufacture of new products新产品试制费
commer.expenses in the trial manufacture of new products新产品试验费用
busin.expenses in the trial manufacture of new products新产品试制费
fin.face the new situation and new demands面对新形势新要求
org.name.FAO/MRC/Thailand/Netherlands ad Hoc Expert Consultation on New Approaches for the Improvement of Inland Capture Fishery Statistics in the Mekong Basin粮农组织/湄公河委员会/泰国/荷兰旨在改善湄公河流域捕捞渔业统计工作的新方法特别专家磋商会
el.first of the new implications首要新结[推]论
securit.flood of new stocks hitting the market大量新股涌人对市场造成冲击
econ.Following the customary route, the ship will arrive at New York on August 14按惯常的航线行驶,此船将于8月14日到达纽约
sport.For many people, gyms are new and unchartered territory, so there is a need to educate people on the proper use of gym equipment and fitness regimes对很多人来讲,体育馆和健身房还是新鲜事物,因此,需要教会人们如何使用健身器材以及锻炼方法
econ.For the new consignment we need a GSP Certificate of Origin对于新到的一批货,我们需要普遍优惠制产地证明一份
sport.Games of the New Emerging Forces Organization新兴力量运动会
commer.generalize the use of a new invention推广一项新发明的使用
el., toolsHave you got any ideas about the advertising of our new type seed spreader?关于我们的新型播种机的广告设计,你有什么想法吗?
gen.he has come to see the problem in a new light他终于对此问题获得新的认识
gen.Hello. This is Mrs. Charles. I' d like to buy a new car. Could you offer me a new type of the car, please?你好,我是查尔斯夫人。我想买辆新车,你能给我介绍一款新车吗?
gen.Here's my passport. I'm going on the CAAC Flight to New York with this bag这是我的护照。我准备带着这个包坐中国民航班机去纽约
nurs.home care of the new born新生儿的家庭护理
cosmet.I am sure our prices are the most favorable. Elsewhere prices for brand new perfumes have gone up tremendously in recent years我确定我们的价格已经是最优惠的了。在其他地方,这个品牌的新款香水价格近几年来涨了不少
gen.I bought this belt here yesterday. Can you punch a new hole in the belt for me?我昨天在贵店买了这条皮带,你能帮我在皮带上打个新孔吗?
gen.I' m going for a trip to New York tomorrow. Whats the weather like in New York?我明天要到纽约去游玩,那儿的天气怎么样?
econ.I think the new product will appeal to the international market我认为这种新产品将会引起国际市场的兴趣
gen.I think we should try that new Italian place on the corner我们可以试一下街角新开的意大利料理
proj.manag.I usually spend the whole Saturday afternoon drinking coffee at a cybercafe and chatting with friends old and new over the net我通常花周六整个下午的时间坐在网吧里、 喝着咖啡、 和新老朋友在网上聊天
gen.I will demonstrate how to make the new washing machine agitate the clothes我来演示如何让这台新的洗衣机搅动衣服
proj.manag.If the telephone network in New York State was a stand-alone business, it would already be in bankruptcy如果纽约州的电话网络属于一个独立的企业、那它早就破产了
econ.If you are in no haste for the new-type woolens, perhaps we can accept your order in the next month如果你方对新型毛织品需要不急,也许我们在下一个月可以接受你方订单
econ.If you want to order the new type of sewing machines, we shall submit their specifications with illustrations如果你方要订购新型的缝纫机,我方将提供附有插图的规格说明书
gen.In Pasadena, California, United States, the Tournament of Roses is held on New Year's Day在美国加州的帕萨迪纳市,人们在新年当天举行“玫瑰游行
footwearIn the past years, the company has worked to collect a whole variety of traditional shoe designs and created some new designs过去几年来,公司在收集有民俗风格的鞋式样时,还设计了一些具有时代气息的款式
UN, afr.integrated High Command of the new army新军队的统一高级指挥部
econ.Inter-Governmental Committee on the Development and Utilization of New and Renewable Sources of Energy促进新能源和可再生能源的发展和利用政府间委员会
agric.International Association of Breeder for the Production of New Varieties国际生产作物新品种育种家协会
fin.International Committee on the Listing of New Enterprises新企业上市国际委员会
UN, biol., sec.sys.International Union for the Protection of New Varieties of Plants UPOV保护植物新品种国际联盟
org.name.International Union for the Protection of New Varieties of Plants国际保护植物新品种联合会
ecol.International Union for the Protection of New Varieties of Plants国际保护植物新品种同盟
UN, policeInterregional Preparatory Meeting Meeting of Eminent Persons for the Seventh United Nations Congress on the Prevention of Crime and the Treatment of Offenders on topic I: New Dimensions of criminality and crime prevention in the context of development: challenges for the future第七届联合国预防犯罪和罪犯待遇大会区域间筹备会议知名人士会议第一主题: 发展情况下犯罪和预防犯罪的新层面
dentist.It is better to make a new denture than to repair the old one制作一副新义齿较修理旧义齿好
econ.It is expected that the new consignment will be ready for shipment in the early December预期在12月上旬该批新寄售的货物能备妥装运
econ.It took the company a lot of money to launch a new brand of soap该公司花费了大量金钱做广告把一个新牌子肥皂推上市
gen.It ushered in the new theater season这预示了新的戏剧旺季的来临
econ.It's desired to promote the acceptance of the new products by means of advertising希望对新产品进行宣传推广,使人们愿意购买
sport.Kevin Young, the new Olympic 400m hurdles champion,became the first to run under 47 seconds in this men's event, with a record time of 46.78 seconds新的奥运会 400 米跨栏冠军凯文・扬成为这个男子项目中第一个在47秒内跑完全程的选手、他的纪录是 46.78 秒
China, polit.make those that already comply with the stipulations of the new law stronger and more detailed对符合新法律规定的加以深化和细化
busin.management of the development of new product新产品开发管理
busin.management of the development of new-high technology高新技术开发管理
manag.management role in the new world新世界的管理任务
UNManama Declaration on Cities and Human Settlements in the New Millennium新千年城市和人类住区麦纳麦宣言
UN, policeMeeting of Eminent Persons on the New Dimensions of Criminality and Crime Prevention in the Context of Development发展形势下犯罪和预防犯罪新层面问题知名人士会议
busin.monopolistic control over the new technology独家控制新技术
gen.My dear, I'm afraid that I cannot visit you in New Zealand. I was refused by the visa officer亲爱的,我不能来新西兰看你了,我被拒签了
UN, polit.New Delhi Action Plan on Infrastructure Development in Asia and the Pacific, 1997-2006亚洲及太平洋发展基础设施新德里行动计划 1997-2006
UN, policeNew Delhi Consensus on the New Dimensions of Criminality and Crime Prevention in the Context of Development发展形势下犯罪和预防犯罪的新层面新德里一致意见
UN, polit.New Delhi Declaration on Infrastructure Development in Asia and the Pacific亚洲及太平洋发展基础设施新德里宣言
tech.new entrants to the labor force新增就业人员
tech.new entrants to the labour force新增就业人员
met.new era in the steel industry钢铁工业新纪元 (The use of a lubricant and the introduction of a reciprocating movement of the mould were two of the many developments which helped to overcome the sticking problems and enabled continuous casting to begin a major 'new era' in the steel industry. 结晶器使用润滑剂和采用往复运动是克服粘结难题取得的两大进展,它使连铸由此开启了钢铁工业的一个重要新纪元。)
China, lawnew legal person that result from the change变更后的法人
nautic., tech.new mandatory ship reporting system in the galapagos particularly sensitive sea area加拉帕戈斯特殊敏感海域 (GALREP, PASS)
commer.New production methods put the company in the black新的生产方法使该公司开始有盈余
UNnew reserve account for the environment用于环境的新储备账户
sport.new star in the ball-playing world球坛新秀
China, lawnew strains of livestock and poultry, the synthetic strains畜禽新品种、配套系
commer.New York is the financial capital of the world纽约是世界的金融中心
proj.manag.New York's scheme emphasizes taking risks, with the expectation of the high failure-rate typical in a venture capital fund纽约的方案强调的是冒险、很有代表性的就是创业资本基金的高失败率的预期
proj.manag.new-to-the-world products世界性新产品
UNOld Problems, New Issues: Women's Health in Latin America and the Caribbean老问题,新问题:拉丁美洲和加勒比妇女保健
gen.On New Year's Day, people in certain countries gather on beaches and run into the water, which is known as polar bear plunges新年当天,人们有习俗聚集到海边,跳入水中集体冬泳。他们管这叫“北极熊跳”
gen.Once the new subway lines are built, that should ease the congestion a bit新的地铁线路开通之后,也许能缓解交通的压力
econ.One has to surrender the old passport when applying for a new one申请新护照时须交出旧护照
shipb.order for the new products订购新产品
econ.Our financial resources are strong enough to support the cost of the new project我方的财力足可以支持此新项目的开支
econ.Party B shall pay Party A a sum of money for the utilization of Party A's information about the new product为利用甲方有关新产品的资料,乙方将付给甲方一笔酬金
gen.People choose to eat jiaozi to connote their wishes for good fortune in the New Year人们吃饺子表达在新的一年里金玉满堂的美好祝愿
sport.People often invest in sports equipment and then don,t use them, which means you can find a like-new item for a fraction of the price有些人通常投资于康体器材,却并不使用,这意味着你可以仅花一小部分钱就可以买到近乎全新的设备
gen.Pineapple tarts are low in fat. It's new on the menu新推出的菠萝蛋挞就是低脂的。 (小贴士:西餐和中餐有着本质的区别,如果到了一家吃西餐的餐厅,就要遵守吃西餐应该遵守的礼仪。首先,越高档的饭店越需要事先预约。预约时,不仅要说清人数和时间,也要表明是否要吸烟区或视野良好的座位。如果是生日或其他特别的日子,可以告知宴会的目的和预算,并且在预订时间内到达。其次,再昂贵的休闲服,也不能随意穿着上餐厅。吃饭时穿着得体是欧美人的常识。去高档的餐厅,男士要穿着整洁的上衣和皮鞋;女士要穿套装和有跟的鞋子。如果指定穿正式服装的话,男士必须打领带。再次,由椅子的左侧入座。最得体的入座方式是从左侧入座。当椅子被拉开后,身体在几乎要碰到桌子的距离站直,领位者会把椅子推进来,腿弯碰到后面的椅子时,就可以坐下来。最后,用餐时,上臂和背部要靠到椅背,腹部和桌子保持约一个拳头的距离,两脚交叉的坐姿应避免。)
tech.Plan for the Construction of New Delhi印度新德里建设规划
econ.Please see to it that there is no defect in the quality of the new products请注意在这些新产品的质量方面不要有任何缺陷
securit.pledged bonds of the new general collateral repos新质押式回购的质押债券
anim.husb.Proceedings of the New Zealand Society of Animal Production新西兰畜牧学会论文集
busin.promote the new company创办新公司
econ.publicise the new products宣传新产品
adv.Publicizing the new collection may cost manufacturers a large amount of money宣传新款服装可能会使生产商投资巨大
fin.pump new money into the US economy向美国经济注人新资金
fin.reaffirm the commitment of not taking new trade protectionist measures重申不采取新的贸易保护主义措施的承诺
UN, polit.Regional Consultative Meeting on the Mobilization of Financial Resources for New and Renewable Sources of Energy为新能源和可再生能源调动资金区域协商会议
China, lawremand the case to the people's court that originally tried it for a new trial发回原审人民法院重审
busin.replace the older generations by new ones更新换代
busin.replace the older generations of products by new ones产品更新换代
tech.replacement of the old structure with the new体制转换
UN, tech.retroactivity. for missions activated prior to 1 july 1996, troop/police contributors have the option to accept reimbursement under either the new or the old reimbursement methodology追溯:对于1996年7月1日前启动的任务,新旧偿还方法 §1都可作为部队/警察部队派遣国获得偿还的备选方案
China, polit.right after the founding of New China新中国成立伊始
econ.She has set a new record for sales in the first quarter this year她创造了今年第一季度一项销售的新记录
econ.She is the designer of the new washing-machine她是这种新型洗衣机的设计者
lab.law.shock worker activity of the New long March新长征突击手活动
China, polit.since the founding of New China in1949 建国以来
fin.slowdown in the flow of new credit新增信贷流减缓
proj.manag.So, for the first week or two after the switchover use the converter box's on-screen menu periodically to scan for new digital stations因此、数字电视转换后一到两周、要使用机顶盒屏幕菜单定期扫描新的数字电视台
China, polit.social life take a new and healthy turn for the better社会风气为之一新
econ.Some improvements are embodied in the new ship这艘新船有些改进之处
winemak.Some suggestions were put forward for the new classification method of alcoholic beverages to make the product name an accurate reflection of its true attribution有人对新的酒精饮料分类方法提出了建议,使酒类名称能够准确地体现产品的真实属性和内涵
UN, afr.Steering Committee of the New Partnership新伙伴关系指导委员会
org.name.Substantial New Programme of Action for the 1980s80年代新的实质性行动计划
org.name.Substantial New Programme of Action for the 1980s for the Least Developed Countries80年代新的实质性行动计划
China, polit.take into account the new developments of China's economy and society结合我国经济社会发展的新情况
econ.Thanks to a loan from the bank we can construct a new office building由于从银行取得一笔贷款,我们才能建造一幢新的办公大楼
econ.the adoption of new technology采用新技术
econ.The advertising for the new product has been published and disseminated该项新产品的广告已经刊印并广为传播
avia.The Air League of New Zealand Inc.新西兰航空联队
avia.The Air League of New Zealand Inc.新西兰公司航空联合会
avia.The Aviation Industry Association of New Zealand Inc.新西兰航空工业协会
econ.The bank lent the company a large sum of money to start its new project银行给这家公司贷了一大笔资金,让他们开始新的项目
econ.the blockade on new techniques对新技术的封锁
econ.The board of directors of the new corporation made a call for cash yesterday新公司董事会昨天提出了支付现金的要求
econ.The board of directors relies on the marketing department for information on developing new products董事会依靠销售部了解开发新产品的信息
econ.The boss conveyed to the new owner his entire business, including the name, patents and copyright这位老板把整个商店转给新业主,包括商号名称、专利和版权等
commer.The business negotiation covered much new ground贸易洽谈涉及许多新问题
gen.the Chinese community in New York纽约的华侨
gen.The College of New Jersey新泽西学院
agric.The Committee for the Protection of New Plant Varieties新植物变种保护委员会
econ.The company has developed a new technique for improving output公司开发了一项提高产量的新技术
econ.The company has employed them to act as its salesman for the sale of the new commodity该公司已雇用他们为销售其新商品的推销员
econ.The company has won a contract worth £ 15m to construct a new bridge该公司中标签定承建价值1500万英镑的一座新桥的合同
econ.The company's shares are traded on the New York Stock Exchange该公司股票在纽约证券交易所上市交易
econ.The computer company is taking the risk of exhausting its budget in developing this new product这家计算机公司冒着用尽预算资金的风险开发此新产品
econ.The corporation had good media coverage for the launch of its new model公司在报刊上对其新式产品作了很好的宣传
China, polit.the draft resolution on the new budgets and on the implementation of the old central budget关于预算和预算执行情况的决议草案
econ.The establishment of the new firm flop ped badly这家新公司的成立彻底失败
econ.The executive is on a business visit to New York总经理因公去纽约访问
proj.manag.The goal of this project is to define the potential market for the new product这一项目的目标是详细说明这一新产品的潜在市场
econ.The government equip ped this plant with new machinery政府给这家工厂装备了新机器
econ.The government is inviting tenders for the construction of the new airport政府正在招标建造这个新机场
proj.manag.The government would like to diversify out of dollarsːits new purchases of treasury securities have fallen sharply this year政府希望把外汇储备多元化:在今年、政府对于新的国库券的购买已经急速下降
econ.The implementation of new rules is going on smoothly对新规则的执行进展顺利
econ.The information about the new product is very useful to us有关新产品的信息对我们十分有用
econ.The introduction of new technology has brought our factory turn for the better新技术的引进给我们工厂带来了转机
expl.the issue of new clauses颁布新条款
gen.The jacket is the most important piece of new unstructured men's wear. The look and fit are relaxed夹克是简做休闲男装中最重要的一种款式,其外观和穿着都是随意的
econ.The landlord puts up the rent by 5% every time a new tenant moves into that flat每当新房客住进那套房间,房主总要把房租提高5%
econ.The launch date of the new brand product has been decided新牌产品开始上市的日期已定
econ.The license also includes and extends to new regulations made by the licensor发证人以后所作的新规定,本许可证亦可适用,并包括在内
econ.The manager urges that emphasis should be laid on the manufacture of new products经理极力主张把重点放在制造新产品上
econ.The managing director decided to set up a new branch in Bangkok总经理决定在曼谷建立一个新的分公司
econ.The marketing department is recruiting new assistants销售部正在招聘新助手
proj.manag.The metabase update agent is trying to update the metabase with a new Simple Mail Transfer Protocol SMTP domain name元数据库更新代理试图使用新的简单邮件传输协议SMTP域名来更新元数据库
gen.The metro card is non-registered. You should apply for a new one一卡通是不记名的。你得再办一张
shipb.The minimum quantity of an order for the new product is fifty sets.这种新产品的起订量是 50 套
gen.the new新事物
commer.The new agreement becomes effective from December新协议从十二月一日起生效
econ.The new assistant coped very well when the boss was on holiday新助手在老板度假时把工作处理得很好
econ.The new change of the market has restored confidence in better economic situation市场的新变化恢复了人们对经济形势好转的信心
econ.The new comers degree of skill should be promoted as soon as possible应尽快提高新来人员的熟练技术程度
econ.The new consignment of goods consists of silks and satins in different designs and colours新到的货中包括各种图案和颜色的绸缎
econ.The new contract neither affects the obligation nor diminishes the right of the first party新合同既不会影响第一方的义务也不会削弱它的权利
org.name.The New Deal《新协定》
org.name.The New Deal《全球粮食政策新协定》
econ.The new decree is to come into force on March the 1st新法令从3月1日起实行
China, polit.the New-Democratic Revolution新民主主义革命
econ.The new designs have met with their blanket approval新的图案已得到他们公司的全盘同意
gen.The new detergent washes your glasses really clean新的清洁剂能把玻璃杯洗得非常干净
econ.The new drink has been on the market only a week and repeat orders are already flooding to us这种新饮料投放市场才一个星期,我们就收到源源不断的续订单
commer.The new economic system has changed the appearance of the country新经济体制改变了国家的面貌
econ.The new employee submitted a subproposal to his employer新雇员向雇主提交了一项补充建议
commer.The new factory is to be located in our city这座工厂将建在我市
telecom.The New Hacker's Dictionary新计算机迷词典 (MIT 出版社,原名《Hacker's Dictionary 》)
gen.the new Jerusalem福地
gen.the new Jerusalem天堂
gen.the new machine came safe新机器已安全运到
econ.The new machine functions properly这台新机器运转很好
econ.The new machine has met with wide approval新机器博得了广泛的好评
econ.The new management seemed to be functioning very well新的管理层似乎起了非常好的作用
econ.The new managing director fired half the sales force新任总经理解雇了二分之一的推销员
econ.The new model of bike is a flop这种新款式自行车不受欢迎
econ.The new modified agreement helps us to strike a bargain修改后的新协议有助于我们成交
gen.the new play is on新戏正在上演
econ.The new product has several functions as follows这种新产品具有下述几项功能
econ.The new product has stood a severe proof新产品经受了严格的考验
econ.The new product was developed in our own laboratories新产品是在我们自己的实验室里研制出来的
econ.The new railway will benefit this district新铁路将使这一地区受益
econ.The new range of small computers fill sa gap in the market新的小型计算机系列填补了市场的空白
commer.The new rate of commission is to take effect from the next contract. It is not to be backdated to any previous ones不得追溯以前的合约
commer.The new rate of commission is to take effect from the next contract. It is not to be backdated to any previous ones新佣金率从下一份合同起生效
commer.The new regulation became operative on 1st August新规章已于八月一日生效
commer.The new regulation is to come into force on the 1st of January next year新法规于明年一月一日开始实行
proj.manag.The new regulation was seen as equivalent to censorship新的规定被视为等同于审查制度
commer.The new regulations governing export trade have come into effect新出口贸易规定已经生效
securit.The New Regulatory Framework新监管制度香港证监会
securit.The New Regulatory Framework新监管框架
econ.The new samples you requested are enclosed随信附上所需新的样品
econ.The new source of raw materials was found in this area原料的新来源是在这个地区发现的
gen.The new style in cowboy shirt did not take on, despite all attempts to popularize it尽管尽力推广牛仔衫的新式样,但其销量依然不佳
commer.The new tax program is now over the hill新的税法已渡过了危机
econ.The new technology has made a great impact on the nonferrous metal trading这项新技术已经对有色金属贸易造成了强大的冲击
logist.The New World Alliance〔船公司联营体〕新世界联盟
prop.nameThe New York Times美国纽约时报
China, polit.the News Information Bureau新闻局
China, polit.the News Bureau新闻局
proj.manag.The next block of data is synchronized independently with the help of a new start bit preceding the data bits下一个数据以新的起始位开始独立的同步传输
market.the partial new product部分新产品
consult.the personnel of the new cabinet现内阁的班底
expl.the potential power of a new discipline新兴学科的潜力
econ.The real cost of the new product has gone up by 2%新产品的实际成本已上升了2%
gen.the recording head puts new sounds onto the tape录音磁头把声音录在磁带上
econ.The remaining 200 000 dollars shall be used for purchasing new equipment or for any other purposes that the engineers may consider desirable剩余20万美元将用于购置新设备或用于工程师们认为合乎需要的其他目的
econ.The retail price of this new product shall not be above RMB ¥58 per piece此种新产品的零售价每件不得高于58元人民币
econ.The sales representative will make every effort to merchandise the new products销售代理将尽全力用各种方法推销新产品
econ.The scheme aims at creating new jobs for young people该计划的目的是为年轻人创造新的就业机会
econ.The seller made a presentation of his new product to possible customers卖主向可能购物的顾客介绍了他的新产品
exhib., org.name.the Shanghai New International Expo Centre上海新国际会展中心
econ.The shareholders will discuss the entry of a new additional partner in the firm股东将讨论一位增补的新合伙人加入该商号的问题
commer.The ship cleared for New York yesterday这条船昨天结关后离港驶往纽约
gen.The shooting in Jeju Island is now almost completed, and I will be returning to Seoul to start new shooting现在济州岛的拍摄部分差不多快完成了,就要回首尔进行新的拍摄了
gen.The Statue of Liberty stands in New York Harbor自由女神像耸立在纽约港
econ.The talks we had with your delegates covered much new ground我方和你方代表的会谈涉及许多新问题
econ.The technicians saw the new programme control system being demonstrated技术人员观看新的程序控制系统进行操作
agric.The Union for Protection of New Plant Varieties新植物变种保护联盟
market.the unquestionably new product无可置疑的'新产品
econ.Their stocks may not be enough to cope with the New Year's trade他们的库存可能不足,不能应付元旦的业务
econ.There have been numerous technical innovations in the manufacture of new devices在新装置的制造方面有了不少的技术革新
commer.There is no inclination on the part of buyers to place new orders with us买主无意向我方递交新的订单
econ.There is no shortage of prospective buyers for our new product in the near future很快会有不少预期的买主来购买我们的新产品
econ.They are opening a new factory in the Far East because of the cheap local labour force由于当地有廉价的劳力,他们在远东开了一家新工厂
econ.They have bought the new house by pay installments of $200 a month他们以每月分期付款200美元的方式买下了这所新房
econ.This foreign-funded company has the means to launch its new products with a big advertising compaign这家外资公司有钱,能以大规模的广告活动推出其新产品
gen.this is where the new design has the advantage这就是新设计有优点的地方
cablesThis new type cable is lighter and less expensive than the coaxial cable, but they are more reliable at transmitting data这种新型电缆比同轴电缆轻,而且便宜,但传输数据却更可靠
expl.This problem, which is seemingly important to many others, is likely to be a minor concern to the new working committee这个问题看上去对很多人异常重要、但对新的工作委员会来说可能是小事一桩
econ.This report purports to describe the new project completely此项报告意在完整地说明这一新的工程
gen.this shows the new machine to have many advantages over the old one这表明这台新机器比起那台旧的来有许多优点
UNTrust Fund for the Financing of the New International Environment Prize为新的国际环境奖筹资信托基金
China, polit.under the new circumstances新形势下
UN, policeUnited Nations Guiding Principles for Crime Prevention and Criminal Justice in the Context of Development and a New International Economic Order联合国根据发展和新的国际经济秩序制订的预防犯罪和刑事司法的指导原则
UN, afr.United Nations New Agenda for the Development of Africa in the 1990s1990年代联非新议程
tech.use of the new technology应用新技术
proj.manag.Using the new Google service, for instance, students can share calendars, which they could not easily do before通过使用谷歌的新服务、学生可以共享日程表、以前他们则无法轻易做到这一点
gen.Viewing from New Swan Stone Castle, we appreciate the expanding scene among Alps and Viersen从新天鹅堡远眺,眼前是由阿尔卑斯山和菲森组成的广袤风景
econ.We can provide the ideal site for a new hypermarket我们能够提供建新特级市场指非常大的超级市场的理想场所
gen.We celebrate Islamic New Year to commemorate the historical event that Mohammed and Muslims migrated to Medina我们庆祝伊历新年是为了纪念穆罕默德和穆斯林教徒们迁徙到麦地那这一历史事件.
econ.We decided to advertise the new product我们决定为该新产品做广告
construct., tech.We have a huge selection of new and used concrete mixing trucks for sale. Buy the concrete mixing trucks you need right here!我们现有大量新旧混凝土搅拌车出售。在这里您就能购买到自己所需的混凝土搅拌车!
econ.We have fax-ed the documents to our New York office我们已经把文件传真到纽约办事处
econ.We have some feedback from the sales force about the customer's reaction to the new model我们从销售员的反馈中了解到顾客对该新型商品的反应
econ.We have widened our contracts to promote the new product effectively我们已扩大接触面,以便有效地推销新产品
commer.We hope that you will direct your efforts to the promotion of this new product我们希望你方努力推销这一新产品
econ.We hope to be among the first to produce the new medical appliances on a great scale我们希望成为新式医疗器械的首批大规模生产者之一
commer.We hope you'll take the lead in introducing this new product to your market我方希望你方首先在你方市场推销这一新产品
econ.We regret to say that the new product of yours is not worth our effort to promote很遗憾,你们这种新产品不值得我方努力推销
gen.We serve a wide range of low-fat desserts. Pineapple tart is low in fat. It's new on the menu我们有很多低脂点心。菠萝塔就不含脂肪,还是新推出的
econ.We shall phase in the new invoicing system over the next three months在以下三个月里,我们将逐渐推行新发票制度
econ.We shall take all measures requisite to get the sales exclusive right in China for the new product of that famous foreign corporation我们应采取一切必须措施,以获得该著名外国公司的新产品在中国的独家经销权
shipb.What is the minimum quantity of an order for your new product?贵方新产品的起订量是多少?
econ.What is the postage to New York?寄至纽约的邮费是多少?
proj.manag.When a match is found, a new scrap model is built and then compared with the remaining scraps当电脑发现了一个相符之处、就会建立一个新的碎片模式、然后再与剩余的碎片比对
econ.When new improvements occur in the equipment, the company may require that the persons involved attend training courses当设备有新的改进时,公司可以要求有关人员参加培训课程
econ.Where's the harm in trying the new marketing strategy?试试新的销售方针又何妨?
org.name.Working Party on the Principles for Fisheries Management in the New Ocean Regime新海洋体制渔业管理原则工作组
shipb.Would you consider increasing the discount to open the market, as this is a new product of yours?这种商品是你们的新产品,为了打开市场,你们考虑是不是多给一些折扣。
gen.You must tell the embassy about it and they will issue you with a new one你应该向大使馆报告,他们会发给你一本新护照