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Terms containing The School Of | all forms
gen.Church Divinity School of the Pacific太平洋神学院
China, lawcolleges and schools of the Army军队所属院校
China, lawcontract for the joint establishment and running of a school联合办学合同
earth.sc.Council of Graduate Schools in the United States美国大学研究院委员会
China, lawlevel of the school办学层次
gen.North Carolina School of the Arts北卡罗来纳艺术学院
China, polit.Party School of the CPC中央党校
China, lawplan for the establishment of school学校设置规划
ed.School of the Art Institute of Chicago芝加哥艺术学院
gen.The Chicago School of Professional Psychology芝加哥专业心理学校
econ.The company contributed 10% of annual profits to help build a school该公司捐助年利润10%来建立学校
gen.Thunderbird, The Garvin School of International Management雷鸟国际工商管理学院
adv.U.S. School of Music, "They laughed when I sat down at the piano, but when I started to play!"美国音乐学校、"当我坐到钢琴前、他们笑了、但当我开始弹奏... "、Ruthrauff & Ryan 广告公司、1925 (Ruthrauff & Ryan)