
Terms for subject Idiomatic containing The | all forms | exact matches only
as far as the eye can reach极目
as far as the eye can reach远及地平线
as far as the eye can reach就眼力所
at the eleventh hour在危急之时
at the eleventh hour刚好来得及
at the eleventh hour在危急关头
at the eleventh hour在最后的时刻
at the eleventh hour刚要完的时候
at the eleventh hour在最后时刻
bring to the fore放在显著〔重要〕地位
come into the picture显得突出
come into the picture引起人们注意
come into the picture牵连进去
come into the picture被牵涉到
come into the picture起作用
come into the picture出现
enter into the picture引起人们注意
enter into the picture显得突出
enter into the picture起作用
enter into the picture牵连进去
enter into the picture被牵涉到
enter into the picture出现
go down the drain每况愈下
go down the drain破产
go down the drain被浪费掉
go down the drain被抛弃
go down the drain失败
go down the drain愈来愈糟
go like the wind飞跑〔驰〕
go to the dogs失败
go to the dogs毁灭
go to the dogs努力全成泡影
go to the dogs灭亡
half the battle成功的一半
in the palm of one's hand在完全掌握〔控制〕 之中
in the palm of one's hand在手掌中
in the wake of踏着…的足迹
in the wake of继承…的志愿
in the wake of仿效
into the blue消失得无影无踪
into the blue至远处
right off the bat立刻
right off the bat马上
run into the sand陷人困境
run into the sands陷人困境
see how the cat jumps观望形势后再作决定
step into the breach充当临时代理人
take the bull by the horns毅然处理难局
take the bull by the horns不畏艰险
the best of both worlds两全其美
to the end of time永远
to the end of time永久
to the turn of a hair精确〔密〕地
to the turn of a hair丝毫不差地
to the turn of a hair丝毫不差
to the turn of a hair完全一样
up against the wall碰壁
up against the wall在非常困难的境地
up in the air悬而未决
up in the air未定
upon the face of字面上
upon the face of从…的外表判断起来
wait for the cat to jump观望形势后再作决定
weigh the pros and cons考虑正反两方面的意见
when it comes to the crunch当关键〔困难〕时刻到来时
when the crunch comes当关键〔困难〕时刻到来时