
Terms for subject Economy containing The | all forms | exact matches only
abrogate the original contract废除原合同
abuse of the power agency滥用代理权
abuse the authority滥用权威
accounting uses of the computer电子计算机的会计用途
accrue from the beginning of the month从当月开始生息
accumulation and retention of common funds by the collective共同基金集体提留
achieve the maximum economic results through consumption of least labour用最少的劳动消耗获得最大经济效果
acquaint with the market condition使…了解市场情况
addition to the tax附加税
agreement on the exchange of commodities易货协定
agreement on the exchange of national currency notes and the limitation of their exportation and importation本国现钞兑换及携出、入境限制协定
Agricultural Adjustment Administration of the United States美国农业调整署
All bills and money shall be in the custody of the finance controller所有票据和现金应该由财务监督保管
All deliveries shall be contingent upon the confirmation beforehand of the order by the owner所有发货应该按货主事先确认的订单而定
All funds derived from the sale of the products shall be paid within a month所有销售产品所获得的资金均须在一个月之内付清
All inquiries received by dealers relating to the products shall be refer red to manufacturers零售商所接到的有关产品的查询意见应提交给制造商
All invitations were addressed to the addresses as designated by our company所有一切请柬均按照我公司所指定的地址寄发了
All levies imposed upon the output were borne by the manufacturer对产品征收的一切税款都是制造商承担的
All moneys received were held by the accountant as a fiduciary trust所有收到的款项由会计作为信托基金加以保管
All of the employees shall act in conformity with the bylaws established by the company所有的雇员必须按照公司的规章条例办事
All official permission necessary for the construction will surely be obtained建筑工程所必需的一切官方许可肯定能得到
All options granted below shall continue without impairment or alteration by the combination of businesses下列承诺的一切优先购买权将继续有效,不因企业合并受到损害或有所更改
All our right to our subscription for shares of the capital stock of the company will be sold to you我方的一切认购该公司总股本的股份权将出售给你方
All preparatory work relevant to the installation of the imported warping machine shall be finished before the arrival of the expert与进口整机安装有关的一切准备工作必须在专家到达前完成
All prices and conditions governing the sale of products shall be determined by the owner支配商品销售的一切价格与条件应由业主来决定
All properties said hereunder must revert to the buyer此处所述一切财产必须归买主所有
All real estate, the disposition of which is not specifically provided for, shall be submitted to the court所有不动产,如无具体的处理办法,则应提交法院判决
All rents, taxes, upkeep and similar costs for the rented store shall be fairly shared by both parties为租用店房所花的租金、税款、维修费和类似的费用,应由双方公平分担
All rights and obligations of the parties will be merged into this agreement双方的一切权利和义务均纳入本协议中
All rights of either party existing before the effective date of the agreement shall remain unimpaired双方在本协议生效日前已有的全部权利应不受到损害
All rights vested in the agent shall become valid the moment the agency agreement is signed代理协议一经签署,赋予代理商的一切权利即宣告有效
All salaries have been frozen because of the bankruptcy of the company由于公司破产,所有工资都已冻结
All she possessed was lost in the collapse of her company公司破产后,她失去了所有财产
All statements have to be countersigned by the finance director所有报表都得由财务总裁会签
All the accounts, books and reports should be audited by the company所有账册和报表应由公司进行稽核
All the customers accepted the style and the quality without demur所有客户对式样和质量都无异议
All the documents and permits that may be necessary to effectuate a transfer should be delivered to the seller为实现转让所必需的一切单据及许可证应递交给卖方
All the foregoing applies to business already closed以上所述适用于已成的交易
All the goods are well packed so as to avoid damage in transit所有货物都妥善包装,以免运输途中损坏
All the goods should be well packed so as to avoid damage in transit所有货物都应妥善包装,以免运输途中被损坏
All the important decisions of the company shall be submit ted to and approved by the board of directors公司的一切重大决定必须提交公司董事会并得到董事会的批准
All the machine tools supplied by us are manufactured in accordance with international standards我方供应的所有机床均系按照国际标准制造的
All the property n., both tangible and intangible, has been sold全部财产,包括有形的和无形的,都已岀售了
All the technical details on the new product are given in our document在我方文件中说明了新产品的全部详细的技术规格
All these circumstances will certainly affect the operability and safety of the works所有这些情况自然对工厂的可操作性和安全有影响
All these commodities are outside the field of our activities所有这些商品均不属我们的经营范围
All those fees accrue monthly on the last day of each month所有那些费用在每月最后一天自然增长
Although the customers are interested, they are disinclined to pay the high price asked for虽然顾客们很感兴趣,却不愿付给所要的高价
apply at the office在办公室询问
apply the investment of $1.000.000 to the project把这100万美元的投资应用到这项工程上
apply the screw to催索 (债务)
apply the screw to施加压力
appropriate an amount of money for the company拨出一大笔资金给这家公司
Appropriate compensation for our service in promoting the sales of your products has been made我方在促销你方产品方面的服务已经取得了适当的报酬
assess the evidence审査证据
assessment of value in monetary terms and the maintenance of value折价保值
assets of the economy经济财富
assets of the fund基金财富
assume the mortage承担抵押贷款
assume the responsibility for...对…承担责任
assure the articles on the insurance company向保险公司投保商品
average capital intensity level of the technology技术的平均资本密集水准
average daily figure of the monthly balance按日平均计算的每月余额
average degree of skill and intensity prevalent at the time社会平均劳动熟练程度和强度
average labour intensity in the world世界平均劳动强度
average labour productivity in the world世界劳动平均生产率
average profit rate of the social production capital社会生产资本的平均利润率
average profit rate of the total stock of productive social capital社会总生产资金的平均利润率
average quality of the prevailing harvest以本年度农作物一般质量为准
bang the market冲击市场
bill the shipment at cost按成本计收货价
bonuses for overfulfilling the profit norm超计划利润奖
buy goods at the transactions买廉价货
buy goods by the tally按打数或捆数、百数等购买货物
buy the refusal付定钱
buy the refusal of ...定付…的定钱
cavil at the price杀价
Chancellor of the Exchequer英国财政大臣
city specifically designated in the state plan计划单列市
Clients always ask us to see to it that all the goods are well packed客户总是提醒我们注意,所有货物都应妥善包装
command of the air制空权
Computer technology is a booming sector of the economy计算机技术是经济中迅猛发展的一个领域
connotations of the objective of production生产目的的内涵
consumption of the means of production生产资料消费
Convention for the Settlement of Certain Conflicts of Law in Connection with Cheques Geneva, 19 March 1931 1931年日内瓦关于解决支票法律冲突的公约
Convention for the Settlement of Certain Conflicts of Laws in Connection with Bills of Exchange and Promissory Note1931年日内瓦关于解决有关汇票、本票若干法律冲突的公约 (Geneva, 19 March, 1931)
Convention on the Contract for the International Carriage of Goods by Road国际公路运输货物公约
Convention on the Execution of Foreign Arbitral Awards1927年日内瓦关于执行外国仲裁裁决的 (Geneva, 1927)
Convention on the Facilitation of Maritime Travel and Transport关于便利海上旅行和运输的公约
Convention on the Jurisdiction of the Selected Forum in the Last Cast of International Sales of Goods the Hague, 15 April 1958 1958年海牙关于国际货物买卖上选择法院管辖权的
Convention on the Law Applicable to International Sales of Goods the Hague, 15 June 1955 1955年海牙关于国际货物买卖所适用的法律公约
Convention on the Law Applicable to the Transfer of Title in International Sales of Goods1958年海牙关于国际货物买卖上所有权转移所适用的法律公约 (the Hague, 15 April 1958)
Convention on the Recognition and Enforcement of Foreign Arbitral Awards New York, 10 June 1958 1958年纽约关于承认和执行外国仲裁裁决的公约
convention on the settlement of investment disputes between states and national of other states解决国家间与各国民间投资争执公约
Convention on the Settlement of Investment Disputes between States and Nationals of Other States1965年华盛顿关于解决国家与他国公民之间投资争端的公 (Washington, 18 March 1965)
Convention on the Stamp Laws in Connection with Bills of Exchange and Promissory Notes1930年日内瓦关于汇票、本票印花税法的公约 (Geneva, 7 June 1930)
Convention on the Stamp Laws in Connection with Cheques1931年日内瓦关于支票印花税法的公约 (Geneva, 19 March 1931)
Convention on the Unification of the Law Relating to Bills of Exchange and Promissory Notes, and Uniform Regulation1912 年海牙关于统一汇票、本票法的公约及统一规定 (the Hague, 1912)
Convention Relating to a Uniform Law on the Formation of Contracts for the International Sale of Goods the Hague, 1 July 1964 1964年海牙关于国际货物买卖合同成立的统一法的公约
Convention Relating to a Uniform Law on the International Sales of Goods the Hague, 1 July 1964 1964年海牙有关国际货物买卖统一法的公约
conversion of the bill汇票的兑换
conversion with the co-efficient按折价率换算
convert a protion of the surplus product into capital剩余产品转化为资本
cooperation in the field of energy能源或资金合作 (financing)
cording to law, the premises of the company shall be duly withheld and collected根据法律,该公司的房产将按时扣留和征收
corresponding period of the preceding year上年的同一时间
current knowledge with the financial community现时金融界知识
cut the price降低物价
deal at the backdoor"走后门"
decline in the living standard生活水平降低
decline in the living standard降低生活水平
decrease during the fiscal year年内减少数
Despite our efforts, we cannot discover the reason why the steel tube was out of shape尽管作了努力,我们无法査明钢管变形的原因
Despite the pendency of arbitration proceedings, the work shall not be delayed尽管仲裁程序尚未解决,但工程不得拖延
determine the case upon its merit按事由作出的实体法方面的决定
deviation of price from the magnitude of value价值偏离值量
differentiation of the product产品差别性
direct appeal to the public债票公募法
direct investments under the state budget国家预算内直接安排的投资
Direct sales are over the mean for the first three quarters直接销售量高于前三个季度的平均数
dismantle the goods of their waterproof covering卸下货物上面的防水遮盖物
division of the gain or loss盈亏分配
division of the revenue and expenditure boundaries收支范围的划分
division of the revenue expenditure boundaries收支范围
dollar limit on the amount creditable美元税收抵兑的金额限制
draw on the future借债
draw on the future预支
effect insurance in respect of the carriage of the goods运输货物保险
effect of the timing肘效
effect the greatest economy力求节约
employ the weapon of self-criticism运用自我批评的武器
employment of the handicapped残疾人的就业
employment of the talent人才使用
ensure the self-sufficiency in grain保障粮食自给
entry on the credit side贷方记账
envisage the international market situation展望国际市场形势
exemption of enterprise established in the free zone自由贸易区企业免税
expanding the operation作业之扩张
expeditious execution of the order迅速执行订单
expense belonging to the preceding fiscal year上一财政年度费用支出
expense in the trial manufacture of new products新产品试制费
express terms of the contract合同的明示条款
fees for the possession and use of fixed assets固定资产占用费
final consumer goods entered as consumption for the current year进入当年消费的最终消费品
final return of the decedents死亡纳税人的最后申报表
finalize the business达成交易
Financial Secretary to the Treasury英国财政部财务秘书
Following shipments under this agreement will not be invalidated by such interruption of the initial one本协议项下以后几次发货不因首次发货中断而失效
Following the customary route, the ship will arrive at New York on August 14按惯常的航线行驶,此船将于8月14日到达纽约
Following the negotiations, a contract was signed谈判后,签署了合同
foundation of the national economy国民经济基础
funds destined for the payment of wages预定支付工资的基金
funds for the replenishment of fixed assets固定资产更新基金
funds in the hands of地方持有的资金 (the localities)
funds to tap the potential of existing enterprises and finance their technical transformation挖潜改造资金
Future business will be prejudiced by any deviation from the contract任何背离合同的行为对今后的业务都不利
Future development of our enterprise would be jeopardized if the quality is poor质量不好就会不利于将来企业的发展
gauge of the loan applications申请贷款的标准
gear the production to the market demand按市场需求进行生产
hallmark the gold为黄金加盖纯度印戳
Having received your instructions we will gather the parcel for dispatch by sea已收到你方指示,我们准备将这批货物收齐,从海路发运
hear both sides of the question兼听双方意见
hire by the出租 (hour)
hire out by the day按日计算出租
hire personnel on the basis of their abilities量才录用
hold the market垄断市面
hold the market左右市场
hold the trump-cards in the export拥有出口优势
How shall we treat the property sold at a price less than its fair market value?我们应如何处理卖价不到公平市价的财产问题?
How sure are you about our chance of winning the contract?你对我们公司赢得该项合同有多大把握?
If a mate default is made by one party, the other party may terminate this agreement at once协议一方如果发生重大违约行为,另一方可立即终止本协议
If any of its provisions contravenes the laws of our country, such provisions should by all means removed or revised如果有任何条款触犯我国的法律,这些条款务必除去或加以修订
If any part of the property should be destroyed or injured by fire or other casualty, the purchase price specified above would be abated to the extent or amount of such loss如果该财产的任何部分被火焚毁或其他意外事故所毁坏或损害,上述的购买价格将予以削减以抵销此损失
If any work fails to conform to the requirement of the specifications, the contractor shall promptly reexecute the work如果任何工程不符合技术规格的要求,则承包商应迅速重新完成该工程
If both parties disagree on this problem, they could negotiate until the agreement is reached如果双方在这个问题上意见不一致,他们可进行协商直到达成协议
If he does not pay the expenses, you may sell such goods at auction如果他不付清费用,你可以拍卖这些货物
If I try to borrow $1000 from the bank, will you be my guarantor n.?如果我要从银行借1000 美元,你愿作我的担保人吗?
If our ability to dispose of large quantity of goods is proved, you should give us exclusive selling right for the commodities如证实我们有能力大量销售货物,你方应给我们此商品的独家经销权
If so, please send us the necessary application forms如果是这样,请将必需的申请寄来
If such assignment cannot be effected, any abatement in the purchase price shall not be made如这笔转让业务未做成,购买价格将不能降低
If the agreement was repealed, company shall be excluded from the group如果此协议作废,则应将该公司排除在集团之外
If the amount deducted is more than adequate we shall release a half of such excess amount如扣下的这笔金额已超出适量,我方将退回这笔超额中的一半
If the buyer requires 10 tons additional, please let us know at once若买主需追加10吨,请速告之
If the check can't be cashed, it shall be returned on recourse to the bank如果这张支票不能兑取现金,应将其退回银行,以追索款项
If the compensation exceeds £ 500 000, the case will be submitted to arbitration如赔偿金额超过50万英镑,该案将提交仲裁
If the contract is adjusted to be illegal or unconstitutional adj., we shall give up performing the contract如果该合同被断定为非法的或不符合宪法的,我们则应中止履行此合同
If the deal has been done through fraud or deception n., we shall refuse the payment如果这笔交易是通过欺诈或欺骗做成的,我们就拒绝付款
If the distributors default in any payments, we shall have the right to rescind any orders如果经销商拖欠付款,我们有权取消任何订单
If the distributor's financial condition is inadequate to warrant the payment for further shipments, the manufacturer shall have the right to cancel the order如果经销商的财务状况不足以保证进一步发货的付款时,制造商有权撤销订货单
If the goods are not delivered in October, we shall have to countermand our order如果10月份仍没发货,我们将不得不撤消订货
If the goods are proved to be defective, you should replace or repair them immediately at your cost如这些货物经证实确有缺陷,你方应立即更换或修理,费用由你方负担
If the inflation had then been uncontrollable adj., the agricultural and industrial development would have been obstructed如果当时通货膨胀不能控制,工农业的发展就会受到阻碍
If the manufacturer cannot satisfy all the requirements in our orders proffer-ed to him, we may make up the difference from other sources如果制造商不能满足我公司向他提出的订单中所有要求,我方可从其他来源来弥补不足部分
If the net profit of an employer exceeds ten thousand dollars during successive four weeks, the employer shall pay 5% of such profit to his employees如果雇主的纯利润连续四周内超过一万美元,则该雇主应将其利润的5%支付给雇员
If the number of shareholders present is up to a quorum n., a meeting of shareholders can be held如果出席的股东人数达到法定人数,才能举行股东大会
If the order is really complete, we'll deliver the good soon如果该批订货确已完成,我们即刻发货
If the parties fail to agree upon additional clauses, the dispute shall be determined in accordance with the general provisions of this agreement如果缔约双方对附则未能取得一致意见,将根据本协议总则来解决争论
If the purchaser finds that the delivered goods are at variance with the sample, he should notify the seller within 15 days after the arrival of the goods如买方发现运来的货物与样品有差异,应在货到后15天内通知卖方
If the reliability of the buyers concerned can't be guaranteed by a reputable bank, I am afraid that we can't accept D/A payment如果没有信誉良好的银行担保有关买主的信用,我们不接受承兑交单付款方式
If the sample-package is overweight, excess postage has to be paid如样品邮包超重,必须付超重邮费
If the shoes are too small, you can exchange them for a larger pair如鞋子太小,你可以换一双大的
If the technician disputes the disapproval by the engineer of any design, such disputes may be referred to the chief engineer for decision如果技术员对工程师就任何设计所提出的异议有争执,这类争执可提请总工程师作出裁决
If the tenant wants to repledge a part of the premises, he shall first get the permission of the owner如果承租人有意把房产的一部分转让给别人,须首先得到业主的同
If the use of the materials is enjoined, we have to modify the process of the project如这些材料被禁用,我们就必须修改这一项目的施工过程
If the yearly turnover doesn't reach $50.000, we will not pay you the overriding commission如果一年的成交额不到五万美元,我方不会付给你方超额佣金
If there are no further arguments, let's sign and seal the agreement separately如果再没有争议,让我们各自在协议上签字盖章
If there is obvious contradiction in the contract, we shall pay special attention and remove it如果在合同中有明显的矛盾,我们应特别注意并加以消除
If they fail to pay the sum, you may charge them with trespasses如果他们不付清这笔款额,你方可控告他们侵权
If they fail to pay, we shall be compelled to enforce payment through the hands of attorney如他们不付款,我们将不得不借助律师迫使他们付款
If unusual occurence hinders the buyer from selling the goods, the buyer is entitled to an extension of time for payment遇有异常事件妨碍买方售出该货,买方可延长其付款时间
If we are at fault, you may rely on our correcting the error如属我方责任,请放心,我们将改正错误
If we cannot amicably settle any dispute about the fulfilment of the contract through negotiation, we have to resort to legal proceedings如果我们通过谈判不能友好地解决任何与执行合同有关的争执,那我方将不得不付诸法律诉讼
If we do not get favourable news from you before the end of June, we shall have to take legal proceedings for collection若我方在6月底前得不到你方肯定消息,我方将不得不通过法律程序追索货款
If we do not renew our design of the products, we will surely lose the market如果不更新产品设计,我们肯定会失去市场
If we gave you refusal for three days, you must buy all the goods offered by us如果我方给你方为期三天的先买权,你方必须购买我们所报的全部货物
If we want to win the competition, it is important to know the rival s' background如果我们想赢得这场竞争,重要的是要了解对手的背景
If you agree with our arrangement, please sign under the words "Agreed to and accepted"如果你方同意我方的安排,请在注有"同意并接受"字样下签名
If you appoint us as your sole agent, we will pursue effort to increase the turnover只要你方指定我方为你方的独家代理商,我方将继续努力,增加营业额
If you are in no haste for the new-type woolens, perhaps we can accept your order in the next month如果你方对新型毛织品需要不急,也许我们在下一个月可以接受你方订单
If you are interested in the above-mentioned goods in stock, please communicate with us如你方对上述现货有兴趣,请和我们联系
If you buy more than 100 dozen pencils, we will reduce the price by 2%如果你方购买铅笔超过100打,我方可减价 2%
If you find any terms of the L/C inconsistent with the contract, please instruct your bank to amend the L/C by cable如发现信用证中任何条款与合同有不符之处,请通知你方银行用电报修改信用证
If you have a look at the price list you will find that its price has appreciated如果你看一下价格单,你会发现它的价格已经上涨了
If you place a substantial order, we will be pleased to offer you art extra 3% off the current prices如大量订货,按现价再减3%
If you redeemed the property, you would have the right to possess and use it如果你赎回产业,你就有权拥有并使用这项产业
If you refuse to make payment, the court shall enforce your payment according to the laws of the country如你方拒绝付款,法庭将按照我国法律强制你方付款
If you want to have your lunch with your guest in the room, just dial room service如果您想在房里与客人一道进午餐,可打电话通知客房服务部
If you want to order the new type of sewing machines, we shall submit their specifications with illustrations如果你方要订购新型的缝纫机,我方将提供附有插图的规格说明书
If your camera agrees with the taste of our market, we feel confident of placing a trial order with you如你方照相机适销本市场,我们有信心向你方订购一批试销
If your work turns out to be satisfactory, the agreement can be renewed on expiry如你方经营业务令人满意,协议期满后可续订
inhibit the realization of purchasing power抑制购买力的实现
insolvent in the equitable sense权利意义的周转不灵
insolvent in the equitable sense权力意义的周转不灵
institute the supply contract system建立供给合同制度
International Commission for Rules for the Approval of Electrical Equipment国际电气设备核准规章委员会
International Union for the Protection of Literary and Artistic Works国际文学与艺术品保护联盟
into the open出现
into the open公开化
investigate conditions at the grass roots对基层情况作调査研究
investigate the cause of delay调査延误原因
Irregularities in the share dealings are under investigation股票交易中的一些违法行为正在调査中
items scissored from the budget从预算中削减的项目
John Smith is a founder of the club约翰・史密斯是俱乐部的创始人
Judging from the fact that demand for the mans suit is ever expanding, we will be able to increase the supply从对男式西服的需求不断扩大这一事实来看,我们可以增加供应
keep in the record将…记录在案
keep the pot boiling谋生
keep the pot boiling保持繁荣
keep the pot boiling兴旺发达
keep the pot boiling糊口
keep the pot boiling使一直保持繁荣
keep the right side up切勿倒置
keep the trade secret保守贸易秘密
lay in on the line付款
Let me go fifty-fifty with you on the expenses让我和你两人平分开支
lift the ban解禁
lift the embargo on对… 解禁
load cargo into the hold装货入舱
locate the real problem探求问题的症结所在
locate the respondent寻找被调查者
lodging of a protest with the marketing agency向市场营销机构提出抗议
maintain the balance between revenue and expenditure维持财务收支平衡
maintain the law维护法律
maintain the market维持市场
maintain the relationship维持关系
make a surcharge for delivering the trunk运送衣箱额外运费
make arrangement to ship the goods准备装货
make good the contract soon尽快执行合同
make good the damage赔偿损失
make good the deficit弥补损失 (亏损)
make good the deficit弥补亏损
make into the world market打入世界市场
make public for the administration of finance财政公开
make short of the matter长话短说
make the investment yield result发挥投资效果
make the most many, much 的最高级 of极为重视
make the most many, much 的最高级 of尽量利用
make the past serve the present古为今用
make up for the shortage弥补不足
make up the deficit弥补
man in the middle调解人
Manufacturers inflated prices of their products, and this caused chaos in the market制造商们哄抬产品价格造成了市场的混乱
Manufacturers should always know about the taste of consumers, because their goods are to be distributed to them ultimately制造商应该经常了解消费者的口味,因为他们是商品的最终使用者
Many businesses are engaged in the trade in this area在这一地区,许多商号从事这一行业
mark the price标价
method of average price at the close of the preceding month前月末平均单价法
method of controlling the source for taxation控制税源征税方法
Methodological Toolbox on the Right to Food食物权方法工具箱
Ministry of Foreign Trade and Economic Cooperation of the People's Republic of China中华人民共和国对外贸易经济合作部
mitigate the circumstance减轻处罚情节
mode of transport coming with the scope of the convention属于公约范围的运输方式
model of the economy经济模型
modify the contract clauses修改合同条款
monopolize the market垄断市场
mutually adjust the foreign exchange surpluses and deficiencies互相调剂外汇余缺
name the rate规定比例
names on the payroll在职人员名单
names on the payroll受雇人员名单
narrow the price gap缩小差价
narrow the scissors differences缩小剪刀差
nature of the commodity producer商品生产者的天性
nature of the Renminbi人民币的本质
None of the patents is being infringed to the knowledge of the licensor据许可人所知,这些专利中并没有任何一份受到侵犯
note on the debt债务的说明
offsetting the deficit扣除赤字
Only a report relating the source of damage cannot stand for an evidence for claim仅一份说明损坏原因的报告不能成为索赔的证明
Only the licensee sells the products for ultimate retail consumption只有许可证持有者才能将产品直接零售给最终消费者
Only when the trade becomes truly international, can commodities be circulated freely只有当贸易真正国际化了,商品才能自由地流通
Oral explanation given before the award of the contract will not be binding合同签订之前所作的口头说明没有约束力
Owing to a sudden strike in the factory n., the production was held up for 24 hours由于工人突然罢工,生产停顿24小时
Owing to economic crisis, our business is on the decrease由于经济危机,我们的业务下降了
Owing to inadvertency the voice was left unsent由于疏忽,发票漏寄了
Owing to our joint efforts, we entered into the contract由于共同努力,我们已订合同
Owing to the fact that these boxes are frequently dropped into the water during the unloading in Yokohama, the insurer has raised the premium to...%在横滨卸货时,这些盒子常掉入水中,因此保险人已将保险费提高到百分之…
Owing to the lack of raw materials a lot of machines in the factory were made idle由于缺乏原料,工厂里的许多机器被闲置
Owing to the limited manufacturing capability, part of the products will be made in the factories of由于生产能力有限,产品的一部分由转包商工厂生产
Party A demands that the equipment furnished and the material used should conform to specifications甲方要求所提供的设备及所用材料均须符合技术规格
Party A grants to Party B a non-exclusive license to use the process covered by the letters of Patent甲方同意乙方以非独占许可方式使用该专利证书项目下的工艺
Party A has the unrestricted right to sell the said product甲方享有销售上述产品的无限权利
Party A hereby agrees to accept the total sum of $300 000 in full settlement of all claims甲方特此同意接受总额为30万美元的金额,以清理全部赔款
Party A leases to Party B the premises for the term of 3 years from the date hereof at the yearly rental of RMB ¥5000自即日起,甲方租给乙方该房产,为期3年,年租金为人民币5000元
Party A promises to inform Party B of all communications in connection with the contract甲方承诺将与合同有关的一切信息通知乙方
Party A remised to Party B all the right, claim and property甲方将所有权利、 债权和财产全部出让给乙方
Party A shall assign to Parly B all rights concerning the licensed products and continuations soon甲方将立即转让给乙方一切与特许产品和延长期等有关的权利
Party A shall be responsible for the proper behavior of all his employees甲方应对其职工的正当行为负责
Party A shall buy and sell, with the approval of Party B, all goods and merchandise经乙方的认可,甲方将采购和销售全部货物及商品
Party A shall have the right to call to the attenuation of Party B甲方有权提请乙方注意
Party A shall inform party B of any change in carrying out the contract, and vice甲方在执行该合同中发生任何变动应通知乙方,反之亦然
Party A shall not act unilaterally without the prior approval of Party B甲方在未取得乙方的事先同意之前不得单方面行动
Party A shall not engage in merchandising of this article during the continuance of this contract在本合同有效期内,甲方不得从事本货物的买卖
Party A undertakes that they will not sell the said products within one month甲方保证他们不会在一个月内出售所说产品
Party B acknowledges having received from Party A the above-mentioned loan乙方确认已从甲方收到上述贷款
Party B agreed to grant said rights according to the terms recited in this agreement乙方同意根据本协议中陈述的条款转让上述权利
Party B shall not assign the accounts receivable乙方不得转让应收账款
Party B shall pay Party A a sum of money for the utilization of Party A's information about the new product为利用甲方有关新产品的资料,乙方将付给甲方一笔酬金
Party B shall yield up unto Party A all the machinery, tools and other articles owned by Party B by the end of this year在本年底,乙方须将本方拥有的一切机械设备、工具和其他物品让与甲方
planning from the top从上而下的计划编制
play the market做投机生意
play the market操纵市场 (尤指股票)
play the market作投机生产
pledge oneself to fulfilling the task at time保证提前完成任务
politics and economy-the unity of opposites政治和经济是对立的统一
Proceedings of the Geological Society Journal地质学会学报杂志
proceedings to recover the price追回货价诉讼
profitability of foreign trade for the national economy对外贸易的国民经济盈利性
public body in the borrowing country借债国的政府机构
public interest in the program大家对此计划之关心
public ownership of the means of production生产资料公有制
public sector of the economy公营经济
publicise the new products宣传新产品
publicise the services of the tourist board为海外旅游设备做广告
quotation of the book不公开的牌价
quotation on the foreign exchange market外汇市场牌价
quote the order出价定船
Rates of wages and allowances paid by the contractor are not less than the minimum recognized by trade unions承包商支付的工资和津贴不低于工会确认的最低标准
realize out of the consignment变卖奇售货物
reappraise the stocks and assets of enterprises企业清产核资
repayment of the financing偿还贷款
repayment of the principal and payment of interest on loans贷款还本付息
repeal of the embargo解禁
report to the court请求法院裁
reserve of the materials材料准备
reserve of the materials库存商品
reserve position in the Fund参加国在国际货币基金中的储备地位 (of a participant)
reserve the right保留索赔、损害赔偿请求、追索 (to claim, of claim damages, to resource)
rest of the world, factor incomes net国民要素收入净额
rest with the buyer由买方决定
restructure the economy改革经济体制
restructure the economy经济体制改革
resume the exercise of sovereignty恢复行使主权
reversal of the arm race限制军备竞赛
review and assessment of principal factors affecting the world economy审查和评价影响世界经济的主要因素
review of the merits审理案件的实体方面 (the substance of a judgement)
review of the merits审查案情的是非曲直
rig the market买空抬高市价
rights arising out of the bill票据引起的权利
ring the market影响股票行情
round-the-clock service日夜服务 (service-the-clock)
Rules for the ICC Court of Arbitration 国际商会仲裁法庭章程
Rules for the Implementation of Controls Relating to Carrying Foreign Exchange Precious Metals and Foreign Exchange Instruments into and out of China"对外汇、贵重金属和外汇票证等进出国境的管理施行细则"
Rules for the Implementation of Foreign Exchange Control Relating to Individuals《对个人的外汇管理施行细则
Rules for the Implementation of the Examination and Approval of Applications by Individual for Foreign Exchange审批个人外汇申请施行细则
Rules for the Implementation of the Income Tax Law of the People's Republic of China Concerning Chinese-Foreign Joint Ventures《中华人民共和国中外合资经营企业所得税施行细则》 Rules for the Implementation of the Individual Income Tax Law of the Poeple's Republic of China (中华人民共和国个人所得税法实行细则)
rules for the preparation of financial statement财务报表编制标准
Rules of Conciliation and Arbitration of the Chamber of Commence国际商会仲裁庭调解与仲裁规则
Rules of Procedure of the Inter-American Commercial Arbitration Commission 19691969年美洲商事仲裁委员会程序规则
Rules of the American Arbitration美国仲裁法院条例
rules of the applicable law关于适用的法律规则
rules of the applicable law适用法律规则
rules of the applicable national law适用的本国法的法规
rules of the game游戏规则
sail into the port进港
Sales cost just includes the day-to-day expenses销售费用只包括日常开支
scale up the price by按…的比例提价
schedule the shipment安排出运
set the orientation of economic development订立经济发展方向
set the terms of payment规定付款方式
set two targets, the one obligatory to attain and the other aspired for两本账 (必成账和期成账)
She is suing the building company for 1.000.000 compensation她正对建筑公司起诉,要求赔偿100万美元
shelter the trade of transportation保护运输业
shift customs duty to the end-users将关税转嫁到最终用户头上
shift in the company's marketing strategy公司市场战略的转移
shift the economic crisis onto others转嫁经济危机
shift the ship移船
shock by the news得到消息感到震惊
skim the cream of the milk把牛奶上的奶油撇去
skim the loss剔除损失
social appropriation of the means of production社会占有生产资料
social management of the productive forces生产力的社会管理
social nature of the productive forces生产力社会化
solvency of the guarantor担保人的偿还能力
Some features of our manufactures should be in the description我方制造品的某些特色应在说明书中加以强调
Some improvements are embodied in the new ship这艘新船有些改进之处
Some measures must be taken to guard against deterioration of the goods必须采取措施防止货物变质
Some of the words in the letter are illegible信上有些字无法辨认
spread between the intervention points介入
spread of the variable变数的离差
spread out the payment on the loan over six months把现款分六个月摊还
spread the risk分散风险
statements in the instrument票据或证券 上的记载事项
statements of the bill of exchange汇票上的记载
Steel is in plentiful supply, timber, on the contrary, is getting low钢材供应充足,而在另一方面,木材却越来越少
sterilization of the quotas取消配额
stretch out the contract拖长合同期限
stretch the law滥用法律
stretch the principles滥用原则
stringency of the money market金融市场银根紧
Such adequate quantity is to meet the requirements of our company此数量足以满足我公司的需要
Such alteration at the final stage of shipment is indeed confusing to临近交货作此变更,确实让我们手足无措
Such decision will not affect or alter the obligation of the both parties此项决定不致影响或改变双方的义务
Such goods shall be sold at the price prescribed in advance这些货物应按事先规定的价格岀售
Such insertions were included in all the subcontracts of the firm在该商号的全部转包合同中都插入了这样一些材料
Such interpretations can be reasonably inferable from the contract从合同中可以合理地推断出这些解释
Such invitations were handed to the owner for his prior written approval这种招标书事先交给业主,请他书面表示同意
Such national publicity is absolutely necessary and will be carried out next month at the cost of the company此种全国性的宣传绝对必要,且于下月进行,费用由公司承担
Such problems should be solved by the technicians within 3 days from the discovery这些问题应从发现时起3天之内由技术人员解决
Such sum is a debt due and owed by the agent to the company这笔钱是该代理人结欠公司的到期债款
Such work of making good imperfections shall be executed by the contractor补救多种缺陷的工作应由承运商执行
supervision and control over personal luggage of passengers arriving and leaving the country进出国境旅客行李物品的监管
supervision by the executive branch行政监督
supply the market to satiety充分供应市场
suppress the truth隐瞒事实真相
survey held in the presence of the carrier's agent在承运代表面前检验
survey the business possibilities调査交易可能性
switch the cargo交换货物
T. Holden & Son is a corporation organized and existing under the laws of U.S.A.T.荷登父子公司是一家根据美国法律组成和运行的有限公司
Tariff Schedule of the United States美国关税税则
Tariff Schedule of the United States美国关税表
tighten up the money supply通货收缩
tighten up the money supply通货紧缩
tone of the market行情趋势
tone of the market行市
tone of the market市场价格情况
tone of the market市场供销行情
trade center for the third-category commodities三类物质贸易中心
trade on the Stock Exchange在证券交易所交易
trade within the area限定区域内的贸易
trade-offs of the benefits and costs收入和成本间的比较
Traders are withdrawing from that area speculating about the possibility of a war推测有战争的可能性,商人们纷纷退出那一地区
transfer home the profit将利润汇回本国
transfer of managerial power from the central to the local authorities中央经济管理权限下放
try to be in the swim赶时髦
Two bidders made offers for the jewels两位投标人就珠宝报了价
Two labels were tied on to the parcel with thin string两个标签用细绳系在包裹上
Ultimately, the manager agreed to the suggestion of employees最后,经理同意了雇员们提出的建议
up to the hub陷于...
up to the knocker十分
up to the knocker完善指外形情况等
up to the knocker完全
up to the scratch充足
up to the scratch适宜
up to the time of截至 …时为止
up-to -the minute现代化的
up-to -the minute最新式的
Usually for a small project, the owner will carry out a feasibility study, meanwhile, the owner may invite some specialists to help通常对于小项目,业主要进行可行性研究,同时业主也可能邀请一些专家协助
Usually it is the party losing the suit that should pay the costs or expenses arising from the prosecution of such suit通常是败诉的一方应付给由于执行诉讼而产生的费用或支出
Usually, payments are made at the completion of each project通常在每一次工程完毕后付款
validity of the result有效的结果
valuable assets of the country国家的宝贵财富
value is the relation of production cost to effectiveness价值是生产费用对效用的关系
value of the catch渔产值
value of the enterprise企业价值
value of the equally divided units of the total value of commodities商品总值的等分值
value of the national product国民生产货币总值
value of the product产品价值
value of the reply paid voucher凭单的款数
value of the reply paid voucher预付回报费
variables in the model模型内的变数
verify quantity of the goods查对货物数量
veterinary the regulation兽医条例
weighting of the penalty量刑
wipe out the deficit消除赤字
Withholding tax imposed by the government shall not be included in the prices set forth in this agreement政府征收的预和赋税不应包括在本协议规定的价格之内
Without evidence in support of the defect we can't make a minute investigation没有证明缺点的证据,我们无法详细调査
Without the permission of the owner the house premises shall be non-assignable未经业主许可,该房产不得转让给他人
Without the prior permission, no photograph shall be taken of the exhibited inventions未经事先同意,不得拍摄展出的发明品
Would you sign your name to the contract请在此合同上签字
Would you want a fold al the back of your jacket?你是否想在上衣后背打个裥?
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