
Terms for subject Business containing The | all forms | exact matches only
abuse in the granting of loans滥发贷款
acceptance of an order at a price below the cost接受低于成本的订货
accordance with stipulation of the present regulation按照本条例规定
accordance with the agreement根据协议
accordance with the principle根据原则
accordance with the principle of accounting按照会计原则
accordance with the principle of consultation on an equal footing根据平等协商原则
accounting by the mass群体核算
accounting for the estate income遗产收益会计
accounting on the accrual basis权责发生会计制
accounting on the accrual basis应收应付会计制即在会计核算中不以款项的实际收付,而是以应收应付为标准进行核算
accounting on the cash basis收付实现会计制
accounting on the cash basis现金收付会计制即以款项实际收付为核算标准
accounting uses of the computer计算机在会计上的应用
accumulation and retention of common funds by the collective集体提留
achieve the maximum economic results through a minimum consumption of labour以最少劳动消耗取得最大经济效益
acknowledgement after expiration of the limitation period时效期届满后承认债务
apply at the office请与办事处接洽或询问
apply for the customs报关
appropriate an amount of money to the payment of claim以一笔款项拨作清偿索赔用
appropriate the means of production占有生产资料
arranger of the transport组运者
arranger of the transport运输经办人
ascertain the trend of the market弄清市场趋向
assessment of the emergency事故估计
assessment of the emergency紧急情况估计
assessment of value in monetary terms and the maintenance折价保值
auditing procedure generally recognized as the normal公认的规范审计程序
auditing through the computer电脑审计
auditing with the computer电脑审计
authors of the classical works经典作家
automatic cancellation of the contract合同自动解除即买卖合同中的不可抗力条款规定,如发生不可抗力事故,合同即自动解除
automatic self-correcting mechanism of the gold standard金本位制自动调节作用
automatic suspension of the contract合同自动中止见合同自动解除词条
average accumulation level needed by the newly employed labour force按新增加就业劳动力平均需要的积累水平
average age of the data数据平均年龄
average amount of skill of the workmen工人平均熟练程度
average balance of original value of fixed assets for the year固定资金原值全年平均余额
average capital intensity level of the technology技术的平均资本密集程度
average daily figure of the monthly balance按日均计算的每月余额
average degree of skill and intensity prevalent at the time社会平均劳动熟练程度与强度
average labour intensity in the world世界平均劳动力集约度
average labour productivity in the world世界平均劳动生产率
average number of employees in the inquiry period调查期间雇员平均数
average number of persons engaged in the inquiry period调查期内平均就业人数
average of the market rate of exchange in effect市场实际平均汇率
average of the market rate of exchange in effect during each month每月市场实际平均汇率
average profit rate of the social production capital社会生产资本平均利润率
average profit rate of the total stock of productive social capital社会生产资金平均利润率
average quality of the harvest农作物一般质量
average quality of the lot本批平均质量
average quality of the prevailing harvest本年度农作物一般质量
average velocity of the circulation of commodities商品流通平均速度
average velocity of the circulation of money货币流通平均速度
average wage earnings per person in the enterprise企业人均工资收入
banker's long bills drawn for the purpose of raising money资金长期融通票据
basic and nonbasic components of the economy基础与非基础经济部门
basic exemption for the classified income tax分类所得税的基本免税额
basic object in the operation of corporation公司经营基本目标
basic object in the operation of enterprise企业经营基本目标
beginning of a slump downturn in the business cycle周期性看跌
beginning of the year年初
beginning of the year期初
beneficial owner of the interest利息受益所有人
bias of the ratio estimate比率估计偏误
bill at the long run远期票据
blunder the account算错账
bottom falling out of the market行情跌至最低点
bound by the contract受契约约束
breach of the obligation pay an installment违反分期付款义务
breaking the market市价暴跌
budget for the coming year为下年度编制预算
budget needed for the completion of projects竣工预算
budget of the central government中央政府预算
budget to be carried over to the next year跨年度预算
budgeted funds handed over to the state coffers预算缴款
buy for the account买期货
buy into the market用贴钱买卖打进市场
buy on the installment分批买进
buy on the installment plan分批采购计划
buy one's ticked after the normal time补票
buy out of the market买断市
buy the refusal of付款定购
buy the refusal of...付款定购…
buy the refusal of交付…定金
buy up the market买全市
buy up the market买断市场
calculation done by the counter or team柜组核算
calculation of the effect of fund used资金占用效果核算
calculation of the effect of material consumed物资消耗效果核算
calculation of the effect of work-hour consumed工时消耗效果核算
calculation system for the national economy国民经济核算体系
cancel the agency contract without prior notice业务代表未先通知即自行解约
cancel the call without charge免费退号
cancel the orders取消订货
cancel the orders退货
capitalizing the front end fee启用费资本化
carry on the books过账
carry on the books记账
carry the cause胜诉
cavil at the price在价格上挑剔
centralized control over the revenues and expenditures统收统支
certificate of the auditor审查报告
certificate of the auditor审计报告
changing the distribution调整分布
changing the distribution of investment调整投资布局
changing the structure of product调整产品结构
checking the enterprise's impulse to boost prices抑制企业涨价冲动
checking up on the projects under construction清理在建项目
choose the best alternatives选择最佳方案
choose the best plan选择最佳方法
compensation for consumption of the means of production生产资料消耗补偿
compensation for loss or damage to the insured property被保险财产损失或损坏的赔偿
compensation for the use of funds资金有偿使用
compensation for the use of money资金有偿使用
conformity of the goods货物符合合同
conformity of the goods货物与合同规定相符
confuse the public混淆视听
continuity in the mean square均方连续性
contribute the right to the use of land as part of its investment以土地使用权入股
contribute the same amounts of fund and material平摊资金和物资
contribute the social working day提供社会劳动日
contribute to the deterioration of the market促使市场衰退
Convention on Contracts for the International Sales of Goods国际货物销售契约公约
Convention on the Jurisdiction of the Selected Forum in the Case of International Sales of Goods The Hague, 1958关于国际货物买卖上选择法院管辖权的公约海牙,1958年
Convention on the Law Applicable to International Sale of GoodsThe Hague 1955关于国际货物买卖所适用的法律公约海牙,1955年
Convention on the Limitation Period in the International Sales of Goods关于国际货物买卖时效期的公约纽约,1974 年
Convention on the Settlement of Investment Disputes between States and Nations of Other StatesWashington, 18 March 1965关于解决国家与他国国民之间投资争端公约华盛顿,1965 年 3 月 18 日
Convention on the Uniform of the Law Relating to Bills of Exchange and Promissory Notes, and Uniform RegulationThe Hague, 1912关于统一汇票,本票法的公约海牙,1912 年
Convention Relating to a Uniform Law on the Formation of Contracts for the International Sale of GoodsThe Hague, 1964有关国际货物销售合同统一法的公约海牙,1964年
converge toward the optimal policy向最佳化政策收敛
convergence of the distribution of stochastic processes随机过程分布收敛
conversion at the current price按现价兑换
conversion at the current price按时价兑换换算
conversion at the market price按市价换算
conversion at the market price按市价兑换换算
conversion of the bill汇票兑款
conversion of the bill汇票收款
convert a portion of the surplus products into capital剩余产品转化为资本
cooperation in the field of technology技术合作
cooperation on the basis of specialization专业化协作
corresponding period of the preceding year上年同期
create the credit创立信用
current of the present month当月
current of the present month本月
current transfers from and to the rest of the world国外经常性转移支付
cut down the commission降低佣金
cut down the consumption of raw materials降低原料消耗
cut down the cost of import and export降低进出口成本
cut down the cost of production降低生产成本
cut down the norm for material consumed降低原料消耗定额
cut down the number of persons employed裁减雇员
cut down the number of raw materials降低原料消耗
cut down the outlay精简开支
cut the cost降低成本
cut the cost according to the cloth量入为出
cut the expenditure节支
cut the expense节减费用
cut the melon瓜分额外收入
cut the prices减价
cut the prices降低物价
cut to the bone减到最低限度
cutting down the number employed精简雇员
Declaration on the Establishment of a New International Economic Order建立国际经济新秩序宣
decrease the number of working hours减少工时
defence upon the bill票据法上的抗辩权
determining the accuracy判定正确性
determining the clauses of contract确定合同条款
determining the item of work决定工作项目
determining the items of business决定营业项目
determining the items of work确定工作项目
deviation from the mean偏离均差
deviation from the median偏离中差
deviation from the terms of the contract违反合同条款
deviation of price from the magnitude of value价格偏离价值量
direct contact between the producing and marketing departments产销直接挂钩
direct intervention on the foreign exchange market对外汇市场直接进行干预
direct marketing at the factory door工厂门市部直接营销
direct on-the-job satisfaction直接职务上的满足
discontinuity of the index figures指数的不连续性
dislocation in the proportion比例失调
dispersion in the readings读数离差
disposing capacity of the natural person自然人的行为能力
dissolve the cartel卡特尔解体
distribution on the basis of labour按劳分配
distribution on the basis of need按需分配
disturbance in the variables不正常变数
divergences of trend between the domestic and overseas prices国内物价与国外物价之间的背离趋势
division of the gain or loss损益分配
draw on the reserve动用储备
draw on the reserves动用储备
draw on the reserves预支准备金
draw the conclusion得岀结论
draw upon the reserve运用储备
draw upon the reserves动用储备金
drink poison to quench the thirst饮鸩止渴
drug in the market呆滞货
drug in the market市场滞销商品
drug on the market滞销货
dual structure of the enterprise企业双重结构
dues of the cargo货物捐税
effect insurance in respect of the carriage of the goods为货物运输办理投保手续
effect of measurement error and offset error on the operation characteristic测量误差与偏移误差对运算特性的影响
effect of valuation in terms of the SDR用特别提款权计值的影响
effect on the market对市场的影响
effect on the price对物价的影响
effect on the sale对销售的影响
effect the greatest economy厉行节约
elasticity of the marginal utility边际效用弹性
elasticity of the marginal utility of income收益的边际效用弹性
elasticity of the production function生产函数弹性
employment of the handicapped残疾人就业
ensure the date of arrival保证按期到达
evade the crucial回避要害
evade the law规避法律
examiner of the customs海关检查员
ex-chairman of the board of directors前任董事长
excitement of the market市场骚动
exhaust the fund耗尽资金
expected length of the waiting line预期排队长度
expected net gain of the survey市场调查净期望值
expected number in the system本系统内期望数
expected the time of arrival预期抵达时间
expected value of the survey information调查信息期望值
expense belonging to the preceding fiscal year上一财政年度费用开支
expense in the trial manufacture of new product新产品试制费
expenses in the trial manufacture of new products新产品试制费
expenses of the training programs培训规划费用
expressly agreed terms of the contract合同明文规定
expunge from the record由记录中删掉
external custom tariff of the European Common Market欧共体市场对外关税率
face of the note票据面额
face of the note纸币面值
face of the value支票面值
feelers in the hope of get ting an order试探获得订单的可能性
final account of the state国家决算
finalize of the business达成交易
finalize of the business最后成交
finalize the design定型
fixing prices according to the quality of products按质论价
forecasting by the exponential smoothing指数修匀预测法
forecasting by the exponential smoothing用指数修匀法预测
founder of the business企业创始人
gear with direct adjustment of the eccentric, reversing偏心轮调整回动装置
hereinafter referred to as the Buyer以下简称买方
hereinafter referred to as the Seller以下简称卖方
highlights of the plan计划要点
highlights of the report报告要点
hire by the day按日出租
hire by the hour按小时出租
hire by the month按月出租
hire by the year按年岀租
hit the bricks上街罢工
hit the stand开始发售
hit the stand上市
hit-or-the-fly printer飞机式打印机
hold the balance掌握决定权
hold the shipment停止装运
holding the market控制市场
hold-up in the sale of commodities商品高价销售
How do you control the quality of magnetos?贵方如何控制磁发电机的质量?
If we conclude the business on CIF basis, what coverage will you take out for the bearings?如果我们的轴承以到岸价成交,你们负责投保哪些险别?
If you can go a little lower, I'd be able to give you an order on the spot如果您的价格再便宜些,我们马上下单
including all risks of crafts to and from the vessel包括装船驳运及起岸驳运一切险
innovation of the breakthrough type突破型技术革新
innovation of the system type系统型技术革新
insolvent in the bankruptcy sense破产意义的周转不灵
insolvent in the equitable sense权力意义的周转不灵
inspecting and tallying the goods检查及理货
instill vitality into the enterprise增强企业活力
integrating the individual and the organization个人与组织结合
International Convention for the Unification of Certain Rules of Law Relating to Bills of Lading关于统一提单若干规则的国际公约海牙规则
international negotiation at the highest level国际最高级谈判
International Rules for the Interpretation of Trade Terms国际贸易术语解释通则1953 年
inversely as the square of...与…的平方成反 I
invest in the transformation投资于改造
investigate the cause of damage调查损坏原因
investigation of the accident意外事故调查
items below the line线下项目
items of below the line线下项目
jungle of the theory of management管理理论丛林难题
junior members of the staff年资较低的职工
jurisdiction of the person人身管辖权
keep expenditures within the limits of incomes量入为出
keep out of the sun避光保存包装用语
keep part of the foreign exchange earnings外汇留成
keep the cash做现金出纳
keep the cash保留现金
keep the cash现金出纳
keep the economy functioning推动经济运行
keep the law守法
keep the pot boiling维持市面
lapse of the pen笔误
lay in on the line付钱
lay on the line筹足款项
lay on the line出钱
let the purchaser beware买者留意
let the situation give the order因势利导
Let's congratulate ourselves for the successful contract成功签了合同,我们庆祝一下吧
Let's discuss the delivery date first. You offered to deliver the goods within six months after the contract signing让我们来说一下交货期的问题。你方在合同签订后的6个月内交货
lift the embargo on...对…解禁
lift the embargo on...允许…出口
lift the embargo on开放…出口
lift the embargo on对…解除禁令
locate the real problem探求问题症结之所在
location and premises of the joint venture营业地点
location of the machine installed机器安装地点
make a public appraisal of the quality of different product评比产品质量
make a survey of the market调查市场情况
make good the deficit弥补赤字亏损
make provision for the utmost secrecy严守条款机密
make public the administration of finance财务公开
make the best use of everyone人尽其用
make the best use of everything使物尽其用
make the best use of everything物尽其用
make the industrial structure as effective as possible优化产业结构
make the labor inefficient无效人工
make the product structure as effective as possible优化产品结构
make up for the costs of production补偿生产成本
make up of the employees雇员结构
make up the deficit以资弥补
make up the difference弥补差额
make up the required number补足数额
make up the required quantity补足数量
man in the middle调停人
manager of the business业务经理
manager of the commerce商务经理
manager of the system open market account联邦储备系统公开市场账户经理
manager responsibility system under the leadership of the board of directors董事会领导下的经理负责制
managing the economic plans经济计划管理
manipulation of the market操纵市场
man-on-the street sampling方便性选样
mark to the market逐日盯市
mediator between the two parties居间调解人
method of average price at the close of the preceding month按上月月末库存计算平均价格法
method of controlling the source for taxation控制税源征税法
method of overall evaluation of the whole production全部生产总估计法
method of price of the last purchase最后购买价格法
mitigation of change in the scale减少比额变动
mode of transport coming within the scope of the convention属于公约范围的运输方式
model attribute of the cheque支票的特性样式
model attributes of the check支票的各种方式
model for the analysis of global interdependence and crises全球相互依存与危机分析模型
modification to the contractual condition修改合同条件
momentary interest of the day眼前利益
monopolize the sales and contracts包销订货
movement in the market市场动向
multiple contraction of the money supply货币供应量多倍紧缩
narrowing of the basis基差趋小
narrowing of the cognitive field认识范围缩小
narrowing the scissors differences缩小剪刀差
narrowing the spread缩小价差
nature of the product产品性质
nature of the situation环境性质
net deficit for the period本期净损
note of the product产品特色
note of the product产品的特色
note on the debt债务说明
note to the account账目附注
obstructing the doors causes delay and can be dangerous以免误事和发生危险
obstructing the doors causes delay and can be dangerous请勿堵门
Ocean shipping cargo insurance is important because goods run the risk of different hazards such as fire, storm, collision, theft, leakage, explosions, and etc投保海运险是很重要的,货物在海上可能遭遇各种风险,例如火灾、暴雨、碰撞、偷窃、泄漏、爆炸等
opportunity of re-activating the business使业务重新活跃的机会
organization of the chamber of commerce商会组织
organization of the plant layout function工厂布置各部门职能组织
override the original contract取代原合同
override the original contract原合同无效
overshoot the mark做得过分
party giving the mandate委托人
party jointly or severally liable with the debtor与债务人连带负责的当事人
party of the first part合同甲方
party of the first part契约的甲方
party of the second part合同乙方
party of the second part契约的乙方
payable at a certain time after the date出票后若干日付款
payable at a fixed time after the date出票后定期付款
payable at the bank银行支付
payable at the destination在目的地付款
payable at the fixed period after sight见票后定期付款
payable to the bearer付持票人
payable to the consignor应付寄售人款
payable to the order凭指示付款
payable to the order付指定人
payable with the banker's charge付款时连同支付银行费用
peculation of the state revenue盗用国家公款
perfecting the sight正式起岸报关单
person in the know知情人
planning the activities编制活动计划
planning the conversion system生产变换体系计划工作
play the bankrupt造成破产
plunge of the stock market证券市场行情下跌
plunge of the stock market股票市场行情下跌
prepay the charge预付费用
prepay the freight预付运费
prepay the salary预付薪金
preside over the business管理商业
preside over the operation负责经营
pressure on the market市场压力
proceeds from the L/C信用证款
quotation of the book不公开牌价
raid the sinking fund挪用还债基金
raid the sinking fund盗用偿债基金
reactivate the business恢复营业
reactivate the business恢复营业业务
realize on the consignment变卖寄售货物
realize out of the consignment变卖寄售货物
reconciliation of the bank accounts核对银行账目
recourse against the responsible third party向责任第三者追索
recourse against the responsible third party向责任第三方追索
recourse to the law诉诸法律
recover the damage赔偿损失
recover the damage取得赔偿
recover the damage for a wrong因受损害而获得赔偿
recover the goods收回货物
reinvigorating the economy搞活经济
relation bet ween the units and their multiples and divisions主管单位与下属单位的关系
relation of the causality因果关系
release the productive forces解放生产力
renounce one's claim to a share in the profits放弃其应得股利润的要求
repayment of the principal and payment of interest on loans还本付息
report on the budget预算咨文
reprocess the goods货物再加工
require the goods to arrive on/before要求货物在某日或前运达
require the payment要求付款
require the performance of an obligation要求履行义务
rescind the order撤销定单
reservation in the contract合同中的保留条款
reserve of the materials物资储备
reserve required by the articles条文规定的准备金
reserved the right of claim保留索赔权
resurgence of the enterprise企业恢复活力
round the world ticket游历世界票
safeguard the lives of the workers保障工人生活
savings by investing in the securities有价证券储蓄
savings of the corporation公司储蓄
schedule of delivery of the equipment设备交货日程表
schedule of delivery of the export出口交货日程表
schedule of the marginal efficiency of capital资本边际效用表
set the terms of payment指定支付条款
set up stalls along the street摊售
She levelled the surface of the cake mixture with a metal spatula她用金属铲抹平了蛋糕配料
shift of the demand and supply function供需函数移位
signed by the person giving it由出票人签署
skills involved in the labor劳动中技术含量
skim-the-cream pricing撇脂定价
skim-the-cream pricing policy撇脂定价政策
skimming-the-cream pricing撇脂定价
skimming-the-cream pricing method撇脂定价法
speed of adjustment of the model模型调节速度
spread of the variable变数离差
stamp the trade mark印上商标
statements in the instrument票据上的记载事项
stretch the fact夸大事实
such being the case事实既然如此
suppress the truth隐瞒真相
survey of the task作业调查
survey of the work工作调查
synthesis of the object program结果程序的综合
synthesis of the object program目标程序综合
synthesis of the object routine目标程序综合
tone of the international commodity market国际商品市场行情
tone of the international market国际市场行情
tone of the international security market国际证券市场行情
tone of the international service market国际服务市场行情
tone of the international travel market国际旅游市场行情
tone of the market市场行情
tone of the market市场情况
tone of the security market证券市场行情
tone of the stock market股票市场行情
trade on the spot境外贸易
trade within the area限定区域贸易
trade-off of the benefits and costs收入—成本间比较
trading on the equity借债经营即发行债券筹资经营
training of the staff职员培训
trapped state of the system系统受限制状态
try to trade the customer up说服顾客买高价物品
up to the time of截至…时为止
up-to-the mark超上标记
up-to-the-minute styling最新样式
validity in terms of the person人的效力
validity of the result有效结果
value as the basis of inventory盘存价
value based on the weighted sum权定值
value for the purpose of assessing rate征税估值
value of the reply paid voucher预付回报费凭单款额
value received and charge the same to account of款收讫
variable in the model模型中的变量
variance between the classes组间方差
variance of the Poisson process泊松过程方差
void after the fact事后无效
volume of freight goods loaded and unloaded in the port港口货运吞吐量装卸量
warrant for backing of the contract背弃合同的根据
warrant for backing out of the contract背弃合同的证据
weighted average of the cost of interest bearing debt加权平均计息债务成本
withdrawal of the partner合伙人退伙
workers and staff on the regular payroll在编人员
workers in the lower-income brackets低工资收入职工
working days lost through the stoppage因罢工而损失的工作日数
Would you tell me the main items you export?你们主要出口的产品是什么?
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