
Terms for subject Oil / petroleum containing Technology | all forms | exact matches only
Advisory Committee on Application of Science and Technology to Development联合国科学技术应用开发咨询委员会
Agency of Industrial Science and Technology属日本通商产业省工业科技厅
American Institute of Engineering and Technology美国工程技术学会
applied drilling technology应用钻井工艺学
applied drilling technology实用钻井工艺
applied technology应用技术
barrier-building temporary seal technology屏蔽暂堵技术
bipolar technology双极工艺
British Institute of Engineering Technology英国工程技术研究所
California Institute of Technology美国加州理工学院
Canada Center for Mineral and Energy Technology加拿大矿业与能源技术中心
Canadian Centre for Mineral and Energy Technology加拿大矿业与能源技术中心
catalytic distillation technology催化蒸馏技术
Center for Renewable Energy and Sustainable Technology可再生能源与可持续发展技术中心
chemical technology化学工艺
chemistry conversion technology化学转换技术
clean energy technology清洁能源技术
cogeneration technology热电联产工艺
Committee on Science and Technology in Developing Countries发展中国家科学技术委员会
Committee on Technology Transfer and Utilization美国国家工程院技术转让与应用委员会
cooperation in science and technology科学和技术合作
cryogenic technology深冷技术
cuttings re-injection technology钻屑回注技术
3D AVO technology三技术
Department of Energy Bartlesville Energy Technology Center,美国能源部巴特尔斯维尔能源技术中心 (U. S.)
Department of Energy, Morgantown Energy Technology Center美国能源部摩根顿能源技术中心
Department of Information Technology信息技术部
development zone for high and new technology industries高新技术产业开发区
drilling technology钻井工艺技术
drilling/production technology钻釆工艺
Emerging Technology Energy Conference应急技术能源会议
Energy Technology Conference & Exhibition能源技术会议与展览
Energy Technology Support Unit美国能源技术支持机构
engineering technology工程技术
Exploration & Production Technology Department勘探开采技术部
export technology出口技术
fault locating technology故障定位技术
Federal Coordinating Council for Science, Engineering and Technology美国联邦科学、工程与技术协调委员会
Federal Council for Science and Technology美国联邦科学技术委员会
film separation technology膜分离技术
fracturing technology压裂工艺
gas production technology天然气开釆工艺
gas-to-liquid GTL technology气合成油技术
high technology高新技术
Houston Technology Center美国休斯敦技术中心
Illinois Institute of Technology美国依利诺伊理工学院
Illinois institute of Technology Research institute美国伊利诺伊理工学院研究所
image-oriented technology图像遥感技术
import of technology引进技术
Institute for Energy Technology挪威能源技术研究所
Institution of Corrosion Science and Technology腐蚀科学和技术协会
Institution of Corrosion Technology英国防腐技术学会
International Arctic Technology Conference国际极地技术会议
introduction of technology引进技术
Journal of Petroleum Technology刊名,美国石油工艺杂志
laser technology激光技术
low-carbon technology低碳技术
major technology levers主要技术手段
Marine Technology Society海洋技术学会
Materials Technology Institute美国材料技术研究所
maximum achievable control technology可达到的最大控制技术
membrane separation technology膜分离技术
micro-form technology缩微技术
monolithic system technology单片系统工艺
Morgantown Energy Technology Center美国能源部摩根敦能源技术中心
mud technology泥浆工艺
New Energy and Industrial Technology Development Organization日本新能源与工业技术开发组织
non-patent technology非专利技术
non-pollution technology无污染工艺
non-renewable energy technology evaluation非再生能源技术评价
Norwegian Institute of Technology挪威技术研究所
oil field water technology油田水处理工艺
oil spill clean-up technology溢油清除技术
Petroleum Science and Technology Institute英国石油科学技术研究所
petroleum technology石油技术
Petroleum Technology Alliance Canad a加拿大石油工艺联盟
Petroleum Technology Research Center加拿大里贾纳大学石油技术研究中心
pinch technology窄点技术
plasmochemical technology等离子化学工艺
polyurethane foam forming technology聚氨酯泡沫喷涂成型工艺
pressure Vessel-Technology Committee美国高压容器技术委员会
Saudi National Centre for Science and Technology沙特国家科学技术中心
seismic bright spot technology地震亮点技术
Southern Albert Institute of Technology加拿大南阿尔伯塔技术学院
steam process technology注蒸汽釆油工艺
technology assessment技术评估
technology consultation技术咨询
technology innovation技术创新
technology intensive技术密集型
technology intensive enterprise技术密集企业
technology license fee技术转让费
technology reserve技术储备
test technology试油工艺
test technology测试施工工艺
transfer of technology转让技术
transfer of technology with compensation技术有偿转让
United Nations Conference on Science and Technology for Development联合国科学与技术发展会议
welding technology焊接工艺
Zurich Federal Institute of Technology瑞士联邦苏黎世理工学院