
Terms for subject Sports containing Teams | all forms | exact matches only
All-America team美国国家代表队
all-American team美国国家代表队
All-China team中国国家代表队
all-star team优秀选手队
all-star team全明星队
all-star team明星联队
amateur team业余队
blossom into a capable team成为强队
Carl Lewis anchored the U.S. 4×100m relay team卡尔・刘易斯在奥运会 4×100 米接力赛跑中担任美国队第四棒运动员
cellar-dwelling team名次最低队
champion team优胜队
champion team冠军队
China Olympic Team中国奥林匹克队
Chinese Mountaineering Team中国登山队
club team俱乐部队
coaching team教练组
cohesiveness of team队伍凝聚性
competing team参加比赛的队
complete team全队
complete team完整的队
contingent team劲旅
defaulting team弃权的队
defaulting team弃权队
defensive team防守队
Division A soccer team甲 A 足球队
Dream Team梦之队
expedition team远征队
face-off between two teams两队角逐
faulty team违例的队
first team一流队
first team第一代表队
first team上场阵容
first-rate team甲级队
formidable team强队
general team classification团体总成绩
Germany's Silke Renk won the women's javelin title or gold medal with a throw of 68.34 meters just 0.08 meter farther than Shikolenko of the Unified Team德国的西伦克在女子标枪比赛中、以 68.34 米赢得冠军、她的成绩比独联体队的希科连科仅超过 0.08 米
In relay races, the batons must be passed within a take-over zone and any team finishing without the baton will be disqualified在接力赛跑时、参赛队员必须在接力区内传递接力棒、任何一个跑到终点不携带接力棒的队将被取消比赛资格
In the men's 50-kilometer walk, Perlov of the Unified team won the gold medal in 3 hours 50 minutes 13 seconds独联体队运动员佩洛夫在男子50公里竞走中以3小时 50 分 13 秒夺走金牌
In the relay race, the first three runners of the four-member team must pass the baton to the next runner接力赛跑时、由 4 名队员组成的接力队中的前3名运动员、必须把他们手中的棒交给下一名运动员
join a sports team加盟某一运动队
join the national team加盟国家队
junior team青年队
leave the team退役
local team主队
local team地方代表队
local team当地球队
men's team男子团体
men's team男子队
men's team event男团项目
mixed team event混合团体项目
morale of the team队的士气
municipal team市代表队
National Olympic Team国奥队
national Olympic team国家奥林匹克队
national representative team国家代表队
national representative team of the Association国家协会代表队
national team国家队
national training team国家训练队
national youth team国家青年队
novice team新手队伍
offended team非犯规队
offensive team进攻队
officiating team裁判组
Olympic team奥林匹克队
Olympic team selection committee奥运代表团选拔委员会
one-man team以一个优秀运动员为核心的队
one-man team只有一个主力队员的队
organized team有组织的球队
overseas team海外队伍
participating team参赛队伍
pick up team选拔代表队
pickup team临时组织的队
pickup team临时拼凑的组队
pro sports team职业运动队
professional sports team职业运动队
professional team职业队
provincial team省代表队
relay team接力赛跑队
replacement team member替补队员
representative team代表队
reserve team候补队
scratch team临时组成的队
scrubber team二流球队
scrubber team非正规球队
second team院校或俱乐部的第二代表队
seeded team种子队
selected team精选的队伍
senior team成年队
special admittance to an organization or team特招
sports team体育团队
star-studded team明星荟萃的运动队
strong Chinese team, the中国劲旅
strong team强队
strong team劲旅
team A total A队总分
team adaptability队伍的适应能力
team adaptability队伍适应能力
team average队平均分
team average队平均分数
team bench队员席
team bench运动员席
team captain球队队长
team captain运动队队长
team championship团体冠军赛
team championship团体冠军
team championship results团体赛结果
team classification团体名次
team competition团体赛
team condition团队竞技状态
team cup团体奖杯
team defence全队防守
team doctor球队医生
team doctor运动队大夫
team doctor随队医生
team doctor队医
team effort集体努力
team endurance race团队耐力赛
team event集体项目
team event团体赛
team flag队旗
team gold medal团体金牌
team leader meeting领队会议
team logo球队标志
team manager代表
team manager领队
team match团体赛
team match团体对抗赛
team medals团体奖牌
team member队员
team of athletes in training集训队
team of young talents年轻有为的队伍
team official球队官员
team penalty对球队的判罚
team pennant队旗
team placing团体名次
team play小队练习
team play全队协作
team player善于与同伴配合的队员
team player善于配合的运动员
team points团体分
team posing competition团体造型赛
team ranking团体名次
team relay团体接力赛
team score团体得分
team score团体总分
team sport团体运动
team start小组出发
team talk队员碰头会
Teams of Major League Baseball美国职业棒球大联盟俱乐部队
television team电视采访小组
The first runner of the relay team shall be a quick starter and good on curves接力赛跑队的第一名队员要求起跑快、弯道技术好
The fourth runner of the relay team shall be a fast runner with strong finishing power接力赛跑队第四名队员要求速度快、终点冲刺能力强
The runner passed the baton to his team mate接力赛跑运动员将接力棒传给他的队友
top team最强的队
top team优秀队
U.S. super star Carl Lewis captured his fourth Olympic gold medal by anchoring the U. S. 4 × 100 metres relay team to a world record time of 37.83 seconds美国超级田径明星卡尔刘易斯在男子 4 × 100 米接力赛跑中担任第四棒最后一棒、夺得了他本人的第四块奥运会金牌、美国队创下了 37.83 秒新的世界纪录
USA Olympic Team美国奥林匹克队
varsity team第一队
veteran's team元老队
weak team弱队
weaker team弱队
women's team女队
women's team event女子团体项目
world champion team世界冠军队
world level team世界级强队
world-level team世界级强队
youth team青年队