
Terms for subject Business containing Tax | all forms | exact matches only
accession tax增益税
accrued personal property tax应计个人动产税
accumulated earnings tax累计收益税
accumulated income tax prepayment累计预付所得税
accumulated income tax reduction累计所得税减项
additional profit tax超额利润税
additional tax增补税
additional tax payment notice补税通知书
adjustment tax with different rates for different enterprises一户一率调节税
advertisement tax广告税
after-tax basis税后基准
after-tax cash inflow税后现金流量
after-tax profits纳税后利润
after-tax purchasing power税后购买力
after-tax rate税后收益率
after-tax real rate of return税后实际收益率
after-tax yield纳税后收益
agricultural tax and state purchase quotas农业税及征购额
agriculture and animal husbandry tax农牧业税
agriculture tax农业税
alcohol tax酒税
alcoholic beverage tax含酒精饮料税
alien tax入境税
allowances and expenses for corporation tax公司税的减免与开支
allowances and expenses for income tax所得税的减免与开支
alternative minimum tax可选择低额税
alternative tax代用税
alternative tax computation代用税计算
alternative tax on capital gains资本利得代用税
amended tax return修正的税款申报书
amount of tax总税额
amount of tax税金
amount of tax to be paid应付税额
amount tax exemption免税额
antidumping tax反倾销关税
appropriate rate of tax合理税率
assess a tax征税
assessment of tax税额评定
audit clerk of the tax税收稽核员
balance of the tax payable应缴税款余额
basic exemption for the classified income tax分类所得税的基本免税额
bathing tax浴池税
bilateral agreement on tax credit税收抵免互惠协定
calculated tax amount算定税额
carry-over of foreign tax外国税收扣除额结转
city planning tax城市规划税
common facilities tax公共设施税
confiscatory tax treatment征税工作中的没收处理
corporation franchise tax公司注册税
corporation profit tax公司利润税
corporation tax credit公司税抵免
corporation tax law公司税法
corporation tax rate公司税率
counter cyclical tax反周期税
creator of tax shield利用税法漏洞进行合法逃税的人
credit against corporation tax公司税抵免
credit against the estate and gift tax遗产与赠与税抵免
credit for tax on prior transfer早期资产转移税税收抵免
credit tax抵免税
crude oil equalization tax原油平均税
crude oil windfall profit tax原油意外利润税
current business income tax本期营业所得税
current tax本期纳税
current tax payment act现行纳税法
current tax system现行税则
current tax system本期税则
deed tax契约税
deed tax契据税
default of tax payment拖欠税款
defence tax防卫税
deferred investment tax credit递延投资减税额
deferred national tax refundments brought forward延期偿付国税滚存金
deferred tax迟交税金
deferred tax credit or debit递延税金贷项或借项
degressive tax递减税
degressive tax rates递减税率
direct tax直接税如个人所得税
direct tax credit直接税抵免
direct tax on consumer直接消费税
discriminatory tax差别税
discriminatory tax不公平税捐
discriminatory tax歧视性税捐
double income-tax relief双重所得税减免
double income-tax relief减免重复所得税
earnings after tax税后赢利
earnings before interest and tax未扣利息及税金收益
earnings before interest and tax付息及税前收益
eating, drinking and lodging tax食住消费税
elasticity of tax税收弹性
elasticity of tax to national income国民收入税收弹性
employee income tax withheld代扣职工所得税
employee income tax withhold代扣职工所得税
employer-employee payroll tax雇主—雇员工薪税
employer's annual federal unemployment tax return职工年度联邦失业税申报表
employer's payroll tax雇主工薪税
employment tax雇用税
enterprise tax公司税
equalization of tax捐税均等化
equalization of tax税捐均等化
evade payment of tax逃税
evade tax逃税
evade to pay income tax偷逃所得税
excess-profits tax超额利得利润
exempt from tax免税
exempt tax免税
exemption from income tax免征所得税
expenditure tax消费品税
export tax relief出口税减免
export tax relief减轻出口税
factory tax岀厂税
farm land tax农业税
farm land tax田赋
farm tax农业税
farm tax田赋
farm tax土地税
federal income tax联邦所得税
federal tax联邦税收
final annual income tax年度所得税
final annual income tax returns年度所得税申报表
forward shifting tax向前转嫁税
franchise tax特许税对特许经营的企业征收的税
fully tax全税
fully tax-exempt article全免税品
fully tax-exempt treasury securities全部免税国库券
fully tax-free article全免税品
fully tax-free goods全免税品
FUT tax〈美〉联邦失业保险税
gasoline tax汽油税
general property tax普通财产税
general sale tax营业税
general tax普通税
general tax一般税
general tax营业税
general tax on retail turnover一般零售营业税
generous tax holiday免税期
government tax revenue政府税收
graduated rate of tax累进税率
graduated tax rate累进税率
heritage tax遗产税
high progressive tax rates高累进税率
high way maintenance tax公路养路税
high-way hole tax公路隧道通行税
high-way maintenance tax养路税
high-way user tax公路使用税
imperial tax英国国税
incentive tax鼓励性税收
individual income adjustment tax个人所得调节税
individual income regulatory tax个人所得调节税
individual income tax law个人所得税法
individual income tax withheld代扣个人所得税
individual inhabitant tax个人居民税
input tax投入税
inspector of tax税收稽查员
integrated industrial and commercial tax工商统一税
intra-period income tax allocation期内所得税分摊
inventory tax存货税
investment income tax投资所得税
investment tax投资所得税
investment tax credit rules投资税抵免规定
irrational tax恶税
issue tax发行税
joint venture income tax合资企业所得税
land holding tax土地持有税
land price tax地价税
land tax地价税
land tax地租
land tax地税
land tax and other levies租税
land tax collected in kind征收实物土地税
land tax paid in kind交纳实物土地税
land tax paid in kind实物地租
landing tax入境税
land-value tax地价税
liability for payroll tax应付工资税
liability for payroll tax应付工资税责任
liability to pay tax负有纳税义务
light vehicle tax轻型车辆税
lighten a tax减税
lighten tax减税
liquor tax酒税
local inhabitant tax地方居民税
local road tax地方公路税
lump income tax总计所得税
lump-sum tax一次总缴税金
manufacturing tax制造税
maximum tax on earned income劳动所得最高税额
motor fuel tax机动车燃料税
multiple tax system复税制
negative income tax对最低收入的补贴
negative income tax〈美〉负所得税
negative tax负税收
negative wage tax负所得税措施即以高收入的累进所得税,以补贴最低收入者,维持其起码生活
net income after income tax税后净收益
net income after income tax缴纳所得税后净收益
net income after tax税后净收益
net income before tax税前净收益
net income retained after tax税后留用净收益
net of tax税后净额
net of tax扣税后净值
net of tax已扣税
net profit before tax税前净利
net rate of tax纯税率
net tax净税额
net-of-tax method税后净额计算法
net-of-tax reporting税后净额财务报表编制
net-of-tax treatment税后净额处理法
new tax law新税法
nominal tax象征性税收
note of assessment to tax估税单
occupation tax行业税
occupier's tax农民所得税
occupier's tax占用人所得税
ordinary tax普通税收
ordinary tax经常税收
outlay tax消费税
outlay tax间接税
outlay tax支出税
output tax产量税
outstanding advance for estimated tax未清偿的预付估计税款
partial tax transfer to local government地方政府税收分成
payroll tax工资所得税
payroll tax expense工资税费用
payroll tax expense工薪税支出
payroll tax return工资所得税申报表
personal income tax exemption个人所得税免税额
personal or real tax对个人或对物的征税
personal tax直接税即直接向应纳税人征收的税
personal tax relief个人税收减免额
petroleum revenue tax benefit石油收入税减免
plate tax牌照税
port tax港税
potential income as tax base以潜在收入为纳税基础
power to tax课税权
prior years' tax levies以前年度税款
private nuisance tax消费者所付小额税款
proportional tax比例税即依价值按比例征税
provide income tax所得税款准备
public utility tax公用事业税
raise a tax征收税款
raise income tax征收所得税
repeal a tax废止一项税收
requirement for tax exemption要求免税
schedular tax system居地征税制度
schedule of average rates of tax on taxable income应税所得平均税率表
scheduled tax税收类目表
securities transfer tax证券转让税
security issue tax证券发行税
self-employment, income tax自营所得税
self-employment tax自营税
single stage tax单一环节税收
single tax单一税指对一项收益只征一次税
slaughter-house tax屠宰税
split tax股本分散转移税
stamp tax印花税消费税
submit a tax return提交纳税申报表
summary income tax return简易所得税申报表
supplemental income tax追加所得税
supplemental tax附加税
take off a tax免税
take off a tax取消一种税
target jobs tax临时工作收入税
tax ability纳税能力
tax-accrual trust account应缴税款信托账户
tax accrued应缴税款
tax accrued应计税捐
tax adviser税务顾问
tax agent税务代理人
tax allocation within a period捐税当期分配
tax amount payable应纳税金
tax and dues税捐及应纳各费
tax and public dues税捐及公益应付款
tax anticipation租税预期券
tax anticipation bill〈美〉预期交税债券
tax-anticipation bond预期税收债券
tax-anticipation note税收预期票据
tax assessment税收估值
tax assessment确定税款全额
tax assessment roll税额评定表册
tax assessor税收评定人
tax assessor估税员
tax assessor查税员
tax assessor税务稽查员
tax audit税务审计
tax authority税务当局
tax base征税标的如销售税以销售额为基础
tax benefit税收受益
tax-benefit deferred递延税款抵免
tax benefit transfer受益转让课税法
tax break免税
tax break减税
tax burden赋税负担
tax carryback税款抵前
tax carryover税款滚存
tax certificate纳税证明
tax certificate免税证
tax certificate纳税证明书
tax code税务法规
tax collection税收
tax concession减税
tax consultant税务顾问专员
tax convention税收公约
tax court税务法庭
tax credit从股东股利中扣除税款
tax credit税款抵免
tax credit税收减免
tax credit scheme税收抵免方案
tax date纳税日期
tax day纳税日
tax day纳税日期
tax deducted before distribution分配前减除的税金
tax deductible在计算所得税时可予以扣除的
tax deductible可减免税的
tax deduction免税
tax deduction免税额
tax deduction税额扣减指从应纳税收入中扣除应免税金额
tax deferral for foreign-source income of foreign subsidiaries国外子公司国外来源收入的延期纳税
tax demand notice核定税款通知书
tax deposit certificate税金存单
tax dispensation税收制度
tax due应付税金
tax efficiency保税效率指课税率对投资的影响
tax equalization account税金平准账户
tax equity and fiscal responsibility act产权和财政责任课税法
tax escape逃税途径
tax examination税务调查
tax exempt债券利息免税的
tax-exempt bonds免税债券
tax exempt certificate免税证
tax-exempt exports免税出口
tax exempt item免税项目
tax farmer税款包收入
tax for the examination of deed验契税
tax foreclosure因未缴税而取消赎回权的没收财产
tax free无税的
tax-free bonds免税债券
tax-free company免税公司
tax-free corporation免税法人
tax-free dividends免税股息
tax-free exchanges and transfers免税资产交换与转让
tax-free export免税出口
tax-free import免税进口货
tax-free income免税收入
tax-free transaction免税交易
tax gatherer收税员
tax haven逃税乐园指将收入、利润转入低税国家以逃税
tax haven低税国
tax haven低税国家
tax holiday免税期为扶植工业和出口而规定一定期间为免税期
tax impact课税影响
tax impact课税冲击
tax in kind实物纳税
tax incentive税收刺激鼓励如鼓励投资、出口等
tax incidence间接税课税负担者
tax income课税收入
tax increase增税
tax inspector查税员
tax inspector税务稽查员
tax invoice纳税单据
tax item税收项目
tax levy征税
tax levy征收税款
tax lien征税留置权对拒交税款者,有权扣留其财产
tax load税负
tax loopholes偷税
tax loss税损
tax-loss carryback纳税亏损转回
tax-loss carryback赋税亏损抵算即纳税者可用一年度亏损抵销前后数年利润,以计算税收
tax-loss carryforward纳税亏损结转
tax-loss corporation税损公司
tax-loss corporation税收抵销的亏损公司即免激所得税的亏损公司
tax luxuries征收奢侈品税
tax make-up补税
tax mitigation合法避税
tax mitigation减轻税收
tax offset税收抵销
tax on acts行为税
tax on added value增值税
tax on aggregated income综合所得税
tax on bourse交易所税
tax on capital资本税
tax on commerce商业税
tax on deposit存款税
tax on dividends股息税
tax on exchange交易税
tax on export sales出口产品销售税
tax on goods and property货物及财产税
tax on gross profit basis毛利税
tax on house房产税
tax on import进口税
tax on income and profits所得利润税
tax on income from movable capital动产收入税
tax on landed property地产税
tax on licenses执照税
tax on mine矿山税
tax on natural resources自然资源税
tax on net profit basis纯利税
tax on operation营业税
tax on profit利润税
tax on revaluation重估税
tax on revaluation重新估价税
tax on revenue收益税
tax on sale of property买卖产业税
tax on sales销售税
tax on stalls摊点税
tax on sundry杂税
tax on superfluity奢侈品税
tax on the above-norm bonus超额奖金税
tax on trade交易税
tax on transfer of goods货物转让税
tax on transfer of technology技术转让税
tax on turnover交易税
tax on turnover营业税
tax on urban building城市建筑税
tax on urban building城市房产税
tax on write-up重估增值税
tax on write-up账面增值税
tax-option corporation享有纳税选择权的公司
tax oriented lease税惠租赁
tax overpaid多缴税款
tax paid完税
tax paid税金已付
tax-paid cost完税成本
tax-paid cost完税价
tax paid in money货币税
tax payment by self-assessment自估申报纳税
tax payment by substitute以代用品纳税
tax per head on slaughtered animal每头屠宰税
tax preference items优惠税率项目
tax prepayment预付税款
tax price开价
tax procedure纳税手续
tax recapture追收税款
tax receipts税单
tax reference price税收参考价格如原油牌价作为征税依据
tax reform税收改革
tax reform act〈美〉税收改革法
tax refund receivable应收税金退款
tax registration税务注册
tax regulation税贝
tax relief免税
tax relief减免税负
tax relief减免税款
tax relief bonds减税公债
tax retention ratio税后利润留存率
tax-return form纳税申报表
tax roll征税清单
tax sale欠税财产拍卖
tax sale纳税拍卖指为纳税而拍卖房地产
tax-saving notes纳税储蓄券
tax saving notes纳税储蓄券
tax schedules课税表
tax schedules税目表
tax selling抵税售出
tax selling纳税抛售指为纳税而抛售证券
tax sharing税收分担
tax shelter避税办法
tax shifting赋税转嫁
tax-slash bill减税法案
tax-spared loan免税贷款
tax staff税务员
tax stamp征收税印花
tax statistics税收统计
tax structure税租结构
tax system税收制度
tax title以不动产所有权抵税
tax tobacco and wine征收烟酒税
tax token纳税牌照
tax value课税价值
tax voucher税收单据
tax voucher纳税收据证明单
tax warrant征税授权书
tax withholding certificate预扣税款凭证
tax withholdings预扣税款
tax withholdings税金扣款
tax year征税年度即2月6日至次年2月5日
tourism tax旅游税
transfer tax on stocks股票过户税
transfer tax on stocks证券交易税
turnover tax law营业税法
two-tax bases method两税法
two-tax bases system两税制
urban real estate tax城市房地产税
value added tax增值税销售税的一种
vehicle and vessel license plate tax车船牌照税
vexations tax苛捐杂税
vexatious tax苛捐杂税
wage including tax税金在内的工资指税金未在工资额中扣除
wage-price-tax spiral工资一物价一税收螺旋上升
withhold income tax预扣所得税
withholding income tax预扣所得税
withholding income tax return扣缴所得税报表
withholding tax预扣税款即对存款利息、股息和工资等发付时代扣税款
withholding tax rate预扣税所得税税率
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