
Terms for subject Textile industry containing Tax | all forms | exact matches only
act of business tax营业税法
additional income tax追加所得税
adjusted rate of tax调后税率
adjusted rate of tax已调税率
adjustment tax调节税
after-tax deduction税后扣除
after-tax profit税后利润
after-tax profit纳税后利润
after-tax profit rate税后利润率
after-tax profit rate纳税后利润率
animal husbandry tax畜牧业税
antidumping tax反倾销税
basic rate of tax基本税率
border tax adjustment边界税调整
business profit tax商业利得税
capital gains tax rate资本收益税率
capital transfer tax资本过户税
capital transfer tax财产转移税
capital transfer tax资本转让税
chain-store tax联营商店税
charge for demand for tax in arrears滞纳税款催交费用
claim for tax refund请求退税
class of tax税别
collect tax征税
collector of tax税务员
collector of tax税收员
commercial profit tax商业利润税
commodity export tax商品出口税
commodity import tax商品进口税
commodity tax law商品税法
composite tax rate综合税率
comprehensive income tax综合所得税
concessional rate of tax优惠税率
concessional rate of tax特惠税率
corporation tax act公司税法
customs uplift tax外加关税
customs uplift tax附加关税
deduction after-tax税后扣除
delinquent tax滞纳税金
distributed profits tax分配利润税
distribution profit tax销售利润税
double income tax双重所得税
dumping tax倾销税
earning after tax税后收益
earning after tax税后盈余
earning after tax税后净利
earnings before interest and tax未扣利息及税金收益,付息与税前盈余
enterprise tax企业税
exemption from tax免税
existing tax现行税收
expenditure tax消费税
faculty principle of tax量力课税原则
free of income tax免付所得税
free of income tax免纳所得税
head tax人口税
highway user tax养路费
highway user tax养路税
highway user tax公路使用费
highway user tax公路使用税
house tax房税
immunity from tax免税
import duty tax输入税捐
import duty tax进口税捐
import tax输入税
imposition of tax关税课征
imposition of tax课税
imposition of tax征税
income after tax税后收益
income tax unit所得税单位
increment value tax增值税
individual tax个体税
individual tax单一税
individual tax个人税
industrial and commercial sales tax工商税
industrial-commercial tax工商税
inheritance tax law遗产税法
initial tax初税
initial tax原税
installment payment of tax分期缴税
interest equilibrium tax利息平准税
interest equilibrium tax利息平衡税
interest income tax利息所得税
internal tax law国内税法
international tax avoidance国际逃税
international tax evasion国际偷税
international tax information国际税务信息
international tax law国际税法
international trade tax进出口关税
international trade tax国际贸易税
international transit tax国际过境税
international transit tax国际通航税
investigation for tax税务调査
item of tax税目
levy tax抽税
levy tax征税
license tax许可证税
license tax执照税
livestock trade tax牲畜交易税
local improvement tax市政改良税
luxury turnover tax奢侈品销售税
management of tax税务管理
management of tax税款管理
management of tax关税管理
management of tax税收管理
mineral product tax矿产税
minimum rate of tax最低税率
mining tax矿业税
moderate protective tax适度保护关税
monopoly tax垄断税
monopoly tax专卖税
motor vehicle tax车辆税
multiple tax复税
multiple tax多重税
municipal income tax地方所得税
municipal inhabitants tax市镇居民税
national tax policy国家税收政策
negative tax免税
negative tax负税
negotiation of tax关税谈判
net income after tax纳税后净收入
net of indirect tax间接税已扣
net of tax税金已扣
net of tax纳税后净值
net of tax income税后净收入
net of tax method税后净额计算法
net of tax reporting税后净额财务报表编制
net profit after tax税后纯利
net profit after tax税后净利润
net worth tax净值税
net worth tax财产净值税
new corporation tax新公司所得税
non-tax income税外收入
non-tax income非税收收入
non-tax objective税外目的
non-tax objective非税目的
non-tax paid未付税
non-tax payment税外付款
non-tax payment税外支付
non-tax payment非征税支出
non-tax receipts税外收入
non-tax receipts非税收收入
non-tax revenue税外收入
non-tax revenue非税收收入
non-compliance of tax law不遵守税法
normal income tax正常所得税
occupation tax开业税
oil import tax石油进口税
ordinary tax普通税
organization tax设立税
outpost of tax office关卡
parallel tax平行税
patent tax专利税
pay after tax税后支付额
payroll tax雇员税
payroll tax就业税
payroll tax工薪税
penalty tax税款滞纳罚金
perennial tax永久税
personal expenditure tax个人支出税
personal expenditure tax个人消费税
personal holding company tax私人持股公司税
personal property tax私人财产税
personal tax个人税
personal tax reliefs个人税收减免
pilot tax领港费
pilot tax引航费
pilot tax导航费
postponement of tax税款延期缴纳
prepaid tax预付税款
prepayment of income tax预付所得税
prevailing rate of tax现行税率
price after tax税后价格
price before tax税前价格
price differential tax差价税
private income tax个人所得税
processing tax加工税
production tax生产税
profit after tax retained留用税后利润
progressive inheritance tax累进遗产税
progressive rate of tax累进税率
property tax payable应付财产税
property tax receivable应收财产税
purchase tax进货税
purchase tax采购税
railway tax铁路税
raise a tax加税
rapid tax write-off税款快速冲销
real property tax房地产税
real tax实税
recreation tax娱乐税
reduced tax rate减税税率
reduction of tax减税
refund of overpayment of tax退还溢缴税款
refund of tax退税
refundable tax应退税款
refuse to pay tax拒绝缴税
registration and licence tax注册登记及执照税
registration tax注册税
release of tax免税
release of tax lien税收留置解除
relief tax救济税
remission of tax免税
repayment of tax退税
repercussion of tax税收影响
requirement for tax税收要求
requirement for tax交税规定
requirement for tax exemption免税条件
requirement for tax exemption免税规定
requirement for tax exemption免税要求
reserve for corporation tax公司税准备
reserve for deferred tax递延税款准备
resource tax资源税
retail sales tax零售税
retaliatory tax报复性关税
revenue tax关税收入
revenue tax营业收入税
revenue tax财政税
salt tax盐税
securities exchange tax证券交易税
securities transactions tax证券交易税
service tax使用税
service tax服务税
service tax劳务税
shared tax分享的税收
shared tax分成的税收
single stage tax单一征收环节税收
single tax单一税则
single tax单税
single tax system单一税制
single tax system单税制
soak up tax吸收税
special property tax特定财产税
special purpose tax特种目的税
special tax特别税
special tax cut特别减税
special tax reduction特别减税
specific tax特定税
standard of tax rate税率标准
state income tax政府征收的所得税
state rate of tax法定税率
state tax官税
submit payment for tax缴纳税款
succession tax继承税
succession tax遗产税
supplementary rate of tax追加税率
supplementary tax附加税
supplementary tax追加税
supplementary tax survey附加税调査表
take-off a tax免税
take-off a tax取消一种税
tax account税务账户
tax account税务账目
tax accountant税务会计师
tax administration税务局
tax advisor税务顾问
tax allocation税收分配
tax allowance税收扣除[额]
tax allowance税收优待
tax and rates国税及地方税
tax apportionment税收分配
tax assessment征税查定
tax authority税务机关
tax-bearing capacity税负能力
tax-benefit rule税收受益规则
tax bond抵税公债
tax box税收栏
tax by ability按能力课税
tax by benefit按受惠程度课税
tax code税法
tax collected in advance预收税款
tax collection office税收稽征处
tax collector税务员
tax collector's uniform税务工作人员制服
tax collectors' uniform税务服
tax concession税收减让
tax credit纳税额扣除
tax credit method税收抵免法
tax cut削减关税
tax deductible item免税项目
tax deduction应纳税所得扣除
tax delinquency税金滞纳
tax differences计税差别
tax dirigism干预经济的税收政策
tax dispute税收争议
tax duplicate不动产估税证书
tax escape valves逃税途径
tax exclusions所得税除外项目
tax exclusions课税豁免
tax-exempt bond免税债券
tax-exempt imports免税进口货物
tax-exempt imports免税进口
tax-exempt interest免税利息
tax-exempt item免税项目
tax exemption certificate免税证
tax farming包税
tax forms纳税申报表
tax-free articles免税品
tax-free exports免税出口货
tax-free imports免税进口货
tax-free income免税所得
tax-free trade zone免税贸易区
tax function税务作用
tax fund税金
tax-gathering season征税季节
tax holiday低税期
tax in arrears滞纳税款
tax in jeopardy紧急课税
tax incentive for investment投资税收减让
tax included in the calculated price价内税
tax income税款收入
tax indemnity clause捐税补偿条款
tax investment避税投资
tax jurisdiction税收管辖权
tax law税收法
tax liability纳税责任
tax limit课税限额
tax limit税收限制点
tax-loss carryback税损回转与结转
tax-loss carryback纳税时亏损转回
tax-loss credit税捐贷项
tax neutrality税收中性
tax obligation纳税义务
tax offset税收抵消
tax option纳税选择权
tax paid定税
tax paid已付税款
tax paid cost完税价
tax paid in kind实物税
tax paradise避税场所
tax paradise避税港
tax payment date纳税期限
tax payment day纳税日
tax penalty税务罚款
tax policy税收政策
tax preferences税收优惠
tax privilege税收优惠
tax rate税级
tax rate税收等级
tax rate limit税率限度
tax rate table税率表
tax rebate出口退税
tax receipts税票
tax receivable应收税款
tax refunded已退税款
tax refunds税金退款
tax refunds退税
tax registration税务登记
tax regulation税务条例
tax reserve纳税准备
tax reserve缴税储备
tax reserve certificate纳税储备券
tax return报税单
tax return form纳税申报表格
tax revolt抗税
tax roll税款清册
tax roll税率
tax saving减少交税
tax schedules税率表
tax selling免税售出
tax sharing课税分成
tax sheltered account避税账户
tax sheltered account利息免税账户
tax shield避税手段
tax shield creator设法避税者
tax sparing税金减免
tax stamp印花税
tax take税收金额
tax timing税款调节
tax tobacco烟草税
tax treaty税务条约
timber delivery tax木材发运税
tobacco tax烟草税
tonnage tax船舶吨税
tonnage tax吨税
tonnage tax吨位税
total income tax所得税总额
total income tax总所得税
tourism income tax旅游所得税
tourist tax旅游税
trade tax贸易税
transaction tax交易税
transfer tax划拨税
transfer tax往国外汇款税
transfer tax过户税
transfer tax转让税
transfer tax on stock股票过户税
transfer tax on stock证券交易税
transference of tax revenue sources税源转移
transformation to tax transit税收消转
transit tax过境税
transportation tax交通税
travel tax旅游税
travel tax旅行税
two-tax based method两税法
uncollectible tax无法征收的税款
unemployment compensation tax失业救济税
unified income tax综合所得税
unit of tax征税单位
unit of tax课税单位
unit tax单位税
unpaid tax未付税款
value-added tax附加价值税
vehicle tax车辆税
visible customs tax有形关税
voluntary payment of tax自愿缴纳税款
wage including tax包括税金的工资
water-utilization tax水利受益税
windfall profits tax暴利税
windfall profits tax超额利润税
withholding of tax预扣税款
withholding of tax扣缴税款
withholding tax预提税
withholding tax扣除税
withholding tax credit预提税抵免
withholding tax offset预扣赋税抵消
withholding tax on dividends预扣股息税
withholding tax on interest利息预提税
withholding tax rate预提税率
withholding tax rate预扣税率
worth tax财富税
worth tax财产税