
Terms for subject International Monetary Fund containing Tax | all forms | exact matches only
anticyclical tax反周期税
average effective tax rate平均有效税率
blanket tax holiday综合免税期
border tax adjustment边境税收调整
broadening of the tax base税基的扩大
built-in elasticity of a tax system税制的内在弹性
buoyancy of a tax system税制的弹力
buoyancy of tax revenue税制的弹力
business license tax营业执照税
business profit tax营业利润税
capital gains tax资本利得税
cascade tax多阶段征税
collect tax征收
collect withholding tax for the government预扣
consumption tax消费税
coordinated financial transactions tax协调的金融交易税
corporate income tax公司所得税
credit against a tax税收抵免
currency transactions tax托宾税
death tax遗产税
death tax死亡税
death tax继承税
delinquent tax拖欠税款
delinquent tax滞纳税款
earmarked tax专用税收
elasticity of a tax system税收制度的弹性
emigration of the tax base税基的迁移
employer's payroll or manpower tax雇主根据工资单或职工人数交付的工资税
entry tax进口税
environmental tax绿色税收
environmental tax环境税
estate tax遗产税
excess tax burden过度负担
excess tax burden效率损失
excess tax burden无谓损失
excess tax burden过度税负
excise tax货物税
excise tax特种消费税
excise tax消费税
expenditure tax支出税
export tax出口税
file a tax return填写税单
file a tax return税收申报
financial stability tax金融稳定费
foreign tax credit外国税收抵免
general sales tax一般销售税
gift tax赠与税
Global Forum on Tax Transparency and Exchange of Information经合组织全球税收透明度与信息交换论坛
Global Forum on Transparency and Exchange of Information for Tax Purposes经合组织全球税收透明度与信息交换论坛
global tax全球税
graduated tax累进税
green tax绿色税收
green tax环境税
head tax人头税
income-split tax system分割性税制
income-split tax system收入分割性税制
indirect tax间接征税
inflation tax通货膨胀税
inflation tax Laffer curve通货膨胀拉弗曲线
inheritance tax遗产税
inheritance tax死亡税
inheritance tax继承税
interest equalization tax利息平衡税
interest rate equalization tax利息平衡税
International Tax Compact国际税收协定
International Tax Dialogue国际税务对话
investment tax credit投资税收抵免
marginal rate of tax taxation边际
multistage cumulative tax多阶段征税
occupational license tax营业执照税
payroll tax社会保险费
payroll tax工资税
personal income tax个人所得税
poll tax人头税
pollution tax污染税
profit tax利润税
progressive tax累进税
property tax财产税
real estate transfer tax不动产转让税
real property transfer tax不动产转让税
recurrent tax经常性税收
regressive tax递减税
regressive tax累退税
sales tax营业税
sales tax销售税
schedular tax分项税
schedular tax分类税
severance tax采掘税
severance tax开采税
shifting of tax税收转嫁
shifting of tax burden tax policy税收转嫁
single tax identification number纳税人识别号码
single-stage tax单一征收环节的税收
stamp tax印花税
tax abatement减税
tax administration function税收征管
tax agent税收代理
tax amnesty税收赦免
tax arbitrage税收套利
tax assessment估税
tax assessment核定税款
tax assignment税款划分
tax audit税收稽核
tax authority税收当局
tax avoidance避税
tax base课税基础
tax base税基
tax-based income policy以税收为基础的收入政策
tax-based incomes policy以税收为基础的收入政策
tax bearing税负
tax benefit税收减免
tax benefit税收优惠
tax bracket税率等级
tax break税收减免
tax buoyancy税制的弹力
tax burden税负
tax burden税收负担
tax clearance完税单
tax clearance完税
tax clearing certificate完税单
tax clearing certificate完税
tax collection税收稽征
tax collection征税
tax competition税收竞争
tax compliance纳税义务
tax compliance依法纳税
tax compliance纳税人依法纳税
tax concession税收减免
tax concession税收优惠
tax credit税收抵免
tax cut减税
tax deductible免征额
tax deduction税收减免
tax deferral延期纳税
tax delinquency税款拖欠
tax dodge税收逃避
tax due应付税款
tax effort税收努力
tax effort财政努力
tax elasticity税收弹性
tax enforcement税法的执行
tax equity纳税公平
tax evasion偷税漏税
tax exemption免税
tax expenditure税收支出
tax fairness纳税公平
tax haven避税港
tax holiday免税期
tax identification number纳税人识别号码
tax incentive税收鼓励
tax incidence征税的影响范围
tax incidence课税归宿
tax incidence赋税归宿
tax inspection税收稽查
tax law税法
tax liability纳税义务
tax loophole税收漏洞
tax loophole税法漏洞
tax loss carryback税务亏损往前结转
tax loss carryforward赋税亏损结转
tax loss carryforward移后扣减
tax loss carryover赋税亏损结转
tax loss carryover移后扣减
tax offset退税
tax on property财产税
tax on wealth财富税
tax optimization税收最优化
Tax Policy Division税收政策处
tax preference税务优惠
tax privilege税收特惠
tax rate税率
tax ratio税收系数
tax ratio税收比率
tax rebate退税
tax receipts税款收入
tax receipts税收收入
tax refund退税
tax relief税收减免
tax return纳税申报表
tax revenue税款收入
tax revenue税收收入
tax revenue sharing分税
tax revenue sharing税收分享
tax revenue sharing税收分成
tax saving节税
tax saving税收节减
tax sharing arrangement税收分享
tax sharing arrangement分税
tax sharing arrangement税收分成
tax shelter避税港
tax shield税收挡避
tax smoothing税收平稳
tax sparing税收饶让抵免
tax sparing税收饶让
tax sparing credit税收饶让抵免
tax sparing credit税收饶让
tax stamp印花税票
tax stamp印花
tax threshold起征额
tax threshold税款起征点
tax war税收竞争
tax wedge税后的价差
tax wedge税收楔子
tax withheld预扣税款
tax withholding从源扣缴
tax withholding税收预扣
tax year taxation财年
tax year taxation基年
tax year taxation税年
tax yield税款收入
tax yield税收收入
Tobin tax托宾税
transfer tax转运税
transfer tax交易税
turnover tax流转税
value-added tax增值税
wealth tax财富税
withhold tax预扣
withholding tax预扣税