
Terms containing Taking | all forms | exact matches only
gen.A shop that sells western style trousers just opened on the street corner. How about taking a look?街口拐角处新开了一家专卖西裤的商店,去看一看怎么样?
busin.actual taking实际取得
AI.advice taking采纳建议法
ITadvice-taking Turing machine接受建议型图灵机
tech.aerial photo-taking organization航摄机构
interntl.trade.application for taking out samples of goods in bond支取保管样品申请书
busin.application for taking out samples of goods in bond申请从保税仓库内取出样品
dentist.Are you taking any form of medication regularly?您目前服用药物吗?
dentist.Are you taking any medicines or drugs?您目前服用药物吗?
econ.As the demand increases, we are taking great efforts to step up production of garments of the latest fashions由于需求增加,我们正努力加速生产最新式样的服装
geophys.automatic picture taking自动摄像
earth.sc.automatic picture taking自动摄影
fin.avoid excessive risk-taking防范过度冒险
tab.tenn.ball taking球经
busin.ballast taking equipment扒渣设备
China, lawbe responsible for taking the initiative负责领导
hockey.best player in taking face-offs最佳争球队员
dentist.bite taking咬合记录
med.appl.blood taking needle采血针
anim.husb.blood taking needle刺血针
manag.book inventory taking帐面盘存
proj.manag.business of taking deposits接受存款业务
el.camera taking characteristic摄像机光谱特性
tech.case of enforcement of taking up land unlawfully非法占用土地强制执行案
med.case taking病案记录
busin.circular of stock-taking盘点存货通知
manag.circular of stock taking点查存货通知
busin.circular of stock-taking商店盘存通告
tech.circular of stock-taking盘存点货通知
busin.constructive taking推定取得
proj.manag.Contingency planning, once taboo, is taking shape一度被禁止的应急计划已初步成形
busin.continuous stock taking连续清点存货
busin.continuous stock taking连续盘存
busin.continuous stock taking method永续盘存法
busin.continuous stock taking system永续盘存制
China, polit.Convention on the Taking of Evidence Abroad in Civil or Commercial Matters关于从国外调取民事或商事证据的公约
busin.cost taking成本计算
interntl.trade.cost taking成本记录
interntl.trade.cost taking成本采算
busin.cost taking成本记录计算
busin.cost-taking control成本计算控制
busin.cost-taking control system成本计算控制系统
econ.counter letter of under taking反担保
fin.crime by taking advantage of credit cards信用卡犯罪
fin.crime of taking a bribe in economic activities经济受贿罪
securit.damp risk-taking控制冒险行动
sport.delay the taking of throw延误传球时间
railw.delivery and taking over of tokens交付行车凭证
China, lawdelivery-taking提取标的物
IMF.deposit taking banking接受存款
IMF.deposit taking banking吸收存款
securit.deposit taking吸收存款
econ.deposit taking company接受存款公司
fin.deposit-taking company接受存款公司
securit.deposit-taking company存款公司
securit.deposit-taking company接受存款公司 (DTC)
econ.deposit-taking institution接受存款机构
tech.deposit-taking institutions接受存款机构
proj.manag.deposit-taking licence接受存款牌照
oildifferential taking-up mechanism差微式卷取装置
gen.Excuse me. Do you mind taking us pictures? You can just press the button here不好意思,能帮忙拍个照吗?只要按这个按键就好
tab.tenn.fast taking快带
securit.financials taking a beating承受打击的金融机构/金融股
nurs.food prohibited on taking medicine服药忌口
busin.gain on inventory taking盘盈
corp.gov.granting and taking of annual leave给予和享用年假
gymn.handspring forward taking off with two legs双脚起跳鱼跃前手翻 (stretched)
gen.He adjusted the shutter before taking a photo在照相前,他调整了快门
earth.sc.high resolution picture taking高分辨率摄像系统
anim.husb.history taking病史采集
anim.husb.history taking病史调査
dentist.If you have any strange feeling, please let me know about it. Impression taking如果您有任何不舒服,请让我知道。
spaceimage taking图像摄取
dentist.impression taking取印模
tech.impression taking取模
China, polit.industries taking advantage of local characteristics and strengths特色优势产业
corp.gov.informed risk taking知情承担风险
corp.gov.informed risk-taking知情承担风险
polygr.inking; inking up; ink taking上墨
securit.innovative, nimble, risk-taking management culture创新、灵活、敢冒风险的管理文化指投资银行文化
China, lawinspection by taking sample抽样检验
China, polit.International Convention Against the Taking of Hostages反对劫持人质国际公约
busin.International Under taking on Food Security粮食安全国际协定
econ.inventory taking盘点存货 (count)
interntl.trade.inventory taking盘存
busin.inventory taking盘点
busin.inventory taking on spot实地盘点
proj.manag.licensed deposit-taking company持牌接受存款公司
tech.light-taking window采光窗
securit.listed companies' stake-taking company上市公司的投资参股公司
securit.listed companies taking stakes in financial institution上市公司参股金融机构
securit.listed companies taking stakes in non-listed bank上市公司参股非上市银行
proj.manag.locally incorporated deposit-taking company本地注册接受存款公司
plast.machine for taking-off the burr修边机
China, polit.maintain law and order by taking comprehensive measures, improve all facets of public security社会治安综合治理
textilemeasurement taking尺寸测量
met.mechanical sample taking equipment机械取样设备
eng.geol.method of sample taking岩样分选法
eng.geol.method of sample taking采样法
tech.method of taking samples取样法
tech.method of taking samples采样法
securit.mixed form of ownership with public ownership taking the leading role公有制主导下的混合型所有制形式
nautic., tech.moderate waves, taking a more pronounced long form, many white horses are formed chance of some spray中浪,具有较显著的长波形状,白流很多偶有 飞沫
expl.moisture-taking test受潮试验将民用爆破器材置于一定温度和湿度条件下,考察其防潮性能的试验
proj.manag.New York's scheme emphasizes taking risks, with the expectation of the high failure-rate typical in a venture capital fund纽约的方案强调的是冒险、很有代表性的就是创业资本基金的高失败率的预期
dentist.Now, I'm taking an X-ray现在,我要照了
econ.number of purchases and sales taking place买和卖的次数
China, lawobligation of taking care of保管义务
tech.opening for taking out cullet掏碎玻璃孔
tech.operating procedure of taking-out placing-in of local car本站作业车的取送技术作业过程
railw.operation for placing-in and taking-out of wagons取送车作业
busin.overage and shortage on inventory taking盘存盈亏
China, lawoverdue delivery-taking逾期提取标的物
gen.Perhaps it would be better if you started taking public transport to work没准你乘坐公共交通工具去上班会好一些
textileperiodical stock taking method定期盘点法
busin.periodical stock-taking method定期盘点法
manag.periodical stock taking metod定期盘点法
gen.persist in taking the road of self-reliance坚持自力更生的道路
China, polit.persist unswervingly in taking the road of peaceful development坚定不移地走和平发展道路
tech.picture taking wavelength摄影波长
tech.place of taking in charge接受货物负责处理的地点
commun., railw.placing-in and taking-out of cars取送车
gen.Please refrain from taking any stimulants请避免接受任何刺激物
econ.price taking抢帽子 (在交易所靠买空卖空的价差获价)
busin.price taking抢帽子
interntl.trade.profit taking套购牟利
interntl.trade.profit taking"抢帽子"靠买空卖空之差额而获利润
ecol.profit taking获取利润
tech.profit taking见利抛售
busin.profit taking牟利指靠买空卖空的差额而获利
IMF.profit taking获取利润
fin.profit taking获利回吐
busin.profit taking见利补进
securit.profit taking获利抛售
securit.profit taking利润获取
adv.profit-taking strategy套利策略
commun., railw.program of placing-in and taking-out of wagons取送作业钩计划
securit.provisional taking over临时回收
econ.public under-takings事业单位
China, lawquarrying and taking sand采石取沙
tab.tenn.quick taking快带
dril.quick taking cement速凝水泥
hydroel.st.quick-taking cement快凝水泥
hydroel.st.quick-taking cement速凝水泥
tech.quick taking cement快凝水泥
tech.quickly taking cement早凝水泥
construct.quickly taking cement快〔早〕凝水泥
bridg.constr.quickly-taking cement快凝水泥
tech.quickly taking cement快凝水泥
tech.raw materials taked from the soil and air在土壤和空气中得到的原料
fin.reaffirm the commitment of not taking new trade protectionist measures重申不采取新的贸易保护主义措施的承诺
proj.manag.registered deposit-taking company注册接受存款公司
busin.remove an official for taking bribes职员因受贿免职
China, lawright to water taking取水权
labor.org.risk taking冒风险
textilerisk taking保险承担
sport., psychol.risk-taking behavior冒险行为
IMF.risk-taking capacity承担风险的能力
securit.risk-taking company承担风险的企业
UN, tech.risk-taking ethos and behaviour in the military, which is part of the make-up of any soldier军人的冒险性格和行为,这是任何士兵气质的一部分
tech.rock taking-up卧底
labor.org.role taking角色扮演
busin.role taking角色选取
stat.sample taking抽样
tech.sample taking and preparation of coal煤的采样和制样
dril.sample-taking gun井壁取心器
tech.sample taking of aggregate骨料取样
tech.sampling taking取样
gen.She has been taking an over- the- counter appetite suppressant containing phenylpropanol- amine daily during the past year在过去一年,她一直在吃含有苯丙醇胺的抑制食欲的非处方药
textileshortage of inventory taking盘损
textileshortage of inventory taking盘亏
railw.shunting for taking-out and placing-in of wagons取送调车
desert.silt-quantity taked through interbasin transfer跨流域引水挟沙量
desert.silt-quantity taked through irrigation灌溉挟沙量
anim.husb.skep for taking诱扑分群的蜂窝
agric.skep for taking swarms收捕分蜂群用草窠
hydroel.st.slow-taking cement缓凝水泥
hydroel.st.slow-taking cement慢凝水泥
hydroel.st.slowly taking cement缓凝水泥
hydroel.st.slowly taking cement慢凝水泥
fin.small and medium-sized deposit-taking banks中小型储蓄银行
agric.spawn-taking operation挤卵操作
commer.speculate by taking a short position on the market在市场上投机卖空
securit.stake-taking in non-listed financial enterprises参股非上市金融企业
securit.stake-taking risk disclosure披露参股风险
tech.stock taking盘货
tech.stock taking库存盘点
agric.stock taking财产清册
econ.stock taking商品盘点
interntl.trade.stock taking盘存
interntl.trade.stock taking盘点存货
interntl.trade.stock taking清货
agric.stock taking狭义森林调查
agric.stock taking生产资料清单
tech.stock taking盘点
tech.stock taking清查存货
busin.stock taking清点存货
busin.stock taking存货盘点
tech.stock taking成果调查
busin.sum up one's taking总计所得
tech.system of holding administrative director taking full responsibility of environmental protection环境保护首长责任制
China, lawsystem of people's assessor taking part in trial人民陪审员陪审的制度
econ.taking a bath冲销
interntl.trade.taking a bath注销一笔巨大损失
busin.taking a bath注销一大笔损失
tech.taking a bath发生一笔巨大损失
tech.taking a departure最后离港定位
nurs.taking a dose all at once顿服
rugb.taking a mark成功接球
rugb.taking a mark合法接球
proj.manag.Taking a part-time job plays a -very important role in cultivating a sense of independence, professional skills, and adaptability in a person勤工俭学可以培养一个人的独立意识、职业技能和适应能力
gen.taking a reservation over the phone电话预订
tech.taking a squeeze取模
gen.Taking a taxi here means there is no need for tip at all在这里打车不需要给小费
securit.taking a view预测特指英国关于利息比率、证券价格和证券收益的预测
gen.taking it all in all总的说来
gen.taking it all in all从各方面来看
gen.taking all things together总起来说
gen.taking all things together一般说来
gen.taking all things together总而言之
gen.taking all things together整个说来
tech.taking angle物镜视角
tech.taking angle摄影角度
tech.taking apart for inspection分解检查
interntl.trade.taking at sea海上捕获扣押
anim.husb.taking away of the straw mat簇中抽垫
anim.husb.taking away of the straw mat抽纸
busin.taking back assets from foreign countries收回境外资产
securit.taking back security with subordinated debt赎回附有次级债务的证券
dril.taking bullet取心弹
tech.taking civil action起诉
desert.taking core取芯
textiletaking delivery收取支付
textiletaking delivery收货
China, lawtaking delivery提取标的物
insur.taking delivery against letter of guarantee凭担保函提货
cust.taking delivery and customs clearance接货和报关
tech.taking disturbance sample取样扰动样
tech.taking disturbance soil sample取样扰动土样
archit.taking down拆卸除,毁 (work, 作业)
tech.taking-down time玻璃液冷却时间
el.taking down time-voltage characteristic电压-时间特性测试
el.taking down time-voltage characteristic带延时的电压试验
tech.taking-down work拆卸作业
tech.taking earth from borrow pits堤旁取土
textiletaking in归拢打裥缝纫
textiletaking in归拢缝纫
interntl.trade.taking in an additional tow加拖增加被拖船只
shipb.taking in an additional tug增加拖轮
interntl.trade.taking in charge承运
interntl.trade.taking in charge接管
tech.taking-in charge接管
interntl.trade.taking in charge of the goods接管货物
tech.taking-in cock进给旋塞
interntl.trade.taking in tow lot by lot,分批拖带
shipb.taking in tows lot by lot分批拖带
agric.taking into account考虑
agric.taking into account计算
interntl.trade.taking inventory盘存
manag.taking inventory盘货
gen.taking it all in all就整个而言
gen.taking it all in all总而言之
tech.taking lens拍摄镜头
tech.taking lens取像透镜
textiletaking measurement采寸
textiletaking measurement量身
nurs.taking medicine after infusion冲服
nurs.taking medicine after meals饭后服
nurs.taking medicine before meals饭前服
nurs.taking medicine before sleep临睡前服
nurs.taking medicine between meals食间服
nurs.taking medicine cold冷服
nurs.taking medicine hot热服
nurs.taking medicine warm温服
nurs.taking medicine with empty stomach空腹服
securit.taking money on deposit接受存款
securit.taking of a long future买人长仓期货
securit.taking of a short future买人短仓期货
tech.taking of bearings方位测定
environ.taking of evidence In criminal law and torts, the act of laying hold upon an evidence, with or without removing the same掌握证据 (在犯罪或侵权中,持有证据的行为,有或者没有删除相同。)
gen.taking of pattern制图
gen.taking of pattern造型
tech.taking of samples取样
leath.taking off剥皮
textiletaking off服装改瘦
textiletaking off衣服改瘦
tech.taking-off列工程项目 (计算工程量的步骤之一)
securit.taking off a leg抬一脚退出 (构成价差交易的两个期权仓量为两脚,结清一个仓量则为抬一脚)
securit.taking off a leg抽身
athlet.taking-off box植杆箱
athlet.taking-off box插杆穴
tech.taking-off the embargo取消封港
tech.taking on board准许上船
gen.taking one with another大体上
gen.taking one thing with another总的看来
gen.taking one thing with another平均计算
gen.taking one thing with another大概
gen.taking one with another大概
gen.taking one with another大体〔总的〕看来
securit.taking out a loan借出债款
tech.taking-out and placing-in of cars取送调车
tech.taking-out and placing-in of passenger train stock车底取送
econ.taking out of service列入报废
el.taking out steam抽汽
busin.taking out turns倒空
tech.taking out turns换倒铅
anim.husb.taking out two-cocoons双抄
patents.taking over an international standard in a national normative document采用国际标准 在国家规范性文件中
tech.taking over an international standard接受一个国际标准
hydroel.st.taking-over certificate接收证书
tech.taking-over certificate工程验收证书
tech.taking-over certificate移交证书
hydroel.st.taking-over notice接收通知
construct.taking over of parts of the works对部分工程的接收
tech.taking-over of sections or parts区段或部分的移交
construct.taking over of the works and sections工程或区段的接收
handb.taking over the player in defense补位
busin.taking physical inventory实物盘存
tech.taking position拍摄位置
bridg.constr.taking precautions against fire采取的防火措施
construct.taking primaries摄像三原〔基〕色
tech.taking primaries摄像三原色
tech.taking rate摄影速度
el.taking risk承担风险
tech.taking root生根
agric.taking root扎根 (radicatio)
agric.taking root发根
tech.taking root成活
tech.taking scale摄影比例尺
bridg.constr.taking shape成形
tech.taking steel as the key link以钢为纲
tech.taking substandard products as fine products以次充好
footb.taking the ball on the inside of the foot脚内侧接球
shipb.Taking the quality into consideration, I think the price is reasonable.结合质量考虑,我认为这个价格是合理的。
econ.Taking the quality into consideration, I think you should increase the price by 2%从质量方面考虑,我认为你方应加价 2%
securit.taking the street扫街快速从股市上大量吃进某股
gen.Taking the subway would be a lot less stressful than driving坐地铁就不会像开车那样精神紧张
gen.taking together一并考虑
gen.taking together合起来看
tech.taking topography测地形
tech.taking turns in S-shaped motion轮对蛇行
tech.taking ullage测量油柜缺量
textiletaking up服装改短
textiletaking up衣服改短
forestr.taking up拔除
agric.taking up收取
met.taking-up equipment收线设备
met.taking-up equipment卷取设备
el.mach.taking-up machine卷取机
tech.taking-up of play设置游隙
row.taking up position for the regatta就位准备
tech.taking wrong train错乘【铁】
tech.taking wrong train误乘
fenc.takings of the blade缠绕剑
manag.technique for taking inventory盘存技术
manag.technique for taking inventory盘存方法
shipb.test of diesel generator for taking on a full load suddenly柴油发电机突然加载试验
shipb.test of diesel generator for taking on a full load suddenly柴油发电机突加负荷试验
econ.The computer company is taking the risk of exhausting its budget in developing this new product这家计算机公司冒着用尽预算资金的风险开发此新产品
gen.The congestion is so bad during rush hour that even taking a bus proves to be a dreaded ordeal now!上下班高峰时的交通更加拥堵不堪,这时乘坐公共汽车简直是一场可怕的折磨啊
securit.The Deposit-Taking Companies Association存款公司协会
econ.The factory is taking all responsible steps to ensure the expansion of production facilities该工厂正在采取一切负责的措施,以保证扩充生产设施
econ.The management is taking necessary steps to overcome the difficulties encountered管理部门正在采取必要的措施以克服遇到的各种困难
expl.The messenger undertook to get to his destination before daybreak by taking a short-cut通信兵想抄近路争取在天亮之前赶到指定位置
checkers.the most taking rule最多吃子原则
China, polit.the proportion of peasants taking part in the elections农民的参选率
econ.The secretary was taking dictation from the manager by shorthand秘书正在把经理的口授速记下来
footwearThey say flip-flops force people to change the way they walk so that when taking a stride they put pressure on the outside of their feet, rather than their heels, causing long-term damage人们说,穿人字拖强行改变了人们走路的方式。走路时,压力集中到了脚掌外侧,而不是脚跟,这会造成慢性损伤
gen.This is a souvenir that I'm taking to Taiwan这是要带去台湾的纪念品
tech.time taking记时
tech.time taking时间读数
gen.Try not to jerk the camera when taking a photograph拍照时照相机不要晃
gen.Typically, your period should start again within three months after you stop taking the pill一般来说,停药后三个月应该会恢复正常的月经来潮
proj.manag.use before taking over移交前的使用
tech.use before taking over移交前使用
tech.value after the taking土地征用后价值
tech.value before the taking土地征用前价值
China, lawviolate the trading rule by taking advantage of one's post利用职务违反交易规则
busin.vote-taking element获选因素
hydroel.st.water-taking at different levels分层取水
tech.water taking bottle泵水瓶
oilwater-taking efficiency吸水效率
ecol.water taking sediment挟沙水体
gen.We are taking CA0001 for Beijing, China. Could you please tell me which gate I should get on board?我们要乘 CA0001前往中国北京,请问应该在几号登机口登机?
commer.We're taking measures to improve the quality of our products我们正在采取措施改进产品质量
cloth.When taking measurements of the body, shoes may not be worn量体时应脱鞋
China, lawwithout taking any safety measure未采取安全措施
econ.Your action of taking that computer out of the country is not lawful你把那台计算机运出境外是不合法的