
Terms for subject Business containing Take | all forms | exact matches only
ability to take the burden承担能力
base on fact and take law as the criterion以事实为依据、法律为准绳
choosing the best to take on staff择优录用
give and take协商
give and take妥协
give and take交换意见
give and take互让
give and take平等交换
give-and-take trade平等交换贸易指两国间进行等额易货
If we conclude the business on CIF basis, what coverage will you take out for the bearings?如果我们的轴承以到岸价成交,你们负责投保哪些险别?
reverse take-over反向兼并
reverse take-over bid倒接收递价
take a flier冒险行事
take a flier投机
take a flier冒险股票买卖
take a long position作多头交易
take a note of记录〔下〕
take a sheet off a hedge公然窃取
take a short position作空头交易
take advantage of the present market conditions to buy at cheap prices利用当前市场情况以低价买进
take an account of stocks清点存货
take an inventory of...盘存
"take and pay" contract给付合同
take as heir以继承人身份获得财产
take away one's capital夺走某人资金
take back one's promise收回承诺
take back one's promise撤销诺言
take both public and private interests into account公私兼顾
take care注意
take care小心
take care of负…责任
take care of管理
take cognizance of受理案件
take delivery of the goods提货买方向卖方提取所购货物
take down记录
take down拆卸
take effect as from this day's date自当日起生效
take effect from自…开始生效
take effective measures采取有效措施
take exception to提岀异议
take exception to提出异议
take for granted想当然
take for granted臆断
take-home foods家用方便食品
"take-if-delivered" contract保护购买契约
take in订阅报刊
take into account考虑到
take into account入账
take into effect生效
take inventory清点存货
take inventory盘存
take issue采取反对立场
take law as the criterion以法律为准绳
take legal action法律起诉
take measures采取步骤
take names扣留他人动产
take occasion to抓住时机
take off a tax免税
take off a tax取消一种税
take off in economic development经济发展腾飞
take off of the economy经济起飞
take-off run available滑跑距离
take off the embargo取消禁运
take off the price减价
take off the price减…价格
take off the responsibility免责
take off the restriction取消限制
take office就职
take on a board装载上船
take on a new business开办新业务
take on an enterprise创办企业
take on enterprise创办企业
take on extra work雇用临时工
take on extra workers雇佣临时工
take or pay contract照付不议合同
take or pay contract of project financing项目融资收付合同
take order取订单
"take-or-pay" agreement或取或付协议
take out a patent for得到…专利权
take out a patent for取得…专利权
take out an insurance policy投保
take out an insurance policy领到保险单
take out an overdraft透支
take-out commitment抵偿承诺
take... out in接受…作为抵偿
take out loan取代贷款
take out of bond由保税仓库中提岀
take out of bond从保税仓库中提出
take over a business接管业务
take over a company接管公司
Take-Over Bid吸收合并出价
Take-Over Bid出价
Take-Over Bid出价盘进
take-over bid收购一家公司
take over goods收货
take over the estate undivided原封不动地接管产业
take part of the debt out in goods以货物抵充部分债务
take position轧进头寸
take possession of取得所有权
take precautions against casualties防灾
take proceedings起诉
take remedial action采取补救措施
take something as a pledge以物为抵押
take stock of the situation估计形势
take the chair担任主席
take the diagram制图
take the evidence保全证据
take the risk承担风险
take the sample获得样本
take to task指责
take to task责备
take up认购
take up赎回票据等
take up全部买去
take up承兑汇票等
take up付清
take up a bill承兑汇票
take up a bill赎票
take up a post就职
take up bill付清账单
take up bill赎单
take up one's note at the bank when due按期结清银行支票
take up one's old occupation复业重操旧业
take up one's indenture服务期满
take up securities认购有价证券
take with replacement采用替换办法
take your time相机便宜处理
When we compare prices, we must first take into account the quality of the products在比较价格的时候,质量是我们首先必须考虑的