
Terms for subject Technology containing Take | all forms | exact matches only
action to take指定采取行动
air-operated take-up气动张紧装置
area take-off粗略估计 (面积)
area take-off粗略估算
area take-off面积的粗略估算
assisted take-off rocket火箭助推器
automatic take-up device自动张紧装置
backward take倒拍
basic take-off runway length起飞用跑道的基本长度
bearing take up轴承拉紧
block take-off开挖设备
blow-take off tower吹脱塔
cable take-up钢绳弹性收缩 (钻头冲击井底后)
cable take-up system钢丝绳收紧装置
calender take-off system轮压机启动系统
central well down take evaporator中央降液管蒸发器
central well down take evaporator中央循环管蒸发器
centre take-off water中心出水
collapse to take up their natural angle of repose坍到其自然休止角
conventional take-off landing常规起飞降落
corrosion with oxygen take-up耗氧腐蚀
cost of port development planned to take place规划所要进行港口发展的费用
crawler take-up履带松紧调节装置
current take-off电流切断
data take-off数据消除
direction of take off起飞方向
dryer take-off unit干燥窑出料装置
ejector type vertical take-off and landing aircraft射流器式垂直起落飞机
fabric take-off织物卷取
fabric take-up织物卷取
fabric take-up and batching device织物卷取和打卷装置
failure to take delivery未提货物
film take-up spool胶卷收片轴 (测斜仪)
front power take-off前部功率输出端
gasoline gage take unit汽油油位表传感器
gasoline gauge take unit汽油油位表传感器
give-and-take互让 (的)
give-and-take交换 (的)
give-and-take折中 (的)
give-and-take协商 (的)
give-and-take lines计算不规形面积的取舍线
give-and-take lines计算不规形面积的取舍线
give-and-take trade平等交换贸易
gravity take-up重锤式张紧装置
grout take耗浆量
hand-winch take-up手摇绞车拉紧装置
horizontal gravity take up水平重锤拉紧装置
horizontal take-off水平起飞
hydraulic power take-off液压驱动功率输出轴
I can take a spring like this one and stretch it to the point that it no longer behaves like Hooke's Law我能把这样一个弹簧拉伸到临界点,这样它就不再遵循胡克定律
jet assisted take-off unit喷气起飞助推器
landing and take-off cycle起飞着陆循环
live power take-off独立式功率输出轴
manual take-over drive手动传动装置
members of take-apart拆卸人数
mortgage take-back抵押收回
negative take负结果
oblique take-off倾斜航迹起飞
off-take出口 (指水、气、 汽、油等)
off-take drift排水平峒
off-take main排水干管
off-take pipe排水管 (道)
off-take piping排水管 (道)
off-take point排水点
off-take structure分水建筑物
off-loom take-up motion脱机卷取动作
overhead take-off架空线出线 (端)
overhead take-off机顶落布
permission to take off允许起飞
pneumatic take-down气流牵拉
positive worm take-up motion蜗轮式积极卷取运动
power take-off功率输出端
power take-off动力输出
quantity take off工程量计算
quick grip take in快速压紧装置
quiet take-off and landing无声起飞与着陆
rear power take-off shaft后动力输出轴
required take-off distance起飞需用跑道长度
required take-off run起飞需用滑跑距离
rocket assisted take off gear火箭助推起飞装置
rolling take-off边部平衡拉引
rough-field take-off土跑道起飞
screw take-up螺杆拉杆装置
self-compensating take-up自动补偿拉紧装置
self-lube take-up unit自润滑滑块式轴承箱组
sound take-off检出声信号
speedometer take off shaft速度计传动轴
spring take-up弹簧张紧装置
suction take-down吸风式牵拉
tail-pulley screw take-up尾轮螺旋拉紧装置
take a bearing测方位
take a bearing测方向
take a chance on wrenching bits out of round拧管时把丝扣拧坏
take a core提取岩芯
take a core取芯
take a drift测航偏角
take a hitch on用绞车提取
take a lot of work费工
take a photograph摄影
take a picture给井内事故打印痕
take a profiteering attitude投机心理
take a range测距
take a reading读数
take a risk接受保险
take a sample for examination and test取样检验
take a spell接班
take a stand表态
take a strain on pipe夹住钻杆并拉紧
take a stretch on pipe拉紧钻杆柱测量钻杆柱拉紧伸长量 (以确定卡钻位置)
take a turn转一圈
take altitude定标高
take an offing驶向海面
take-and-pay contract提货与付款合同
take apart拆卸
take apart拆装
take-away belt接取装置 (conveyer)
take-away belt引出装置 (conveyer)
take-away capacity卸货能力
take back a mortgage收回抵押权
take bearing定方位
take one's bearings査明〔确定〕自己的方位
take care of保管
take charge of担任
take charge of负责人
take charge of接办
take delivery受领
take departure驶出
take-down square可卸钢角尺
take-down time释放时间
take effect施行
take effect实施
take effect as from this day's date今天起生效
take elevation抄平【测】
take full account of充分估计
take good care of experimental fields爱护农业试验地
take hold夹住
take-hold pressure维持压强
take home engine应急返航发动机
take-home pay实际工资
take-home pay扣除税捐等后的实发工资
take-home pay实发工资
take-home pay扣除捐税后的实得工资
take in工人装窑
take in an aircraft引导飞机着陆方向
take-in device夹具
take-in fork装窑用叉子
take in oxygen吸进氧气
take in sail缩帆
take in tow拖带
take in water装水
take into consideration加以考虑
take it or leave it自由取舍
take it or leave it自由选择
take leveling抄平测量【测】
take levelling抄平测量【测】
take levels抄平【测】
take means采取手段
take measure of测定
take measures to prevent losses in advance事先防止损失
take nut轴向调整螺母
take off迁移
take off复制
take off取消
take-off a heavy tax免除重税
take-off airspeed起飞空速
take-off altitude起飞海拔高度
take-off and landing deck起飞降落甲板
take-off angle偏离角
take-off area起飞地带
take-off belt传送带
take-off belt分选带
take-off circuit供电分支电路
take-off control equipment起飞控制仪
take-off coupling分支接头
take-off device卷取装置
take-off distance起飞滑距离
take-off distance起飞滑行距离
take-off distance available起飞距离
take-off drift起飞偏航
take-off end of the runway跑道起飞端
take-off flight path起飞航迹
take-off gate放水闸门
take-off gear接取装置
take-off ground run distance chart起飞滑跑距离列线图
take-off heading起飞航向
take-off horsepower起飞马力
take off line分支管线
take-off machinery接取装置
take-off monitor起飞指示器
take-off monitoring system起飞监控系统
take-off noise of aircraft起飞噪声
take-off path起飞航迹
take-off pattern起飞航线
take-off period经济起飞期
take-off phase起飞阶段
take-off pipe放水管
take-off pipe取出管
take-off point分接点
take-off point起飞机场
take-off position indicator lamp起飞位置指示灯
take-off post拉杆离合支柱
take-off power起飞马力
take-off rate流出速度
take-off rollers拉料辊
take-off run available起飞滑跑距离
take-off runway起飞跑道
take-off runway gradient起飞跑道坡度
take-off safety zone起飞安全区
take-off setting起飞位置
take-off shaft传动轴
take-off shaft功率输出轴
take-off propeller shaft输出传动轴
take-off site起飞场
take-off speed起飞速度
take-off spot测知点
take-off spot已测点
take-off strip起飞跑道
take-off the-embargo解除禁运
take-off the-fractions取出馏分
take-off tower出线塔
take-off tower提升塔 (架)
take-off/landing wheel sets弹起和降落轮对
take on担任
take-out an overdraft透支
take-out channel放水渠
take-out channel排水渠
take-out commitment远期贷款承诺
take-out gate放水闸 (门)
take-out investor以长期贷款易取短期贷款的投资者
take-out loan房地产完工后的长期贷款
take-out of service取出不用
take-out restaurant外卖餐馆
take-out roller提升辊
take-out service外卖饮食店
take over接管企业
take over接办
take-over bids出价盘进
take-over bids投标购买企业
take over for use征用 (土地)
take over with洽商
take over-head从塔顶取
take precautions against earthquakes防震
take proceeding against起诉
take profit取得利润
take readings取读数 (仪表上)
take reel卷线盘
take reel卷线筒
take sample取样
take set得到残余变形
take shape成型
take-siding indicator进入侧线指示器
take sight测天
take sight瞄准
take sight观测
take sight抄平【测】
take something as a pledge以物为证
take steps采取步骤
take stock清仓查库
take suction吸取
take temperature量温度
take the altitude测定高程
take the altitude定高度
take the altitude确定高程
take the first place名列第一
take the goods out of bond提出被海关扣存的货物 (完税后)
take the ground搁浅
take the lead in发挥带头作用
take the mean取平均数
take the reading记录仪表读数
take the square root开方
take the sun's altitude测太阳高度
take the weight除去荷载
take the whole situation into account统筹全局
take to piece拆开
take to piece卸成部件
take tour接班
take transport income as transport revenue以运输进款作为运输收入
take turns轮班
take turns轮换
take turns system轮换制
take-up a bill赎票
take-up an occupation就业
take-up assembly张紧装置
take-up bearing调整轴承间隙
take-up bill已付讫票据
take-up bolt夹紧螺栓
take-up bolt扣紧螺栓
take-up by gravity重力张紧 (装置)
take-up case卷带盒
take-up counterweight拉紧装置配重
take-up device拉紧装置
take-up device卷片装置
take-up device张紧装置
take-up film cassette卷片暗盒
take-up gear卷取装置 (stand)
take-up gear导出装置 (stand)
take-up magazine收片盒
take-up mechanism张紧装置
take-up method轧材的收集或验收方法
take-up one's indentures服务期满
take-up stock pan接料盘
take-up pulley拉紧滚筒
take-up pulley收线轮
take-up pulley拉紧轮
take-up reel收带盘
take-up reel引出轴
take-up reel接收盘
take-up roll卷取辊
take-up screw挠性传动张紧装置
take-up set预加应力装置 (钢筋)
take-up set夹具
take-up slack收紧绳索
take-up spool卷带轴
take-up spool收带盘
take-up spool承片轴
take-up spool收片盒
take-up spool卷片轴
take-up stand收线架 (钢丝绳)
take-up strain张紧应变
take-up tension安装张力
take-up tension卷带张力
take-up tension卷片拉力
take-up the backlash收紧背隙
take-up the lost motion收紧游隙
take-up the slack收紧间隙
take-up the-belt张紧皮带
take-up torque卷带转矩
take-up travel拉紧行程
take-up tumbler张紧轮
take-up unit张紧装置
take water浪上船
tractor power take-off牵引力启动
twin-belt take-off machine双皮带引出机
twin-speed power take-off双速功率输出轴
vacuum take-down真空牵拉装置
vertical gravity take-up垂直重锤拉紧装置
X-ray take out angleX 射线取出角