
Terms for subject General containing Take | all forms | exact matches only
Americans hate to waste food and they always take their leftovers home美国人不喜欢浪费食物,他们经常把剩饭剩菜带回家
balancing two clubs for take out平衡二梅花约定叫
catapult-assisted take-off弹射起飞
catapult-assisted take-off〔借〕弹射器起飞
Could you please tell me which bus I should take to go downtown?请问我到市商业区应该乘哪路车?
Could you take my bags to the taxi stand, please?请您把我的行李提到计程车站好吗?
double jump take-out双跳应叫新花色
forcing take-out逼叫性新花色应叫
get rid of the stale and take in the fresh排浊吸清
How much foreign currency do you take when you go abroad?你出国时带多少外币?
If you have to take a taxi, be sure the driver puts down the flag on the meter when you get in如果打车,上车时要确保司机重打计价器
If you need to make a change in flight, date or class after you purchase your ticket, please notify us as soon as possible and we will take the appropriate action您购票后,如果要求变更航班、日期、舱位等,请尽早通知我们,以便我们进行合理处理
If you want to go to the U. K. , in a small number of cases, you may be asked to attend an interview or take part in a telephone interview. If you are asked to attend an interview, they will offer you the first available interview date如果你要去英国,在少数情况下,可能会被要求面谈一次或电话交谈一次。工作人员会向你提供一个最早可以面谈的日期
it took us two days to take that machine to pieces把那台机器完全拆开花了我们两天时间
It was very nice of you to take me to the airport你真好,送我到机场
It's time to say bye. The plane will take off是告别的时候了,飞机要起飞了
Let me take a print of your card让我为您刷卡吧
let sth. take its course听其自然
let us take a more detailed look at these examples让我们来更详细地看看这些例子
OK, I hailed a cab at the market and asked the driver to take me to my hotel. But when I arrived at my hotel, he asked me for 100 dollars, or else he wouldn't let me out of the car好的,我在超市叫了辆出租车回酒店。到所住旅店时,他跟我要100美元,不然就不让我下车
OK, there will be a cab waiting outside in 10 minutes. It will take less than 5 minutes to check out好的,十分钟后会有一部出租车在外面等您。退房最多只需五分钟
Owing to the air traffic control, we'll wait until a take-off clearance is given由于航空管制,我们要等待通行许可才能起飞
sit take an examinationюр.,АУС 参加考试
sit take an examinationюр.,АУС 应试
sit up and take note of注意〔怀疑〕起来
sit up and take note of突然发觉
steel foundries take in power at 11 kV铸钢厂引人的是电压为11千伏的电力
take one's adieu辞行
take the advantage
take the advantage引诱
take the advantage乘便
take the advantage运用
take the advantage利用
take the advantage of便
take the advantage of
take the advantage of运用
take the advantage of利用
take advice请教
take advice接受意见
take after与…相同
take after学…的样
take after
take air流传
take along携带
take along
take an account of把…列表〔登账〕
take an affidavit受理经宣誓保证的证词书
take an attitude of取…态度
take an average over对…求平均值〔数〕
take an average over把…平均起来
take an average over this range对这个范围取平均值
take an average over this range取这个范围内的平均值
take an example举例
take an example示范
take an example举一个例子
take an explosive turn发生爆炸性的变化
take an interest inM 对 M 发生兴趣
take an inventory开清单
take an inventory
take an opportunity给予〔找到,得到,失去,抓住,利用〕机会
take apart把…拆开
take apart拆,卸
take apart剖析
take apart
take arms取枪
take asunder拆〔隔〕开
take backward撤退
take breath歇一歇
take breath歇息
take one's breath away使某人透不过气来
take by force武力侵占
take by force夺取
take M by storm使M大吃一惊〔大为感动〕
take M by storm攻占〔袭取〕M
take one's choice选择
take one's choice随意选择
take one's clothes off脱衣
take cognizance of认识〔注意〕到
take cognizance of正式获知
take cold伤风
take cold感冒
take cold着凉
take one's colour from模仿
take one's colour from学样
take one's colour from仿效
take command指挥
take concerted action采取一致行动
take one's conge告别
take count ofM 重视 M
take count ofM 计算 M 数
take credit for因…而获盛誉
take credit forM 因M而得到好评
take credit to oneself forM 把M归功于自己
take delivery of goods
take delivery of goods提取货物
take one's duty替代…的工作
take enjoyment in欣赏
take enjoyment in喜欢
take example by以…为榜样〔借鉴〕
take example for以…为例
take exception at对…有反感
take exception to反对
take exception to对…提出抗议
take one's exit离开
take one's exit退场〔出〕
take extreme measures采取激烈措施
take five from nine九减五
take form变得明显
take form成形
take form in具体化
take fortune at the tide趁机
take freedoms with对某人放肆 (sb.)
take 5 from 8八减去五
take one's gruel被处死
take one's gruel被击败
take one's gruel被干掉
take one's gruel受重罚
take half a step forward进半步
take harbour避人港湾
take heed of留心
take heed of提防
take heed of注意
take hold for throwing抓住摔
take hold of得到
take hold of占有
take hold of到手
take hold of利用
take hold of控制住
take hold of握〔抓〕住
take hold of掌握
take hold of抓〔握〕住
take hold of the opponent抓住对方
take... into account把…考虑进去
take... into account注意
take into account考虑
take into account注意
take... into account计及
take... into account重视
take... into account考虑
take into consideration注意
take into consideration斟酌
take into consideration计及
take into consideration考虑
take sb. into one's counsel和某人商量
take M into custody逮捕 M
take... into one's head凭空产生某种想法
take issue withM 就 N 和 M 争论
take issue withM 在 N 问题上和 M 持异议
take issue with Mon就 N 和 M 争论 (N)
take issue with Mon在 N 问题上和 M 持异议 (N)
take it以为 (that)
take it相信 (that)
take it认为 (that)
take it easy不要紧张
take it easy放轻松
take it easy从容
Take it easy. You are a man now, Gay. It will not be long放松点,盖伊,你现在已经是个男人了,不会太久的
take it on the chin忍受痛苦
take it on the chin失败
take-it-or-leave-it pallet可以不连同集装架一道搬运的集装架
take lessons in... from…向…学…
take liberties无礼
take liberties歪曲
take liberties随意对待〔改变〕
take liberties过分亲昵
take liberties对人过于随便
take licence with灵活处理
take measures处置
take measures设法
take medical advice请医生诊视
take merit to oneself for自夸…是自己的功劳
take merit to oneself for把…当做自己的功劳宣传
take moment about C对C点取力矩
take no cognizance of对…置之不理
take no count of很〔不〕重视…
take no count of轻视
take no count of看不起
take no interest in对…不感〔不太感到,很感〕兴趣
take no refusal不容拒绝〔推辞〕
take no risks慎重行事
take no stock in不信任
take no stock in不相信
take not much interest in对…不感〔不太感到,很感〕兴趣
take note of留心
take note of注意
take notes记笔记
take notes of记录〔下〕
take 4,000 observations in 8 hours8 小时内进行 4000 次观测
take offence因 M 而生气 (at M)
take on具有特征
take on承担〔受,办,接〕
take on
take on采取
take on呈现
take on流行
take... on board装载
take on character有特色〔特点,特征,特性〕
take on faith无条件地相信
take on faith无须证明而信以为真
take on oneself承担
take sb. on the rebound利用某人情绪的波动说服其改变做法
take M on trust对M不加考察信以为真
take on trust因别人提供证明而相信
take only an instant只需要一刹那功夫
take opportunity by the forelock乘机
take opportunity by the forelock抓住时机
take one's own course一意孤行
take one's own way一意孤行
take one's own way自行其是
take part in参与
take part inM 参加 〔参与 M,协助〕M
take part take the part ofM 支持 M
take part take the part ofM 与 M 站在一边
take part with协助
take part withM 支持 M
take part withM 与 M 站在一边
take passage in搭乘
take post各就各位
take precedence优先
take the precedence ofM 优于 M
take the precedence ofM 地位在 M 之上
take the precedence overM 优于 M
take the precedence overM 地位在 M 之上
take priority ofM 得 M 的优先权
take priority ofM 比 M 居先
take refuge in躲在…里
take regard to注意到
take one's regular spell按时换班
take rest
take root固定〔着〕
take root确立
take root生〔扎〕根
take sanctions againstM 制裁 M
take sanctuary避难
take sanctuary逃人庇护所请求保护
take seat就座
take shelter躲避 M (from M)
take shelter in evasions借口逃〔躲〕避
take a ship乘船
take ship搭船
Take some cold tablets and then have a good rest, OK?吃点感冒药,然后休息一下,好吗?
take something seriously重视
take spells at轮流
take spells换〔接〕班 (at)
take one's station上岗
take one's station就岗位
take the air夺取空中优势
take the air到户外
take the air起飞
take the air开始广播
take the air升空
take the air飞机起飞
take the aircraft into flight使飞机升空
take the angle测角度
take the armor itt the rear攻击装甲车的尾部
take the armour itt the rear攻击装甲车的尾部
take the beach海员上岸休假
take the bit between one's teeth桀骜不驯
take the bit between one's teeth咬着嚼子狂奔
take the bit in one's teeth桀骜不驯
take the bit in one's teeth咬着嚼子狂奔
take the blame承担过错
take the body用身体挤住对方
take the breeze走开
take the breeze溜掉
take the call接电话
take the chair主持会议
take the chair开会
take the chair做主席
take the chill off把…暖一暖
take the chill off热一下
take the dictation of记录…的口授
take the dimensions of丈量
Take the emergency exit!走紧急出口 !
take the enemy at vantage出其不意攻击敌人
take the examination of sb.讯问某人并录其口供
take the eyes off the gauge不看仪表
take the eyes off the gauge视线离开仪表
take the fangs of使之不能为害
take the fangs of消除…的危害
take the field开战
take the field出阵
take the first opportunity一有机会就
take the first opportunity that offers一有机会就利用
take the fling忽冷忽热
take the fling情绪不定
take the fling脾气变坏
take the fling不受约束
take the flings忽冷忽热
take the flings脾气变坏
take the flings情绪不定
take the flings不受约束
take the floor参加讨论
take the floor起立发言
take the form ofM 成〔具有〕M的性质
take the form ofM 取 M 的形式
take the gauge ofM 估 〔衡,测〕量M
take the gauge ofM 估计M
take the gilt off the gingerbread剥去美丽外衣
take the gilt off the gingerbread把真相暴露出来
take the gilt off the gingerbread剥去金箔
take the helm of掌握
take the helm of处理
take the helm of开始掌管
take the initiative首创
take the initiative带动
take the initiative争取主动 (in + ing)
take the initiative倡导
take the initiative带头 (in + ing)
take the initiative发起 (in + ing)
take the lead做榜样
take the lead担任长机
take the lead负责带队
take the lead居首
take the lead负责领导
take the lead领〔占〕先
take the lead带头
take the limelight变成人们注意的中心
Take the Loop Line to Bank station and then transfer to Line乘环线到银行站,然后换乘一号线
take the net上网
take the nth root取 n 次根
take the occasion to + inf.抓住机会
take the occasion to + inf.乘机
take the offing驶出海面
take the opportunity给予〔找到,得到,失去,抓住,利用〕机会
take the owl发脾气
take the owl生气
take the part ofM 扮演 M 角色
take the place取代 M
take the place ofM 取代
take the place ofM 充当 M
take the place ofM 代替 M
take the place of
take the plunge采取断然行动
take the plunge冒险尝试
take the problems one by one把问题逐个地研究〔处理〕
take the punishment ofM 承担M的磨损〔重负〕
take the rap受责备
take the reins支配
take the reins掌握
take the responsibility for接受
take the responsibility for…的责任
take the responsibility of + ing接受
take the responsibility of + ing…的责任
take the responsibility upon oneself负责
take the ribbons执辔
take the ribbons领导
take the ribbons掌权
take the ribbons驭马
take the risk of有〔冒着〕…的危险 (+ ing)
take the road起动〔步,程〕
take the road上路
take the road起程
take the road出发
take the road of居…之上
take the road of占先
take the road or start off出发
take the runway在跑道上滑行
take the runway占用跑道
take the salute还礼
take the salute元首、将军等接受敬礼
take the sea下水
take the sea乘 〔开〕船
take the sense ofM 査明 M 的意向
take the shape取〔呈〕M的形状
take the shape ofM 成M形状
take the shape ofM 呈 M
take the shine ojfM 使M黯然无光〔失色〕
take the shine out ofM 使M黯然无光〔失色〕
take the size量 M 的尺寸
take the size ofM 量 M 的尺寸
take the socialist road走社会主义道路
take the stage登台
take the stage出现
take the sun测太阳高度
take the sun测量太阳高度
take the tide乘湖
take the tide at the flood趁机
take the trouble to + inf.不怕麻烦去
take the wafe下水
take the wear经受磨损
take the wind out of one's sail〔用先发制人手段〕出其不意击败
take the wind out of one's sails先发制人而占某人的上风
take the wind out of one's the sails of〔用先发制人手段〕出其不意击败
take the..road走… 道路
take things easy不要紧张
take things easy从容
take things in order依次做事
take things light不在乎
take things seriously认真对待
take things too seriously大认真了
take things too seriously把事情〔情况〕看得太严重
take to养成…的习惯
take to喜欢
take to走向
take to开始从事
take to接〔引〕到
take M to be认 M 为 N (N)
take M to be以为 M 是 N (N)
take to flight逃走
take to heart深为某事所感动〔感到悲伤〕
take to heart在意
take to itself wings不翼而飞
take to itself wings一会儿就没有了
take to itself wings消失
take to pieces拆成零件
take to pieces分解
take to pieces拆开〔散〕
take... to pieces拆散解体机器
take to the air离地升空
take to the boats仓促地放弃自己的事业〔任务〕
take to the boats用救生艇逃生
take to the boats沉船上的乘客搭救生船逃生
take to the field接防
take to the road动身
take to the road初学驾驶汽车
take to the road开车上路
take to the road出发
take... turn
take... turn…转
take... turn转…圈〔转〕
take turn轮流
take one's turn to + inf.轮流依次
take... turns…转
take... turns
take... turns转…圈〔转〕
take turns about轮流
take turns at轮流依次
take two turns转〔拧〕两圈
take ulterior steps采取进一步措施
take... under advisement对…进行周密考虑
take under one's wing庇护
take up
take up拉〔张,系,绷,拧〕紧
take up收缩
take up天气好转
take up清除间隙
take up使牢固
take up承兑
take up装载
take up承接
take up提出
take up吸收
take up溶解
take up时间
take up去,据
take up采取〔纳〕
take up接纳〔受〕
take up消除
take up继续
take up着手
take up从事
take up照顾
take up学习
take up研究
take up支付
take up处理
take up开始
take up拿〔举,抬,捡〕起
take up a collection for为…募捐
take up an occupation就业
take up arms武装起义
take up arms拿起武器
take up consideration从事研究
take up considerations从事研究
take up little room占地很少
take up one's residence择定住所 (in)
take up one's residence居住 (in)
take up one's residence住人 〔进〕… (in)
take up the gauntlet护卫
take up the gauntlet应战
take up the running
take up the running领先
take up the running采取主动
take up the running开头
take up the threads接下去讲
take up to 200 tons of steel需要达 200 吨钢
take urgent steps to save抢救
take one's way to向…走去〔出发〕
take one's way towards向…走去〔出发〕
take wing逃走
take wing起飞
take with过分亲昵
take with无礼
take with随意对待〔改变〕
take with歪曲
take with对人过于随便
two no trump response over opponent's take-out double对方技术性如倍后二无将应叫
vertical /short take-off and landing垂直及短距起降飞机的
vertical take-off【箭】垂直发射
vertical take-off and horizontal landing垂直起飞和水平着陆
vertical take-off and landing aircraft垂直起降飞机
vertical take-off and landing aircraft垂直起降飞机
vertical take-off and landing airplane垂直起降飞机一般直升飞机以外的
vertical take-off and landing fighter垂直起降战斗机
vertical take-off and vertical landing垂直起降
vertical take-off fighter垂直起飞战斗机
weak take-out弱花色应叫
Well, if you want, you can take the leftovers home. You could take the last one home with you如果你愿意,就打包带回去吧。你把最后那个带回家吧
Would you please take a message?请你代我留话好吗?
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