
Terms for subject Electronics containing Tactical air | all forms | exact matches only | in specified order only
advanced tactical air command and control system先进战术对空指挥控制系统
contingency tactical air planning system应急战术空战计划系统
expeditionary tactical air reconnaissance system远征[探险]队战术空中侦査系统
ground tactical air control system地面战术航空管制系统
instrument landing system and tactical air navigation system仪表着陆系统与战术空中导航系统
integrated tactical air control system集成战术空军指挥系统
integrated tactical air control system综合战术空中管制系统
self-contained automatic tactical air navigation独立自动战术空中导航
special tactical air surveillance system专用战术空中监视系统
tactical air beacon command and surveillance system战术防空信标指挥与监视系统
Tactical Air Command战术空军司令部
Tactical Air Command command post战术空军司令部指挥所
tactical air communications center战术空军通信中心
tactical air control and landing system战术空中控制与着陆系统
tactical air control center战术空中控制中心
tactical air control party战术空中控制组
tactical air control system战术空中控制系统
tactical air defence战术防空
tactical air defence operations center战术防空作战中心
Tactical Air Force Headquarters战术空军司令部
Tactical Air Force Intelligence Center战术空军情报中心
tactical air guidance system战术空中制导系统
tactical air-launched cruise missile战术空发巡航导弹
tactical air navigation system塔康系统
tactical air navigation system战术空中导航系统
tactical air navigation distance measuring equipment塔康测距设备
tactical air navigation distance measuring equipment战术空中导航测距设备
tactical air observation战术空中观测
tactical air operating module战术空中操作模块
tactical air reconnaissance战术空中侦察
tactical air reconnaissance and aerial battlefield surveillance战术空中侦察与战场空中监视
tactical air reconnaissance and electronic warfare support战术空中侦察与电子战支援
tactical air reconnaissance center战术空中侦察中心
tactical air strike战术空中打击
tactical air support control system战术空中支援控制系统
tactical air-to-surface missile战术空对地[舰]导弹
tactical air warfare center战术空军作战中心
tactical air weapons control system战术空中武器控制系统
United States Air Force Tactical Air Reconnaissance Center美国空军战术空中侦察中心
United States Air Force Tactical Air Warfare Center美国空军战术空战中心
VHF omnirange and tactical air navigation system甚高频全向无线电信标与战术航空导航组成的联合导航系统