
Terms for subject Sports containing TV | all forms | exact matches only
closed-circuit TV闭路电视
interactive TV互动电视
overseas TV transmission国际电视传输
subscription TV收费电视
They found that the slenderized subjects, in addition to having fewer high-fat foods in the house, also had fewer TV sets and more exercise equipment他们发现,减肥成功者除了较少食用高脂肪含量的食物外,家中电视机之类的设备也较少,并且拥有不少健身器材
TV broadcasting facility电视转播设施
TV game电子竞技电视游戏
TV rating收视率
TV right of rebroadcasting电视转播权
TV right to relay a TV broadcast电视转播权
TV satellite电视卫星
TV signal电视信号
TV tower电视塔
TV viewer电视观众
TV watcher电视观众