
Terms for subject Explosives and Explosive Ordnance Disposal containing TO | all forms | exact matches only
A dam ought to be built downstream instead of midstream from the mouth of the gorge拦水坝应建在峡口的下游、而不是中游
A dog ran across the road, cause-ing the driver to stop in time有条狗横过马路、司机只好急刹车
A layman is bound to fail without a specific technical knowledge of it外行处理这事,没有专业知识,肯定会失败
A leisurely life contributes to health悠闲的生活有益于身体健康
A person's life is often compared to a burning candle or a trip in the stream of time在时间的长河里,人生犹如燃烧的蜡烛或短途旅行
A person's value consists in making contributions to society rather the making profits from it人生的价值在于为社会做贡献,而不是从中牟利
A temperature inversion is said to exist when atmospheric conditions cause temperature to increase with the altitude当大气条件促使温度随高度而增加时、就称为温度的逆变现象
ability to deform变形性能
ability to fill openings裂缝充填能力
ability to penetrate渗透能力
accidental initiations often involves situations where the explosive is exposed to impact or become squeezed between impacting objects意外引爆通常是由于炸药暴露在环境中受到撞击、或与撞击物体之间发生挤压摩擦所导致的
actual example of a fit to bench blasting data与台阶爆破数据拟合的实例
All emissions with the potential to cause environmental impacts are quantified along the entire life cycle from raw material extraction through to final disposal所有对环境造成影响的排放、从原料开采一直到最后的处理的整个生产周期、都要予以量化
Also, the explosives user would be wise to become aware of the variation in vibration sensitivities of different structures, utilities, facilities and materials, and to make note of the conditions near his operations此外、明智的炸药用户还须知道不同的结构、公用设施、设备和用具对振动感度的变化、而且要记录爆破场地附近的情况
Alternatively, carbon capture and storage CCS technologies may be required to avoid these emissions to atmosphere另外、为避免气体的碳释放到大气中、可能需要碳的捕获和储存技术
An of the degree to which air vibration levels will be affected by the effects of meteorology requires that temperature, wind speed and wind direction be measured or evaluated both at the surface and at levels above the ground评估空气振动能级受气象效应影响的程度、需要测量或评定地面的以及地面上空的温度、风速和风向
An ongoing need to reduce costs, and an increasing emphasis on the health and safety of mineworkers,together with the growing influence of technically skilled graduates resulted in increased attention being paid to explosives technologies during the late eighties and early nineties of the previous century由于有降低成本的需要、重视矿工的健康和安全的问题以及随着毕业生技术水平的日渐提高、导致我们在20世纪的80年代末和90年代初越来越关注炸药技术的应用
analog-to-digital computer模拟数字化计算机
analog-to-digital conversion模拟-数字变换
Any new technical discovery or invention is bound to be of great service to mankind每项新的技术发现或发明对人类都大有益处
application of remote sensing to geology遥感地质应用利用遥感技术进行工程地质调查、制图、专题研究及动态观测等工作
apply medicine to wounds往伤口上敷药
apply mind to mathematics, physics and chemistry专心学数、理、化
apply theory to practice把理论应用于实践中去
apply to the State Development and Reform Committee for some subsidy to a milk cow farm向国家发改委申请给奶牛场的一些补贴
apply two coats of white paint to these doors这些门涂两道白漆
Armymen are bound in occupation to obey服从是军人的天职
artillery fire linking to the sky连天的炮火
As the expanding gases compress such material, energy is lost rapidly and pressure and temperature drop sharply in the reaction products. These losses are communicated to the interior of the reaction zone as a rarefaction wave, lowering the pressure and reaction rate, and ultimately removing support far the propagation of the detonation front由于膨胀气体挤压这种物质、致使能量损失速度快、爆后产物的压力和温度迅速下降。这些损失作为膨胀波传到反应区之内、因而降低了压力和反应速率、且最终消除了对爆震波面传播的能量支持
As with ANFO and slurries, emulsions lend themselves readily to bulk loading乳化类炸药与硝铵炸药和浆状炸药一样、也适合随意散装
Athletes are able to undertake extraordinary feats of endurance运动员能顶住超乎寻常的耐力考验
automatic Node to Surface自动点面接触
automatic Surface to Surface自动面面接触
Automobiles contribute to air pollution汽车造成了大气污染
be of concern to sb有利害关系的 (or sth)
be of concern to sb重要的 (or sth)
be sensitive to易受…的影响
be sensitive to对…感觉敏感
Biasing experts have to place their operations within the bounds of fine techniques爆破专家必须以精湛的技术从事爆破作业
blast gases can propagate through cracks to the horizontal free surface and cause cratering and associated flyrock. This mechanism of flyrock manifestation is closely related to the gas release pulse GRP for airblast爆生气体可经过裂缝传播到水平自由面、并产生漏斗效应及随之而来的飞石。飞石表现的这种机理与冲击波的气体释放脉冲密切有关
Blast gases can vent up along the blasthole to launch stemming material and/ or fragments from the collar region爆破产生的气体会沿着炮孔将孔口周边的堵塞物和/或碎块抛出
blast sth. to pieces把某物炸得粉碎
Blasters should always ensure a maximum velocity of the explosives to be used by following the priming procedures recommended by the explosives manufacturers爆破人员应该始终遵循炸药厂家所推荐的起爆程序、以确保所用炸药的最大爆速
Blasting involves both the creation of new fractures and the extension of existing cracks and joints to loosen and liberate "in-situ" blocks within the rock mass structure爆破既产生了新的裂缝、又延展了固有的裂隙和节理、这样可松动并取出岩体结构中的“原位”岩块
blasting vibration damage to the medium爆破振动对介质的破坏
blow air to the fire with bellows用风箱吹火
Bricks have to be fird in a kiln for at least two days砖在窑里至少要烧两天
bring a cause to the supreme court of law向最高法院提出诉讼
build a fire to keep warm生火取暖
burden-to-spacing ratio炮孔密集系数
Calls for drastic action have bee made within the last decade in order to achieve stabilization of CO₂ levels at around 550 ppm twice the preindustrial era levels过去的十年、为了让二氧化碳在大气中的含量稳定在550 * 10⁻⁶、有人呼吁采取极端的行动
capacity to yield让压能力
Care must be taken to insure that the final product is adequately sensitized to insure high-order detonation务必保证最终产品足以敏化、才可保证高阶爆轰
centre to centre distance两中心间距
charge your wine cup and drink a toast to this new couple把酒杯斟满、祝福这对新婚夫妻
chemical gassing to control product density and sensitivity when loading wet holes is now common in the industry给湿孔装药时,用以控制炸药密度和感度的化学气泡法是爆破作业一种常见的方法
close to zero oxygen balance接近零氧平衡
CO₂ emissions from ammonia production are found both in the combustion of a proportion of the gas to provide process heat and from the reforming of the feedstock gas to provide ammonia synthesis gas人们发现、氨生产过程中释放的二氧化碳一部分是来自提供热量的气体燃烧、另一部分来自于提供氨合成气所需的原料气的制备过程中
Columbus hoped to explode the theory that the explode is flat by sailing round the globe哥伦布希望通过环球航行以推翻地球是平的理论
come to blows打架
composition B is a mixture of cyclotrimethylenetrinitramine RDX, trinitrotoluene TNT and approximately 1% wax,used to make cast boosters. The typical explosive formulation contains 60% RDX and 40% TNT and detonates at speed of composition7800 mps 25600 fpsB 炸药是由黑索金RDX、梯恩梯TNT和大约1%石蜡组成的混合物、通常用来制造浇铸中继起爆药柱。经典的炸药配比为60%黑索金和40%梯恩梯、爆速为7800m/s25600英尺/秒
contract issues due to geology地质相关事宜
contribute clothing to poverty-stricken areas向贫困地区捐献衣物
contribute much to spiritual civilization为精神文明做出巨大贡献
contribute one's cultural heritages to a museum把自己的文化遗产捐给博物馆
contribute papers about blasting engineering to a magazine把几篇爆破工程的论文投给一个杂志
contribute regularly or not to a bimonthly定期或不定期地给一家双月刊撰稿
contribute short comments to a paper给一家报社斜短评
contribute to a fund向某基金红十字会,残疾人,慈善机构等捐款 (the Red Cross, the disabled, charities, etc)
Costs fell to a level which made it justifiable to replace capped fuse-igniter cords with shock tubes由于造价降低幅度大、用震动管代替装有雷管的导火线点火索则名正言顺
critical strain energy release rate corresponding to Mode I,II or HI loaded crack GIC, CIIC or GIIIC对应于爆破裂隙模式I、I、III 的临界应变能释放率与三种基本裂隙模式〈分别为模式 I,II.III>对应的临界应变能释放率,以 J/m²表示
Current blast fragmentation models tend to focus on the coarse end of the fragmentation curve because of the impact of poor fragmentation on excavation performance, and hence excavation costs由于岩石破碎不理想、影响到开采计划的实施、进而影响到开采成本、常用的爆破破碎模型只能对破碎曲线进行粗略分析
dead weight-to-payload ratio静重与有效载重比
deflagration to detonation mechanism爆燃转爆轰机理DDT 机理
deflagration to detonation transition燃烧转爆轰
deflagration-to-detonation transition由燃烧向爆炸过渡
deflagration to detonation transition爆燃转爆轰从亚音速向爆轰速度的过渡〈或相反〉
Describing facts precedes to making comments in compiling a history编写史书、叙述事实先于评论
detonation charge weight to initiate an explosive雷管起爆炸药的装药重量
detonation emissions are the most obvious to explosive users, though they represent one of the smallest emissions in the life cycle尽管爆破气体释放对于炸药用户来说感觉最为明显、但只是炸药生命周期中最少的一次气体释放
diameter-to-length ratio直径一长度比
Different kinds of costs to be shared by the two parties are an explosive matter应由双方分担的各种费用是个有争议的事项
Different molecular explosives are mixed into the melted TNT and impart additional energy and/or sensitivity to the booster不同的分子炸药混人融化的梯恩梯中、将附加的能量和/或感度赋予助爆药
direction at right angles to the strike与走向呈直角的方向
Due to its water-in-oil structure similar to butter, emulsion has perfect water resistance乳化炸药具有类似黄油的油包水结构、因此防水性能极好
Due to the absence of many from the meeting, no resolution was formed over the relevant issues由于很多人缺席会议、有关问题没有形成决议
Due to the severe fire in his throat,the prime minister will not be able to give a speech at tomorrow's conference首相喉咙发炎、明天的会上他不能讲话
end-to-end distance两端之间的距离
end-to-end joint对接试样受压时,两端面受其与试验机承压板间摩擦力的束缚,不能自由侧向膨胀而产生的对强度试验值的影响
equivalent to sheathed explosive当量型炸药不带被筒但安全度同被筒炸药相当的煤矿许用炸药, 将被筒用的惰性盐适量地混人硝化甘油炸药中而制成的安全性等级与被筒炸药相当的煤矿许用炸药
equivalent to sheathed explosive当量炸药
Evaluations of meteorological effects require that the air temperature and wind velocity be known at levels above the ground,preferably up to 900 metres要想评价气象影响、务必要知道地面上空并且最好在900 米以上的大气温度和风速
Even considering the uncertainties in determining a correct equation of state for the reaction products, the expansion work is one of the most realistic measures of explosive power as it approximates the amount of work the gaseous products of the explosion can do on the rock surrounding the charge as they expand from the initial detonation conditions to atmospheric conditions即便考虑到确定爆后产物的正确状态方程时有诸多不定因素、膨胀功却是衡量爆炸威力的最为现实的因素之一、因为在爆炸后的气体物质由初始爆轰状态向大气状态膨胀时、膨胀功接近爆炸后的气体物质对药包周边的岩石所做的功
Examples are given of improved blast outcomes below that lead to overall reductions in emissions intensity案例证明、改进后爆破的结果可使排放强度整体来讲有所削减
Experience indicates that this tends to overestimate the top size in most blasting situations经验表明、这种方法往往高估了大多爆破场景的最大粒度
Experience to data has shown that at distances of up to 20 km from mine sites,it is desirable to know details of temperature and wind velocity at levels up to 900 meters迄今的经验表明、在距矿场20公里的范围内、需要知道900米高空温度和风速的详细情况
explosive equivalent-to-sheathed explosive当量被筒炸药
explosive s' inherent ability to withstand wafer炸药固有的抗水性能
explosive s' prolonged exposure to water or moisture炸药长期遇水或潮气
explosive s' susceptibility to initiation炸药对起爆的敏感性
F-bursting occurs when explosive charges intersect or are in close proximity to major geological structures or zones of weakness in the face region当药包与自由面区域内的主要地质结构交叉或接近软弱面时、发生自由面破裂现象
feel one's ability inadequate to this case有感个人的能力不堪胜任
feel one's ability inadequate to this case对此种情况
Few people can rise to eminence at one bound一举成名者少
Field data are analyzed to determine the correlation between flyrock distances and the blast design parameters对实地数据进行分析,以确定飞石距离和爆破设计参数之间的相互关系
final wall failure due to blasting stresses爆破压力导致的保护区受损
final wall failure due to crack extension裂缝延伸导致的保护区受损
final wall failure due to cratering爆破漏斗导致的保护区受损
Flyrock control is crucial in blasting operations because of safety considerations, damage to nearby infrastructure and a "social licence to operate"出于安全目的之考虑、不损毁临近设施、又要让社会满意、控制飞石对表皮作业至关重要
Flyrock from surface blasting operations has caused serious injury and death to employees and habitants,and it is always known as one of the major concerns far the blasters露天爆破作业产生的飞石已对工作人员和居民造成严重伤亡、所以这是爆破人员始终关切的重大事情之一
Foot soldiers charge to the front步兵在正面猛攻
For some types of blasting, it is also significant to consider the geometric shape and positioning of the explosive charges, sometimes called spatial distribution就某些类型的爆破而言、考虑药包的几何形状和安放位置、有时称之为空间分布、也有重要意义
For your sweet sake he is ready to walk through他愿为你赴汤蹈火
from2000 to data从2000 年至今
Furthermore, field measurements of detonation gases are subject to variability in all the factors mentioned before, and at best could provide a certain range of results此外、对爆生气体的实地测量受上述所有因素变化无常的影响、所以测量结果是一组范围值
Generally, for manufactured products a so-called Cradle-to-Grave life cycle is considered论及人工制品、一般要考虑所谓的自始至终的生命周期
give precedence to让…优先
Global warming concerns due to large quantities of emissions of carbon dioxide and other greenhouse gases GHGs in recent decades are driving many industries to investigate and implement emissions reductions最近几十年、由于二氧化碳及其他温室气体的大量排放、人们关切的全球变暖问题敦促诸多工业调研和实施减少气体排放的标准
go from one extreme to another从一个极端走向另一个极端
Good crops are dependent to a great extent on weather庄稼长势好坏很大程度上取决于天气
Good drilling control also helps to reduce the subgrade drilling and may make it possible to make some reduction in the total charge per hole钻孔控制得当一则能减少不合格的炮孔、二则有可能减少每个炮孔的装药量
ground vibrations due to blasting in mine矿山爆破地震矿山爆破引起的地表振动。这种振动超过某一极限,就会使该处的建〈构〉筑物遭到一定程度的破坏,甚至倒塌,造成人员伤亡、设备损坏、巷道片帮、冒顶和露天矿边坡滑落等危害
G-venting from the blast penetrates the fracture planes perpendicular to the hole axis and breaks the rocks up and propels them up to the air爆破喷泄的气体渗人与炮孔轴线垂直的裂缝面、将岩石破碎后抛向空中
hard nut to crack难对付的人
hard nut to crack棘手的问题
hard nut to crack难题
have a precedent to go by有例可查
He bounded to fame by relying on the invention of an explosive他靠发明一种炸药而一举成名
He dares to think,to speak and to act on behalf of a healthy tendency in society为了社会正气、他敢想、敢说、敢做
Heating causes a substance to expand, while cooling causes it to contract加热促使物质膨胀、冷却使其收缩
hole to bench edge distance坡顶距台阶上第一排炮孔中心至坡顶线的距离
hole-to-hole blasting逐孔爆破
hole-to-hole ignition逐孔点火
hole-to-hole initiation逐孔起爆
hole-to-hole propagation逐孔传爆
hole-to-hole sympathetic propagation孔间殉爆
hour-to-hour operation连续操作
However, under actual detonation conditions the hot CH₄ is likely to combust on contact with atmospheric oxygen provided it is above the lower flammability limit然而、在实际爆轰条件下、热甲烷只要高于较低的可燃界限、一旦与大气的氧接触就会燃烧
human response to vibrations人对振动的反应指人对不同级别振动的反应
importance of frequency to structure response频率对结构响应的重要性
improved blasting can make a significant contribution to reducing the overall intensity of GHG emissions from mines改进后的爆破技术可对降低矿山温室气体排放的总强度做出巨大贡献.
In addition to factors that are related to geology and distance are those factors that are related directly to the design of blasting operations. The most important of these is the maximum charge weight per delay: that is, the maximum quantity of explosive that detonates at one time sometimes specified as being that which detonates within any eight millisecond period of time除了与地质和距离有关的因素外、还有一些因素与爆破作业设计直接相关。其中最重要的是每次延迟的最大装药量、即每次要爆炸的炸药最大量有时标明为每8毫秒间隔爆炸的炸药量
In its comparison of the heart to a pump, modem medicine helps people understand its function现代医学把心脏比作水泵、有助于人们理解心脏的功能
In most commercial explosives, only part of the ingredients react immediately at the detonation front, leaving a considerable part to be consumed by afterburning during the expansion phase大多数民用炸药在爆炸时、只有部分在爆轰波阵面起反应、尚有很大一部分在膨胀阶段进行二次燃烧时才消耗掉
In most commercial explosives, only part of the ingredients react immediately at the detonation front, leaving a considerable part to be consumed by aftercombustion during the expansion phase大多数民用炸药在爆炸时、只有部分在爆轰波阵面起反应、尚有很大一部分在膨胀阶段进行二次燃烧时才消耗掉
In order to reduce damage claims, the explosives user is wise to keep complete records of his operations, to monitor vibrations and airblast, to do what he can to inform the public, and to minimize drilling noise,dust,traffic noise, and other perceptible effects为了减少索赔事件的发生、炸药的使用人员保存完整的爆破作业记录是聪明的举措、监测爆破振动和冲击波、尽可能通知公众、尽量降低钻孔和交通噪声、减少粉尘并减小其他可觉察到的影响
in the days precedent to the earthquake在地震发生前的几天里
In the long term, a hybrid stress blasting model has the potential to provide a practical description of the blasting process but is currently limited to research applications合成应力爆破模型在长时间内具有具体描述爆破过程的潜力、但目前只应用在研究中
In the presence of multicollinearity,redundancy of the independent variables exists, which can lead to erroneous effects by the independent variables on the dependent variable. The existence of multicollinearity can be checked from a calculation of the variance inflation factor VIF of the independent variables在有多重共线性的情况下、就会出现多余的自变量、这样会使自变量对应变量产生错误影响。多重共线性是否存在、可以通过对自变量的方差膨胀因子的计算来检验
In this regard, recommendations are made to adopt an initial standard approach based on total carbon content, avoiding limitations and artifacts of ideal detonation codes建议采用以总的碳含量为基础的初始标准法、以避免理想爆轰法规的局限性和人为条例
In this regard, recommendations are made to adopt an initial standard approach based on total carbon content, avoiding limitations and artifacts of ideal detonation codes关于此事在这方面
Included here are a number of measures to mitigate the adverse environmental effects of underwater blasting on marine creatures这里包括减轻水下爆破对海洋生物的负面影响所采取的亠些措施
Increased atmospheric concentrations of so-called greenhouse gases GHGs are known to increase global temperatures by absorption of reflected infrared radiation and are believed to be contributing to the recently measured global warming众所周知、所谓温室气体在大气中的浓度增加进而这种气体吸收反射的红外线、导致全球温度上升。据信、大气温室气体浓度的增加、正是近来测到全球气候变暖的原因之一
index of roof-to floor convergence顶底板移近量指数采煤工作面每推进 1m, 每米采高的顶底板移近量以 mm表示
insensitive to color对颜色没感觉
insensitive to criticism and slander对批评和诽谤感觉迟钝
is a prime to 7.3与 7 互为质数
issue visas to foreign residents给外来居民发签证
It is not recommended, however, to reduce the powder factor significantly because it will adversely affect the fragmentation and然而、大规模减少单位炸药消耗量是不可取的、因为这样反倒影响破碎作用和排石量
It might be argued that measurements of gas concentrations arising from real field conditions could provide an improved approach,however such programs would need to cover a wide range of conditions and explosives and could be prohibitively expensive and time-consuming然而、这样的测量需要涵盖多种条件和炸药、且可能因耗费大、耗时多而受限制
It might be argued that measurements of gas concentrations arising from real field conditions could provide an improved approach,however such programs would need to cover a wide range of conditions and explosives and could be prohibitively expensive and time-consuming可能引起争论的是、对实际现场条件所引起气体的浓度测量、可提供一种改进的方法
It must be noted, however, that the extent of so-called" carbon neutrality"of any biofuel varies according to the crop cultivation fertilization, harvesting, transport and processing methods and energy input requirements然而、必须注意的是、不管什么生物燃料、其所谓的碳中和性的程度、则随着这种植物的种植、施肥、收割、运输和加工方法、以及能量输人要求的变化而变化
It must be noted, however, that the extent of so-called" carbon neutrality"of any biofuel varies according to the crop cultivation fertilization,harvesting, transport and processing methods and energy input requirements然而、必须注意的是、不管什么生物燃料、其所谓的碳中和性的程度、则随着这种植物的种植、施肥、收割、运输和加工方法、以及能量输人要求的变化而变化
Keeping this in view, field investigations were conducted at a phosphate mine to study the flyrock from blasting鉴于这一点、为了研究爆破飞石、我们在挨着居民区的磷矿作了实地考察
learn to use work an abacus学打算盘
length-to-span ratio长度-跨度比
Let us assume this shape to be round让我们假定这个形状是圆的
Let's decide on the data to hold a meeting咱们确定一下开会的日期吧
lifelong devotion to the cause of blasting engineering一生致力于爆破工程事业
light a fire to keep warm生火取暖
longwall mining to the dip倾斜长壁采煤法长壁工作面沿倾斜推进的采煤方法
longwall mining to the rise倾斜长壁采煤法长壁工作面沿倾斜推进的采煤方法
make a fire to keep warm生火取暖
Many westerners compare Jesus Christ to the sun in their hearts很多西方人把耶稣比作他们心中的太阳
maximum tensile to shear stress ratio最大张应力与剪应力之比
medium to large diameter boreholes大、中直径的炮孔
More recent focus has been provided on the finer end of the fragmentation curve to explore the potential of blasting to influence the subsequent crushing and nulling performance of metalliferous ores近来、人们把研究的重点大多放在破碎曲线的细端、以探索爆破的潜力、因为爆破的结果会影响到含金属矿石随后的粉碎和加工制造过程
multicollinearity refers to a high degree of linear correlation between two or more independent variables多重共线性指的是两个或两个以上自变量之间的高度线性相关性
My boss has applied to the authorities concerned for a passport我的老板已向相关部门申请护照
My parents undertook yesterday to give me a present on the Christmas Day父母昨天答应圣诞节送给我一个礼物
New abatement technologies based on various catalyst systems have been developed to drastically reduce overall GHG emissions of explosive manufacturers针对不同催化剂系统的减量新技术已经开发出来,以大规模减少炸药厂家温室气体的总体排放
New York is abbreviated to N.Y.New York 缩写为N.Y.
No one is willing or bound to cooperate with a lazy person谁都不愿意且没有义务与懒人合作
No one seems willing to assume any obligation of eating instead of him似乎没有人愿意承担替他吃东西的义务
No servant was available at that time when he waned to send a message他想送信时、身边没有仆人可差使
One must have up to data ideas人的思想必须赶上时代
One of the greatest challenges, which a blaster faces in mining and contruction blasting, is to accurately determine the bounds of the blast safety area爆破人员在采矿及建筑拆除爆破过程中所面临的一个最大难题、是准确算岀爆破安全区的范围
Only some rules can be applied to this case只有一些规则可以用于这种情况
Other counties had no inventor to compare with Edison last century. 20世纪其他国家就没有可以与爱迪生相比的发明家
Our prime concern is to get the economy back to its feet我们最关心的是让经济恢复活力
Paper-making makes great contributions to water contamination造纸业造成水体严重污染
parameters of the structural strength of an object to be blasted预爆物体的结构强度参数
Parents are bound to their children当父母的都爱孩子
poured-to-solid foundations爆破抛掷成型基础工程
preblast assessment of a plan to be implemented爆前实施方案古
premature blast due to lightning雷击早爆
Racks to be blasted in such a case have large masses and,for the same impulse, their velocity and throw distance will be consequently short在这种情况下爆破的岩石块度大、而且由于冲量相同、岩石的速度和抛掷距离结果变小
radius-to-depth ratio半径-深度比爆破漏斗
ratio of track to shovel车铲比每台挖掘机配备车辆平均数
Reading history books, he is sometimes fird with a desire to visit the Egyptian pyramids读起史书、他时常有去参观埃及的金字塔群的想往
ready-to-fire light准备起爆指示灯
Real-time data from a predictive meteorological model and sounding equipment is input to an atmospheric refraction model that enables the effect of meteorology on airblast levels in the area surrounding the blast site to be evaluated从预测大气模型和测声设备中获得的数据输人到大气折射模型、从而能评价气象对爆炸现场周边区域内的冲击波能级的影响
reason for using particle vibrating velocity to illustrate blasting vibration intensity用质点振速表示爆破地震效应强度的原因1. 质点振动速度不受覆盖层类型及其厚度的影响。 2. 可适用于不同的测量仪器、不同的测量方法和不同的爆破条件。(3)结构的破坏与质点振动速度的相关关系比位移或加速度更为密切
reduction to station centre测站归心通过量算来消除由于仪器中心和标石中心不处在同一铅垂线上所引起的测量偏差的过程
reduction to target centre照准点归心通过量算来消除由于照准点和标石中心不处在同一铅垂线上所引起的测量偏差的过程
regional stability to tectogenesis区域构造稳定性地壳表层某一区域在现代构造应力场作用下的稳定程度
relationship of blast width to blast height爆破宽度和高度的关系
relationship of blast width to highwall height爆破宽度和未开采面的高度的关系
Religious persons feel that contribution, more or less,to orphans is a generous act and a duty as well信教人士觉得为孤儿捐钱、或多或少、是慷慨大方的行为、同时也是一种乐趣
resistance to aqueous penetration防水性
resistance to blasting抗爆性
resistance to blasting抗爆阻力
resistance to rupture抗断强度
resistance to yield抗压强度
response of rock to the explosion岩石对爆破的响应特征
roadway subject to dynamic pressure动压巷道受回采影响和相邻巷道掘进影响的巷道
roadway subject to static pressure静压巷道不受回采影响和相邻巷道掘进影响的巷道
Rock blasting literature documents sustained attempts over the latter half of the 20th century to predict the fragmentation of rock by blasting岩石爆破文献记录了 20 世纪下半叶人们以爆破手段预测破岩而不断付出的努力
rules to work by工作规程
Safety fuse is a medium through which a burning reaction is conveyed at a relatively uniform rate to the ignition area of the blasting cap安全导火索是用来将燃烧反应传递到雷管发火区的一种介质
Scientific or fundamental models attempt to realistically describe the physical effects of blasting and the mechanical response of the rock科学模型、或者说基本模型、试图立足于现实、描述爆破的物理效果和岩石的力学回应
sensitiveness to detonation爆轰感度
sensitiveness to impact冲击感度在外部能量的作用下,炸药发生化学反应的难易程度叫感度。相应地,易于发生化学反应的炸药称敏感炸药, 反之称钝感炸药
sensitiveness to propagation传爆感度
sensitivity to electrostatic spark静电火花感度在静电放电火花的作用下,炸药发生燃烧或爆炸的难易程度
sensitivity to flame火焰感度在火焰作用下,炸药发生燃烧或爆炸的难易程度
sensitivity to friction摩擦感度在机械摩擦作用下,炸药发生燃烧或爆炸的难易程度
sensitivity to heat热感度在热的作用下,炸药发生燃烧或爆炸的难易程度
sensitivity to impact撞击感度在机械撞击作用下,炸药发生燃烧或爆炸的难易程度
sensitivity to impacts冲击感度
sensitivity to impacts撞击感度
sensitivity to initiating起爆感度
sensitivity to initiation炸药和火工品受爆轰波作用发生爆轰的难易程度
sensitivity to initiation by electrostatic discharge静电感度
sensitivity to priming起爆感度
sensitivity to rifle bullet impact枪击感度在规定速度的枪弹穿击作用下,炸药发生燃烧或爆炸的难易程度
sensitivity to shock wave冲击波感度在冲击波作用下,炸药发生燃烧或爆炸的难易程度。参见 gap sensitivity
Serious faults ought to be charged off as unforgettable lessor严重过失应当作终生难忘的教训铭记下来
set fire to火烧
She blows her coffee to cool it down她吹咖啡、使咖啡凉得快些
shooting to a kerf切缝爆破
Since at least the 1900s, explosives manufacturers have routinely measured time to one millionth of a second for determining the detonation rate of explosives至少从19世纪初开始、炸药制造商业已例行测量到炸药起爆速度所用时间为百万分之一秒
Since most unsensitized emulsion formulations are less viscous than the glass-bubble sensitized compositions, borehole water is less prone to be trapped in the column由于大多钝感乳化炸药结构不像玻璃微球敏化炸药结构那么有黏性、炮孔水就不那么易于圈闭在药柱里
single-point initiation to multi-point initiation in boreholes单点和多点引爆
size-to-weight ratio尺寸-重量比
skin-to-skin holes密集炮孔
skin-to-skin spacing密集排列
slicing method to the dip倾斜分层采煤法厚煤层沿倾斜面划分分层的采煤方法
Slider primers are in-the-hole delay initiating devices used with detonation cords to prime individual decks of non-cap sensitive explosive孔内延时起爆药是放在炮孔内与导火索用在一起的起爆装置、以起爆各层非雷管起爆炸药
Smoking is believed to be the prime cause of heart disease有人说吸烟是引发心脏病的祸首
Smoking without restraint, says the doctor, is contributive to his lung diseases医生说毫无节制的吸烟、引发了他的肺部疾病
solution to flyrock problems飞石问题解决办法
Some biology teachers have even undertaken to give lessons to their students by going closer to nature有些生物老师甚至想带学生走进自然上课
Some consideration is given to the stemming length but no consideration is given to the stemming material and particle size of the rock人们虽然考虑到炮泥长度,但没考虑到炮孔填塞材料和岩石粒度
Some plants will combust a portion of the gas supply to provide process heat leading to farther onsite CO₂ emissions, while others may employ electricity or other sources of energy as an一部分煤气被一些工厂燃烧以提供过程热、结果导致现场二氧化碳排放量进一步增加、而其他工厂可能用电或其他能源作为替代
span-to-thickness ratio跨度一厚度比
stem-mming to burden ratio填塞物与抵抗线之比
steps to control risk控制风险的步骤
strategies to overcome poor drilling克服难打钻的措施
stripping-to-ore ratio剥采量与矿石总量之比
Such consideration also highlights the major targets for the blasting community to reduce GHG emissions through improved blast outcomes这些考虑的事项也突出表明、爆破界通过改进爆破结果来降低温室气体排放量是其主要目标
Suffocation caused by lung haemorrhage is likely to be the major cause of marine mammal death from underwater shock waves肺部大出血引起的窒息可能是海洋哺乳动物死于水下冲击波的主要原因
Teachers in mountainous areas have to live on insignificant salaries山区教师只能靠微薄的薪水过活
The blasting effect depends to a great extent on the type and amount of both explosives and stemming爆破效果在很大程度上取决于炸药的类型和数量以及炮泥的类型和数量
The blasting industry has had to rely on empirical approaches in the absence of a proven mechanistic fragmentation model因为缺乏成熟的机械破碎模型、爆破行业只好依赖经验方法
The Board of Directors is going to abandon this blasting engineering project董事会打算放弃这个爆破工程
The boss intends to fire some of his employees, for he has the right to hire and fire老板有意辞退一些雇员、因为他有雇佣权和解雇权
The boy was dismissed from the school. It was a hard blow to the parents学校开除了这孩子的学籍、这对他父母是个沉重打击
The breakage characteristics of different rock types are known to vary over a wide range, especially at the fine end of the fragmentation curve where breakage is controlled by the inherent properties of the rock substance itself, rather than being controlled by its larger scale flaws and structure众所周知、不同类型岩石的破碎特点差别很大、尤其在破碎曲线的细端变化大、因为岩石破碎受自身的内在属性控制、而不是受岩石自身的大缺陷和结构的控制
The building to be demolished has an altitude of 70 meters将要撤除的建筑物70米高
The cast booster development was fostered by the availability of inexpensive military high explosive released to the commercial market利用商业市场上投放的廉价而高效的军用炸药促成了抛掷助爆药的研制
The child's balloon exploded due to compression孩子的气球挤炸了
The courtyard seemed to be charged with sadness that day那天院子里似乎充满着悲哀的气氛
The crushed zone model has been shown to provide a realistic estimate of the proportion of fragments passing 1 mm for a wide variety of materials and blasting situations有人证明使用这种破碎带模型、遇到各种岩石和爆破环境时、能可靠地估算过筛直径为1mm 碎岩的比例
The economic depression contributed to his industrial bankruptcy经济凋敝促成他的企业破产
The emission factors are intended to estimate the amount of dust liberated into the atmosphere by the blast, whereas the modeling reported here estimates the total proportion of the muck pile broken to dust sized particles排放系数用来估算因爆破释放到大气中的飞尘量、而这里所报道的模型则估算爆堆碎为尘粒后的整个比例
The emissions from explosives are small in comparison to the downstream emissions associated with mining and mineral utilization炸药爆炸时的气体排放、与采矿和矿物利用导致的下游气体排放相比要少些
The energy spent in creating flyrock during blasting is less than 1 % of the total energy transferred to the rock, hence the wastage of explosive energy in this form maybe insignificant在爆破中产生飞石所消耗的能量低于传递给岩石全部能量的1%、因此以这种形式浪费的爆炸能可以说微不足道
The exact final composition of detonation gases emitted to atmosphere is actually difficult to determine with certainty正是涌人大气的爆生气体、其最后的合成、其实难以准确定论
The extension of the small stream to the deep of the forest is a tortuous course小溪延伸到森林深处是一个曲流拐弯的过程
The extreme sensitivity to moisture content and insensitiveness to the basic rock texture and breakage characteristics suggests that only quite broadly representative values are likely to be generated by this estimation approach对水分的极端敏感和对基本的岩石结构及其破碎特性钝感表明、这种评估方法只可找到有广泛代表性的值
The extreme sensitivity to moisture content and insensitivity to the basic rock texture and breakage characteristics suggests that only quite broadly representative values are likely to be generated by this estimation approach对水分的极端敏感和对基本的岩石结构及其破碎特性钝感表明、这种评估方法只可找到有广泛代表性的值
The factory forgot to data the explosive厂家忘记注明炸药生产的日期了
The father's death is a serious blow to this family父亲去世对这个家是个严重损失
The final victory will inevitably belong to you最后的胜利必然属于你
The general trajectory formula needs to be applied here for the prediction of the maximum horizontal throw of a projectile to a point at the same elevation这里需要应用预测抛物体在同一高程时的最大抛掷距离的弹道公式
The improved coal recovery translates to a corresponding decrease in mine GHG emissions intensity煤炭采收改进技术相应地降低矿山温室气体排放强度
the judge's charge to the accused法官对被告的指控
The lawyer is willing to undertake this case without commission律师愿意不收佣金办这个案件
The loading ratio or amount of explosive required per volume of rock to be broken, depends on the type of rock,the depth of the hole,and the explosive to be used装药比、即单位体积的岩石爆破所需的炸药量、根据岩石的类型、炮孔的深度及所用的炸药而定
The medical procedure the doctor fallowed laid him open to charges of negligence医生采用的治疗程序被指控是玩忽职守
The messenger undertook to get to his destination before daybreak by taking a short-cut通信兵想抄近路争取在天亮之前赶到指定位置
The minor issue exploded due to the military invention由于军方的干预、本来是小事、却闹大了
The mother charges her to look after the flower garden at weekends母亲叫她周末看管花园
The population of the earth exploded to 6.5 billion in 20052005 年地球人口猛增到65亿
The primary design-parameters which contribute to the intensity of overpressure are the charge weight per delay and the extent of exposure of the charges to the atmosphere, that is,the depth of burial of the charges促成超压强度的主要爆破参数是每次延时的装药量以及药包裸露于大气的程度、或者说药包的埋深
The remainder of this paper is intended to make a brief discussion of independent variables and constants as well as a detailed analysis of the relevant data and relationship between the independent variables involved本文的以下部分除详细分析了有关数据以及自变量之间的关系外、还简短探讨了自变量和常量
The risk of damage due to flyrock, however, is so high that it merits serious consideration in blast design然而、由于飞石造成破坏的危险性很大、爆破设计时值得认真考量
The shock pressure loss is related to the explosive's detonation prepressure, which can be estimated by knowing the density and detonation velocity of the explosive. Therefore, the SLF for a test explosive can be experimentally determined by introducing in the test certain additional variables, such as temperature,static and dynamic pre-compression and detonating cord downline冲击波压力损失与炸药的爆炸压力有关、可以通过计算炸药的密度和爆速来估算。因此、炸药的冲击波压力损失的测定可以通过实验引人一些诸如温度、静态和动态预压及导爆索支线等变量来确定
The stimulus to which an explosive is exposed must be included in any reference to the sensitivity, whether shock, low-velocity impact, friction, electrostatic charge, lightning, or other source of energy炸药感度根据所受外界能量作用的不同、可分为冲击波感度、撞击感度、摩擦感度、静电感度、雷电感度或其他能量形式的感度
The success of this work paved the way for the change from cartridged emulsions to bulk supply这项工作的成功为卷装的乳化炸药向散装供应转变铺平了道路
The theory for predicting flyrock from blasting operations in hard rock, such as granite, has been developed and waits to be gradually perfected如花岗岩之类的坚硬岩石爆破作业中的飞石预测理论已经发展起来、并有待于渐次完善
The time to apply the solar energy technology has come使用太阳能技术的时代已经到来
The two advantages of glass microbubbles are the operator does not need to be concerned with sensitizing the mix and the head pressure of the column of explosive and water does not change the density of the composition操作人员不必考虑敏化这种混合炸药
The two advantages of glass microbubbles are the operator does not need to be concerned with sensitizing the mix and the head pressure of the column of explosive and water does not change the density of the composition药柱和水的扬程压力不会改变这种炸药的密度
The two advantages of glass microbubbles are the operator does not need to be concerned with sensitizing the mix and the head pressure of the column of explosive and water does not change the density of the composition玻璃微球有两个优势:
The type and adequacy of the stemming material used and the management of progressive relief during detonation have a strong influence on the amount of material thrown into the air and hence the proportion of dust likely to be emit ted from a blast爆破中所用的炮泥类型和分量以及对阶梯地形的处理、会大大地影响抛向空中的物质的多寡、因此也大大地影响一次爆破中可能喷出的飞尘比例
The viscosity of the microsphere-containing product is usually increased compared to non-sensitized emulsion这种含微球炸药产品的黏度与非敏化的乳化炸药相比、通常是加大了
There is a substantial increase in temperature from 13°C at an altitude of 180 metres to a temperature of 18°C at an altitude of 270 metres温度在180米高度时为13度、到270米高度时为18度、增幅很大
There is no cause to call the work group back没有理由召回工作组
There is no simple way, however, to take into account the interactions resulting from subtle differences in the characteristics of the explosives the blaster had at his disposal, the physical characteristics of specific rock types or geological formations, or the effect of the changes in timing of the initiation sequence on his blast然而、爆破所用炸药的特性、岩石类型或地质构造的物理特性或爆破定时起爆顺序及由于这些因素的微妙差别所产生的相互影响均要考虑
These estimates are very sensitive to the value used for the moisture content of the rock and are quite independent of the actual blast design or blasting intensity applied该评估与岩石含水量规定的值密切相关、而与实际爆破设计方案或实施的爆破强度无关
These guys tend to explode at any moment over the least thing这些人往往会因为微不足道的琐事而大发雷霆
These regions are the first to apply the cooperative medical system in rural areas这些地区率先实行了农村合作医疗制度
They charge the books they bought to the company's account他们把买书的费用记在公司账上
They have successfully adopted ultrasonic technology to drive away fish, which effectively avoided the impact of blasting on such valuable fish and other aquatic organisms, thus reflecting the harmony of engineering construction and ecological protection他们成功地采用了超声波技术把鱼赶走、有效避免爆破对珍贵鱼类和其他水生物的不利影响、因而体现了工程建设与生态保护的和谐
This approach to the derivation of rock factors has been used by many field operators in a wide range of blasting and fragmentation studies and has been shown to lead to a reasonable estimate of the required blasting intensity and the resulting mean passing size in a wide range of blasting environments很多实地操作人员把这种求导岩石系数的方法广泛应用于爆破剂破岩研究之中、并证明应用这种方法可以合理地估算所需的爆破强度以及诸多爆破环境下岩石的最终平均过筛粒度
This book belongs to him这本书是他的
This explanation is of concern to our understanding of his lifetime story这种解释对我们了解他的生平故事很重要
This flood has caused much damage to autumn crops这场洪水给秋粮造成巨大损失
This invention is much contribution to mankind in utilizing solar energy这项发明是人类利用太阳能的巨大贡献
This is a call to undertake agriculture, forestry, husbandry, side-production and fishing at the same time这是个农、林、牧、副、渔并举的号召
This issue begins to assume a new form此问题开始以新的形式出现
This kind of powder does not apply to industrial blasting这种炸药不用于工程爆破
This material is recognized as being likely to become airborne and farm an aerosol хим. and considered to be capable of being inhaled by humans, penetrating the gas exchange region of the lungs人们注意到、这种物质很可能悬浮在空中、称为悬浮微粒。并认为这种物质可由人呼进肺腑、穿透肺部的气体交换区
This material remains available to be released to the atmosphere whenever the muckpile is disturbed by excavation, transport or subsequent handling一旦爆堆受到开挖、'运输或后续处理时扰动、这种物质就随时会释放到大气之中
This paper describes an approach to the estimation of blast fragmentation size distributions down to 1 micron so that quantitative comparisons can be made of the likely generation of air-borne, inhalable and respirable dust when different types of rock are blasted本文介绍将爆炸破碎粒度分布估计在 1 微米的方法、以便在各种岩石爆破时、对空气中有可能产生的可呼吸的浮尘作以定量比较
This problem, which is seemingly important to many others, is likely to be a minor concern to the new working committee这个问题看上去对很多人异常重要、但对新的工作委员会来说可能是小事一桩
This study is restricted to the two types of rock so that the variations in rock mass properties are minimized and the influence of blast design parameters stemming, burden and specific charge on fly rock distance could be analyzed本研究针对两种岩石、以便将岩体特性的变化趋于最小、并能分析爆破设计参数如炮泥、抵抗线和单位炸药消耗等的影响
Though of a lesser magnitude, the actual mine site emissions from detonation may be problematic as they could vary according to detonation conditions and are difficult to quantify precisely虽说采矿现场爆炸的实际气体释放量要小一些、但由于气体释放量随着爆炸条件的变化而变化、所以依然是个问题、而且难以准确予以量化
Though these non-nitroglycerine boosters are more resistant to accidental detonation from impact,shock or friction than dynamite, they must be handled in the same manner as other explosives非硝化甘油助爆药虽说比硝化甘油炸药更具抗冲击、震动或摩擦引起的偶然爆炸性、但仍需要按其他炸药的安全方式来对待
tip-to-face distance端面距支架顶梁前端到煤壁的距离
to data迄今
to data到目前为止
To date, the issue of GHGs from explosives and blasting has not been given wide consideration in the literature and has not been a subject of the fragblast proceedings直到今天、炸药和爆破温室气体问题尚未在文献中予以充分考虑、而且尚未成为爆破破岩程序的主题
to form a circuit导通用电气检测仪向电雷管或爆破网路输人微小电流,检查其是否有电流通过或同时测得其电阻值的操作
to prime a boiler with coal给锅炉加煤
to prime a gun给枪上药
to prime stone mines with powder采石场开采装药
To whom it may concern敬启者正式函电或信件开头用语
top-to-toe drilling露天台阶孔从顶到底凿岩
track to shovel ratio车铲比每台挖掘机配备车辆平均数
Traffic rules apply to all vehicles and pedestrians交通规则适用于所有车辆和行人
transferability of laboratory experimental results to real field blasting work实验室实验结果转用到现场实际爆破业务中去
transition from burning to explosion由燃烧向爆炸过渡
transition from surface to underground working露天转地下开采
transition of deflagration to detonation由燃烧向爆炸过渡
truck-to-shovel ratio车铲比每台挖掘机配备车辆平均数
up to data直到最近的 (down to date)
up to data最新式的 (down to date)
up-to-date device最新装置
Usually cast blast design involves maximizing the castover. However, in other situations less than maximum cast may be desired. This can occur far example if the after blast profile from maximum casting would lower the dragline elevation to the point where the machine has inadequate stacking height通常在进行爆破方案设计时希望使抛掷量最大化。但是、在一些情况下并不需要达到最大抛掷量。例如当达到最大抛掷量会使得吊铲达不到最佳的工作高度时、反而造成爆后利润的降低
waster-to-ore ratio剥采比
Water changes to ice below the zero temperature水在零度以下会变成冰
When an explosive charge is detonated in rock, the charge is converted instantly to a hot gas at intense pressure当药包在岩体中爆炸时、炸药在高压力下瞬间转化为高温气体
When subjected to opencast flame, water gels tend to bum without detonation水胶炸药遇到明火会燃烧、而不爆炸
When the prills dissolve, the air entrapped inside the porous prills is released and is no longer available to sensitize the composition. Also, the dissolved ammonium nitrate stays in solution with water and is no longer available to react in the detonation这些颗粒溶解后、多孔颗粒中封闭的空气得以释放、且不再有使炸药敏化的效力。此外、溶解后的硝铵与水一起处于液态、在爆轰时不再具有起反应的效力
While a high powder factor may generate higher levels of vibration, noise and flyrock, a power factor that is too low may cause a blast to fail and may generate more vibration than expected for the charge per delay that was used, because of increased burden and confinement当炸药威力大、产生的震感强、噪声大、飞石多。如果炸药威力太小、由于抵抗线和围压增加、会导致爆破失败、而且对于每次延时所用的药量而言、所产生的振动会比预计的要大
width-to-depth ratio井下采掘的临界面宽度与开采深度之比
Wild animals do not belong in a zoo. They should be allowed to go free野生动物不属于动物园所有、应该放生
Wild flyrock occurs due to the unexpected propulsion of rock fragments,when there is some abnormality in a blast or a rock mass, that travels beyond the blast clearance exclusion zone意外飞石的产生、是由于爆破过程或岩体中出现异常、致使破碎岩石出乎意料地飞越爆破禁区之外