
Terms for subject Shipbuilding containing TO | all forms | exact matches only
ability to architect plans and strategies策划能力
ability to invest shipbuilding投资造船能力
ability to pay charter偿付租船能力
accommodation air-condition freon piping to be done airtightness test舱室空调氟利昂管系气密性试验
accommodation air-condition freon piping to be done air-tightness test舱室空调氟利昂管系气密性试验
accommodation air-condition freon piping to be done vacuum test舱室空调氟利昂管系真空试验
accommodation to be done air-flow adjustment test舱室风量调整试验
accommodation to be done airflow adjustment test舱室风量调整试验
according to… classified ships按…分类的船舶
according to mooring test program to test following items按系泊试验大纲进行下列项目试验
according to the weather forecast根据天气预报
according to weather forecast根据天气预报
accurate to machining dimension符合加工尺寸
addendum to charter party租船合同补订书
agree to recompense all losses同意赔偿一切损失
air-to-air heat exchanger空气与空气热交换器
air-to-water heat exchanger空气与水热交换器
air-condition plant to be done function test对空调设备功能试验
air-condition plant to be done function test空调设备功能试验
Allow me to introduce Mr. Zhang, our sales manager.让我介绍一下,这位张先生是我们的销售经理
alter course to starboard向右转向
an irrevocable L/C to ensure the sellers to get paid in time不可撤销信用证可保证卖方及时收到货款
analogue to frequency converter模拟变频器
analogue to time to digital模拟 -时间-数字转换
analogue to time to digital模拟-时间 -数字转换
analyzer for supplying water to boiler锅炉给水分析仪
articles made to order定制品
at the entrance of small hatch-cover, to install two footrests and handgrips.在小舱口盖的进口处安装两只搁脚板和拉手
at the entrance of the small hatchcover, to install two footrests and handgrips在小舱口盖的进口处安装两只搁脚板和拉手
back to back L/C背对背信用证
balance to your credit贵方受益余额
balance to your debit贵方结欠余额
be subject to ratification批准后生效
bending prior to welding先弯后焊
bill of lading to order空白台头提单
bonding propeller to stern shaft螺旋桨与艉轴胶接
bonding propeller to stern shaft螺旋桨与尾轴胶接
book one's passage to预定去…的船票
book one's steamer-ticket to预定去…的船票
breach as to installment delivery未履行分批交货
breach as to installment payment未履行分期付款
cabin condensing water piping to be done free-flowing test舱室凝结水管系畅通试验
cabin steam piping to be done airtightness test舱室蒸汽管系气密性试验
cabin supply fan to be done function test舱室风机功能试验
car to shipside运到船边
center to center中心间距离
center to end中心至末端距离
classify according to按…分类
cold-store freon piping to be done airtightness test冷藏库氟利昂管系气密性试验
cold-store freon piping to be done vacuum test冷藏库氟利昂管系真空试验
coldstore to be done protection device test and cooling-down test冷藏库保护装置试验及制冷试验
cold-store to be done protection device test and cooling-down test冷藏库保护装置试验及制冷试验
come to a shipbuilding agreement达成造船协议
come up to the standard达至标准
completeness of all cabins to be delivery全船舱室完整性提交
control room aircondition to be done function test控制室空调功能试验
control room air-condition to be done function test控制室空调功能试验
cover subject to franchise规定免赔率的保险
damage or loss to luggage行李的损坏或丢失
damaged due to collision碰撞损坏
damaged due to pressing受压损坏
day to day lease按日租赁
day-to-day lease按日租赁
decimal to binary十进制换成二进制
deck clashing piping system to be done clashing test对甲板冲洗管系进行冲洗试验
deck clashing piping system to be done clashing test甲板冲洗管系冲洗试验
deck flushing piping system to be done watertightness test甲板冲洗管系水密性试验
deck to be done insulation test甲板绝缘试验
discharging from barge to wharf从驳船卸货到码头
Don't you think we should add this sentence here? If one side fails to honor the contract, the other side is entitled to cancel it.在这儿是不是应该加上这样一句:如果一方未按合同条款执行,另一方有权终止合同
door-to-door containerization门至门集装箱运输
door-to-door containerization门到门集装箱运输
down to date现代的
ease to 25回到 25
ease to 20回到 20
ease to 15回到 15
ease to回到…操舵口令
ease to five回到 5
ease to ten回到 10
electronic aids to navigation电子导航设备
engine room air drier to be done function test and alarm one机舱空气干燥器功能及报警试验
engine room air drier to be done function test and alarm test对机舱空气干燥器进行功能试验及报警试验
engine room air-drier to be done function test and alarm test机舱空气干燥器功能试验及报警试验
engine room vent duct structure to be done inspection机舱风管结构检查
engine room vent duct structure to be done inspection检查机舱风管结构
failure to deliver the goods未履行交货
fare from•••to到•••的票价
fare from Wuhan to Shanghai武汉到上海的票价
file a claim to the amount of US $ 550提出 550 美元的索赔
For access to international market we are seeking dependable sale agent.为了进人国际市场,我们正在寻找可靠的销售代理
For more than thirty years we have been exporting ships and exported considerable ships to abroad.我们从事出口船舶业务已有 30 余年,曾向国外出口很多船舶
freight paid to named destination运费付至指定目的地
galley and laundry equipment to be done inspection船上厨房和洗衣间设备检查
galley and laundry equipment to be done inspection检查厨房和洗衣间设备
galley carbon dioxide piping to be done airtightness test船上厨房二氧化碳管系气密性试验
galley carbon dioxide piping to be done air-tightness test厨房二氧化碳管系气密性试验
general instructions to tender投标须知
helium-to-water heat exchanger氦与水热交换器
How many do you intend to order?你们打算订购多少?
How many sets do you want to order?你们要订购多少套?
I 'd like to have your quotation CIF Tianjin.希望贵方报一个天津的到岸价格
I think it is unwise for both of us to insist on his own price.我认为双方坚持自己的价格是不明智的。
I'd like to discuss the matter of discount with you.我想跟你们商量一下折扣问题
I'd like to have your lowest quotation CIF San Francisco.希望你们报一个旧金山的最低到岸价格。
If you accept our counter offer, we' ll persuade the end-user to place an order with you.如果贵方接受我们的还盘,我们就劝用户向贵方订货
I'm afraid we can't come to terms if you won't increase discount.如果贵方不增加折扣,我们就很难成交。
I'm afraid we can't reduce our price to the level you have indicated.我们的价格不能降到贵方提出的水平
I'm afraid we have to call the whole deal off, if you still insist on this price.如果贵方仍坚持这个价格,我们就只好放弃这笔交易
impel... to + inf.使…不得不
In order to conclude the business, we' ll agree to give you a 3% discount.为了成交,我们同意给你们3%的折扣。
In order to conclude the business, we may make some concessions.为了成交,我们可以作些让步
In order to conclude the transaction, we accept your price.为了达成这次交易,我们接受你方的报价
in order to suit social diversified demand为了适应社会多样化需求
In respect to quality, I don't think that the goods of other brands can compare with ours.在质量方面其他牌号的商品很难与我们的相比
inadequate to对…不适合
incur losses due to poor management经营性亏损
information treatment to be high automatization and integration信息处理高度自动化和集成化
information treatment to be high automatization and integration信息的处理高度自动化和集成化
infrared image to visible colour红外线图像转变为彩色可见图像
insulating deck to be done insulation test绝缘甲板绝缘试验
insurance to be effected by the buyer保险由买方自理
insurance to be effected by the buyer after loading装船后保险由买方自理
insurance to be effected by the cargo-owner保险由货主自理
insurance to be effected by the carrier保险由承运方自理
insurance to be effected by the seller保险由卖方自理
insurance to be effected by the seller before loading装船前保险由卖方自理
It's very difficult for us to accept your suggestion. We insist on payment by L/C.我们无法接受你们的建议,我们坚持用信用证支付方式
large hub to diameter ratio propeller大毂径比螺旋桨
Legal Instruments on China's Accession to the WTO《中华人民共和国加人世界贸易组织法律文件》
length to breadth ratio船长与型宽比
length to depth ratio船长与船深比
length to depth ratio船长与型深比
length to draft ratio船长与吃水比
Let's congratulate ourselves that this transaction has been brought to a successful conclusion.祝贺我们圆满达成交易!
license to trade贸易许可
lifeboat davit to be done dynamic test救生艇吊架动负荷试验
lifeboat davit to be done static loading test救生艇吊架静负荷试验
lifeboat to be done lowering-hoisting test救生艇收放试验
liquid-to-liquid heat exchanger液体与液体热交换器
liquid-to-metal heat exchanger液体与金属热交换器
lobby doors to be done operating test操作大厅门试验
lobby doors to be done operating test大厅门操作试验
look forward to盼望
loss of right to limit of responsibility责任限制权利的丧失
mean time to repair修复平均时间
metal-to-metal adhesive金属粘合胶
metal-to-metal adhesive金属黏合胶
Now we are eagerly desirous to enlarge export of new building ships.现在我们殷切期望扩大新造船舶的出口。
offer subject to buyer's inspection or approval买方看货后的出价
offer subject to immediate reply以立即答复为有效的发盘
offer subject to prior sale以先卖为准的发盘
offer subject to unsold以尚未出售为有效的发盘
oil-to-water heat exchanger油与水热交换器
Our shipyard would like to manufacture and supply.我厂可以制造和供应
painting room fire-fighting pipe to be done fire-fighting test油漆间消防管系消防试验
painting room fire-fighting pipe to be done watertightness test油漆间消防管系水密性试验
painting room fire-fighting pipe to be tested油漆间消防管系试验
party to the controversy争端当事人
please forward to请转送
present a proposal to向…提出建议
principal-to-principal transaction买卖双方直接交易
production according to sample来样生产
production according to samples来样生产
production according to standard sample按照标准样品生产
promise to pay承诺付款
promote industrial products to trend diversified development促使工业产品向多样化发展
protection of the exclusive right to use registered trademarks注册商标专用权的保护
put a question to向提出问题
rate of fiscal revenue switches from downturn to upturn财政收人回升
ratio of ship's sailing-time to ship's operation time船舶航行率
ratio of ship's sailing-time to ship's operation-time船舶航行率
refer to drawer交付出票人
refer to drawer与出票人接洽
refrigerating freon piping to be done airtightness and vacuum test冷藏氟利昂管系气密性试验和真空试验
refrigerating freon piping to be done airtightness test and vacuum test冷藏氟利昂管系气密性试验和真空试验
refrigerating plant to be done protection device and cooling-down tests冷藏设备保护装置和制冷试验
refrigerating plant to be done protection device test and cooling-down test冷藏设备保护装置试验和制冷试验
refrigerator to be done function test冰箱功能试验
render support to对…提供支持
rent out yacht to tourist把游艇租给游人
rescue boat and life raft davits to be done static and dynamic loading test救助艇吊架和救生筏吊架动静负荷试验
rescue boat davit and life raft davit to be done static and dynamic loading test救助艇吊架和救生筏吊架静动负荷试验
resort to all kinds of method采取一切办法
rider to charter party租船合同附则
rider to the policy保险单附加条款
right to claim damage要求赔偿损害的权利
rush to conclusions匆忙下结论
ship-to-shore radio station船对岸无线电台
ship to shore radio station船对岸无线电台
ship to shore radio-station船对岸无线电台
shipbuilding technology to be high mechanization and automatization造船工艺高度机械化和自动化
ship-length to ship-depth ratio船长与船深比
statement of claim relating to the substance of dispute争议事项的索赔陈述
stroke to bore-diameter ratio冲程缸径比
structure completeness of rescue boat davit to be done inspection救助艇架结构完整性检查
structure completeness of rescue boat davit to be done inspection检查救助艇架结构完整性
subject to export license being obtained以取得出口许可证为准
subject to immediate acceptance以立即接受为有效
subject to immediate acceptance by telegram以立即复电接受为有效
subject to immediate reply以立即回答为有效
subject to market fluctuation随市价涨落而定
subject to prevailing regulation以现行条例为准
subject to prior approval须经事先核准
subject to reexamination upon arrival以货到重新检验为准
subject to safe arrival of goods at port of shipment以货物安达装运港为准
subject to safe arrival of goods at port of shipment以货物安全到达装运港为准
subsidies to be phase out逐步取消补贴
superstructure compressed air piping to be done airtightness test对上层结构压缩空气管系进行气密性试验
superstructure compressed air piping to be done airtightness test上层建筑压缩空气管系气密性试验
superstructure control air piping to be done airtightness test对上层结构控制空气管系进行气密性试验
superstructure control air piping to be done airtightness test上层建筑控制空气管系气密性试验
superstructure drainage water piping to be done discharge test上层结构排水管系进行排水试验
superstructure drainage water piping to be done discharge test上层建筑排水管系排水试验
superstructure fire-fighting piping to be done firefighting test上层建筑消防管系消防试验
superstructure fire-fighting piping to be done test上层结构消防管系试验
superstructure lifesaving and fire fighting equipment to be done inspection上层结构救生和消防设备检查
superstructure lifesaving and fire-fighting equipment to be done inspection上层建筑救生和消防设备检查
superstructure smoke detection piping to be done airtightness test上层结构烟雾管系进行气密性探测试验
superstructure smoke detection piping to be done airtightness test上层建筑烟雾探测管系气密性试验
superstructure water supply piping to be done watertightness test对上层结构供水管系进行水密性试验
superstructure water supply piping to be done watertightness test上层建筑供水管系水密性试验
superstructure watertightness doors and windows to be done clashing test上层建筑水密门窗冲水试验
superstructure water-tightness doors and windows to be done clashing test对上层结构水密门窗进行冲水试验
the ratio of capital input to output资本投人与产出比
to be at anchor抛着锚
to be guaranteed for five years保用五年
to be protected from cold怕冷包装标志用语
to be protected from heat怕热包装标志用语
to be qualified after inspection检验合格
to be qualified after survey检验合格
to be valid for one month有效期为一个月
to conclude an agreement达成协议
to cope with适应
to go through entry formalities办理入境手续
to go through exit formalities办理出境手续
to inspect machining dimension of propeller and intermediate shafts检查螺旋桨轴和中间轴机加工尺寸
to inspect machining dimension of propeller shaft and intermediate shaft检查螺旋桨轴和中间轴机加工尺寸
to inspect machining dimension of rudder stock检查舵杆机加工尺寸
to order of consignee凭收货人指示交付
to the degree of到程度
transfer of the right to use使用权转让
UMS unattended machinery space sea trial continue 4 to 6 hours无人机舱连续 4〜6 小时航行试验
unlade the cargo from large ship to barge从大船卸货到驳船
up-to-date technology最新的工艺
use electromagnetic crane, vacuum crane and carrying roller way to compose a mechanization carrying line使用电磁起重机、真空起重机和输送滚道组成机械化运输线
use electromagnetic crane, vacuum one and carrying roller-way to compose a mechanization transportation line使用电磁起重机、真空起重机和输送滚道组成机械化运输线
use enclosing dam shipbuilding new method to construct superlarge-scale ship使用围堤造船新方法来建造超大型船舶
use enclosing dam shipbuilding new method to construct superlarge-scale ship使用围堤造船新方法建造超大型船舶
use shipbuilding new technology on a length 200m berth to construct length 300m superlarge scale ship使用造船新工艺在长度 200 米的船台上建造长度 300 米的超大型船舶
use shipbuilding new technology on a length 200 m berth to construct length 300 m superlarge-scale ship使用新造船工艺在长 200 米的船台上建造长 300 米的超大型船舶
utilize shipbuilding new technique on a length 200m berth to construct length 300m super large-scale ship利用造船新技术在长度200米的船台上建造长度300米的超大型船舶
utilize shipbuilding new technique on a length 200 m berth to construct length 300 m superlarge-scale ship利用造船新技术在长 200 米的船台上建造长 300 米的超大型船舶
vendor to conform卖主应遵守事项
vent duct structure of bow cabin and steering gear room to be inspected艏部舱室和舵机房风管结构检查
warehouse to warehouse仓库到仓库
water to carbide acetylene generator电石加水乙炔发生器
We agree to conclude the transaction at the price of US $180 per ton.我们同意以 180 美元每吨的价格成交
We are prepared to make a 2% reduction, if your order is big enough.如果你们的订货量大,我们准备减价 2%
We are thinking to buy ship's path monitor.我们想买船舶航迹监测仪
We are thinking to order high-speed container ship.我们想订购快速集装箱船
We can work out the offer this evening and give it to you tomorrow morning.今天晚上我们算出来,明天上午交给贵方。
We have to readjust our price because the price of fuel is constantly going up.因为燃料不断涨价,所以价格也不得不作些调整
We' ll agree to give you a 4% discount if you increase your order by 5000 pieces.如果贵方增订到 5000 件,我们就同意给4% 的折扣
We' ll give you a 2% discount as an exception to our usual practice.我们破例给你们2%的折扣
We may reconsider to reduce our price, if your order is big enough.如果你们的订货数量大,我们还可以考虑降价
We shall be able to give you big orders if you will fully cooperate with us on products quality, price, delivery and payment.你方如能在产品质量、价格、交货和付款方面与我方全力合作,我方将向你方大量订货
We suggest you to order some.我们建议你们订购一些
We want to order a lot of stainless steel tubes also, What quantity can you supply?我们还要订购一批不锈钢管,你们能供应多少?
We want to order sixty sets.我们想订购 60 套
We want to order thirty sets.我们想订购 30 套
We will open a L/C if you promise to effect shipment one month earlier.如果你们答应提前一个月交货,我们就同意开信用证
We would like to adopt payment by installments for our present transaction.这次交易我们将采用分期付款方式。
Welcome to this shipyard!欢迎到我们船厂来!
welding prior to bending先焊后弯
What navigation equipment do you want to buy?你们要买什么航海设备?
What type of ship do you want to order?贵方要订购哪种船?
What type of water pump do you want to order?你们打算订购哪种型号的水泵?
wheel house jetting pipe to be done function test驾驶室喷淋管系功能试验
wheel house water spray piping to be done function test驾驶室喷雾管系功能试验
wheelhouse jetting pipe to be done function test驾驶室喷淋管系功能试验
With an eye to future business, we'll accept payment by installments this time.为了今后的业务,这次我们接受分期付款方式
Would you consider increasing the discount to open the market, as this is a new product of yours?这种商品是你们的新产品,为了打开市场,你们考虑是不是多给一些折扣。
Would you please tell us the quantity you require so as to enable us to work out the offer.为了便于报价,能否告知贵方所需数量