
Terms for subject Law containing TO | all forms | exact matches only
acceptance qualified as to place限制付款地点的承兑
acceptance qualified as to time限制收款时间的承兑
access to adequate food充足食物的获得
access to assets资产的获得
access to justice公正的获得
best alternative to a negotiated agreement谈判协议最佳替代方案
bring to book责备
bring to book诘〔盘〕问
capacity to contract签约能力
constitutional protection of the right to food对食物权的宪法保护
content of the right to food食物权的内容
effective enjoyment of the right to food有效享有食物权
failure to + inf.未能
failure to + inf.没有
failure to + inf.无法
failure to + inf.不能
first to invent发明在先
human right to adequate food食物权
human right to adequate food充足食物权
human right to adequate food人类的食物权
human right to adequate food人类的充足食物权
human right to food充足食物权
human right to food食物权
human right to food人类的食物权
human right to food人类的充足食物权
inability to comply无力履行
keep up to date with始终跟上
liability to有…的倾向
liability to…易于〔易发生〕…
object to讨厌
object to不同意
permit to reside居住权
permit to reside居留权
refer to arbitration交付公断
be referable to可归因于
be referable to与…有关
be referable to是由于…而引起
right to adequate food充足食物权
right to adequate food人类的食物权
right to adequate food食物权
right to adequate food人类的充足食物权
right to an adequate standard of living获得相当生活水平的权利
right to be free from hunger免于饥饿的权利
right to be free from hunger免于饥饿权
right to culture文化权利
right to development发展权
right to dignified life有尊严生活的权利
right to education教育权
right to feed oneself with dignity有尊严地养活自己的权利
right to food人类的食物权
right to food充足食物权
right to food食物权
right to food人类的充足食物权
right to food assessment食物权评估
right to food curriculum食物权课程
right to food implementation strategy食物权实施战略
right to food security粮食安全权
right to food strategy食物权战略
right to food violation对食物权的侵犯
right to health健康权
right to information信息权
right to inherit继承权
right to remedy and reparation救济赔偿权
right to self-determination自决权
right to social security社会保障权
right to water水权
right to work工作权
standing to sue提出诉讼的资格
subject to approval需经批准 (s/a)
submit to arbitration交付公断
succession to property财产继承
take sb. to court控告
take sb. to court对某人起诉
to be free from fear and want免于恐惧和匮乏的自由
violation of the right to food对食物权的侵犯