
Terms for subject Football containing TO | all forms | exact matches only
award an indirect free kick to the opposing team判对方踢间接任意球
challenge to head the ball争顶
close man-to-man紧逼人盯人防守
close person-to-person紧逼人盯人防守
close to靠近盘球同伴作后援
close to mark紧逼盯人
come from behind to win the game反败为胜
dive to deflect the ball around the uprights鱼跃把球托出横梁
dive to head the ball鱼跃顶球
diving to head the ball鱼跃顶球
diving to head the ball鱼跃冲顶
failure from first to end完败
fall back to the goal-line撤回到球门线
feint to one side假动作身体倾向一侧
flexible shape in order to save a group腾挪
from defence to offence从防御转入进攻
go to extra time进入延长期决胜期
have a strong urge to go for goals射门意识强
head to slip the ball顶蹭球
heading to attack the gate头球攻门
heading to deflect the ball侧顶
heading to slip the ball侧蹭球
hold on to the ball控制球
holding on to the ball对球的控制
holding on to the ball控制球
intention to pass传球意图
keen urge to go for goals强烈射门意识
keep the draw to the end平局保持到终场
keep to the side靠边
lob the ball to the goal门前吊高球
man-to-man confrontation人盯人防守
man-to-man marking人盯人防守
misrelay to the opponent错误交球给对方
press close to与本方子相连
promote to a higher division将一个队升至较高一级
push up to midfield逼近中场中区
read the kick to the left side判断对手射向球门左方
retire to the proper distance退到规定的距离以外
retreat-in-order-to-attack tactics以退为进战术
switch from defence to attack防守反击
switch from defense to attack回击
switch from defense to attack防守反击
victory from first to end完胜
will to attempt shoots射门意识