
Terms for subject Textile industry containing TO | all forms | exact matches only
ability to borrow借款能力
ability to buy购买能力
ability to provide the auxiliary items配套能力
ability to react to market conditions市场反应能力
ability to take the burden of industry承担产业负担的能力
absolute promise to pay单纯支付承诺
access to information in short信息不灵
access to market进入市场机会
access to the ports进港航道
access to the ports港口通道
access to the ports进出港口
access to the sea入海航道
access to the sea通向海洋
adjudicate according to law依法处理
adjudicate according to law依法裁决
adjust supply to a current demand根据当前需求调整供给
adjustment to income调整收入
adjustment to income收入调整
against to sample不符来样
air-to-close气关式 膜片受气压控制将阀关闭
air to close气关式
air to open气开式
allowance charged to general average列入共同海损的补偿
application to deliver for export出口交货申请,输出交货申请书
application to pass goods through the customs报关单
application to set aside an award申请撤销仲裁裁决
apply to customs报关
apply to the customs报关
applying interlining to collar拼领里
art to wear面料艺术设计技术
attach band to armhole绱明门襟
attach chest interlining to front piece覆衬衣前片覆胸衬
attach chest interlining to front piece覆胸衬
attach collar to band夹翻领
attach collar to band夹翻领翻领夹进底领缝合
attach collar to band夹翻领翻领夹进底领缝合
attach cuff to sleeve上袖头
attach cuff to sleeve〔工〕装袖头
attach eye to waistband钉裤钩袢
attach eye to waistband〔工〕钉裤钩袢
attach eye to waistband钉裤钩祥
attach facing to fly〔工〕覆挂面
attach facing to fly覆挂面
attach hook and eye to waistband钉裤钩祥
attach hook to band缲领钩
attach hook to band〔工〕手工缘领钩
attach hook to band手工缲领钩
attach hook to collar band缲领构
attach hook to waistband〔工〕钉裤钩
attach hook to waistband钉裤钩
attach lining to bodice覆里子
attach lining to bodice〔工〕覆大身里子
attach lining to bodice覆大身里子
attach lining to skirt覆裙里
attach tape to armhole〔工〕覆袖窿牵条
attach tape to armhole覆袖窿牵条
attach tape to back vent〔工〕覆背衩牵条
attach tape to back vent覆背衩牵条
attach tape to front edge〔工〕覆止口牵条
attach tape to front edge覆止口牵条
attach tape to front edge覆口牵条
attach tape to hood brim〔工〕绱风帽檐
attach tape to hood brim绱帽檐
attach tape to hood brim绱风帽檐
attach tape to lapel roll line覆驳口牵条
attach tape to lapel roll line〔工〕覆驳口牵条
attach tape to lapel roll line覆驳头牵条
attach tape to pocket mouth覆袋口牵条
attach tape to pocket opening〔工〕覆袋口牵条
attach tape to pocket opening覆袋口牵条
attach tape to waist line覆裙腰口牵条
attach tape to waistband of skirt〔工〕覆裙腰口牵条
attach tape to waistband of skirt覆裙腰口牵条
attach waistband to skirt绱裙腰头
attaching band to collar上下领缝合
attaching chest interlining to front覆衬
attaching collar to band夹翻领
attaching cuffs to sleeve绱袖口
attaching eyes to waist band钉裤钩祥
attaching fly facing to trouser front缝裤子左暗门襟
attaching flyfacing to trousers front缝裤子左暗门襟
attaching hood to garment绱帽
attaching hook and eye to waist band钉裤钩祥
attaching hook to collar band装领钩
attaching hook to waist band钉裤钩
attaching interlining to collar〔工〕缝领衬
attaching interlining to collar缝领衬
attaching interlining to cuff缝袖口衬里
attaching lining to back敷后衣身里子
attaching lining to bodice敷大身里子
attaching lining to hood合帽面里
attaching lining to skirt覆裙里
attaching pieces to body material在大身上缝小片
attaching pocket to garment绱袋
attaching tape to armhole敷袖窿牵条
attaching tape to back vent敷背衩牵条
attaching tape to front edge敷止口牵条
attaching tape to hood brim绱帽檐
attaching tape to lapel roll line敷驳口牵条
attaching tape to pocket opening敷袋口牵条
attaching tape to waist line敷裙腰口牵条
attaching under collar to top collar敷领面
authority to pay委托支付证
authority to purchase押汇汇票买入委托书
authority to purchase购买授权书
back to back反面对反面相叠
back to back knitted fabric双面针织物
back to face shading正反面色差
back to nature回归自然
batch to batch variation批差
batch to batch variation批间差异
bill of lading to be issue提单签发于
bill of lading to bearer不记名提单
bill payable to a specified person only不能转让汇票,不能转让票据
bill payable to bearer不记名汇票
bill payable to bearer不记名票据
bosom-to-shoulder area肩胸区
carriage and insurance paid to运费保险费付至某地价格
carriage including insurance paid to运费、保险费付至某地价格
cease to be effective失效
cease to be effective停止生效
cease to be in effect失效
cease to run时效终止
certificate in regard to hand looms手工制纺织品产地证
checked button-to-hem uniform钉纽方格制服
collar assembling to body not closed〔检〕绱领不圆顺
collar edge to appears tight领外口紧
come up to advanced world standard达到世界先进水平
comfortable and easy to wear穿着舒适轻便
Convention on the Law Applicable to Products Liability产品责任准则公约
crease line leans to inside〔检〕裤烫折线内撇
crease line leans to inside烫迹线内撇
crease line leans to inside裤烫折线内撇
crease line leans to outside裤烫折线外撇
crease line leans to outside〔检〕裤烫折线外 撇
crease line leans to outside烫迹线外撇
cut open to layout剖缝套法圆筒针织物
cut the garment according to the figure量体裁衣
cylinder-to-dial transfer针筒移圈
damage to fabric戳毛
defective sewing collar to body领缝不良
deluxe ready-to-wear高级成衣
deluxe ready-to-wear豪华名牌服装
difficult-to-cut fabric难裁织物
difficult-to-cut fabric难裁剪织物
difficult to cut material难裁剪的缝料
difficult-to-cut material难裁缝料
direct card connected to absorbed twisting spinning直接分梳—吸附加捻纺纱
distribution according to needs按需分配
door-to-door delivery逐户分送
door-to-door delivery上门送货
door-to-door delivery门到门送货
draft payable to bearer凭票即付
durability to washing耐洗涤性
easy-to-dye polyester fiber易染绦纶纤维
easy-to-make dress简做服装
easy-to-wear outlook便于穿着式样
edge-to-edge cardigan对襟开衫
edge-to-edge cardigan对比开衫
edge-to-edge dart双接省
edge-to-edge front opening对襟
edge-to-edge lining对接里子
edge-to-edge printing全幅印花针织品
edge-to-edge printing边到边印花
edge-to-edge ruffler边对边皱褶器
edge-to-edge seam对拉链
elbow to elbow breadth两肘间宽
elbow-to-wrist measurement肘至腕长
end-to-end fabric异经织物
fabric to fabric bonding织物与织物粘合
fabric to fabric lamination织物与织物的层压黏合
face-to-back shade deviation染色正反面色差疵
face-to-back variation染色正反面色差疵
face to face合掌铺料
face-to-face bonded-pile carpet双层粘合绒头地毯
face-to-face bonded-pile carpet双层黏合绒头地毯
face-to-face carpet双层地毯
face-to-face carpet双层地毯可割成两个割绒地毯
face to face for directional spreading和合翻身铺料法
face to face for directional spreading对合铺料
face to face one way spreading双幅对称铺料
face to face spreading面对面铺布
face to face spreading来回和合铺料法
fail to deliver未能交货
fail to keep one's promise背约,违约
fail to keep one's words不守诺言
fast to light耐日晒色牢度
fast to light耐日晒牢度
fastness to acid耐酸色牢度
fastness to acid spotting耐酸性
fastness to acid spotting耐汗渍牢度
fastness to acid spotting耐淡酸渍牢度
fastness to alkali耐碱色牢度
fastness to alkali perspiration耐碱性汗渍牢度
fastness to bleeding耐渗色牢度
fastness to daylight耐日晒牢度
fastness to ironing耐熨烫牢度
fastness to laundering耐机洗牢度
fastness to milling耐毡合牢度
fastness to milling耐缩绒牢度
fastness to pleating耐褶裥牢度
fastness to potting耐沸水牢度
fastness to steam pleating耐汽蒸褶裥处理牢度
fastness to sun light光脆牢度
fastness to washing耐洗涤牢度
fiber-to-fabric strength纤维成布强力
fiber-to-fiber contact纤维间接触点
film-to-fiber process薄膜成纤工艺
fold and to press back yoke扣烫过肩
fold and to press crotch reinforcement patch扣烫裤底
fold and to press heel stay扣烫贴脚条
fold and to press hem扣烫底边
fold and to press reinforcement for knee分烫膝盖绸
fork to waist直裆
fork to waist胯幅
freight or carriage paid to运费付至
freight or carriage paid to named destination运费付至指定目的地
freight paid to运费付至……价
freight paid to运费付至...... 条件
freight paid to…terms运费预付至..... 条件
freight to collect运费待收
fugitiveness to light光褪色性
fugitiveness to light不耐光性
Fully Good Fair to Good二级半 (埃及棉分级标准名称)
Fully Good to Extra特级半 (埃及棉分级标准名称)
Fully Good to Fine二级半 (巴基斯坦棉分级标准名称)
fuse interlining to top collar〔工〕热粘领衬、面
fuse interlining to top collar热粘领衬面
goods liable to excise应纳税商品
goods liable to excise纳税品
gross weight-to-payload ratio总重量与有效载重量比率
hand over to the next shift交班
hanks to pounds亨司折磅
hard-to-ease fabric厚硬面料
hard-to-ease fabric不易抽细褶的面料
hard to handle material手感粗硬缝料
hard-to-handle material手感粗硬缝料
head-to-height proportion头长与身长比例
head to rump头接尾毛皮或皮革
hip to ground臀至地
house to house户到户
house to house门到门
injury to trade损害贸易
ironing to melt烫熔
joining joke to shirt缝衬衫覆肩
knee-to-knee breadth两膝宽
knee-to match匹配的裤子
knickers to match与衣或裙匹配的裤子
lab-to-bulk reproductibility小样大样重演性
lace-to-toe sneakers布拉佳型帆布便鞋束鞋子至鞋尖
lapel edge to appears loose驳头外口松 (tight)
lay flat to dry放平干燥
layout to cut defeets借疵
left-to-right twill右向斜纹
length from shoulder-neck point to showlder point肩项宽
length-to-width ratio长宽比
liability to outsider对外负债额
liability to pay compensation赔偿债务
light to medium heavy material轻薄至中厚面料
light to medium heavy material轻薄至中厚缝料
line from shoulder to waist girth前腰节线
loan given flat to无息贷款
lot to lot colour variation批间色差
lot to lot shading problem批间色差问题
made to measure度身打板
made to measure定制服
made to measure firm定制服装店
made to measure garment定做服装
made to measure garment定制服装
made to order定制服装
made to order clothing定制的服装
manufacturing to buyer's samples来样订制
manufacturing to buyer's samples来样定制
margin to seam缝头
match to shade配色
material able to kill diseases杀菌布料
material to kill diseases杀菌布料
mean time to failure平均出故障时间
medium-to-long neck中长颈
modem ready-to-wear现代成衣
month-to-month indexes月度指数
move to packing运至包装处
move to packing送到包装地点
move to point of use搬到使用地点
move to warehouse搬到仓库
nape to center waist背长
nape to center waist后长
nape to centre waist背长
nape to centre waist腰直
nape to centre waist后长
nape to waist腰直后颈点至腰距
nape to waist背长
neck point to breast pint肩颈点至乳峰长
neck to bust颈至胸
neck to hem button从领至下摆的纽扣
neck-to-hem closing从颈至下摆的门襟
neck to knee hollow颈至膝弯长
neck to waist anterior颈至腰长前身
neck to waist颈至后腰
neck to waist front centre颈至腰部前中心
neck to wrist length颈至腕长
net profit rate to operation营业纯利率,经营纯利率
net profit rate to sales销售纯利率
net profit to net sale ratio净销售净利润比率
net profit to net worth资本净值净利
net worth to fixed capital ratio资本净值与固定资本比率
next-to-skin finish贴肤整理用于提高织物贴肤穿着舒适性
next-to-skin wear贴身衣着
next-to-skin wear贴身服装
next to the skin贴身
not to be tipped勿倾倒
not up to the standard不合标准,不合格
note to order记名票据
offending to the eye刺激眼睛
offer to buy认购
offer to purchase认购
on-line to textile literature纺织文献联机检索
open to buy补进定额
open-to-buy estimate许购定额概算
out-to-inside colour difference内外色差
parties to a contract签约双方
parties to a trading交易双方
party to a bill of exchange汇票当事人,汇票关系人
party to a case案件当事人
party to a case诉讼当事人
party to a draft汇票当事人
party to an instrument票据当事人
payable to holder应付持票人
payable to tonnage按吨位付费
permeable to light可透光
permeable to vapor可透蒸汽
piece to piece variation匹间差异
piece together gore to sleeve拼袖角
pieces of old cloth or rags pasted togather to make cloth shoes裕褙
pier to door码头到户
pier to house码头至仓库
pier to house港至户
pier to house港至门
pier to house码头到仓库
pier to pier港至港
pier to pier码头至码头
pin top collar to under collar together覆领面领面上覆领里
pin top collar to under collar together覆领面
point to point seaming双圈缝合
point to point seaming套口缝合
port to port港到港
power to sign签字权
principal to principal买卖关系
principal-to-principal trade旅游经营者间直接贸易
principal-to-principal trade货主间直接贸易
processing according to customer's sample来样加工
product suitability to selling & purchasing产品适销对路
proneness to snagging易勾丝性
proneness to snagging易钩丝性
quay-to-ship stevedoring码头到船舶装卸搬运
ready-to-wear现成服装 (RTW, R-T-W)
ready-to-wear成衣 (clothing)
ready to wear成衣
ready-to-wear clothes成衣
ready-to-wear clothes现成服装
recourse to drawer向出票人追索
recourse to the capital market求助于资本市场
recourse to the foreign capital依赖外国资本
reserve the right to claim保留索赔权
reserve the right to recourse保留追索权
resistance to bending抗弯曲性
resistance to bleading抗渗化性
resistance to bleading抗渗色性
resistance to discolouration防褪色性
resistance to moth抗蛀性
resistance to mothproofing抗蛀性
resistance to pilling抗起毛起球性
resistance to plucking植绒抗拔性
resistance to pressing耐熨烫性
resistance to snagging抗钩丝性
resistance to soiling防污性
resistance to soiling抗沾污性
resistance to staining防污性
resistance to staining抗沾污性
resistance to sunlight耐晒性
resistance to sunlight耐日光性
resistance to water penetration抗水渗透性
resistance to wear耐穿性
resistance to weathering耐风蚀性
resistance to weathering耐气候牢度
resistance to wetting抗着湿性
resistance to yarn slippage防脱缝能力
resistance to yellowing耐泛黄性
response to open-flame exposure明火试验反应
returns to vendor商店退货《销售》
rib-to-plain knitting罗纹一平针编织
riders to budget law预算法追加条款
right to claim for damages要求损害赔偿权,要求赔偿损失权
right to confer授权
right to confer授予权
right to exclusive use专用权
right to request compensation请求赔偿权
right to share assets股东的资产分配权
right to share profits股东的利润分配权
right to transfer stock股份转让权
right to veto否决权
right to vote投票权
ripped to fashionable shreds jeans时尚破烂型牛仔裤
risk of warehouse to warehouse仓库至仓库险
royalty as to know-how专有技术使用费
royalty as to know-how技术知识使用费
R-T-W, ready-to-wear成衣
R-T-W, ready-to-wear现成服装
schedule to a contract合同附表
schedule to an agreement合同附表
sell to the trade卖给同行
selling price equal to book value售价等于账面价值
selvage to selvage布边接布边
selvage to selvage布边连布边
selvedge to selvedge布边接布边
set to shape定形
set to shape定型
sew down to here缝止处
sewing cuff to sleeve绱袖口
sewing facing to front缝前片衣片
sewing placket to sleeve绱袖衩条
ship-to shore pipe line油船到岸装卸管线
shoulder tip to tip背肩宽
shoulder tip to tip总肩宽
shoulder-to-elbow measurement肩肘长
shrink and to stretch back piece归拔后背
shrink and to stretch sleeve inseam归拔偏袖
shrink and to stretch top collar归拔领面
shrink and to stretch under collar归拔领里
side-to-centre shading边中部色差
side-to-side shading左右色差
sleeve leans to back〔检〕袖子偏后
sleeve leans to back袖子偏后
sleeve leans to front〔检〕袖子偏前
sleeve leans to front袖子偏前
spindle to spindle variability锭间偏差
stretch-to-fit garment弹力贴身服装
stretch-to fit garment弹力贴身服装
submission to arbitration提交仲裁
submit to customs control提交海关检查
tackle to tackle rule钩至钩规则
take to the post付邮
three to one skip stitch三针跳针线迹
ticket to leave离境机票
to-ori nishiki仿中国花缎
to whom it may concern发给有关人员,负责人启
top collar to appears tight领面紧
tow-to-top converter丝束成条机
transfer to others划出
transfer to others转出
transfer to others拨出
transfer to reserve fund转入准备基金
transhipment and partial shipment to be allowed允许转船及分批装运
transhipment to be allowed允许转运
two to one skip stitch两针跳一针
two to one skip stitch两针跳一针线迹
two-way face to face spreading来回和合铺料法
up to an aggregate amount of总金额,上至总金额
up-to-date equipment最新设备
up-to-date style最新式样
up-to-date style时新式样
up-to-date style时兴式样
up-to-date technique新技术
up to mark达到标准
up to standard达标
up to standard合乎〔达到〕标准的
up to standard合格
vessel to vessel collision船与船碰撞
wage attached to a post职务津贴
waist-to-crotch area腰线到裤裆的区域
waist to hip立裆
waist to hip腰臀高腰围线至臀围线距离
waist to hip直裆
waist-to-hip area腰至臀部的区域
waist to knee腰线至膝长
warehouse to warehouse仓库至仓库
warehouse to warehouse仓至仓条款
warehouse to warehouse clause仓库至仓库条款
warehouse to warehouse cover仓至仓保险
warehouse to warehouse cover仓库至仓库保险
warp-to-filling seam斜跨经纬接缝
warp-to-warp seam横跨经纱接缝
We are committed to manufacturing high quality placemats我们致力于生产高品质的餐具垫
We take the liberty to introduce ourselves as exporters of silk piece goods, which we have been exporting to Europe and Japan我方冒昧向您介绍,我们经营丝绸产品,并出口欧洲和日本
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