
Terms for subject Telecommunications containing TO | all forms | exact matches only
acceptable signal-to-interference ratio容许的信噪比
acceptable signal-to-interference ratio可接受的信噪比
access to network进网
access to supplementary services附加业务接人
accessibility of a connection to be established待建立接续的接续能力
add to memory加到存储器内
add to memory加到存贮器中
add-to-storage concept一次完成加法和存储的概念
air-to-air communication空对空通信
air-to-ground communication空对地通信
alternating non return to zero交替不归零
alternating non-return-to-zero交替不归零制
analog-to-digital conversion模拟-数字转换
analog-to-digital simulation language模数模拟语言
analog-to-digital start convert command模数开始转换指令
antenna gain-to-temperature天线增益-噪声温度比
aperture-to-medium coupling loss天线孔径-媒质耦合损耗
approach to distributed processing transaction分布式处理汇集法
ASCH to binary将 ASCII 码转换为二进制码的程序 (atob)
ASCII to binary将 ASCH 码转换为二进制码的程序
available signal-to-noise ratio可用信号噪声比
average peak signal to noise ratio平均峰值信噪比
average time to repair平均修复时间
back-to-back connection本机自发自收连接
back-to-back coupling天线背对背耦合
balance to ground对地平衡
balance to ground对地对称
balanced to earth对地平衡
balanced-to-ground in-put impedance对地平衡的输人阻抗
balanced-to-imbalanced transformer平衡-不平衡变换器
baseband signal-to-thermal noise ratio基带信号对热噪声比
binary to ASCII将二进制码转换成为 ASCII 码的程序 (btoa)
binary to ASCII将二进制码转换成为ASCII 码的程序一atob
Binary to ASCII二进码到ASCII 码转换
binary-to-BCD converter二进制码-BCD 码变换器
binary to decade counter二-十进制计数器
binary-to-decimal conversion二进制-十进制转换
binary-to-Gray code conversion二进制-格雷码转换
black to white transition亮度跃迁
black to white transition黑白过渡
British Subject Index to Periodicals英国期刊主题索引
busy-hour to day ratio忙时集中系数
bypass to ground旁通到地
call to quarters业余无线电台的普遍呼叫信号 (general call to all stations)
call to quarters美国ARRL 的期刊名《CQ》
call to quarters公告广播开始前的呼叫信号
card-to-disk conversion卡片-磁盘转换
card-to-tape conversion卡片-磁带转换
cardboard illustrative aid to computation计算辅助图板
carrier power to noise power ratio载波功率与噪声功率比
carrier-to-interference ratio载干比
carrier-to-interference ratio载波-干扰比
carrier-to-receiver noise density载波对接受机噪声密度比卫星通信
Cartesian to polar converter笛卡尔坐标一极坐标换算器
channel-to-channel adapter通道-通道适配器
channel-to-channel connection通道-通道连接
clear-to-send准备发送 (EIA RS-232接口标准中的代码名称)
clear to send准备发送 (EIA RS-232 接口标准中的代码名称)
click to dial点击拨号 (Web 上的 PSTN 业务)
click to fax点击发送传真 (Web 上的 PSTN 业务)
click to fax back点击回送传真 (Web 上的 PSTN 业务)
coaxial-to-waveguide transducer同轴线-波导管匹配变换器
complementary non-return-to-zero change on one互补逢"1"变化不归零制
completion of call to busy subscriber遇忙回叫
completion of call to busy subscriber完成对忙用户的呼叫
computer output to laser disk计算机向激光盘输出
computer-to-computer communication计算机间通信
connect data set to line数传机同线路连接指令
connect to resource连接到资源
count to infinity无限计数路由算法中可能发生的问题
cut to电视转场
data rate to bandwidth ratio数据信道频带利用率
day to busy hour ratio忙时与天比1 天= 24h
day to busy hour ratio忙时集中系数
day to busy hour ratio天与忙时比
day to day variation逐日变化
day to day variation每日变化
decimal to binar十一二进制转换
decimal to binary conversion十进制-二进制转换
decimal-to-octal conversion十一八进制转换
digital-to-analog conversion数-模转换
digital-to-digital converter数字-数字转换器
digital-to-voice translator数字-话音变换器
direct inward dialing to extension automatic transfer电脑话务员外线直接拨人用户交换机,再由电脑自动转接到分机
direct to ground capacitance对地电容
directory number-to-equipment translation table电话簿号码-设备号码翻译表
disk to printer磁盘到打印机
double current return to zero双流归零制
earth-to-satellite link地球-卫星链路
earth-to-space link地空链路
earth-to-space transmission地对空传输
end-to-end check端对端检查
end-to-end circuit端对端电路
end-to-end communication端到端通信
end-to-end connection端对端连接
end-to-end encryption端对端加密
end-to-end layer端对端协议
end-to-end protocol端对端协议
end-to-end signaling端到端信令
end-to-end singing端对端振鸣
end-to-end system端对端系统
end-to-end transfer端对端传送
end-to-end transmission端对端传输
energy per bit to noise spectral density每比特能量对噪声谱密度比
external input to on line test外部输入联机试验
face to face面晤而非网上通信会晤
face to face面对面相见
face-to-face coupling对接耦合
face-to-face coupling端面耦合
face-to-face coupling面对面耦合
fiber end-to-end separation sensor光纤端到端识别传感器
fiber-to-the building光纤到大楼
fiber-to-the-service area光纤到服务区
file to file文件传输
file to file文件对文件
fitting to fitting配件对配件
flames to /dev/ null从空设备的 Unix 名中删除煽情性的邮件
floor-to-floor time在机时间加工一工件所需的全过程时间
forward to附送
from bottom to top自下至上
front-to-back ratio前后比天线方向性
front-to-back ratio方向比
gain-to-noise temperature ratio增益对温度噪声比
gain to temperature ratio增益温度比 (G/ T)
gain-to-temperature ratio增益温度比
glow-to-arc transition current辉光-弧光过渡电流
GO TO转向指令
ground-to-air communication地对空通信
ground-to-air transmitter-receiver地对空收发两用机
hexadecimal to binary十六进制至二进制转换
highlight to lowlight ratio高低亮度比
hop to hop多段接力
hop to hop逐跳法
host to host主机到主机
host-to-host communication主机到主机的通信
host-to-host protocol主机到主机的协议
host to network主机到网络
How to reduce the radiation from mobile phones?怎么减少手机带来的辐射呢?
image-to-frame ratio像帧比
immunity to interference抗扰度
in order not to + inf.为了不
in order not to + inf.以便不致
Index to American Doctoral Dissertations美国博士学位论文索引
Index to Scientific and Technical Conference Proceedings科学技术会议录索引
international point-to-multipoint telecommunication service via satellite国际点对多点卫星电信业务
invitation to send请求发送
Japanese to English translation日-英翻译
laser-to-fiber positioner激光定位器
licensed to授权给
line-to-circle conversion optical fiber光纤圆直变换器
line-to-circle converter圆直变换器
loop write to read循环读写
low speed access to a computer计算机的低速存取
machine for automatic graphics interface to a computer带计算机接口的自动绘图仪
many-to-one embedding多对一嵌人
mark-to-space ratio传空比
mark-to-space ratio传号-空号比
mean time to failure平均失效前时间
mean time to overhaul平均检修时间
mean time to recovery平均还原前时间
mean time to recovery平均恢复前时间
mean time to repair平均修复时间 (CCITT 不赞成用此名词,-> mean time to restoration)
mean time to restoration平均还原前时间
mean time to restoration平均恢复前时间
mean time to restore service平均修复工作时间
mean time to service restoral平均业务恢复时间
mean time to service restoral业务恢复平均时间
modified non-return-to-zero level code改进的电平非归零码
Multilink Point-to-Point Protocol多链接点对点协议
need-to-know policy需知方知的安全策略
need-to-know principle需知原则
need-to-know violation安全保密需知违例
network-to-network interfaceATM 的网络-网络接口
new origin to be created要建立的新话区
no to all全否定
node-to-node message节点到节点报文控制信令
non-polarized return to zero极化归零制磁记录
non-return to zero system不归零
non-return-to-zero change异码变化不归零制
non-return-to-zero change to one逢 1 变化不归零制
non-return-to-zero change to oneNRZ1不归零 1 制
non-return-to-zero change to one逢1变化不归零制
non-return-to-zero change to one不归零1制
nonreturn to zero code非归零码
non-return-to-zero inverse不归零码反转
non-return-to-zero inverse不归零码倒置
non-return-to-zero inverse不归零码取反
non-return to zero invert反向不归零
non-return-to-zero change to ones modulation逢 1 变化调制不归零制
non-return-to-zero change modulation异码变化调制不归零制
non-return-to-zero-change-at-logic-1 recording不归零制改为归 1 记录
normalized signal-to-noise ratio归一化信噪比
one-to-many multicast一对多组播
one-to-many multicast一对多的多播
one-to-many relation数据库一对多关系
one-to-one relation数据库一对一关系
one-to-one 1:1 reversals 1:1点信号
optical fiber line-to-circle converter光纤圆直变换器
Our goal is to become your most reliable supplier of professional mobile power我们的目标是成为您最可靠的专业移动电源供应商
Pan Index Current Index to Science and Technical Literature刊名,美国 PANDEX总索引近期科学技术文献综合索引
PANDEX Current Index to Science and Technical Literature刊名,美国 PANDEX总索引近期科学技术文献综合索引
parallel to serial converter并串变换器
peak signal to noise ratio峰值信噪比
peak-to-peak amplitude峰-峰振幅
peer-to-peer architecture同级结构
peer-to-peer communication对等通信同一通信层次之间的交互
peer-to-peer networking同级联网
peer-to-peer networking对等网络
person-to-person call叫人电话
plug-to-plug compatible插接兼容的
point-to-multipoint ISDN connection点对多点 ISDN 连接
point-to-point communication点对点通信
point-to-point connection点到点的连接
point-to-point ISDN connection点对点 ISDN 连接
point-to-point protocol点对点协议 (TCP/IP 用的一种协议)
point-to-point protocol点到点协议
point-to-point service固定业务
point-to-point tunneling protocol点对点通道协议 (PPP 的增强形式)
polarized return-to-zero modulation极化归零制调制
port-to-port protocol端口间信息交换协议
press-to-talk switch送话按钮
press-to-talk switch按键讲话开关
prior to divestiture解体前1984.1.1. Bell System 解体前
probability of end-to-end blocking端到端阻塞概率
process-to-process protocol进程间协议
process-to-process protocol进程对进程协议
processor-to-processor communication处理机间通信
radio frequency signal-to-interference ratio射频信号对干扰比
refer to涉及
refer to访问
refer to引用
refer to参见
resistance to wear耐磨损性
return to control返回控制码三类传真指示代码
return-to-reference recording归基准记录
return to the sender退还发信人
return to zero归零
return to zero归零制【QJ】
return to zero code归零码
return-to-zero recording归零制磁记录
segmental signal-to-noise ratio分段信噪比
serial to parallel converter串并变换器
ship-to-shore communication船岸通讯
signal-to-crosstalk ratio信号串音比
signal-to-mask ratio信号掩蔽比
signal to noise and distortion信噪失真 (S+N+D)
signal to noise and distortion信纳
signal-to-residual output-power ratio信号对剩余输出功率比
signal-plus-noise to noise ratio信噪和与噪声比
snap to grid格线对齐
source-to-fiber loss光源-光纤损耗
source-to-source conversion源到源变换
source-to-source program transform源到源程序变换
source to source transformation源到源转换
station-to-attendant call分机呼叫话务员
station-to-station call叫号电话
station-to-station dialing话机间直接拨号
structural approach to pattern recognition结构化模式识别法
switch to切换到MS
text-to-speech system文语转换系统
time-to-amplitude conversion时间-振幅转换
time-to-digit conversion时间-数字转换
time to failure失效前时间
time to first failure首次失效时间
time to live驻留时间
time to recovery还原前时间
time to restoration恢复前时间
track center-to-center spacing磁道中心距
track-to-track short印刷板的线条间短路
unbalanced to earth对地不平衡
Unix to Unix Copy programUNIX至UNIX 复制程序
UNIX to UNIX decode编码转换
UNIX to UNIX decodeUNIX 解码工具
UNIX to UNIX encode格式转换
UNIX to UNIX encodeUNIX 编码工具
up-to-date directory最新的电话号码簿
user-to-network interface用户至网络接口
user-to-network interface用户-网络接口
user-to-user information用户至用户信息
vehicle-to-vehicle communication飞行器间通信
vehicle-to-vehicle communication车辆间通信
We would like to buy some interphones for intercommunication between our stagehands我们想买一些对讲机,以便舞台工作人员用来内部交流
weighted signal-to-noise ratio加权信噪比
wrap to ruler标尺自动换行
wrap to window窗口内自动换行
write-to-read crossfeed写读串扰
zoom to缩放为MS