
Terms for subject Agriculture containing Sweet | all forms | exact matches only
dessert sweet-dish餐后甜点
destarched sweet potato甘薯渣
farinaceous sweet potato粉质甘薯
firmness of processed sweet potato加工甘薯的硬度
hand sweet potato slicer手摇甘薯切片机
honey-sweet蜜味的 (mellitus)
reed sweet grass水甜茅
rod-type sweet potato harvester杆式甘薯收获机
root type of sweet potato薯型
seed tuber of sweet potato种薯
slice of sweet potato甘薯干
slice of sweet potato甘薯片
sour-sweet酸甜的 (dulcacideus)
starchy sweet maize甜粉种玉米
summer sweet白桤木
sweet almond甜扁桃
sweet almond oil巴旦杏仁油
sweet almond oil[甜]扁桃仁油
sweet and sour garlic糖醋蒜头指糖醋渍的,腊八蒜
sweet apple番荔枝
sweet banana甜香蕉
sweet birch矮桦
sweet butter甜香黄油
sweet butter甘性黄油
sweet cider甜苹果汁
sweet clover草木犀
sweet corn甜质种玉米甜玉米,禾本科
sweet corn甜玉米 Zea mays convar. saccharata
sweet corn harvester甜玉米收获机
sweet corn picker甜玉米摘穗机
sweet corn Stewart's bacteria wilt甜玉米枯萎病
sweet ensilage甜青贮料
sweet-fruited甜果的 (hedycarpus, glycycarpus)
sweet gale香杨梅
sweet humus温性腐殖
sweet-leaved甜叶的 (glycyphyllus)
sweet lime甜莱母酸橙 Citrus limetta
sweet lime oil甜来檬油
sweet locust美国皂夹
sweet milk鲜乳
sweet must甜果汁指苹果汁、葡萄汁或梨汁
sweet orange marmalade甜橙果膏
sweet potato甘薯白薯,番薯
sweet potato agrotechnique甘薯栽培技术
sweet potato bent-cutting甘薯船底插
sweet potato breeding甘薯育种
sweet potato breeding garden甘薯育种圃
sweet potato breeding procedure甘薯育种步骤方法
sweet potato cellar甘薯窖
sweet potato clone甘薯克隆
sweet potato clone甘薯无性系
sweet potato cloning甘薯克隆[化]
sweet potato cloning甘薯无性繁殖
sweet potato closing of vine甘薯封垄
sweet potato creeper甘薯藤
sweet potato depth of bent cutting甘薯船底插深度
sweet potato depth of vine layer甘薯插蔓深度
sweet-potato digger甘薯挖掘器
sweet potato field storage甘薯露地贮藏
sweet potato genus hybridization甘薯属间杂交
sweet potato grader甘薯分选机
sweet potato grader甘薯分级机
sweet potato grafting hybrid甘薯嫁接杂种
sweet potato grater甘薯磨碎机
sweet potato growing甘薯栽培学
sweet potato growing甘薯栽培
sweet potato growing space甘薯营养面积
sweet potato heterosis甘薯杂种优势
sweet potato hybrid vigor甘薯杂种优势
sweet potato internal cork virus甘薯内木栓病毒
sweet potato internal cork virus甘薯栓化病毒病
sweet potato lifter甘薯挖掘铲
sweet potato preparation of soil甘薯整地
sweet potato replanting甘薯补栽
sweet potato ridge culture甘薯起垄栽培
sweet potato ridger甘薯作垄机
sweet potato ridging甘薯作垄
sweet potato root tuber甘薯块根
sweet potato rot甘薯腐烂
sweet potato shoot甘薯苗
sweet potato shoot pulling甘薯拔苗
sweet potato slice薯干
sweet potato slice甘薯片
sweet potato slicer甘薯切片器
sweet potato space between hills甘薯穴距
sweet potato space between rows甘薯行距
sweet potato sport甘薯芽变
sweet potato starch甘薯淀粉
sweet potato starch processing甘薯[淀]粉加工
sweet potato stem nematode disease甘薯茎线虫病
sweet potato tillage甘薯整地
sweet potato times of shoot pulling甘薯拔苗次数
sweet potato times of vine turning甘薯翻蔓次数
sweet potato vegetative-hybrid甘薯无性杂交
sweet potato vegetative-propagation甘薯无性繁殖
sweet potato vine甘薯蔓
sweet potato vine turning甘薯翻蔓
sweet potato washer甘薯清洗机
sweet potato washer甘薯洗涤机
sweet protein甜蛋白[质]
sweet-rooted甜根的 (glycyrrhizus)
sweet -scented rice芳香米
sweet-scented verbena防臭木
sweet silo甜土青贮窖
sweet smelling香甜的 (hedyosmus)
sweet soil甜土
sweet sorghum甜高粱禾本科
sweet sorghum芦黍 Sorghum vulgare var. saccharatum, Sorghum saccharatum
sweet sorghum甜高粱芦粟,禾本科
sweet sorghum甜高粱 Sorghum vulgare var. saccharatum, Sorghum saccharatum
sweet strain of fodder lupin甜羽扇豆饲用甜性品系
sweet Sudan甜苏丹苏丹草品种
sweet taste甜味
sweet tussock鳞茎早熟禾
sweet variety甜味品种木薯
sweet wine甜酒
sweets op番荔枝
white sweet clover白香草木犀
yellow sweet clover黄花香草木犀
yellow-flowered sweet clover黄花香草木犀