
Terms containing Student | all forms | exact matches only
auto.Automotive Student Service Educational Program福特公司汽车维修校企合作规划
stat.bivariate 'Student' distribution二元“学生”分布
math.bivariate "Student" distribution二元 " 学生 " 分布
busin.bivariate student 's distribution二元学生分布
ed.boarding student寄宿
avia.Boeing automated student instruction system波音自动化教学系统
proj.manag.CAI is an educational concept that places the student in a conversational mode with a computer that has a preprogrammed study planCAI 是个安排学生到预先设计了学习计划的会话模式的电脑上的教育观念
ed.day student走读学生
China, lawdisabled student残疾学生
bridg.constr.doctorial student博士生
gen.Does the student card have an expiration date?这个学生卡有期限吗?
proj.manag.FC approved to expand the ambit of the Student Travel Scheme to include eligible students aged over 25财务委员会批准扩大学生车船津贴计划的适用范围、把25岁以上的合格学生包括在内
manag.full-time-student equivalent全读学生当量
bridg.constr.graduate student研究生
auto.graduate student大学毕业生
gen.I have been accepted by a U. S. school and issued an I-20. Isn't that enough for a student visa issuance?我已被美国学校录取,并有 I-20 表格。难道这不够颁发学生签证的条件吗?
busin.industry based student具有工业待培基础的学员
tech.industry-based student以工业为基地的学员
org.name.International Youth and Student Movement for the United Nations国际青年和学生拥护联合国运动
busin.language student外语专业学生
libr.library student assistant图书馆学生工
China, lawminor student未成年学生
busin.multivariate student-T prior distribution多元"学生"T先验分布
manag.pay student自费生
China, lawresident student寄宿生
gen.secondary school student中学生
China, lawsize of the student body办学规模
spaceSLI Junior student launch initiative学生发射倡议 (美国马歇尔航天中心发起的学生研制并发射火箭的活动)
spaceSSETI Express Student Space Exploration and Technology Initiative-Express学生空间探索和技术互动快车卫星 (欧洲空间局)
tech.student assessment学生评价
busin.student assistant见习生
libr.student assistant学生工
busin.student assistant实习生
heavy.eq.student athlete学生运动员
textilestudent bycocket意大利学生帽
textilestudent cloth学生呢
textilestudent coating学生呢
AI.student component学生成分
tech.student cooperative housing学生合作住房
busin.student criterion"学生"判据
busin.student discount学生折扣
IMF.Student distribution学生t-分布
genet.Student distribution斯丢腾氏分布
IMF.Student distributiont-分布
busin."student" distribution"学生"分布
busin.student distribution law"学生"分布定律
spacestudent dust counter学生尘埃计数器 (美国新地平线探测器上的)
econ.student engineer见习工程师
manag.student engineer见习技术员
tech.student engineer实习工程师
USA, spaceStudent Explorer Demonstration Initiative大学生探险者卫星演示倡议
auto.student flow学习客流
judo.student grade学生级
judo.student grade学生级
exhib.student guide实习导游
China, lawstudent loan贷学金
auto.student monthly ticket学生月票
avia.student navigator领航学员
agric., stat.Student-New man-Keuls test司徒登-牛曼- 克尔氏检验法
spacestudent nitric oxide explorer大学生一氧化氮探险者卫星 (美国小型科学卫星)
avia.student pilot飞行学员
busin."student's" critical point"学生"临界点
busin.student's distribution"学生"分布
math.Student's distribution" 学生 " 分布
stat.Student's distribution学生t分布
stat.Student's distribution分布
agric., stat.Student's distribution司徒登氏分布
math.Student's distribution" 学生 " t 分布
math.Student's distributiont 分布
agric., stat.Student's distribution学生氏分布
stat.Student's hypothesis“学生”假设
math.Student's hypothesis" 学生 " 假设
gen.Student's International Travel Association学生国际旅行协会
agric.Student's method学生氏法
agric.Student's method司徒登氏法
agric.Student's pairing method学生氏对比法
agric.Student's pairing method司徒登氏对比法
chem.student's t distributiont 分布
tech.Student's t distribution学生 t 分布
agric.Student's t test学生氏 t 测验
earth.sc.student's t testt 检验
agric.Student's t test司徒登氏 t 测验
agric.Student's table学生氏表
agric.Student's tablet表
agric.Student's table司徒登氏表
IMF.Student's t-distributiont-分布
IMF.Student's t-distribution学生t-分布
math.Student's t-distribution" 学生 " t 分布
math.Student's t-distributiont 分布
math.Student's t-distribution" 学生 " 分布
busin."student's" T-distribution"学生式" T 分布
stat.Student's testt检验
stat.Student's test学生检验
stat.Student's test“学生”t检验
math.Student's testt 检验
math.Student's test" 学生 " t 检验
IMF.Student's t-statistic"t"比率
IMF.Student's t-statistic"学生"t 统计量
chem.student's t-test检验
textilestudent's uniform cloth学生呢
textilestudent's wear学生服
agric.Student's Z test学生氏Z 测验
agric.Student's Z test司徒登氏Z测验
spaceStudent Satellite学生卫星 (印度技术试验皮卫星)
sport.student sports club学生体育俱乐部
avia.student squadron学员中队
gen.student studying abroad留学生
econ.student subsidies助学金
busin."student" T critical point"学生"T临界点
busin."student" T test"学生"T检验
multimed.student television in the united kingdom英国学生电视
genet.Student test斯丢腾测验
auto.student transport公共交通学生运输
auto.student trip学习出行
tech.student union学生联合会
tech.student union学生活动大楼
gen.student union大学的学生活动中心
nautic., tech.student visa学生签证
heavy.eq.student with disabilities残疾学生
gen.teacher and student师生
gen.The approved I-20 is just one piece of information the interviewing officer must consider when deciding whether a visa may be issued. Student visas may be refused if it appears that the applicant's primary purpose of travel is not to attain an education被批准的 I-20 表格只是签证官决定是否颁发签证要考虑的因素之一。如果申请人的总体情况显示其赴美的主要目的不是学习,那他的学生签证申请就可能被拒
busin.truncated student-random variable截断"学生"型随机变数
gen.university student大学生
gen.Why hasn't the student guide answered the phone? The telephone has been ringing for several minutes电话已经响了好几分钟了,实习导游为什么不去接?
multimed.World Student Press Agency世界学生新闻社