
Terms for subject Business containing Strong | all forms | exact matches only
already-strong year好年景
double extra strong超特强的
Kolmogorov's strong law of large numbers柯尔莫戈洛夫强大数定律
market strong市况坚稳
market strong行情看涨
strong-arm method强制方法
strong colinearity强共线性
strong currency坚挺货币
strong currency强势货币
strong design强度设计
strong drink烈性饮料
strong incentive强刺激
strong law of large numbers强大数法则
strong link强连接
strong man实力派人物
strong market看涨的行市
strong market坚挺的市场行情
strong matrix强固矩阵
strong room银行保险室
strong sentiment强烈意见
strong stockholder财力雄厚的股东