
Terms for subject International Monetary Fund containing Stock | all forms | exact matches only
bonus stock送股
bonus stock红利股
buffer stock缓冲库存
Buffer Stock Financing Facility缓冲库存贷款
capital stock股份资本
capital stock资本存量
capital stock股本
common stock普通股
convertible adjustable preferred stock可转换可调整的优先股
debt stock agreement债务存量协议
debt stock agreement债务存量操作
first preferred stock高级优先股
full-paid stock已缴股份
full-paid stock已缴款股票
full-paid stock实收股本
full-paid stock全部缴清的股本
joint stock company股份公司
money stock货币存量
money stock货币供应量
outstanding stock of liabilities债务余额
over-the-counter stock场外交易的股票
paid-up stock已缴股份
paid-up stock已缴款股票
paid-up stock实收股本
paid-up stock全部缴清的股本
preferred stock优先股
senior preferred stock高级优先股
stock buyback股票回购
stock cycle存货周期
stock data存量数据
stock dividend发行红利股
stock dividend股票红利
stock exchange股票交易所
stock exchange证券交易所
Stock Exchange of Hong Kong香港联合证券交易所
stock index future指数期货
stock index future证券指数期货
stock index option contract股票指数期权合同
stock market证券交易所
stock market股票交易所
stock market股票市场
stock of money货币存量
stock of money货币供应量
stock-of-debt operation Paris Club, HIPC Initiative, Debt Guide, 1993债务存量协议
stock-of-debt operation Paris Club, HIPC Initiative, Debt Guide, 1993债务存量操作
stock option股票期权
stock option plan认股权计划
stock purchase warrant认购权证
stock purchase warrant权证
stock purchase warrant认股权证
stock split分股
stock split股票分割
stock variable存量变量
stock warrant认购权证
stock warrant权证
stock warrant认股权证
transfer of stock股票过户