
Terms for subject Metallurgy containing State | all forms | exact matches only
above-critical state超临界
active state活性状态
amorphous state无定形状态
as-cast state铸造状态
austenitic state奥氏体状态
balanced state平衡状态
barotropic state正压状态
bound exciton state束缚激子态
capturing state俘获状态
change of state物态变化
change of state状态变化
chemically reactive state化学活性状态
cold state abrasion test冷态抗磨试验
cold state abrasion test抗磨试验
colloidal state胶态
complete miscibility in solid state固态完全互溶
condensed state凝聚状态
condensed state physics凝聚态物理
critical state临界状态
crystalline state结晶状态
crystallized state晶态
crystallized state结晶状态
degenerate state简并态
degenerate state退化态
delivery state交货状态
density of state状态密度
density of state curve状态密度曲线
disordered state无序状态
distribution state of cohesive zone软熔带分布状况
double equilibrium state diagram复平衡状态图
double equilibrium state diagram复合平衡状态图
double equilibrium state diagram双平衡状态图
dry state出净渣铁状态 (高炉的)
dry state排空状态 (指高炉出净铁水的状态)
dry state干燥状态
effective density of state有效态密度
elastic state弹性状态
electron energy state电子能状态
electronic state电子状态
empty state空态
energetic state高能态
energy state能态
equation of state状态方程式
equilateral state of stress静水压状态
equilateral state of stress等压应力状态
equilibrium state平衡状态
equiponderant state均衡状态
European Community State Aid Code欧共体政府补贴法规
eutectic state共晶状态
eutectic state共晶
excited state受激状态
filled state填充状态
filled state满充状态
fine state of subdivision细散状态
finely dispersed state微细弥散状态
fluidized state流化
forbidden state禁戒状态
forbidden state禁止状态
four fold degenerate state四度简并态
free energy state游离能态
free energy state自由能态
funicular state索带状态
funicular state索连状态
generalized equation of state普遍化的状态方程
glassy state玻璃质状态
green state湿态
green state生坯状态
ground state energy基态能
ground-state splitting基态分裂
ground-state wave function基态波函数
heat treated state热处理状态
high temperature steady state creep高温稳态蠕变
higher energy state高能态
high-temperature steady state creep高温稳态蠕变
homogeneous state单一状态
homogeneous state均匀状态
ideal state理想状态
impurity state混合物状态
impurity state杂质状态
inactive state静止状态
inactive state非活性状态
initial state始状
interacting state交互作用状态
intermediate state中间状态
internal energy state能态
labile state易变态
labile state不稳定态
liquid state液体状态
liquid steel flow state钢水流动状态
lower-energy state低能态
lower-energy state较低能态
macroscopic state低倍状态
macroscopic state宏观状态
magnetic disordered state磁无序态
magnetic ordered state磁有序态
martensitic state马氏体状态
mashy-state extrusion糊态挤压
mashy-state forging糊态锻造
mashy-state forming糊态成形
mashy-state mixing糊态混合
mashy-state processing糊态加工
mashy-state rolling糊态轧制
matrix chemical state基体化学状态
mechanical equation of state力学状态方程
mesomorphic state液晶状态
mesomorphic state介晶态
metallic state金属状态
metastable state介稳态
metastable state亚稳定状
mixed-state thermal conductivity of superconductor超导体混态热导率
molten state液态
molten state熔融状态
mushy-state extrusion糊态挤压
mushy-state forging糊态锻造
mushy-state forming糊态成形
mushy-state processing糊态加工
mushy-state rolling糊态轧制
mushy-state structure糊态组织
nano state纳米态
nascent state初生态
nascent state新生态
nondegenerate state非退化态
nondegenerate state非简并态
nonequilibrium state of carbon-oxygen reaction碳氧反应的非平衡态 (The nonequilibrium states of the carbon-oxygen reaction at low carbon contents in BOF and OBM (Q-BOP) are represented by the following empirical relations. 在含碳量较低的情况下, BOF 和 OBM (Q-BOP) 炼钢法碳氧反应的非平衡态用以下经验关系式表示。)
non-steady state不稳状态
nonsteady state operation非稳态操作
normal state
occupied state填充状态
occupied state满充状态
occupied state占有态
one state"1"态
ordered state有序态
organometallic state有机金属形态
original state原始状态
oxidation state of metal bath金属熔池氧化性 【态】
oxidative state氧化状态
passive state钝化状态
passive state钝态
pasty state糊状 (熔融材料的)
pendular state点连状态
phase state相态
physical state物理状态
plane strain stress state平面应变应力状态
plane stress state平面应力状态
pundular state点连状态
pundular state触点态
quantum state量子状态
radiant state辐射状态
random state无序状态
reduced state还原状态
reference state基准状态
reference state参考状态
renewed state准备状态 (熔炼的)
saturation state饱和状态
simple state of stress单向应力状态
simple state of stress简单应力状态
singlet state单重态
singlet state单线态
sintering under dynamic state动态烧结
solid state bonding固态粘结
solid state bonding固态键
solid state bonding固态粘合
solid state cementation process固态置换方法
solid state chemical reaction固态化学反应
solid state device固态器件
solid state device固态元件
solid state diffusion固态扩散
solid state electrolysis固相电解法
solid state electrolysis固态电解法
solid-state electrolyte固体电解质
solid state equilibrium固态平衡
solid state image amplifier固态图像放大器
solid state laser固态激光器
solid state martensite固态马氏体
solid state physics固体物理学
solid state physics固态物理学
solid state reaction固态反应
solid state reduction固态还原
solid state sintering固相烧结
solid state study固态特性研究
solid state theory固态理论
solidified state凝结状态
solidified state凝固状态
spin state自旋态
stability of deformed state形变状态稳定性
Stainless Steel Institute of the United States美国不锈钢协会
State Administration for the Inspection of Import and Export Commodities国家进出口商品检验局
State Administration on Mineral Resources国家矿产储量管理局
state analysis状态分析
state as received供应状态
state as received进厂状态
state as received交货状态
state award for inventions国家发明奖
State Bureau of Environmental Protection国家环境保护局
State Bureau of Standardization国家标准总局
State Bureau of Technical Supervision国家技术监督局
state clay粘土页岩
state clay页岩粘土
state-controlled holding company国家控股公司
state density状态密度
state diagram平衡图
State Economic and Trade Commission国家经济贸易委员会
state guided price国家指导价格
state high and new technology development zone国家高新科技开发区
state macro-control国家宏观调控
state of aggregate聚集状态
state of dispersion弥散状态
state of ebullience沸腾状态
state of equilibrium平衡状态
state of internal strain内应变状态
state of stress应力状态
state of vibrating振动状态
state-of-flow factor流态因数
state-of-the-art facility现代化设备
state-owned big enterprise国有大型企业
state-owned large enterprise国有大型企业
state vector状态向量
state verification国家鉴定
stationary state稳定状态
stationary state固定状态
stationary state静止态
stationary state稳态
steady state at partial reflux部分回流稳定态
steady state at total reflux全回流稳定态
steady-state casting condition稳态连铸条件
steady-state casting period稳态连铸期
steady-state casting rate稳态浇注速度
steady-state casting speed工作拉速
steady-state casting speed操作拉速
steady-state casting speed稳态拉速
steady state concentration平衡浓度
steady state concentration稳态浓度
steady-state continuous casting condition稳态连铸条件
steady-state continuous casting period稳态连铸期
steady-state creep稳态蠕变 (【技】蠕变速率几乎保持不变的蠕变状态。由此说明此时的蠕变阻力由于加工硬化和回复软化保持平衡而不变。)
steady state creep稳态蠕变
steady state current稳态电流
steady state diffusion稳态扩散
steady state distribution静态分布
steady-state flame propagation火焰稳定传布
steady state flame propagation火焰稳定传布
steady-state flowrate稳态流量
steady state heat losses稳态热损失
steady-state heat transfer finite element analysis稳态传热有限元分析
steady state model静态模型
steady-state operation稳态操作
steady-state oxygen balance氧气稳态平衡
steady state oxygen balance稳态氧平衡
steady state oxygen balance氧气稳态平衡
steady state solute distribution静态溶质分布
steady state temperature稳态温度
steady-state thermal crown稳态热凸度
steel flow state钢水流动状态
stressed state受力状态
stressed state应力状态
supercooled state过冷状态
supersaturated solid solution state过饱和固溶体状态
surface structural state表面组织状态
suspended state悬浮
suspension state悬浮状态
tervalent state三价
thermal state
thermal state热态
thermodynamic state热力学状态
transient state暂时状态
transient state非定态
transition state过渡状态
triplet state三重线态
two-state circuit双稳态电路
unbound state无束缚状态
unbound state自由状态
underfired state未烧透状态
underfired state欠烧状态
underfired state未烧成状态
United States standard wire gauge美国标准线规
unoccupied state未满空位状态
unsteady state不稳定状态
unsteady-state diffusion非稳态扩散
unsteady-state flow非稳态流动
unsteady-state flow非稳
unsteady state heat transfer analysis非稳态传热分析
unsteady state operation非稳态操作
unsteady-state oscillation非稳态振荡
vacuum state真空状态
valent state化合价态
Van der Waals' equation of state范德瓦尔斯物态方程
zero-energy state零能量状态