
Terms for subject Explosives and Explosive Ordnance Disposal containing State | all forms | exact matches only
absolute worst state绝对最坏状态
activated state活化状态
activated state激活态
Also, different gas concentrations result at different states of expansion,for example at the detonation state况且、气体的浓度不同、比如在爆轰态、会造成不同的膨胀状态
apply to the State Development and Reform Committee for some subsidy to a milk cow farm向国家发改委申请给奶牛场的一些补贴
bottom state of stress边界应力状态
detonation state爆轰态
dispersed state分散态
dispersed state乳化态
equation of the state of detonation gases爆轰气体状态方程反应产物状态方程是一个关于压力、密度和温度的复合函数。在低密度情况下,理想的气体方程为一个适用的近似公式。在高密度的情况下,当分子体积,即质量体积 a 为总体积V的重要部分时,压力几乎与自由体积〈V 和 a 的乘积〉成反比地增加
Even considering the uncertainties in determining a correct equation of state for the reaction products, the expansion work is one of the most realistic measures of explosive power as it approximates the amount of work the gaseous products of the explosion can do on the rock surrounding the charge as they expand from the initial detonation conditions to atmospheric conditions即便考虑到确定爆后产物的正确状态方程时有诸多不定因素、膨胀功却是衡量爆炸威力的最为现实的因素之一、因为在爆炸后的气体物质由初始爆轰状态向大气状态膨胀时、膨胀功接近爆炸后的气体物质对药包周边的岩石所做的功
explosion state爆炸状态爆炸时爆轰区后面与压力和温度有关的物理条件
incontrollable state失控状态
momentary state瞬变状态
State Development and Reform Committee国家发展和改革委员会
state-of-the-art 3D computational method最新三维计算方法
statistical mechanical equations of state统计力学状态方程炸药的爆速随药包直径增大而提高,但是当药包直径超过某一数值时,爆速几乎不再变化。这时的爆速称为稳定爆速。达到稳定爆速的药包直径,如代那买特为50mm,浆状炸药为100mm, 铵油炸药为200mm
steady-state detonation稳态爆轰
steady-state detonation velocity稳态爆速离主爆药一定距离内一旦完成爆破梯度变化〈提速或减速〉时所得的稳态爆速。炸药的化学组合爆速。该爆速受制于直径、约束度、温度等因素
steady state velocity of detonation稳态爆速离主爆药一定距离内一旦完成爆破梯度变化〈提速或减速〉时所得的稳态爆速。炸药的化学组合爆速。该爆速受制于直径、约束度、温度等因素
stress state应力状态岩土中各种不同应力的组合特征
surface state of the substrate基片表面状态
transient state瞬变状态
triaxial State of stress三相应力状态
ultimate stress state极限应力状态岩土的抗破坏力与作用荷载之间处于临界平衡状态时的应力组合
zero stress state零应力状态