
Terms for subject Securities containing State | all forms | exact matches only
act of state doctrine国家行为原则
administrative department for finance under State Council国务院金融行政管理部门
being turned over to State Treasury上缴国库
certificate for use of state-owned land国有土地使用证
changes in the state of incorporation公司状态的改变
changing the state of incorporation公司状态的变化
compensated appropriation of state funds国有资金有偿占有制
competent state authority国家主管机构
concentrate on rejuvenating state-owned large enterprises集中力量抓好国有大型企业
conversion of state assets into state shares国家资产作价人股
creditor state债权国
curtailing the number of inefficient state enterprises削减低效率的国有企业
deepening of the reform of state-owned enterprises深化国有企业改革
department authorized by the State Council国务院授权的部门
department of security administration under the State Council国务院证券管理机构
Disclosure Guidelines for State and Local Government Securities州和地方政府证券披露准则
embezzlement of state revenue侵占国家收人
enterprise directly under the central government with full state ownership中央直属的国有独资企业
enterprise solely funded by the state国有独资企业
establish a system for the management, supervision and operation of State assets建立国有资产管理、监督和营运体系
floated state shares流通国有股
fund for important construction of state's energy and transportation国家能源交通重点建设基金
funds handed over to the state treasury财政缴款
give small state-owned enterprises greater freedom放活国有小企业
invigorating state large and medium sized enterprise振兴国有大中型企业
invigorating state large and medium sized enterprise增强国有大中型企业活力
keep the state-held shares保持国有股
keep the state owned shares保持国有股
large and medium-sized state-owned enterprises turned into corporate enterprise转变为股份公司的大中型企业
Legislative Affairs Office of the State Council PRC国务院法制办公室中国
lessening holding of state-owned shares国有股减持
loss of state assets国有资产流失
management of state-owned property国有资产管理
non-state enterprise非国有企业
non-state-owned enterprise非国有企业
non-tradable state share非流通国有股
non-volitional state总资本处于 无意志的状态
off-load of state-owned share国有股减持
optimizing state-owned assets management优化国有资产管理
overhang of state shares过量的国有股
overhang of state shares过剩的国有股
para-state enterprise准国有企业
prevent devaluation of state assets防止国有资产贬值
prevent the drain of state-owned property防止国有资产流失
prevent the loss of state assets防止国有资产损失
readjust and reorganize state-owned enterprises to promote re-arrangement of assets调整改组国有企业促进资产重组
readjust the asset-liability ratio of state-owned enterprise调整国有企业资产负债比
reduce state's stocks in listed company上市公司国有股减持
reduction of state stockholdings国有股减持
reform of management of state-owned property国有资产管理体制改革
reform of state-owned enterprise国有企业改革
Regulations on the Supervision and Management of the State-Owned Enterprises国有企业监督管理条例
reorganization of state-owned enterprises国有企业重组
revitalizing state owned large and medium sized enterprise搞活国营大中型企业
safeguard state property保护国有资产
sale of state-held shares国有股出售
sale of state-held shares国有股减持
sell off state shares国有股减持
squander state fund挥霍浪费国家资金
State Administration of Foreign Exchange中国国家外汇管理局
State Administration of Foreign Exchange SAFE国家外汇管理局
State Administration of Industry and Commerce国家工商管理局
State and Local Government Series州与地方政府债券系列
state audit authority国家审计机构
state-authorized investment institution国家授权的投资机构
state bank州立银行
State Bank Administration Committee国家银行管理委员会
State Blue-Sky laws州立蓝天法
state bond州公债
state capital设定资本
state construction bond国家建设债券
state-contingent bank regulation或有状态银行监管
state-controlling company国家控股公司
state corporation statutes国营公司法
State Council国务院
State Council Securities Committee国务院证券委员会证券委
State Development and Reform Commission国家发展和改革委员会
State Development Bank of China国家开发银行
State Development Bank of China国家发展银行
state funds政府资金
State Intellectual Property Office国家知识产权局
state Intellectual Property Office SIPO国家知识产权局
state investment bond国家投资债券
state investment company bond国家投资公司债券
state investment fund国有的投资基金
state law provisions limiting国家法律条文限制
state liability国家负债
state monetary sovereignty国家金融主权
state monetary sovereignty国家货币主权
state of mind思想状态 (股市上人们的)
state of mind心理状态
state-own legal-person shareholder国家法人股股东
state-own legal-person shareholder国有法人股股东
state-own shareholder国家股股东
state-own shareholder国有股股东
state-owned assets administrative authority国有资产管理机构
State-owned Assets Supervision and Administration Commission国有资产监督管理委员会
State-owned Assets Supervision and Administration Commission国有资产监督管理委员会国资委
State-owned Enterprises Regulatory Commission国有企业监事会
state-owned entities国有实体
state-owned equity to be converted to tradable shares国有股转换成流通股
state-owned firm国有企业
state-owned firm国有公司
state-owned holding company国家控股公司
state-owned independent accounting industrial enterprise国有独立核算企业
State-owned Key Financial Institutions Regulatory Commission国有重点金融机构监事会
State-owned Key Large Enterprise Regulatory Commission国有重点大型企业监事会
state-owned sector国有经济部门
state owned share国有股
state-owned shares lessening国有股减持
state owned stocks国有股
state preference approach状态偏好方法
state regulations州规则
state-run commercial bank国有商业银行
state-run policy bank国有政策性银行
state share国有股
state share国家股
state share liquidity国有股流通
state shares alleviating国有股减持
state shares reform国有股改革
State Statistics Bureau国家统计局中国
State Statistics Bureau国家统计局
state stock国有股
state stock reduction国有股减持
State Street Global Advisor道富环球投资该公司开发了标准普尔存托凭证 SPDRs,并使其于 1993年在美国证券交易所上市
State Taxation Bureau国家税务总局
State Taxation Bureau STB国家税务总局
steady state稳定
step up efforts to reform state-owned enterprises加大国有企业改革力度
take the interests of the state, the collective and the individual into account兼顾国家、集体、个人三者利益
transform the enterprises' management mechanisms of state-owned enterprises转换国有企业经营机制
two state option pricing model两州期权定价模型
two-state option valuation model二态期权估值模式
Uniform Securities Agent State Law Examination统一证券代理人州级法律考试
waiting state冷却状态
wholly state-owned company国有独资企业
wholly state owned limited liability company国有独资有限公司