
Terms for subject Textile industry containing State | all forms | exact matches only
actual state现状
applicant state申请国
coastal state沿海国家
coffers of the state国库
Color Association of the United States美国色料协会
control state支配状态
control state管理状态
cut-open state剪开图
cut-open state裁剪展开图
deswollen state of cellulose纤维的消溶胀状态
gel-state fiber胶态纤维
high porosity gel-state fiber高孔隙率凝胶态纤维
high-porosity gel-state fiber高孔隙率凝胶态纤维
inside continental United States美国本土
intra-state commerce国内贸易
joint state-private operation公私合营
joint state-private ownership公私合营
locally-administered state enterprise地方国营企业
loom-state fabric熟织织物毋需后整理的色织丝织物
loom-state fabric坯布
loom-state fabric熟织织物
loom state printing坯布印花
loop-state printing坯布印花
member state成员国
member state会员国
North Carolina State University北卡罗来纳州立大学
perishable state易腐状态
protected state受保护国
purchase by state quotas按国家定额购买
purchase by state quotas派购
quasi-movable state show准动态展示
receiving state接收国
relaxed state of knitted fabric针织物弛豫状态
relaxed state of knitted fabric针织物松弛状态
state a price规定价格
state a price定价
state aid州政府用于地方公共事业的补助费用
state aid国家援助
state bank国家银行
state banking agency国家金融机构
state banking agency州银行管理机构
state bond州公债
state bond国家债券
state budget政府预算
state budget国家预算
state corporation国有公司
state credit政府贷款
state credit国家信贷
state current fund政府流动资金
state current fund国家流动资金
state debt国债
state fund政府基金
state income tax政府征收的所得税
state insurance enterprise国家保险企业
state-listed price国家牌价
state loan政府贷款
state loan国家贷款
state of competition竞争状况
state of economy经济状况
state of market市场状态
state of operation营业状况
state of operation经营状态
state of registry船籍国
state of registry注册国
state owned property国有财产
state purchase quota政府采购额度
state purchasing agency国营采购机构
state rate官方利率
state rate of tax法定税率
state revenue国家财政收入
state run国营的《管理》
state sector of economy国民经济部门
state-specified standard法定标准
state-specified standard国家规定标准
state standard国家标准
state subsidy国家补助金
state subsidy国家补贴
state tax官税
state trade政府贸易
state trade国家贸易
state trading agency国有贸易机构
state trading corporation国有贸易公司
state treasury bond国库券
The United States Trademark Association美国商标协会
United States Arbitration Act美国仲裁法
United States of America Standards Institute美国标准协会
United States standards美国标准