
Terms for subject Animal husbandry containing State | all forms | exact matches only
central excitatory state中枢兴奋状态
central inhibitory state中枢抑制状态
developmental state发育情况
Diploma of Veterinary State Medicine国家兽医学学位证书
drying from the frozen state升华干燥
homozygotic state纯合状态
host state主权国
hygroscopic state吸湿状态
melted state熔化状态
morbid state
moribund state假死状
mouldy state发霉状态
National Association of State Departments of Agriculture全国州农业部联合会 (Formerly, NACSDA)
pre-rigor state僵硬前状态胴体
State Agricultural Experiment Station州立农业实验站
State Agricultural Experiment Station州立农业研究所
State Development Planning Commission国家发展计划委员会
state farm国营牧场
State Oceanography Bureau国家海洋局 (China)
state of origin原产国
State ranch国营牧场
stringent state应激状态
transition state过渡
unhygienic state不卫生状态