
Terms containing Specially | all forms | exact matches only
econ.a specially advised credit特别通知信用证
econ.a specially advised credit指定信用证
econ.a specially negotiating bank letter of credit特别指定结汇银行的信用证
UNAntarctic specially protected area南极特别保护区
interntl.trade.check crossed specially特别划线支票
securit.check crossed specially专门划线支票
securit.check crossed specially特殊划线支票
interntl.trade.cheque crossed specially特别划线支票
China, polit.cities specially designated in the state plan计划单列市
busin.departmentalized specially store特种百货商店
bridg.constr.design specially permitted by the Ministry of Railways经铁道部特准的设计
China, lawequipment specially used专用器材
gen.It is an excellent recreational or fitness swimming cap and is specially designed to hold long hair. It has an elastic band for comfortable fit这款泳帽非常适合休闲、健身时使用,尤其适合长发人群。该款有松紧带,佩戴舒适
China, lawlive in specially straitened circumstances特殊生活困难
auto.not specially provided for未另列出
interntl.trade.not specially provided for除非特别规定外
auto.not specially provided for事先没有特殊规定
busin.not specially provided for未特别规定
busin.not specially provided for无特别规定
tech.not specially provided for未另特别列出
securit.Offices of Specially-Appointed Agents特派员办事处
securit.Offices of Specially-Appointed Agents专项代理办公室
ceram.Over the last several decades, bioceramics—the specially designed materials—have been successfully used for the repair, reconstruction, and replacement of diseased or damaged parts of the body, especially bone过去几十年,生物陶瓷这种设计独特的材料已在维修、重建和替换患病或受损器官,特别是骨移植等领域得以成功使用
UNProtocol on Biological Diversity and Establishment of Specially Protected Areas关于生物多样化和建立特别保护区的议定书
tech.read specially paper tape读取特殊纸带
comp.read specially paper tape专读纸带
nautic., tech.special consideration or specially considered特殊考虑或与近观检验和厚度测量相关的专门考虑 (in connection with close-up surveys and thickness measurements)
busin.specially advise credit指定信用证
busin.specially advise credit特别通知信用证
interntl.trade.specially advised credit特别通知信用证
interntl.trade.specially advised credit指定信用证
tech.specially advised letter of credit特别通知信用证
China, lawspecially approved by the customs海关特准
tech.specially built按特种设计要求制造的特种定货
nautic., tech.specially considered特殊考虑
tech.specially constructed plant特殊建造的工厂
tech.specially constructed quay特殊建造的码头
tech.specially constructed wharf特殊建造的码头
China, polit.specially convened sessions of the National People's Congress临时召集的全国人民代表大会会议
interntl.trade.specially crossed check特别划线支票
busin.specially crossed check特别划线支票指在支票正面划平行双线,并在其中注明特定的付款银行
met.specially-designated enterprise定点企业
China, lawspecially designated for reduction of or exemption from duty特定减税、免税
tech.specially designated major port特级大港
el.specially designed dispersion-shifted fiber专门设计的色散位移光纤
tech.specially designed terminal专门设计的码头
interntl.trade.specially entrenched provision特别维护的条款
busin.specially entrenched provision特别程序修改条款
China, polit.Specially Established Authority Directly Subordinated to the State Council国务院直属特设机构
avia.specially fabrication特制件
tech.specially formulated oil特殊配制的油
tech.specially good effect特效
textilespecially goods特殊货物
textilespecially goods特色物品
textilespecially goods特殊商品系统
textilespecially goods名产
textilespecially goods特产
busin.specially goods特色品
tech.specially made brick特制砖
tech.specially made gasket特制垫带
tech.specially made tool for orientation特制方向架
tech.specially molded brick异型砖
tech.specially moulded brick异型砖
fin.specially negotiating bank letter of credit特别指定议付银行信用证
interntl.trade.specially negotiating bank letter of credit特别指定结汇银行信用状
tech.specially negotiating bank letter of credit特别指定结汇银行的信用证
expl.specially permitted operation zone特许区域对于瓦斯煤矿,在特定的条件下其全部或部分区域,没有必要对可燃性气体以及煤尘爆炸采取安全措施时,可在指定的区域按照一般的爆破规则进行开挖作业。这一经批准的局部区域称为特许区域
el.specially prepared tape program专备磁带程序
el.mach.specially processing equipment专用设备
UNspecially protected area特别保护区
org.name.specially protected areas of Mediterranean interest对地中海具有重要性的特别保护区
met.specially shaped moulding box异型砂箱
oilspecially shaped wire特制形状钢丝
nautic., tech.specially short tanks长度特别短的货舱
textilespecially store专营商店
textilespecially store单一商品店
textilespecially store特色商店
nautic., tech.specially suitable compartment特别适合装载谷物的舱
tech.specially surfaced metal特殊加工面金属
econ.The manufacturers refuse to cancel this order on the ground that the goods have been specially made for you因为这批货是特地为你们生产的,厂家拒绝撤销这份定单
China, lawtransfer payment specially for compulsory education义务教育专项转移支付
commer.Under no circumstances will the seller accept the return of goods specially procured for the buyer在任何情况下,卖方均不接受买方退回专门采购的货物
China, polit.voters mark their ballots in specially-designated rooms秘密划票间
cosmet.We have a very wide selection of colors And our eye shadow is specially designed to moisturize the skin. So it is very gentle on your eyelids. Would you like to sample some?我们有很多颜色。而且我们的眼影还可以滋润皮肤。它对眼睑是非常温和的。你想试试看吗?
gen.We have delicious economy class cuisine. Our in-flight menus are specially created to reflect the culinary influences of the regions to which we fly. Toothsome dessert treats are available on our menus, including our classic ice cream that never fails to delight我们提供美味的经济舱菜肴。机上的菜单可以反映出飞机抵达处的美食风尚。另外,我们还提供一系列的美味甜食,包括备受好评的冰激凌
gen.We have specially made sorghum candies and coconut candies我们店有特制的咖啡糖和椰子糖