
Terms containing Special Interest | all forms | exact matches only | in specified order only
el.Bluetooth Special Interest Group蓝牙行业集团
ITbluetooth special interest group蓝牙特殊兴趣小组集团
AI.Bluetooth Special Interest Group蓝牙特别兴趣组
China, polit.give due consideration to the fundamental interests of the overwhelming majority of the people, the current common interests of the people and the special interests of different groups in society统筹兼顾最广大人民的根本利益、现阶段群众的共同利益和不同群体的特殊利益
China, polit.guarantee the special rights and interests of ethnic minorities保障少数民族的特殊权益
el.PCI special interest group外围部件互连专业组
el.Peripheral Component Interconnect Special Interest Group外围设备互连专业组
econ.site of special scientific interest特殊科技意义的场地
tech.site of special scientific interest有特殊科学价值的地区
China, lawspecial condition and economic interest特殊情况和经济利益
busin.special interest特种利息
busin.special interest特别权益利益
interntl.trade.special interest account特种利息账户
fin.special interest account特种利息帐户
el.special interest committee专业委员会
spaceSpecial Interest Committee of ACM美国计算机协会的专业委员会
el.Special Interest Committee on Documentation文献工作专业委员会 (ACM)
el.Special Interest Committee on Language Analysis and Studies in Humanities语言分析与人文学研究专业委员会 (ACM)
el.Special Interest Committee on Software Engineering软件工程专业委员会 (ACM)
el.Special Interest Committee on Symbolic Algebraic Manipulation符号代数操作专业委员会 (ACM)
tech.special interest edition statement专业版本说明
telecom.Special Interest Group行业集团
IMF.special interest group特殊利益集团
IMF.special interest group院外活动集团
IMF.special interest group游说团
proj.manag.special interest group特殊兴趣小组
ITspecial interest group专业学组
fin.special interest group特殊利益群体
telecom.special interest group专业组
multimed.special interest group专题组
el.Special Interest Group on Artificial Intelligence人工智能专业组 (ACM)
telecom.Special Interest Group on Artificial Intelligence美国人工智能专业组
el.Special Interest Group on Automated Language Processing自动化语言处理专业组 (ACM)
el.Special Interest Group On Computer Graphics计算机图形学专业组 (ACM)
telecom.Special Interest Group on Computer Graphics计算机图形学专业组
el.Special Interest Group on Computer-Assisted Instruction计算机辅助教学专业组 (ACM)
el.Special Interest Group on Data communications数据通信专业组 (ACM)
el.Special Interest Group on Design Automation设计自动化专业组 (ACM)
el.Special Interest Group on Information Retrieval信息检索专业组 (ACM)
el.Special Interest Group on Office Automation办公自动化专业组 (ACM)
el.Special Interest Group on Operating Systems操作系统专业组 (ACM)
el.Special Interest Group on Programming Language程序设计语言专业组 (ACM)
el.Special Interest Group on Software Engineering软件工程专业组 (ACM)
adv.special interest magazine兴趣爱好者杂志
adv.special interest magazine专业杂志
el.special interest subgroup分专业组
el.special interest subgroup专业小组
busin.special interest travel特定目的旅游
China, polit.special interests of different groups in society不同社会群体的特殊利益
China, lawspecial right and interests特殊权益
UN, account.Trust Fund for Interest on the Contribution to the United Nations Special Account联合国特别账户捐款利息信托基金
econ.We have a special interest in this commodity我们对这种商品特别有兴趣