
Terms for subject International Monetary Fund containing Special | all forms | exact matches only
authority to allocate special drawing rights分配特别提款权的权力
Chief Executive of the Special Administrative Region of Hong Kong香港特别行政区行政长官
Director and Special Representative to the United Nations驻联合国办事处主任兼特别代表
Director for Special Operations特别业务主任
Eight Special Recommendations关于恐怖主义融资的特别建议
Eight Special Recommendations金融行动工作组的八项特别建议
FATF 8 Special Recommendations关于恐怖主义融资的特别建议
FATF 8 Special Recommendations金融行动工作组的八项特别建议
First Special Contingent Account第一号特别应急账户
functional and special services departments职能和特别服务部门
one-time special SDR allocation特别提款权的特别分配
one-time special SDR allocation特别提款权的特别一次性分配
Second Special Contingent Account第二号特别应急账户
special account Paris Club特别账户
special accounts and special deposit accounts专项账户和专项存款账户
Special Advisor特别顾问
Special Advisor on Diversity多样化问题特别顾问
Special Advisor to the Managing Director总裁特别顾问
special allocation of SDRs特别提款权的特别分配
special allocation of SDRs特别提款权的特别一次性分配
Special Assistant to the Deputy Managing Director副总裁特别助理
special charges附加费用
special charges特别费用
Special Contingent Account 2第二号特别应急账户
Special Contingent Account特别应急账户
Special Contingent Account 1第一号特别应急账户
Special Data Dissemination StandardSDDS增强版
Special Data Dissemination Standard数据公布特殊标准
Special Data Dissemination Standard Plus数据公布特殊标准增强版
Special Disbursement Account特别拨款账户
special drawing right特别提款权
special drawing rights特别提款权
special election IMF, Executive Directors特别选举
special facility特别贷款
Special Facility for Africa非洲特别贷款
Special Facility for Africa为撒哈拉以南非洲提供的特别贷款
Special Facility for Sub-Saharan Africa非洲特别贷款
Special Facility for Sub-Saharan Africa为撒哈拉以南非洲提供的特别贷款
special funds专项基金
special interest group院外活动集团
special interest group游说团
special interest group特殊利益集团
special majority合格的多数
special majority绝大多数
special majority特殊的多数
special meeting IMF, Executive Board特别会议
special mention特别提及
special mention关注贷款
Special Office Support Group办公室特别辅助服务人员组
special one-time allocation of SDRs特别提款权的特别分配
special one-time allocation of SDRs特别提款权的特别一次性分配
Special Program of Assistance IBRD, for the Low-Income Debt-Distressed Countries in Sub-Saharan Africa为撒哈拉以南非洲低收入重债务国设计的特别援助计划
special purpose entity特殊目的工具
special purpose entity特殊目的实体
special purpose grant特定补助
special purpose grant分类财政补贴
special purpose vehicle特殊目的工具
Special Recommendations on Terrorist Financing关于恐怖主义融资的特别建议
Special Recommendations on Terrorist Financing金融行动工作组的八项特别建议
8 Special Recommendations on Terrorist Financing关于恐怖主义融资的特别建议
8 Special Recommendations on Terrorist Financing金融行动工作组的八项特别建议
Special Representative to the EU驻欧盟特别代表
special SDR allocation特别提款权的特别分配
special SDR allocation特别提款权的特别一次性分配
special services departments特别服务部门
special standardSDDS增强版
special standard数据公布特殊标准
Special Trade Representative/Director特别贸易代表兼主任
Trust for Special ESAF Operations for the Heavily Indebted Poor Countries and Interim ESAF Subsidy Operations加强的结构调整贷款-重债穷国信托
Trust for Special Poverty Reduction and Growth Operations for the Heavily Indebted Poor Countries and Interim ECF Subsidy Operations减贫与增长-重债穷国信托
Trust for Special Poverty Reduction and Growth Operations for the Heavily Indebted Poor Countries and Interim ECF Subsidy Operations重债穷国减贫与增长特别操作和过渡性中期信贷补贴操作信托