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"Anybody that starts off as a hedger becomes a gambler and I have taken too many losses from hedging, so I don't do it anymore," he says他表示:"任何一个最初以对冲为动机的人、最终都会变成一个赌徒。我在对冲上损失了太多的钱、因此我不会再这么做了"
Code the pieces with numbers so that you can identify them later用数字给文件编码以便于以后你能识别
Consumer price inflation is also rising, thanks to higher food prices, and so a stronger currency of RMB might be a good way to stop overheating消费价格通胀也因食品价格高企而在加速、所以、让人民币升值可能是阻止过热的一个好方法
Even so, it was still true that every new piece of hardware needed a real-mode driver尽管如此、每个新的硬件事实上仍然需要一个实模式驱动
For those of you -who have come to Java technology in the last two years or so, this may all seem awfully simple对于那些接触 Java 两年左右的人而言、这似乎太简单了
In so many ways, cyberspace mirrors the real -world在许多方面、网络空间反映了真实世界
It's a major decision. so why dont you sleep on it and give me your answer in a day or two?这是个重要决定、 因此你为什么不考虑一两天再来答复我呢?
Prompt me at startup so I may choose to work offline or online启动时提醒以便选择是脱机还是联机工作
save in so far as除非
So far, the upswing doesn't begin to match the tech booms of the late 1990s and the middle years of this decade到目前为止、这种上升的趋势尚不及90年代末和前几年的科技热潮
So, for the first week or two after the switchover use the converter box's on-screen menu periodically to scan for new digital stations因此、数字电视转换后一到两周、要使用机顶盒屏幕菜单定期扫描新的数字电视台
So investors in Greek companies have legitimate reasons to protect themselves against Greek sovereign risk因此、 希腊公司的投资者有正当理由保护自己免受希腊主权风险
So, the user can always revert back to an earlier revision of that document因此、用户可以随时还原到先前的修改该文件的内容
The government uses a special cipher so that official messages are kept secret政府使用一种特殊密码、 官方电讯因此得以保密
The potential database is so large that even the best software algorithms would be hard put to search it需要的资料库非常庞大、 即使用最佳的软件演算法也很难搜索
There are usually no nested statements, blocks, and so forth in assembler statements在这些汇编语句中通常不包含嵌套语句、分程序等
This pop-up window links to an audio file so you can listen to and type the special characters required for registration弹出窗口链接到一个音频文件、 以便您能听取和键入注册所需的指定字符
To her surprise, she unexpectedly received a pamphlet about the video-lecture and she felt moved in her heart, so she came with a friend出乎意料地、她得到了这份录影带讲经的小册子、她感受到内心的召唤、因此便携友同来
When you know the name of the snippet you want to insert, you can do so by typing its shortcut followed by the Tab key如果您知道要插入的代码段的名称、则可以通过在键入其快捷键后按Tab 键来完成插入
Yes, everyone is so busy nowadays, no one seems to have time to write snail mail anymore对、现如今每个人都很忙、没人有时间再去写 "蜗牛邮件" 了