
Terms for subject Bridge construction containing Small | all forms | exact matches only
bending with small deflection小挠度弯曲
boundary state of small eccentricity小偏心界限状态
compressive member with small eccentricity小偏心受压杆件
indefinitely small无穷小
infinitely small无穷小
small bridge小桥
small circle小圆
small culvert小涵洞
small dam水坝
small deflection theory小挠度理论
small earthquake小震
small eccentric compression小偏心受压
small eccentricity小偏心
small radius curve小半径曲线
small resevoir小型水库
small scale小比例尺
small seisms小震
small span bridge短跨桥
small specimen小试件
very small value很小的值