
Terms for subject Automobiles containing Small | all forms | exact matches only
b-segment small carsB级小型乘用车
connecting rod small-end bearing连杆小头轴承铜套
extra-small batch少量
extra-small batch超小批量
extra-small-scale production超小批量生产
extra-small series小量
extra-small series超小批量
extremely small小型
miscellaneous small parts各种小零件
rod small end连杆小头
roller small end face滚子小端面
small automotive小汽车
small baggage小件手提行李
small batch小规模
small-block engineV 8发动机小缸体发动机
small-bore engine小缸径发动机
small bulk小容积
small calorie热量单位路里
small capacity发动机小排量工作容积
small-capacity car小排量汽乘用
small-capacity engine小排量发动机
small car小排量汽车
small category次小型级
small category乘用车普通型
small displacement发动机小排量
small dumper建筑机械翻斗车
small end连杆小头
small end bearing连杆小头轴承
small end-face of valve grinder气门小端面磨床
small family car小型家用车
small family car小型家用车见附录
small fire-fighting vehicle小型消防救火
small gap赛车小间隔空隙
small goods vehicle小型
small goods vehicle小型车总质量 3.5t以下或总载人数(含驾驶人)不多于9 人
small internal annulus or ring gear小内齿圈
small leak少量泄漏
small load小负荷
small load轻载
small-lot production小批量生产
small luggage小件手提行李
small medium car中小排量汽车介于中等排量和小排量之间
small MPV小型多用途汽车
small off-road 4×4小型 4×4 越野车
small off-road 4×4小型 4×4 越野车见附录
small panel dent板件小凹凸
small particle material柴油机细小微粒
small passenger car小型乘用车按美国公路损耗数据分类法,车长小于457.2cm,轮距小于266.7 cm
small pickup truck小型皮卡
small pickup truck小型皮卡见附录
small-power engine小功率发动机
small-power motor微型电动机
small roller小滚子
small-scale experiment缩小尺寸的模型试验
small-scale experiment小规模的试验
small-scale manufacture小批规模生产
small-scale produced小批量生产的
small- scale production量成批生产
small-scale specimen缩尺样品模型
small series小批量
small-series production小批量生产
small signal信号
small sport utility vehicle小型运动型多功能车
small sport utility vehicle小型运动型多功能车见附录
small station wagon小型旅行车按美国 EPA 分类法,客货容积小于3681L
small tool钳工工具
small tractor工业车辆小型牵引车
small vehicle小型车按中国标准,是指车长小于6m或总质量小于3500kg 的货车
technical service small scale简易一级技术维护保养
universal small cab engine通用小型车用发动机
universal small car engine通用小型车用发动机
V-engine with small V-angle小V角V 型发动机
vertex distance at small end锥齿轮分度锥锥顶至小端齿顶的轴向距离