
Terms for subject Aviation containing Small | all forms | exact matches only
advanced small launch vehicle先进小型发射器
advanced small turbine technology先进小轴向式涡轮发动机技术
Boeing small research module波音小型研究模块
enhanced small device interface增强的小型设备接口
international small station organization国际小型卫星组织
medium scale integration/small scale integration中/小规模集成电路
Royal Small Arms Factories〔英〕皇家轻武器工厂
small aerostat surveillance system小型航空器观察系统
small agile battlefield aircraft小型灵巧战场飞机
small aircraft小型航空器
small aircraft小型飞机
small aircraft manufacturers association小飞机制造商协会
Small Aircraft Manufacturers Association/卜飞机制造商协会
small aircraft transportation system小型飞机运输系统
small airfield for tactical support战术支援小型机场 (美国海军陆战队)
small airport runway indicator小型机场跑道指示器
small airports runway indicator小型机场跑道指示器
small and medium businesses中小型企业
small and medium enterprises中小型企业
small angle scattering小角度散布
small arms target system轻型武器目标体系
small ballistic reentry vehicle小型弹道再进人大气层飞行器
small business administration小型企业管理局
small business innovation research小型企业创新研究
Small Businesses Association小型企业协会 (美国)
small circle小圈
small computer standard interface小型机算计标准接口
small computer system interface小型机算计系统接口
small core memory〔计〕小型磁芯存储器
small diameter bomb小直径炸弹
small end小头
small end小端
small end连杆小端
small end连杆上端
small engine division小型发动机分部
small experiment communications小型实验通信卫星
small explorer小型探测器
small gas turbine engine小型燃气涡轮发动机
small light adapter〔客〕小型轻型适配器
small light adapter小灯适配器
small lightweight altitude transmission equipment小型轻型高度发送设备
small, lightweight GPS receiver袖珍 GPS 接收机
small, lightweight GPS receiver轻小型全球定位系统接收机
small, lightweight GPS receiver轻小型全球定位卫星接收机
small lot optimum procurement小批量最佳采购
small message entity短消息实体
small missile telecamera小型导弹电视摄象机
small mission on advanced research technology小型先进技术研究任务
small office/home office家庭办公室
small outline integrated circuit小尺寸集成电路
small part replacement request小零件替换需求
small perturbation小扰动方程
small perturbation equation小扰动方程
small power module小功率模块
small pressure exhalation valve小余压式呼气活门
small radar homing interceptor technology小型雷达寻的拦击器技术
small range guided weapon短程制导武器
small reservoir unit小型储存装置
small scale integration小规模集成
small-scale integration小规模集成
small scale integration circuit小规模集成电路
small-scale model小尺寸模型
small-scale test小规模测试
small scientific satellite小型科研卫星
small search area小范围搜索区
small self contained payload小型独立有效载荷
small serial interface小型串联接口
small smart bomb小型智能炸弹
small tactical aerial mobility platform小型战术空中机动平台
small turbine advanced gas generator小型涡轮发动机先进燃气发生器
small unmanned aerial vehicle小型无人机
small unmanned aircraft system小型无人机系统
ultra small aperture terminal超小口径终端
very small aperture terminal甚小口径终端
very small aperture terminal甚小孔径地球站
very small aperture terminals甚小孔径终端