
Terms for subject Biology containing Small | all forms | exact matches only
aeneous small leaf beetle青金小叶甲 (Nodina chalcosoma Baly,叶甲科)
brown small longicorn桑小褐天牛 (Ceresium flavipes Fabricius.)
Chinese rice small skipper中华稻苞虫 (Relopides sinensis Mabille,弄蝶科)
citrus small round brown spot柑橘褐色小圆星病 (Mycosphaerella horii Hara)
larger peppermint small weevil大薄荷小象甲 (Baris pilosa Roelofs,象甲科)
mulberry small bark beetle桑小蠹 (Cryphalus morivorella Niisima,小蠹科)
mulberry small tiger longicorn小桑虎 (天牛,Chlorophorus quinquefasciatus Casernan et Gory,天牛科)
mulberry small weevil桑象 (Baris deplanata Roelofs,象甲科)
peppermint small weevil薄荷小象甲 (Baris menthae Kono,象甲科)
small agave鬼脚掌皇后龙舌兰,Agave victoriae-reginae Moore,龙舌兰科
small asparagus fly石刁柏潜蝇天门冬潜蝇,Agromyza simplex (Loew),潜蝇科
small bamboo borer竹小扁小蠹 (Lyctoxylon japonum Reiter,小蠹科)
small barnyard-grass小稗草 (Echinochloa crusgalli var. praticola Ohwi.,禾本科)
small bean bug大豆突眼长蝽 (Chauliops fallax Scott,长蝽科)
small bedstraw细叶猪秧秧细四叶葎,细叶拉拉藤,Galium irifidum L.,茜草科
small beetles细阎虫科 (Niponiidae)
small blister beetle耳节短翅芫菁 (Meloё auriculatus Marseul,芫菁科)
small blue cattle louse水牛盲虱 (Solenopoles capillatus Enderlein,盲虱科)
small body louse鸡羽虱 (Menopon gallinae (Linnaeus),短角羽虱科)
small branch borer山扁豆小天牛 (Mylothris irrorata Fabricius; Atmodes,天牛科)
small brown planthopper稻灰飞虱灰飞虱,Delphacodes striatella Fallen,飞虱科
small bugloss狼紫草 (Lycopsis arvensis L.,紫草科)
small cabbage bug菜花蝽 (Eurydema pulchra Westwood,科)
small cabbage white菜粉蝶白粉蝶,菜青,Pieris rapae L.,粉蝶科
small cabbage-white白粉蝶 (Pieris rapae L.,粉蝶科)
small canary grass小虉草 (Phalaris minor Retz.,禾本科)
small carpenter芦蜂科 (复, Ceratinidae)
small centipeda石胡荽球子草,Centipeda minima O. Kuntze.,菊科
small chestnut weevil栗小象 (Curculio auriger (Cassy),象甲科)
small chrysanthemum aphid菊小长管蚜 (Coloradoa rufomaculata (Wilson),蚜科)
small citrus fly橘春凤蝶 (Papilio protenor demetrius Cramer,凤蝶科)
small citrus looper橘红黄波尺蛾 (Eupithecia carearia Leech,尺蛾科)
small cotton measuring worm棉小造桥虫 (Anomis flava (Fabricius),夜蛾科)
small crabgrass紫马唐 (Digitaria violascens Link.; Digitaria ischaemum var. asiatica Ohwi.,禾本科)
small cranberry蔓越橘小越橘,Vaccinium oxycoccus L.,乌饭树科
small crane berry酸果蔓 (Vaccinium oxycoccus L.,乌饭树科)
small ermine moths巢蛾科 (Yponomeutidae)
small fimbristylis小粟飘拂草小虱草,Fimbristylis miliacea Vahl.,莎草科
small five-spotted malaria mosquito小五斑按蚊 (Anopheles maculipennis atroparvus van Thiel.,蚊科)
small-flower小花苦橙 (Citrus micrantha Wester,芸香科)
small flower chafer小花露背丽金龟小潜花鳃角金龟,Ectinohoplia obducta Motschulsky,金龟科
small flower galinsoga牛膝菊 (Galinsoga parviflora Pav.,菊科)
small flower pellitory墙草 (Parietaria micrantha Ledeb.,荨麻科)
small flower tamarisk湖北怪柳小花柽柳,Tamarix parviflora DC.,柽柳科
small flower umbrella-plant异型花草球花蒿草,Cyperus difformis L.,莎草科
small-flowered cranesbill小老鹳草 (Geranium pusilium L.,牻牛儿苗科)
small-flowered Japan pine五针松日本五针松,五钗松,Pinns parviflora Sieb. et Zucc.,松科
small-flowered papeda小花大翼橙 (Citrus micrantha Webster,芸香科,小花苦橙)
small-flowered papeda小花大翼橙小花苦橙,Citrus micrantha Wester.,芸香科
small-flowered rhododendron照山白 (Rhododendron micranthum Turcz.; Rhododendron pritzelianum Diels,杜鹃花科)
small foxtail millet谷子,小米,Setaria italica (L.) Beauv var. germanica (Mill.) Beck.; Panicum italica L.; Panicum germanicum Mill.,禾本科
small froghopper小沫蝉 (Aphrophora obtusa Matsumura,沫蝉科)
small-fruit bottle gourd小葫芦 (Lagenaria siceraria var. microcarpa sp.,葫芦科)
small-fruit crabapple小果海棠 (Malus micromalus Mak.,蔷薇科)
small-fruit rose小果蔷薇 (Rosa cymosa Tratt.,蔷薇科)
small-fruited papeda小花大翼橙 (Citrus micrantha Webster,芸香科,小花苦橙)
small-fruited strawberry欧洲草莓 (Fragaria vesca L.,蔷薇科)
small garden white菜粉蝶白粉蝶,菜青,Pieris rapae L.,粉蝶科
small gardenwhite白粉蝶 (Pieris rapae L.,粉蝶科)
small gelatine grub椰子刺蛾 (Narosa conspersa Walker,刺蛾科)
small geranium小老鹳草 (Geranium pusilium L.,牻牛儿苗科)
small gifu butterfly虎凤蝶 (Luehdorfia puziloi Erschoff,凤蝶科)
small globe thistle小蓝刺头 (Echinops ritro L.,菊科)
small grain rice小粒稻 (Oryza minuta Pres.,禾本科)
small grape plume-moth小葡萄羽蛾 (Nippoptilia vitis Sasaki,羽蛾科)
small green chrysanthemum aphid菊瘤额 (Myzus rosarum Kaltenbach,蚜科)
small green leaf hopper小绿叶蝉 (Empoasca flave sc ens Fabrecius,叶蝉科)
small green tortoise beetle豆小绿象 (Eugnathus distinctus Roelofs,象甲科)
small green tortoise beetle甜菜龟甲 (Cassida nebulosa L.,龟甲科)
small green weevil豆小绿象 (Eugnathus distinctus Roelofs,象甲科)
small hop clover小忽布三叶草细叶三叶草,Trifolium dubium L.,豆科
small hop trefoil小忽布三叶草细叶三叶草,Trifolium dubium L.,豆科
small horsebean小马蚕豆 (Vicia faba var. minor L.,豆科)
small-jack小波罗蜜番波罗蜜,Artocarps integer L.,桑科
small jack香波罗密小波罗密,Artocarpus integer L.f.,桑科
small-leaf acaena小叶红刺头 (Acaena microphylla Sp.,蔷薇科)
small-leaf columnea小叶金鱼花 (Columnea microphylla sp.,苦苣苔科)
small-leaf grape小叶葡萄 (Vitis sinocinerea W.T.Wang,葡萄科)
small-leaf millettia小叶崖豆藤 (Millettia japonica A. Gray. var. microphylla Makino.,豆科)
small-leaf scrub persimmon小叶山柿 (Diospyros dumetorum Smith,柿科)
small leaf sida小叶黄花稔 (Sida retusa L.,锦葵科)
small-leaf white mulberry小叶桑 (Morus alba var. stylosa Bur.,桑科)
small-leaved lime tree心叶椴级木,Tiliacordata Mill.,椴树科
small-leaved linden心叶椴级木,Tiliacordata Mill.,椴树科
small lentils小扁豆兵豆,滨豆,Lens culinaris Medic.,豆科
small mammal sucking lice小兽虱科 (Hoplopleuridae)
small medic小苜蓿 (Medicago minima Lamk.,豆科)
small moonflower小月光花 (Calonyction muricatum Don.,旋花科)
small moth borer of sugarcane小蔗螟 (Diatraea sacchralis Fabricius,螟蛾科)
small motherwort小益母草 (Lamium tuberiferum Ohwi,唇形科)
small mottled willow moth甜菜夜蛾 (Spodoptera exigua (Hubner); Caradrina or Laphigma,夜蛾科)
small narcissus fly洋葱食蚜蝇 (Eumerus strigatus (Fallén),食蚜蝇科)
small narcissus fly葱瘤食蚜蝇 (Eumerus tuberculatus Rondani,食蚜蝇科)
small neottia小雀巢兰 (Neottia asiatica Ohwi,兰科)
small nettle小荨麻 (Urtica urens L.,荨麻科)
small pigeon louse小鸽虱 (Campanulotes bidentatus Scop.)
small prominent杨小舟蛾 (Micromelalopha troglodyta Graeser,舟蛾科)
small radish小形四季萝卜 (Raphanus sativus L. var. radicula Pers.,十字花科)
small red bean赤豆 (Phaseolus angularis L.,豆科)
small red bean赤豆红豆,Phaseolus angularis Wight,豆科
small-reed披针叶拂子茅 (Calamagrostis lanceolata Roth.,禾本科)
small rice case-bearer稻水螟 (Nymphula vittalis Bremer)
small rice grasshopper小稻蝗 (Oxya intric ata Stål.,蝗科)
small rice leaf miner稻潜叶水蝇大麦水蝇,Hydrellia griseoba Fallen,水蝇科
small rice stem maggot稻小秆蝇宽芝麦秆蝇,Elachiptera insignis Thoms.,秆蝇科
small rice weevil小米象 (Sitophilus sasakii Takahashi,象甲科)
small sclerotinia rot of peanut花生小菌核病 (Sclerotinia arachidis Hanzawa.)
small sloumi虎皮楠 (Daphniphyllum glaucescens Blume,虎皮楠科)
small soap-tree小丝兰 (Yucca glauca Nutt.,龙舌兰科)
small soft beetles沼甲科 (Helodidae)
small solomonseal小玉竹 (Polygonatum humite Fisch.,百合科)
small spelt单粒小麦 (Triticum monococum L.,禾本科)
small spelt一粒小麦栽培种,Triticum monococcum L.,禾本科
small sugarcane moth borer小蔗螟 (Diatraea saccharalis (Fabricius),螟蛾科)
small surgarcane moth borer小蔗螟 (Diatraea sacchralis Fabricius,螟蛾科)
small tan German cockroach德国小蠊 (Phyllodromia germanica (L.); Blattella germanica (L.),姬蠊科)
small toadflax小柳穿鱼 (Linaria minor,玄参科)
small torch-lily小火把莲小火炬花,Kniphofia rufa Baker,百合科
small tussock moth养麦毒蛾灰带毒蛾,Orgyiapostica Walker,毒蛾科
small tussock moth养麦毒蛾灰带毒蛾,Orgyia postica Walker,毒蛾科
small twisted-stalk小扭柄花 (Streptopus streptopoides Frye et Rigg.,百合科)
small water scorpion小螳蝽 (Ranatra unicolor Scott,螳蝽科)
small weisia小石藓 (Weisia viridula Hedw.)
small white butterfly菜粉蝶白粉蝶,菜青,Pieris rapae L.,粉蝶科
small white butterfly小菜粉蝶 (Pieris rapae (Linnaeus),粉蝶科)
small white butterfly 菜粉蝶
small willow weed姬柳叶菜 (Epilobium fauriei Leveille.,柳叶菜科)
small winter moth冬尺蛾黑点赭尺蛾,Operoptera brumata (Linnaeus),尺蛾科
small yellow daylily矮黄花菜小萱草,红萱,Hemerocallis minor Mill.,百合科
small yellow-hindwinged catocala小黄后勋授夜蛾 (Catocala agitatrix Graeser,夜蛾科)
trailing small red bean蔓小豆蔓眉豆,蟹眼豆,Phaseolus pendulus Makino.,豆科
velvety small noctuid绒毛狸夜蛾 (Lithacodia atrata Butler,夜蛾科)
wild small spelt野生一粒小麦 (Triticum aegilopoides Bal.,禾本科)
wood small-reed拂子茅 (Calamagrostis epigejos (L.) Roth,禾本科)
wood small reed拂子茅 (Calamagrostis epigeios (L.) Roth.; Arundo epigeios L. ; Calamagrostis macrolepis Litw.,禾本科)
yellow-spotted small noctuid甘薯绮夜蛾 (Erastria trabealis (Scopoli),夜蛾科)