
Terms for subject Technology containing Small | all forms | exact matches only
assumption of small strain微小应变假定
club small means together聚拢微薄的资力
dead small矿石的小块料
dead small粉未
dead small细末
densified with small particles微粒填充
densified with small particles construction material微粉密实的
do business in a small way小本经营
double small双小裁
earthenware small-sized mosaic陶制小块马赛克
electric spark small hole machine tool电火花小孔机床
electrical spark small hole machine tool电火花小孔机床
enclosed small container封闭式小型集装箱
engage in labor to a very small extent附带劳动
engage in labour to a very small extent附带劳动
extending map of small cylindrical pit小圆井展开图
film super-small variable capacitor薄膜介质超小型可变电容器
five small industry五小工业
floating pontoon for small craft小船浮码头
high precision small-module horizontal gear hobber高精度小横数式滚齿机
high-speed small copy milling machine高速小仿形铣床
high-strength small concrete block高强度混凝土小块
indicator maintaining small plate指示器压片
infinitely small无限小
infinitely small quantity无穷值
infinitely small resultant无穷小结果
infinitely small resultant无限小合力
investigation of small coal mine小窑调查
kiln for small pieces小器窑
lessor of small plots小土地出租者
method of small angle measurement小角法
method of small parameter小参数法
middle throat with connecting small pore细孔中喉型
motion limited to small disturbances限于微扰动运动
multiangular small tower多边形小塔楼
on a small scale小规模地
pair of small towers成对小塔
polygonal small tower多角形小型角楼
quarter small column四分之一小柱
radial small stone sett paving小方石辐射形铺面
radial small stone sett paving小方石辐射形地面
radial small stone sett paving小方石辐射形路面
round small tower小圆塔楼
slab of small format小规格平板
small aggregate细骨料
small aggregate细集料
small aggregate crusher细碎机
small airport小型机场
small amplitude小振幅
small amplitude modulation小幅度调制
small amplitude wave微小振幅波
small amplitude wave小振幅波
small amplitude wave theory小振幅波理论
small amplitude-low gradient magnetic anomaly低缓磁异常
small anvil小铁砧
small appliance小型设备
small appliance branch circuit小型电器支回路
small application technology satellite型应用技术卫星
small arc小弧
small area flicker小面积闪烁
small area point detector小范围点检测器
small arms sling背带
small ashlar小块琢石
small ashlar墙面小块石板 (装饰用)
small atmospheric sterilizer小型常压灭菌器
small banquet hall小宴会厅
small batch technology小批成组工艺
small biologic cycle生物小循环
small bitt缭绳挽桩
small bitt小挽缆桩
small boiler小锅炉
small bore小孔径
small bore小内管径 (半英寸管,用于水泵助力的集中供热系统)
small bore小截面
small bore小口径
small bore cylinder小口径缸
small bore deep-hole method小眼凿深孔法
small bore deep-hole method小直径深孔崩矿法
small bore engine小径汽缸发动机
small bore heating pipe小直径暖气管
small bore heating system小管采暖系统
small bore mobile type pump小口径机动泵
small bore pipe小口径
small bore piston小孔径活塞
small bore system细管热水集中供暖系统
small bore system管式釆暖锅炉
small bore system小孔径系统
small bore system小管采暖系统
small bore tubing小内径管
small breaking machine小型破碎机
small brook小溪
small bubble spongy body小泡状海绵体
small bulb小灯泡
small bundles of spiral vessels螺纹导管的小维管束
small burnet小地榆
small cabin小舱室
small cabin system小车箱系统
small capacitance series air-gun小容量系列气枪
small capacity cable少芯电缆
small capacity cable细芯电缆
small capacity concrete mixer小容量混凝土搅拌机
small capacity memory小容量存储器
small capacity mixer小容量搅拌机
small capacity of hump小能力驼峰
small cargo boat小货船
small cash小桶
small castle小城堡
small cellular cofferdam小格型围堰
small chair无扶手的单人椅
small chamfer小削角 (方桩四角)
small circle位置圈
small circle小圆 (航路)
small circle belt小圆构造带
small circle girdle小圆环带
small city小城市
small clear specimen无疵小试样
small clearance space窄缝
small closed curve小闭曲线
small communications terminal小型通信终端设备
small compensation space blasting补偿空间爆破
small contrast影像反差小
small cooler小型致冷器
small cordage细索类
small coring小型样芯
small correction小改正
small count小计
small craft小船
small craft小艇
small craft anchorage小船锚地
small craft berth小船泊位
small craft chart快艇航海图
small craft warning小船警报
small craftsmen and traders小工商业者
small creek小港湾
small creek小河流
small crop drying equipments小件作物干燥设备
small crusher小型破碎机
small crushing细级压碎
small crushing machine小型破碎机
small crystal小晶体
small crystals of calcium oxalate草酸钙小晶体
small cup小杯
small cupola小冲天炉
small debts court小债务法庭
small deflection小变位
small deflection小挠度
small dimension小尺寸
small dimension wood小径材
small dining room小餐厅
small disc harrow小型圆盘耙
small displacement微小位移
small displacement小量位移
small displacement approximation微小位移假定
small displacement approximation小变形假定
small displacement engine小容积发动机
small displacement pile少排土桩
small distributor小型配电板
small ditch小明沟
small diurnal range小日潮差
small double cap大四开图纸
small drift刨洞 (小断面开挖)
small drill轻型手持凿岩机
small dumper翻斗车
small duty pipe-st小负荷管式
small dwelling unit小型居住单元
small earthquake focus mass震源体小
small echo小波
small ecosystem小生态系统
small Edison screw-cap小型爱迪生螺旋灯头
small electric appliance小电器设备
small electrical appliance小电器设备
small electronic couple小电偶
small endless rope tractor小无极绳牵引机
small engine小型发动机
small enterprise products小企业产品
small enterprises in commerce小商业
small explosion小型爆破
small face窄面
small face plate拨盘
small faceplate小花盘
small farm tools小农具
small fault小断层
small field radiometer小视场辐射计
small flow sampler小流量采样器
small-flower rose小花蔷薇
small forceps小钳
small format小规格
small format aerial photography小像幅航空摄影
small format camera小像幅摄影机
small formation编队
small fracture小冰隙
small frequencies小频数
small gang plough小型开沟犁
small gap小间隙
small garden ornaments园林小品
small gas field小气田
small gateway小门道
small gauge nail小号钉
small generating set小型发电机组
small glass玻璃屑
small goods elevator小型货物升降机
small goods elevator小型货物电梯
small graphite粉粒石墨
small gravel小砾 (石)
small groove小槽
small guide strap小抱箍
small handicraftsman小手工业者
small hangar小飞机库
small helm小角度转舵
small hewn square小枋
small hewn square劈小枋
small hewn square饼制小枋
small holding自留地
small holding of tree零星木
small hole小孔
small hole小口径钻孔
small hole boring小口径钻进
small hole darning小洞织补法
small hole drill小口径钻机
small hole drilling小口径钻进
small hole gage小孔规
small hole gauge小孔规
small hole method小口径钻孔法
small hole rig小口径钻机
small house小屋
small ice floe小冰盘
small ice floe小浮冰
small ice-field小冰原
small impurity小杂质
small incinerator小型垃圾焚化炉
small industrialists小工业者
small irregularities小不平度
small island小岛屿
small isolation circle小隔离圈
small kitchen小厨房
small knot
small knot小结 (直径为0.5~0.75英寸)
small laboratory flume小型试验槽
small land lessor小土地出租者
small landslide小型滑坡
small lead block test小铅柱试验
small leaf abelia小叶六道木
small library小型图书馆
small light小功率灯
small lime次石灰
small lime小块石灰
small livestock farming小牧场
small log小原木
small log小圆木
small luggage小件行李
small magnitude earthquake小地震
small main valve piston主阀小活塞
small manned submersible小型载人潜水器
small mean diurnal range小平均日潮差
small measure expenses小型措施费
small-medium city中小城市
small-medium town中小城市
small mesh sieve细眼筛
small molecule小分子
small mosaic小块马赛克
small mosaic小块锦砖
small motor小型发电机
small motor garage小型汽车库
small navigational radar小型导航雷达
small neutron accelerator小型中子加速器
small noise tube低噪声管
small nonlinearity弱非线性
small number小数
small office home office小型办公室与家庭办公
small open void小开型孔隙
small orebody小矿体
small oscillations method小振荡法
small pair boats小对船
small panel小镶板
small panel construction小镶板构造
small park小公园
small particle微粒
small particle emission微粒排放
small particles小白点
small plant小型设备
small pole小杆材树
small pole小圆材
small pore and big pore小孔隙带大孔隙
small porosity gel细孔凝胶
small power computer小功率计算机
small power motor小功率电动机
small power station小型发电厂
small pressure sprayer小型压力喷雾器
small pressure sprayer小型压力撒雾器
small profile line小断面线路
small project小规模 (计划)
small project小型项目
small project小型工程
small pulley bearing小型滑轮支承架
small pulley bearing小型滑车支承架
small pulley block小滑轮组
small pulley carrier小滑轮组支承架
small pulley nest guard小滑轮组限程器
small pulley nest guard小滑轮组护挡板
small punching初次钻孔 (铆钉分两次钻)
small-radius curve小半径曲线
small rail car轨道小车
small rate gyro低速率陀螺
small reflective area target小反射面目标
small region market小区域市场
small rescue tug小型救援拖船
small rest home小疗养所
small rest home小疗养院
small reverse body bush回动体小衬套
small rhythm小韵律
small rocket lift device小型火箭升降装置
small rockets launch operation controled center小型火箭发射活动控制中心
small rolled parts小件轧制部件
small roller with shields带护罩的小型压路机
small roller with shields带护罩的小型压路辊
small roof小屋顶
small round stone小圆石
small sails副帆
small sapling小幼树 (高3~10英尺)
small saver's certificate小额储蓄者存款证
small scale小比例 (尺)
small scale小尺度
small-scale building site小规模建筑场地
small-scale building site小规模施工场地
small-scale channel regulation project小型航道整治工程
small-scale chart小比例尺
small-scale climatology小尺度气候
small-scale climatology小区域气候
small-scale combustion小规模燃烧
small-scale commercial planting小规模栽植
small-scale cylinder test method小比例柱体试验法
small-scale drawing小比例尺图
small-scale geologic survey小比例尺地质测量
small-scale geological survey小比例尺地质测量
small-scale hydraulic model小比例尺水工模型
small-scale hydroelectric station小水电站
small-scale hydroelectrical station小水电站
small-scale incinerator小型焚化炉
small-scale integrated circuit小规模集成电路
small-scale landform小型地貌
small-scale map小比例尺
small-scale model test小比例尺模型试验
small-scale multiple-use equipment小型多用设备
small-scale of bursting water型突水
small-scale pilot model小比例尺模型
small-scale pilot plant小规模试验工厂
small-scale plotter小比例尺测图仪
small-scale problem小型问题
small-scale production小量生产
small-scale production小生产
small-scale regional geologic surveying小规模区域地质调查
small-scale regional geological surveying小规模区域地质调查
small-scale sewage treatment plant小型污水处理设施
small-scale temporary facility小型临时设施
small-scale test小规模试验
small-scale test小试
small-scale tester小型试验机
small-scale topographic map小比例尺地形图
small-scale tunnel data小尺寸风洞试验数据
small-scale turbulence小尺度紊动
small-scale turbulence小紊流度
small-scale vibration table小型振动台
small-scale water conservancy project小型水利工程
small-scale yield小范围屈服
small scientific research satellite小型科研卫星
small screw driver小螺丝刀
small screw jack小型螺旋起重器
small screw torch微型焊炬
small section小剖面
small section mill小型型钢轧机
small section rolling mill小轧型机
small section tunnel小断面隧道
small self-contained iron and steel complex配套的小型钢铁联合企业
small set小集
small sheave小滑轴
small sheave小滑车
small sheave bearing小滑车支承架
small sheave block小滑车组
small sheave block小滑轮组
small sheave carrier小滑车组支架
small sheave carrier小滑车组支座
small sheave nest小滑轮组
small sheave nest guard小滑车组限程器
small sheave nest guard小滑车护挡板
small shipper小转运商
small shock小震动
small shops小商业
small shrub小灌木
small signal小信号
small signal behavior小信号性能
small signal behaviour小信号性能
small signal characteristic小信号性能
small signal gain小信号增益
small signal parameters小信号参数
small signal performance小信号性能
small signal power gain小信号功率增益
small signal theory小信号理论
small single-phase induction motor小型单相感应电动机
small single-phase transformer小型单相变压器
small-size air target小型空中目标
small-size bath小浴池
small-size bearing小型轴承
small-size bucket elevator loader小型斗式提升加料机
small size bulb小型灯泡
small size cement plant小型水泥厂
small-size collapsible container小型折叠式集装箱
small-size computer型计算机
small-size diesel electric locomotive小型柴油电机车
small-size diesel electrical locomotive小型柴油电机车
small-size folding container小型折叠式集装箱
small-size glass ware小型玻璃器皿
small-size machine小型机械
small-size motor小电动机
small-size nuclear power plant小型核电站
small-size ore deposit型矿床
small-size plate小型板块
small-size production小批生产
small-size sample小筛分样
small-size sheet stacker小片堆垛机
small-size tanker小型油轮
small-size tractor小型拖拉机
small-size tractor小型牵引车
small-size traveling crane and car shed小型流动机械库
small-size traveling power generator型流动式发电机
small-size travelling crane and car shed小型流动机械库
small-size travelling power generator型流动式发电机
small-size vibration table小型振动台
small-sized coal小块煤
small-sized flat小型公寓
small-sized hut小型棚屋
small-sized kitchen小型厨房
small-sized mosaic小块马赛克
small-sized mosaic小块锦砖
small-sized paving sett小块铺路方块石
small-sized sett paving小方石块路面
small-sized slab小尺寸平板
small-sized water source小型水源地
small sludge treatment works小型污泥处理厂
small slugs小蛞蝓
small spatula小抹刀
small sphere小球
small square小广场
small square file小方锉
small stature form of stock矮生砧
small steel shape小型钢材
small stems小枝条
small stress小应力
small stuff细绳
small stuff小绳
small stuff小油绳
small swivel小旋转接头
small Tekken type cracking test小铁研式抗裂试验
small tenon小榫
small test实验室试验
small throat with connecting large pore粗孔小喉型
small throat with connecting small pore细孔小喉型
small tie-beam榇枋
small tie-beam撑头
small timber细工用材
small timber细木工料
small tower小塔 (架)
small tractor小拖车
small tractor小功率拖拉机
small tractor小型拖拉机
small trade小量贸易
small tradespeople and pedlers小商小贩
small transfer line支管道
small transfer line补充管道
small transfer line小运输线
small treatment system小型处理系统
small tree小树
small trough小排水沟
small trough明沟
small trough檐槽
small user小型用户
small vein小脉
small vessel anchorage小船锚地
small vibration小振动
small village小村
small volume production小量生产
small volume spring小流量温泉
small ware kiln小器窑
small wastewater treatment plant小型废水处理厂
small wastewater treatment works小型污水处理厂
small water heater小型热水器
small water supply system简易供水系统
small water supply system小型供水系统
small water treatment system小型水处理系统
small window小窗
small yard天井
spiderweb type small bridge庭园水池中架起的十字形小桥
transportation of small goods小搬小运
vase with small mouth and pointed base小口尖底瓶 (瓷器名)
very small fracture微冰隙
volume weight by small size sample小体重
yield theory of small scope小范围屈服理论
zone of middle and small industry中小工业区
zone of small industry中小工业区
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