
Terms containing Small | all forms | exact matches only
gen.A small bow in epoxy adds a romantic detail to the tanzanite crystal以环氧元素制成的小巧蝴蝶结为藕荷紫色水晶注入了浪漫气息
gen.a very small degree of一点儿
gen.a small gross十打=120 个
gen.a small proportion of cars全部车辆卡的一小部分车辆
gen.a small quantity of小〔少〕 量的
securit.adopt a flexible policy towards small ones对小企业实行更灵活的政策
securit.adopt a flexible policy towards small ones放活小企业
avia.advanced small launch vehicle先进小型发射器
avia.advanced small turbine technology先进小轴向式涡轮发动机技术
biol.aeneous small leaf beetle青金小叶甲 (Nodina chalcosoma Baly,叶甲科)
gen.an atom is so small that we can not see it以致我们看不见它
gen.an atom is so small that we can not see it原子是这样小
gen.and small wonder不足为奇
nautic., tech.area-adjustable small water-plane area twin hull可调面积小水线面双体船
gen.Asia-Pacific Regional Network for Small Hydro Power亚太地区小水电研究培训中心中国杭州
gen.At barbecue, meat is cooked over a small fire烧烤餐是把肉放在小火上烧熟
gen.atomic nuclei are too small to be seen看不见
gen.atomic nuclei are too small to be seen原子核太小
gen.be small in stature身材矮小
gen.be small of stature身材矮小
gen.Bethlehem is the small town in the Middle East believed to be the birthplace of Jesus Christ人们相信耶稣基督就是在位于中东一个名叫伯利恒的小镇出生的
gen.big or small大小
avia.Boeing small research module波音小型研究模块
biol.brown small longicorn桑小褐天牛 (Ceresium flavipes Fabricius.)
gen.by small and small一点一点地
gen.by small and small慢慢地
biol.Chinese rice small skipper中华稻苞虫 (Relopides sinensis Mabille,弄蝶科)
biol.citrus small round brown spot柑橘褐色小圆星病 (Mycosphaerella horii Hara)
shipb.clashing test for small watertight hatch cover, door and window水密小舱口盖、门窗冲水试验
shipb.clashing test for small watertight hatch cover, watertight door and watertight window水密小舱口盖、水密门和水密窗冲水试验
gen.colocally small category上局部小范畴
gen.Come on! Be confident about your case. It is just a small surgery振作点!对你的病要有信心,这只不过是个小手术而已
ecol.comprehensive management of small catchment小流域综合管理
gen.Cupid is usually portrayed as a small winged figure with a bow and arrow通常,拥有一双翅膀的爱神丘比特会以携一张弓,举着一支箭的形象出现
fisherydemersal and small pelagic species小型中上层和底层鱼类品种
fisherydemersal and small pelagic species底层和中上层小鱼
ecol.developing type of a large reservoir combined with a small one大、 小库开发方式
avia.enhanced small device interface增强的小型设备接口
multimed.enhanced small device interface增强型小型设备接口
shipb.enterprise on small scale小型企业
ecol.environmental systems on small islands小岛屿环境系统
securit.give small state-owned enterprises greater freedom放活国有小企业
fisherygovernance of small-scale fisheries手工渔业治理
fisherygovernance of small-scale fisheries小型渔业治理
gen.I think you need a small surgery我认为你需要动一个小手术
gen.I'd like to order a small pizza我要点一个小比萨饼
gen.if the job is of small dimensions, whether to use planer or shaper will depend mainly on the quantity required如果工件是小尺寸的,那么是用龙门刨还是用牛头刨就主要取决于所需的数量
gen.If you do this, the credit company, or the bank that sponsors the credit card, will add a small service charge to your total bill如果你这样做,信用卡公司或发卡银行会在你的账单总额中加收一点手续费
gen.If you want to go to the U. K. , in a small number of cases, you may be asked to attend an interview or take part in a telephone interview. If you are asked to attend an interview, they will offer you the first available interview date如果你要去英国,在少数情况下,可能会被要求面谈一次或电话交谈一次。工作人员会向你提供一个最早可以面谈的日期
gen.in a small degree略微
gen.in a small degree稍微
gen.in a small way小规模地
gen.in a small way节俭地
gen.in a small way适度地
gen.In gold lettering on a small, almond-shaped brooch was the word Mother在一个小巧的杏仁状的胸针上刻着金色的两个字:"母亲"
gen.in small局部的
gen.in small小型的
gen.in small小规模
gen.in small numbers
gen.in small steps一点一点地
gen.in small steps一小步一小步地
refrig.influence of inlet vanes on small centrifugal fans进口叶片对小型离心式风机的影响
securit.interest losses of small investors小投资者权益的丧失
avia.international small station organization国际小型卫星组织
gen.inthe small小型的
gen.inthe small局部的
gen.inthe small小规模
gen.it is small wonder that…并不足怪〔奇怪〕
gen.It's a small brown bag and here is my claim tag一个棕色的小箱子,这是我的行李票
gen.I've bought a lot of meat. I've got pork chops, small steaks, chicken wings and plenty of hot dog sausages and hamburger patties我买了很多肉。我买了猪排、小牛排、鸡翅和许多热狗肠,还有汉堡饼
biol.larger peppermint small weevil大薄荷小象甲 (Baris pilosa Roelofs,象甲科)
securit.larger sale at a small profit薄利多销
securit.medium and small investor中小投资者
securit.medium and small investor blindly following the trend盲目跟风的中小投资者
avia.medium scale integration/small scale integration中/小规模集成电路
biol.mulberry small bark beetle桑小蠹 (Cryphalus morivorella Niisima,小蠹科)
biol.mulberry small tiger longicorn小桑虎 (天牛,Chlorophorus quinquefasciatus Casernan et Gory,天牛科)
biol.mulberry small weevil桑象 (Baris deplanata Roelofs,象甲科)
securit.NASDAQ small capitalization company纳斯达克小额资本公司
securit.NASDAQ Small Order Execution System纳斯达克小额订单执行系统
securit.National Small Business Association全国小企业协会
gen.Never sip or slurp your tea or soup loudly. Take small, quiet little mouthfuls一定不要大声地喝汤或嗫汤。喝汤的时候要小口地、安静地进行
gen.of no small consequence重大地
gen.on the small side比较小
gen.on the small side较小
gen.on the small side略小
biol.peppermint small weevil薄荷小象甲 (Baris menthae Kono,象甲科)
securit.protect legal rights and interests of small and medium shareholders保护中小股东合法权益
gen.provide the tube with a small amount of water给管里注人少量的水
refrig.receiving small cryocool贮液式小型冷冻器
gen.regrettably small amount少得可怜的数量
avia.Royal Small Arms Factories〔英〕皇家轻武器工厂
shipb.Rules for Building and Classing Coast Small Ships《沿海小船人级与建造规范》
shipb.Rules for Building River Small Ships《内河小型船舶建造规范》
securit.seize the big enterprises and free the small enterprises抓大放小
nautic., tech.semi-submerged small-water-plane area ship小水线面半潜船
securit.Shenzhen Stock Exchange Small and Medium Enterprises Board深圳证券交易所中小企业板
securit.slow and small fall股价小幅慢跌 (stock price)
securit.slow and small fall盘跌 (stock price)
securit.slow and small rise股价小幅慢升 (stock price)
securit.slow and small rise盘升 (stock price)
securit.small advantage小优势
securit.small advantage小便宜
avia.small aerostat surveillance system小型航空器观察系统
biol.small agave鬼脚掌皇后龙舌兰,Agave victoriae-reginae Moore,龙舌兰科
avia.small agile battlefield aircraft小型灵巧战场飞机
securit.small agreement小额信贷协议
avia.small aircraft小型航空器
avia.small aircraft小型飞机
avia.small aircraft manufacturers association小飞机制造商协会
avia.Small Aircraft Manufacturers Association/卜飞机制造商协会
avia.small aircraft transportation system小型飞机运输系统
avia.small airfield for tactical support战术支援小型机场 (美国海军陆战队)
avia.small airport runway indicator小型机场跑道指示器
avia.small airports runway indicator小型机场跑道指示器
securit.small amount money order小额汇票
gen.small amount of大〔少,一定〕量的
avia.small and medium businesses中小型企业
securit.small and medium enterprise board SME Board, Shenzhen Stock Exchange中小企业板块深圳证券交易所
avia.small and medium enterprises中小型企业
securit.small and medium enterprises committee中小型企业委员会
securit.small and medium-sized enterprise board中小企业板
securit.small and medium-sized investor中小投资者
gen.small-angle light scattering小角度光线散射
avia.small angle scattering小角度散布
gen.small-angle-X-ray-scattering小角 X 射线散射
geol.small aquifer小含水层
gen.small arms ammunition轻武器〔用〕弹药
gen."Small arms school"英国轻武器训练学校
avia.small arms target system轻型武器目标体系
gen.small as they are, atoms are made up of still smaller units原子尽管很小,但却是由一些更小的单元组成的
biol.small asparagus fly石刁柏潜蝇天门冬潜蝇,Agromyza simplex (Loew),潜蝇科
avia.small ballistic reentry vehicle小型弹道再进人大气层飞行器
biol.small bamboo borer竹小扁小蠹 (Lyctoxylon japonum Reiter,小蠹科)
securit.small bankruptcy小额破产
biol.small barnyard-grass小稗草 (Echinochloa crusgalli var. praticola Ohwi.,禾本科)
biol.small bean bug大豆突眼长蝽 (Chauliops fallax Scott,长蝽科)
biol.small bedstraw细叶猪秧秧细四叶葎,细叶拉拉藤,Galium irifidum L.,茜草科
gen.small beer微不足道的事情〔东西〕
gen.small beer琐事
gen.small beer淡啤酒
biol.small beetles细阎虫科 (Niponiidae)
biol.small blister beetle耳节短翅芫菁 (Meloё auriculatus Marseul,芫菁科)
biol.small blue cattle louse水牛盲虱 (Solenopoles capillatus Enderlein,盲虱科)
biol.small body louse鸡羽虱 (Menopon gallinae (Linnaeus),短角羽虱科)
biol.small branch borer山扁豆小天牛 (Mylothris irrorata Fabricius; Atmodes,天牛科)
securit.small broker小型经纪公司
biol.small brown planthopper稻灰飞虱灰飞虱,Delphacodes striatella Fallen,飞虱科
biol.small bugloss狼紫草 (Lycopsis arvensis L.,紫草科)
avia.small business administration小型企业管理局
securit.Small Business Administration小型企业管理局
gen.Small Business Administration小企业事务署
securit.small business financing小企业筹资
avia.small business innovation research小型企业创新研究
securit.Small Business Investment Act小企业投资法
securit.Small Business Investment Company小企业投资公司SBIC 归美国小企业管理局管辖,该公司可获低息贷款
securit.small business investment corporation小企业投资公司
securit.Small Business Job Protection Act小型企业就业保护法
securit.small business policy小型企业政策
avia.Small Businesses Association小型企业协会 (美国)
biol.small cabbage bug菜花蝽 (Eurydema pulchra Westwood,科)
biol.small cabbage white菜粉蝶白粉蝶,菜青,Pieris rapae L.,粉蝶科
biol.small cabbage-white白粉蝶 (Pieris rapae L.,粉蝶科)
biol.small canary grass小虉草 (Phalaris minor Retz.,禾本科)
securit.small cap小板纳斯达克
securit.small cap小公司只有少量资本总额的公司
securit.small-cap blend fund小公司混合基金
securit.small-cap issues小盘股发行
securit.small-cap issues小盘股栏目
securit.small cap market NASDAQ, USA小资本市场美国纳斯达克
securit.small cap stocks小公司股票
securit.small cap stocks低价股
securit.small cap stocks小盘股
securit.small-cap value fund小公司价值基金
comp.small-capacity memory小容量存储器
securit.small capitalization fund小额市值基金
securit.small capitalization stock小额资产股
securit.small capitalization stock小盘股票
comp.small caps小号大写字体
multimed.small caps小字体大写字母
bridge.small card小牌
gen.small card design automation小卡片设计自动化
biol.small carpenter芦蜂科 (复, Ceratinidae)
ecol.small catchment小流域 (watershed)
biol.small centipeda石胡荽球子草,Centipeda minima O. Kuntze.,菊科
securit.small change小额钱币
biol.small chestnut weevil栗小象 (Curculio auriger (Cassy),象甲科)
biol.small chrysanthemum aphid菊小长管蚜 (Coloradoa rufomaculata (Wilson),蚜科)
avia.small circle小圈
gen.small-circle of a sphere小圆球面的
biol.small citrus fly橘春凤蝶 (Papilio protenor demetrius Cramer,凤蝶科)
biol.small citrus looper橘红黄波尺蛾 (Eupithecia carearia Leech,尺蛾科)
securit.small company growth fund小公司成长基金
securit.small company stocks小公司股票
avia.small computer standard interface小型机算计标准接口
avia.small computer system interface小型机算计系统接口
ecol.small concentration低浓度
avia.small core memory〔计〕小型磁芯存储器
comp.small core memory小型磁心存储器
biol.small cotton measuring worm棉小造桥虫 (Anomis flava (Fabricius),夜蛾科)
securit.small country market index小国市场指数
biol.small crabgrass紫马唐 (Digitaria violascens Link.; Digitaria ischaemum var. asiatica Ohwi.,禾本科)
biol.small cranberry蔓越橘小越橘,Vaccinium oxycoccus L.,乌饭树科
biol.small crane berry酸果蔓 (Vaccinium oxycoccus L.,乌饭树科)
gen.small deer无足轻重的东西
avia.small diameter bomb小直径炸弹
nautic., tech.small diameter line小直径管路
ecol.small-diameter lumber小径木
ecol.small drain水沟
ecol.small drain水坑
avia.small end小头
avia.small end连杆小端
avia.small end小端
refrig.small end连杆小头
avia.small end连杆上端
avia.small engine division小型发动机分部
securit.small enterprises changed into shareholding cooperatives转变为股份合作制的小企业
biol.small ermine moths巢蛾科 (Yponomeutidae)
avia.small experiment communications小型实验通信卫星
avia.small explorer小型探测器
geol.Small Explorers and Producers Association of Canada加拿大小型勘探者与开采者协会
biol.small fimbristylis小粟飘拂草小虱草,Fimbristylis miliacea Vahl.,莎草科
securit.small firm effect小企业效应小公司业绩优于股票市场的趋势
securit.small firms loan guarantee scheme小企业贷款担保计划
biol.small five-spotted malaria mosquito小五斑按蚊 (Anopheles maculipennis atroparvus van Thiel.,蚊科)
biol.small-flower小花苦橙 (Citrus micrantha Wester,芸香科)
biol.small flower chafer小花露背丽金龟小潜花鳃角金龟,Ectinohoplia obducta Motschulsky,金龟科
biol.small flower galinsoga牛膝菊 (Galinsoga parviflora Pav.,菊科)
biol.small flower pellitory墙草 (Parietaria micrantha Ledeb.,荨麻科)
biol.small flower tamarisk湖北怪柳小花柽柳,Tamarix parviflora DC.,柽柳科
biol.small flower umbrella-plant异型花草球花蒿草,Cyperus difformis L.,莎草科
biol.small-flowered cranesbill小老鹳草 (Geranium pusilium L.,牻牛儿苗科)
biol.small-flowered Japan pine五针松日本五针松,五钗松,Pinns parviflora Sieb. et Zucc.,松科
biol.small-flowered papeda小花大翼橙 (Citrus micrantha Webster,芸香科,小花苦橙)
biol.small-flowered papeda小花大翼橙小花苦橙,Citrus micrantha Wester.,芸香科
biol.small-flowered rhododendron照山白 (Rhododendron micranthum Turcz.; Rhododendron pritzelianum Diels,杜鹃花科)
biol.small foxtail millet谷子,小米,Setaria italica (L.) Beauv var. germanica (Mill.) Beck.; Panicum italica L.; Panicum germanicum Mill.,禾本科
gen.small fries小薯条
biol.small froghopper小沫蝉 (Aphrophora obtusa Matsumura,沫蝉科)
biol.small-fruit bottle gourd小葫芦 (Lagenaria siceraria var. microcarpa sp.,葫芦科)
biol.small-fruit crabapple小果海棠 (Malus micromalus Mak.,蔷薇科)
biol.small-fruit rose小果蔷薇 (Rosa cymosa Tratt.,蔷薇科)
biol.small-fruited papeda小花大翼橙 (Citrus micrantha Webster,芸香科,小花苦橙)
biol.small-fruited strawberry欧洲草莓 (Fragaria vesca L.,蔷薇科)
biol.small garden white菜粉蝶白粉蝶,菜青,Pieris rapae L.,粉蝶科
biol.small gardenwhite白粉蝶 (Pieris rapae L.,粉蝶科)
refrig.small gas ammonia-absorption airconditioning unit小型燃气氨吸收式空调机组
avia.small gas turbine engine小型燃气涡轮发动机
biol.small gelatine grub椰子刺蛾 (Narosa conspersa Walker,刺蛾科)
biol.small geranium小老鹳草 (Geranium pusilium L.,牻牛儿苗科)
biol.small gifu butterfly虎凤蝶 (Luehdorfia puziloi Erschoff,凤蝶科)
biol.small globe thistle小蓝刺头 (Echinops ritro L.,菊科)
biol.small grain rice小粒稻 (Oryza minuta Pres.,禾本科)
biol.small grape plume-moth小葡萄羽蛾 (Nippoptilia vitis Sasaki,羽蛾科)
biol.small green chrysanthemum aphid菊瘤额 (Myzus rosarum Kaltenbach,蚜科)
biol.small green leaf hopper小绿叶蝉 (Empoasca flave sc ens Fabrecius,叶蝉科)
biol.small green tortoise beetle豆小绿象 (Eugnathus distinctus Roelofs,象甲科)
biol.small green tortoise beetle甜菜龟甲 (Cassida nebulosa L.,龟甲科)
biol.small green weevil豆小绿象 (Eugnathus distinctus Roelofs,象甲科)
nautic., tech.small hatch cover小舱盖
biol.small hop clover小忽布三叶草细叶三叶草,Trifolium dubium L.,豆科
biol.small hop trefoil小忽布三叶草细叶三叶草,Trifolium dubium L.,豆科
biol.small horsebean小马蚕豆 (Vicia faba var. minor L.,豆科)
gen.small household appliances小家电
refrig.small ice小冰块
securit.small industrial loan小额行业贷款
securit.small issue小量发行
securit.small issues exemption小额发行免税
biol.small-jack小波罗蜜番波罗蜜,Artocarps integer L.,桑科
biol.small jack香波罗密小波罗密,Artocarpus integer L.f.,桑科
fisherysmall jigging vessel滑橇式小艇
fisherysmall jigging vessel小型鱿钓渔船
biol.small-leaf acaena小叶红刺头 (Acaena microphylla Sp.,蔷薇科)
biol.small-leaf columnea小叶金鱼花 (Columnea microphylla sp.,苦苣苔科)
biol.small-leaf grape小叶葡萄 (Vitis sinocinerea W.T.Wang,葡萄科)
biol.small-leaf millettia小叶崖豆藤 (Millettia japonica A. Gray. var. microphylla Makino.,豆科)
biol.small-leaf scrub persimmon小叶山柿 (Diospyros dumetorum Smith,柿科)
biol.small leaf sida小叶黄花稔 (Sida retusa L.,锦葵科)
biol.small-leaf white mulberry小叶桑 (Morus alba var. stylosa Bur.,桑科)
biol.small-leaved lime tree心叶椴级木,Tiliacordata Mill.,椴树科
biol.small-leaved linden心叶椴级木,Tiliacordata Mill.,椴树科
biol.small lentils小扁豆兵豆,滨豆,Lens culinaris Medic.,豆科
gen.small letter小写字母
avia.small light adapter〔客〕小型轻型适配器
avia.small light adapter小灯适配器
avia.small lightweight altitude transmission equipment小型轻型高度发送设备
avia.small, lightweight GPS receiver轻小型全球定位系统接收机
avia.small, lightweight GPS receiver袖珍 GPS 接收机
avia.small, lightweight GPS receiver轻小型全球定位卫星接收机
refrig.small liquid nitrogen cryotool手持低温器械
refrig.small liquid separator集液管
refrig.small liquid separator小型液体分离器
securit.small loan for technical improvement小额技术改造贷款
avia.small lot optimum procurement小批量最佳采购
nautic., tech.small magazines小弹药库
biol.small mammal sucking lice小兽虱科 (Hoplopleuridae)
comp.small mass storage小型大容量存储器
biol.small medic小苜蓿 (Medicago minima Lamk.,豆科)
fisherysmall-mesh fishery小网目渔业
fisherysmall mesh net小网目渔具
fisherysmall mesh trawl小网目拖网
avia.small message entity短消息实体
gen.small section rolling mill小型轧机
avia.small missile telecamera小型导弹电视摄象机
avia.small mission on advanced research technology小型先进技术研究任务
securit.small money management firms小型基金管理公司
biol.small moonflower小月光花 (Calonyction muricatum Don.,旋花科)
biol.small moth borer of sugarcane小蔗螟 (Diatraea sacchralis Fabricius,螟蛾科)
biol.small motherwort小益母草 (Lamium tuberiferum Ohwi,唇形科)
biol.small mottled willow moth甜菜夜蛾 (Spodoptera exigua (Hubner); Caradrina or Laphigma,夜蛾科)
biol.small narcissus fly洋葱食蚜蝇 (Eumerus strigatus (Fallén),食蚜蝇科)
biol.small narcissus fly葱瘤食蚜蝇 (Eumerus tuberculatus Rondani,食蚜蝇科)
biol.small neottia小雀巢兰 (Neottia asiatica Ohwi,兰科)
biol.small nettle小荨麻 (Urtica urens L.,荨麻科)
securit.small note小额票据
securit.small note小额货币
avia.small office/home office家庭办公室
multimed.small office/home office小型办公室或家庭办公室
nautic., tech.small oil fuel tank小型燃油舱
nautic., tech.small openings小开口
ecol.small or medium sized purifying installation of domestic sewage中小型生活污水净化装置
securit.small order automatic system小额订单自动执行系统
securit.small order entry system小额订单登记系统
securit.small order entry system SOES小额订单记账系统
securit.small order execution system小额订单执行系统
securit.small order execution system SOES小额订单执行系统
securit.small order first-in-first-out小订单先进先出
multimed.small outline IC小外形 IC
avia.small outline integrated circuit小尺寸集成电路
multimed.small outline package小引线型封装
multimed.small outline package J-lead小外形封装 J 引线
avia.small part replacement request小零件替换需求
fisherysmall pelagic and demersal species小型中上层和底层鱼类品种
fisherysmall pelagic and demersal species底层和中上层小鱼
fisherysmall pelagic fish stock小型中上层鱼类种群
fisherysmall pelagic species中上层小鱼
fisherysmall pelagic species小型中上层鱼种
avia.small perturbation小扰动方程
avia.small perturbation equation小扰动方程
biol.small pigeon louse小鸽虱 (Campanulotes bidentatus Scop.)
gen.small pill
shipb.small port surcharge小港附加费
avia.small power module小功率模块
avia.small pressure exhalation valve小余压式呼气活门
nautic., tech.small profit and quick-returns薄利多销
securit.small profits薄利
securit.small profits, quick returns薄利多销
biol.small prominent杨小舟蛾 (Micromelalopha troglodyta Graeser,舟蛾科)
gen.small proportion ofM 小部分 M
avia.small radar homing interceptor technology小型雷达寻的拦击器技术
biol.small radish小形四季萝卜 (Raphanus sativus L. var. radicula Pers.,十字花科)
ecol.small rainfall小雨资源
avia.small range guided weapon短程制导武器
biol.small red bean赤豆 (Phaseolus angularis L.,豆科)
biol.small red bean赤豆红豆,Phaseolus angularis Wight,豆科
biol.small-reed披针叶拂子茅 (Calamagrostis lanceolata Roth.,禾本科)
avia.small reservoir unit小型储存装置
biol.small rice case-bearer稻水螟 (Nymphula vittalis Bremer)
biol.small rice grasshopper小稻蝗 (Oxya intric ata Stål.,蝗科)
biol.small rice leaf miner稻潜叶水蝇大麦水蝇,Hydrellia griseoba Fallen,水蝇科
biol.small rice stem maggot稻小秆蝇宽芝麦秆蝇,Elachiptera insignis Thoms.,秆蝇科
biol.small rice weevil小米象 (Sitophilus sasakii Takahashi,象甲科)
horticult.small sapling幼树
securit.small saver certificate小额储蓄凭证
fisherysmall-scale aquaculture小规模水产养殖
fisherysmall-scale fisheries小规模渔业
fisherysmall-scale fisherman小型渔业渔民
fisherysmall-scale fishing community手工捕鱼社区
fisherysmall-scale fishing community小规模捕鱼社区
avia.small scale integration小规模集成
avia.small-scale integration小规模集成
avia.small scale integration circuit小规模集成电路
securit.small scale merger小规模兼并
avia.small-scale model小尺寸模型
shipb.small scale production小规模量生产
avia.small-scale test小规模测试
gen.small scientific computer小型科学计算机
avia.small scientific satellite小型科研卫星
biol.small sclerotinia rot of peanut花生小菌核病 (Sclerotinia arachidis Hanzawa.)
avia.small search area小范围搜索区
avia.small self contained payload小型独立有效载荷
avia.small serial interface小型串联接口
geol.small show油气微弱显示
nautic., tech.small size TLP小型张力腿平台
shipb.small-sized industry小型工业
gen.small slam小优胜法
gen.small slam桥牌贏十二副牌
bridge.small slam小满贯
biol.small sloumi虎皮楠 (Daphniphyllum glaucescens Blume,虎皮楠科)
avia.small smart bomb小型智能炸弹
biol.small soap-tree小丝兰 (Yucca glauca Nutt.,龙舌兰科)
biol.small soft beetles沼甲科 (Helodidae)
biol.small solomonseal小玉竹 (Polygonatum humite Fisch.,百合科)
biol.small spelt单粒小麦 (Triticum monococum L.,禾本科)
biol.small spelt一粒小麦栽培种,Triticum monococcum L.,禾本科
nautic., tech.small-stage efficiency, infinitesimal-stage efficiency多变效率
securit.small stocks小企业股
securit.small stocks小盘股票
biol.small sugarcane moth borer小蔗螟 (Diatraea saccharalis (Fabricius),螟蛾科)
gen.small sum of小量的
gen.small sum of小额的
biol.small surgarcane moth borer小蔗螟 (Diatraea sacchralis Fabricius,螟蛾科)
avia.small tactical aerial mobility platform小型战术空中机动平台
biol.small tan German cockroach德国小蠊 (Phyllodromia germanica (L.); Blattella germanica (L.),姬蠊科)
biol.small toadflax小柳穿鱼 (Linaria minor,玄参科)
biol.small torch-lily小火把莲小火炬花,Kniphofia rufa Baker,百合科
securit.small trade小笔交易
securit.small trade小额交易
fisherysmall tuna fishery小金枪鱼捕捞业
avia.small turbine advanced gas generator小型涡轮发动机先进燃气发生器
biol.small tussock moth养麦毒蛾灰带毒蛾,Orgyiapostica Walker,毒蛾科
biol.small tussock moth养麦毒蛾灰带毒蛾,Orgyia postica Walker,毒蛾科
biol.small twisted-stalk小扭柄花 (Streptopus streptopoides Frye et Rigg.,百合科)
avia.small unmanned aerial vehicle小型无人机
avia.small unmanned aircraft system小型无人机系统
nautic., tech.small vessel小船
biol.small water scorpion小螳蝽 (Ranatra unicolor Scott,螳蝽科)
nautic., tech.small water-plane area twin hull非高速小水线面双体船
nautic., tech.small waterplane area twin hull HSC高速小水线面双体船
nautic., tech.small water-plane area twin-hull ship小水线面双体船
ecol.small watershed model小流域模型
ecol.small watershed technique小集水区试验方法
nautic., tech.small wavelets, still short but more pronounced, crests have a glassy appearance and do not break.小波,波长尚短,但波形显著,波峰呈玻璃外 观,未破碎
nautic., tech.Small waves, becoming longer, fairly frequent white horses.小浪,波长逐渐变长,白浪较频。
nautic., tech.small waves, becoming longer, fairly frequent white horses小浪,波长逐渐变长,白浪较频。
biol.small weisia小石藓 (Weisia viridula Hedw.)
biol.small white butterfly小菜粉蝶 (Pieris rapae (Linnaeus),粉蝶科)
biol.small white butterfly菜粉蝶白粉蝶,菜青,Pieris rapae L.,粉蝶科
biol.small white butterfly 菜粉蝶
biol.small willow weed姬柳叶菜 (Epilobium fauriei Leveille.,柳叶菜科)
securit.small winding-ups小额清盘
biol.small winter moth冬尺蛾黑点赭尺蛾,Operoptera brumata (Linnaeus),尺蛾科
gen.small wonder…不足为奇
gen.small wonder that...难怪…
biol.small yellow daylily矮黄花菜小萱草,红萱,Hemerocallis minor Mill.,百合科
biol.small yellow-hindwinged catocala小黄后勋授夜蛾 (Catocala agitatrix Graeser,夜蛾科)
nautic., tech.sound eliminator by small jet spray小孔喷注消音器
securit.S&P small cap 600 index标准普尔小型股600指数
gen.spend a small fortune on花许多钱在
gen.spread a small clew大张〔收缩〕气
gen.spread a small clew多上〔少上〕风帆
securit.support and develop large enterprises and release small enterprises抓大放小
securit.support and develop large enterprises and release small enterprises支持发展大企业放开小企业
fisherysustainable small-scale fisheries可持续小型渔业
gen.Tear off a small piece, butter it if you like and eat it撕下来一小片面包,喜欢的话可以涂上黄油
shipb.The article is in short supply now. Only a small quantity is available.这种商品目前缺货,只能少量供应
gen.the capability of depositing a long small bead一根焊条可焊的焊缝长
gen.The jade mainly consists of illite and a small quantity of feldspar, quartz, hematite, siderite and rutile, which is argillaceous sedimentary rock这块玉石主要以伊利石为主,含有少量长石、石英、赤铁矿、菱铁矿和金红石,即泥质沉积岩
pack.The labeler is an affordable label applicator machine for small home businesses. It is wonderful for lotion bottles and cosmetic jars, beer and wine bottles, and any round container这款贴标签机对于家庭小作坊来说价格实惠,适用于乳液瓶、化妆品罐、啤酒和红酒瓶及任何圆形容器
gen.the small hours半夜一两点钟
gen.the small hours深更半夜
gen.the small hours深夜午夜后一点至四点之间
gen.There is a small scratch on the left side左边有一点刮痕
gen.These small spiced cakes are peculiarities of the region这些别有风味的小蛋糕是该地的特产
multimed.thin small outline package薄小型封装
gen.things far off seem to be small远处的东西看上去要小
gen.think small beer of轻视
gen.this is no small contribution这是很大的贡献
pack.This liquid filling machine is the machine of choice for high value; small volume fills at very high accuracy. It is primarily suitable for aqueous and other light viscosity products该液体灌装机性价比高,小容量填充十分精确,主要用于水性和其他低黏度产品的充填
gen.This piece is perfect except for a small defect in the seam这件很完美,除了在缝合处有个小小的瑕疵
gen.this river is small in extent这河大〔小〕
gen.To protect you against small pox or diphtheria, you are vaccinated with a small amount of the toxin, and then your body develops immunity against that toxin为了预防天花或白喉病,会给身体接种小量毒素,然后你的身体会针对这些毒素产生免疫力
biol.trailing small red bean蔓小豆蔓眉豆,蟹眼豆,Phaseolus pendulus Makino.,豆科
gen.Trying to ignore a small ache until it grows into a pain is just pointless在小疼痛变得严重之前重视它,是很重要的
avia.ultra small aperture terminal超小口径终端
biol.velvety small noctuid绒毛狸夜蛾 (Lithacodia atrata Butler,夜蛾科)
avia.very small aperture terminal甚小口径终端
avia.very small aperture terminal甚小孔径地球站
multimed.very small aperture terminal甚小天线孔径地面终端
avia.very small aperture terminals甚小孔径终端
biol.wild small spelt野生一粒小麦 (Triticum aegilopoides Bal.,禾本科)
judo.win on small advantage微差获胜
gen.with every kind of screw, a small force moves a much greater resistance对于无论哪-种螺旋来说,一个小的动力都可以移动大得多的抗力
biol.wood small-reed拂子茅 (Calamagrostis epigejos (L.) Roth,禾本科)
biol.wood small reed拂子茅 (Calamagrostis epigeios (L.) Roth.; Arundo epigeios L. ; Calamagrostis macrolepis Litw.,禾本科)
gen.Would you please give me seven five-pound notes, four ten-pound notes and four ten-penny notes, and the rest in small change?请给我7张5英镑纸币,4张10英镑纸币,4个10便士硬币,剩下的要零票
biol.yellow-spotted small noctuid甘薯绮夜蛾 (Erastria trabealis (Scopoli),夜蛾科)
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