
Terms for subject Aviation containing Selection | all forms | exact matches only
actuator selection logic作动器选择逻辑电路
aircrew selection空勤人员选拔
airplane responsive engine selection发动机选择对飞机的影响
automatic channel selection自动通道选择
automatic digital air data computer selection自动数字式大气数据计算机选择
automatic system for selection of receiver and transmitter接收机与发射机的自动选择系统
automatic technique for selection and identification of targets自动目标选择与识别技术
aviator psychology selection飞行员心理学选拔
built-in test selection机内测试选择
city-pair selection城市对选择
command selection control指令选择控制机构
command selection control subsystem指令选择控制子系统
computer aided material selection计算机辅助材料选择
control selection error控制选择误差
customer specific option selection客户特定选型
customer variable selections客户可变选择
customer variable selections客户可变选装
customer-specific option selection客户特定选项方案 (主型号机型基本选项,如747-基本型选项; 派生选项,如747-400派生型选项; 用户选项,以前交付过的选项,需要新设计的选项。由选项方案CSOS 建立特定飞机构型表 (ASCT))
default selection缺省选择
display mode selection switch显示状态选择开关
flying selection squadron飞行选择中队
flying selection squadron美国空军飞行选拔中队
forecast option selection预选项选择
jamming analysis and transmission selection干扰分析与发射选择
machine selection机器选择
manual flight path selection人工航道选择
mechanical selection of aircrew空勤人员医学选拔
min-max selection最小-最大选择
min-max selection strategy最小-最大选择策略
mode selection by short cavity短腔选模
mode selection unit模式选择装置
mode selection unit工作方式 (状态)
moving-target selection动目标选择
multiple information retrieval by parallel selection通过并行选择的多次信息检索
Officer and Aircrew Selection Centre〔英〕军官与空勤人员选拔中心
omni bearing selection全方位选择
optional selection switches选择开关
pilot psychological selection驾驶员心理选拔
pilot selection飞行员选拔
program parts selection list项目零件选择单
provisioning technical documentation data selection sheet提供技术文件资料选择单
radar selection雷达选择
reason for selection〔客〕选择理由
selection control board选择管理控制委员会
selection criterion选择指标
selection integrated evaluation选拔综合评定
selection method选择法
selection of measuring tool and equipment计量器具和测量设备的选择
selection of moving targets活动目标选择
signal selection信号选择
signaling link selection信令链路选择
source selection advisory council资源选择咨询委员会
source selection board资源选择板
source selection criteria资源选择标准
source selection criteria document资源选择标准文件
source selection evaluation资源选择评估
source selection evaluation board资源选择评估委员会
source selection evaluation board供方选择评价委员会
source selection plan资源选择计划
source selection plan供货源选择计划
sub-suppliers selection and management plan次供应商选择和管理计划
system source selection procedure系统资源选择程序
thrust mode selection panel推力方式选择板
turbine engine variable cycle selection涡轮发动机可变循环选择
velocity selection速度选择
video selection视频选择
waypoint selection facility航路点选择设备
weapon selection武器选择
zero-field selection〔无〕零场选择