
Terms for subject Textile industry containing Selection | all forms | exact matches only
apparel material selection服装选料
butt selection针踵选择
disk-type needle selection mechanism圆齿片式选针机构
double selection双选针
eight-level selection units八档选针装置
electro-magnetic needle selection电磁选针
electronic control individual needle selection flat-bed knitting电子单针选针横机
electronic needle selection电子选针
electronic needle selection mechanism电子提花选针机构
electronic selection电子选针
engineered fiber selection工程监测纤维选择系统
feeder selection成圈系统选择
group needle selection组合选针
idiot-proof jack selection无空挡选针
individual needle selection单针选针
Inter Selection国际时装批发展销会法国
jacquard roll selection提花穿孔带选针
job selection职业选择
loop selection提花编织
mechanism of selection淘汰机制
median selection中位选择
multi-step needle selection多级选针
needle selection shaping选针成形
non-fixed selection machine非固定式提花针织机
pattern wheel needle selection mechanism提花轮选针机构
perforated ribbons and drum needle selection mechanism纹板滚筒式选针机构
photographic color selection照相选色
pneumatic selection of needle气动选针
portfolio selection一揽子投资选择
punch-card selection穿孔卡选针装置
selection check抽验
selection check抽查
selection element选针元件
selection figure of leader style领导风格选择图
selection hook提花钩
selection inspection抽验
selection inspection选择检验
selection inspection抽查
selection jack选针片
selection jack提花推片
selection of channel销售渠道选择
selection of channel渠道选择
selection of channel选择道路
selection of location择址
selection of location厂址选择
selection of method方法选择
selection of middleman中间商选择
selection of supplier供应商选择
selection test抽查
selection test抽验
selection test抽测
stitch selection选针
stitch selection提花
theory of portfolio selection证券投资选择理论
wheel selection提花轮选针器
wheel selection花盘选针
wide selection of colors and designs花#繁多