
Terms for subject Navigation containing Search | all forms | exact matches only
advanced unmanned search system新型无人搜索系统
co-ordinator of surface search水面搜索协调者
deep submergence search vehicle深潜搜索艇
National Search and Rescue Plan全国搜索与救生计划
operation search and rescue搜索和救援活动
search and rescue搜寻与营救
search and rescue aid搜索与营救设备
Search and Rescue Center美国搜寻与营救中心
Search and Rescue Control Center搜索与救生控制中心
search and rescue telephone搜索与营救电话
search and rescue using satellites卫星搜索与营救
search band width搜索带宽
search depth搜索深度
search light探照灯
search, rescue and homing搜索、营救和归航
shipboard search船上搜索