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Terms containing Science And | all forms | exact matches only | in specified order only
earth.sc.Academy of Underwater Arts and Science水下科学技术学会
horticult.achievements of agricultural science and technology农业科技成果
agric.achieving China's rejuvenation by science and education科教兴[中]国
China, lawactivities aimed at science and technology progress科学技术进步活动
UN, biol., sec.sys.Ad hoc intergovernmental and multi-stakeholder meeting on an intergovernmental science-policy platform on biodiversity and ecosystem services生物多样性和生态系统服务政府间科学政策平 台问题特设政府间和多方利益攸关者会议
UN, biol., sec.sys.Ad hoc intergovernmental and multi-stakeholder meeting on an intergovernmental science-policy platform on biodiversity and ecosystem services生物多样性 和生态系统 服务政府间 科学政策平 台问题特设政府 间和多方利 益攸关者会议
org.name.Ad Hoc Intergovernmental Group on the United Nations Financing System for Science and Technology for Development联合国科学和技术促进发展筹资系统特设政府间全体小组
China, lawadministration department for science and technology科学技术行政部门
earth.sc.Administrative Committee on Co-ordination/Subcommittee on Marine Science and its Applications协调管理委员会/海洋科学及其应用分会
agric.advanced science and technology高新科学技术
agric.advanced science and technology高科技
avia.advisory committee on applications of science and technology科学技术应用咨询委员会
avia.advisory committee on science and technology科学技术咨询委员会
earth.sc.Advisory Committee on Science and Technology for Development科学技术发展咨询委员会
earth.sc.Advisory Committee on the Application of Science and Technology to Development UNESCO科学和技术应用于开发咨询委员会联合国教科文组织
gen.Advisory Committee on the Application of Science and Technology to Development美国科学与技术应用咨询委员会
China, polit.advocate the civic virtues of love of the motherland, of the people, of labour, of science and of socialism提倡爱祖国、爱人民、爱劳动、爱科学、爱社会主义的公德
earth.sc.Aeronautical and Space Sciences Committee航空与空间科学委员会
earth.sc.African Association for the Advancement of Science and Technology非洲科学技术促进会
earth.sc.Agency of Industrial Science and Technology Japan工业科技局日本
avia.agency of industrial science and technology科学和技术工业局
China, lawagricultural science and technology农业科学技术
horticult.agricultural science and technology农业科技
horticult.agricultural science and technology农业科学与技术
org.name.Agronomy and Agricultural Sciences Expert农艺和农业科学专家
USA, spaceAlliance for Microgravity Materials Science and Applications微重力材料科学与应用联盟 (AMMSA)
gen.American Academy of Arts and Sciences美国艺术和科学研究院
avia.American Academy of Political and Social Science美国政治和社会科学研究院
earth.sc.American Science and Engineering, Inc.美国科学与工程公司
anim.husb.Animal and Dairy Science Research Institute家畜与乳品科学研究所南非
gen.Annual Review of Nuclear and Particle Science原子核及粒子科学年评
shipb.Applied Science and Technology Index《应用科学与工艺索引》
China, lawappraisal system for science and technology科学技术评价制度
tech.aquatic science and fisheries information system水生科学和渔业资料系统
org.name.Aquatic Sciences and Fisheries Abstracts水产科学和渔业文摘
org.name.Aquatic Sciences and Fisheries Information System水产科学和渔业信息系统
org.name.Aquatic Sciences and Fisheries Information System水产科学及渔业信息系统
earth.sc.Arctic Science and Technology Information System北极科学技术信息系统
earth.sc.Argonne Institute of Nuclear Science and Engineering阿尔贡核科学与核工程研究所
earth.sc.astronomical, atmospheric, earth and ocean science天文、大气、地球和海洋科学
earth.sc.Astronomical, Earth and Ocean Sciences天文、地球及海洋科学
earth.sc.Astronomical, Earth and Ocean Sciences Directorate天文、地球及海洋科学管理局
earth.sc.astrophysics and space science天体物理和空间科学
gen.Astrophysics and Space Science天体物理学与宇宙科学杂志名
avia.atmosphere laboratory for application and science大气应用与科学实验室
USA, spaceAtmosphere Laboratory for Applications and Science大气应用和科学实验室
avia.atmosphere laboratory for applications and science大气应用和科学实验室 (美国)
avia.Atomic Energy Bureau of Science and Technics Agency〔日〕科学技术厅原子能局
earth.sc.Atomic Energy Bureau of Science and Technics Agency科学技术机构原子能局
gen.Atomic Energy Bureau of Science and Technics Agency科学技术厅原子能局
gen.Australian and New Zealand Association for Advancement of Science澳大利亚与新西兰科学发展促进协会
earth.sc.Australian Committee for Earth Resources Technology and Science澳大利亚地球资源科学技术委员会
avia.Australian Institute of Nuclear Science and Engineering澳大利亚核科学与工程学会
gen.Australian Institute of Nuclear Science and Engineering澳大利亚核子科学与工程学会
earth.sc.Australian Science and Technology Council澳大利亚科学技术理事会
anim.husb.Bachelor of Science in Agriculture and Animal Husbandry农业科学和畜牧学学士
busin.Bachelor of Science in Commerce and Economics商业和经济学学士
earth.sc.Bachelor of Science in Engineering in Geodesy and Surveying大地测量和勘察工程理学士
earth.sc.bachelor of science in geology and physics地质和物理学学土
geol.bachelor of science in geology and physics地质和物理学学士
earth.sc.Bachelor of Science in Surveying and Topography土地测量与地形学学士
anim.husb.Bachelor of Science in Veterinary Science and Animal Husbandry畜牧兽医学学士
anim.husb.Bachelor of Veterinary Science and Animal Husbandry畜牧兽医学学士
consult.behavioural science and human engineering行为科学的人类工效学
tech.better assessment science in integrating point and non-point-sources综合点污染源和非点污染源最近评价技术
busin.blending of science and art科学与艺术的结晶
earth.sc.Board on Earth Sciences and Resources地球科学和资源局
econ.Board on Science and Technology for International Development美国国际开发科学技术委员会
earth.sc.Board on Science and Technology for International Development NRC国际开发科技局美国国家研究委员会
tech.breakthrough in science and technology重大科学技术成就
earth.sc.British National Committee on Data for Science and Technology英国国家科学技术资料委员会
tech.building the nation with science and technology科技兴国
earth.sc.Center for Application of Science and Technology科学和技术应用中心
avia.center for application of sciences and technology科学和技术应用中心
earth.sc.Center for Astrophysics and Space Sciences天体物理和空间科学中心
earth.sc.Center for Earth Sciences and Engineering地球科学和工程中心
ecol.Center for Legal Assistance to Pollution Victims at the China University of Political Science and Law中国政法大学污染受害者法律援助中心
earth.sc.Center for Remote Sensing and Mapping Science遥感和测绘科学中心
tech.centre of science and technology科技中心
avia.China Aerospace Science and Industry Corp.中国航天科工集团公司
comp.name.China Aerospace Science and Industry Corporation中国航天科工集团公司
comp.name.China Aerospace Science and Technology Corp.中国航天科技集团公司
tech.China Association for Science and Technology中国科学技术学会
China, polit.China Society of Political Science and Law中国政法学会
nautic., tech.China's Shipbuilding Industry Systems Engineering Institute/ Ocean Electronic Science and Technology Ltd.中国船舶工业系统工程研究院/海洋电子科技有限公司海洋防务装备的"推动者"
avia.Chinese Association Science and Technology中国科学技术协会
China, polit.Chinese Society of Science and Technology History中国科学技术史学会
gen.climb the heights of science and technology攀登科学技术高峰
earth.sc.cold region science and engineering寒冷地区科学与工程
earth.sc.Cold Regions Science and Technology Information Analysis Center冻土带科学技术信息分析中心
earth.sc.College of Marine Science and Technology东海大学海洋学部日本
earth.sc.College of Oceanic and Atmospheric Science海洋和大气科学学会
tech.college of science and technology理工学院
China, polit.Commission of Science, Technology and Industry For National Defence of the People's Republic of China中华人民共和国国防科学技术工业委员会
avia.Commission of Science Technology and Industry for National Defense中国国防科学技术工业委员会
avia.commission of science, technology and industry for national defense国防科学技术工业委员会 (中国)
shipb.Commission on Marine Science and Engineering Research海洋科学与工程研究委员会
shipb.Commission on Marine Science, Engineering and Resource海洋科学、工程与资源委员会
earth.sc.Commission on Marine Science, Engineering and Resources海洋科学、工程及资源委员会
earth.sc.Commission on Marine Science, Engineering and Resources海洋科学、工程与资源委员会
org.name.Commission on Science and Technology for Development科技促进发展中心
gen.Committee for International Program in Atmospheric Sciences and Hydrology国际大气科学及水文学计划委员会联合国所属的
China, polit.Committee of Education, Science, Culture, Health and Sports教科文卫体委员会
earth.sc.Committee of Science and Technology for Development联合国科学技术用于开发委员会
avia.committee on aeronautical and space sciences航空和航天科学委员会
org.name.Committee on Data for Science and Technology科技数据委员会
earth.sc.Committee on Data for Science and Technology科学技术数据委员会
desert.Committee on Data for Science and Technology科学技术资料委员会 (国际科学联盟理事会)
environ.Committee on Earth and Environmental Sciences美国地球和环境科学委员会
earth.sc.Committee on International Programs in Atmospheric Sciences and Hydr-ology大气科学与水文学国际计划委员会
avia.committee on science and astronautics科学和航天委员会
avia.committee on science and public policy科学和公共政策委员会
UN, ecol.Committee on Science and Technology科技委员会
desert.Committee on Science and Technology科学技术委员会
anim.husb.Committee on Science and Technology in the Developing Countries发展中国家科学技术委员会
earth.sc.Committee on Science and Technology of the EEC欧洲经济共同体科学技术委员会
anim.husb.Commonwealth Bureau of Dairy Science and Technology联邦乳酪科学与技术局 (UK)
anim.husb.Commonwealth Bureau of Dairy Science and Technology英联邦乳品科学技术局
busin.complex of science, industry and trade科工贸联合体
gen.Composites, Part A: "Applied Science and Manufacturing"复合材料,A 辑:"应用科学与制造"
gen.Composites Science and Technology复合材料科学与技术
busin.computer and information science计算机与信息科学
busin.Computer and Information Sciences计算机信息科学
avia.computer and Information's sciences计算机和信息科学
gen.Computing and Visualization in Science科学中的计算与可视性
org.name.Conference on the Application of Science and Technology to the Development of Africa应用科学和技术促进非洲发展大会
org.name.Conference on the Application of Science and Technology to the Development of Asia应用科学和技术促进亚洲发展大会
org.name.Conference on the Application of Science and Technology to the Development of Latin America应用科学和技术促进拉丁美洲发展大会
earth.sc.Congressional Office of Science and Technology美国国会科学技术局
busin.conversion of science and technology into productive forces科技转化为生产力
org.name.Co-operative Agreement for Arab States in Asia for Research, Development and Training Related to Nuclear Science and Technology亚洲阿拉伯国家与核科技相关的研究、开发和培训合作协定
environ.Council for Environmental Science and Engineering美国环境科学与工程委员会
earth.sc.Council for Environmental Science and Engineering环境科学与工程委员会
earth.sc.Council of Science and Technology Institutes科学技术学会理事会
avia.Council of Science and Technology Institutions〔英〕科学技术学会理事会
org.name.Data Retrieval System for the Social and Human Sciences社会科学和人文科学数据检索系统
ecol.database science and aqua-cultural paper文献数据库
avia.Defence Science and Technology Laboratory〔英〕国防科学技术实验室
avia.Department of Defence Science and Technology Organization〔澳〕国防科学技术部
earth.sc.Department of Environmental Science and Natural Resources Research UNESCO环境科学与自然资源研究部联合国教科文组织
earth.sc.Department of Science and Technology印度科学技术部 (India)
ecol.department of science and technology科学技术部
desert.Desert and Arid Zones Sciences Programme荒漠和干旱带科学规划署 (1986 年成立,隶属于波斯湾大学。地址:巴林麦纳麦)
manag.develop sports through science and technology科技兴体
tech.development and reform of science of education教育科学发展与改革
earth.sc.development in solar system and space science太阳系和空间科学的发展
agric.development of modern science and technology现代科技发展
agric.development of modern science and technology现代科学技术发展
China, polit.disseminate advanced science and technology推广先进科学技术
China, polit.disseminate knowledge of science and technology普及科学和技术知识
avia.Division microgravity science and applications division微重力科学与应用部
AI.Dual Use Science and Technology美国两用科学技术计划
earth.sc.Earth and Life Science Editing地球与生命科学编辑
earth.sc.Earth and Life Sciences Editors地球与生命科学编辑者
earth.sc.Earth Science and Application Data System地球科学与应用数据系统
earth.sc.Earth Science and Applications Data System地球科学与应用数据系统
earth.sc.Earth Sciences and Resources Institute地球科学和资源研究所
China, lawEducation, Science, Culture and Public Health Committee教育科学文化卫生委员会
earth.sc.Environmental Science and Engineering, Inc.环境科学与工程公司
earth.sc.Environmental Science and Natural Resources Research Department环境科学与自然资源研究部联合国
UNEnvironmental Science and Research环境科学和研究
earth.sc.environmental science and technology环境科学与技术
tech.environmental science and technology环境科技
earth.sc.Estuarine and Coastal Sciences Association河口与海岸科学协会
gen.Estuarine, Coastal and Shelf Science河口、沿岸与大陆架科学
ecol.European Cooperation in Science and Technology欧盟科学技术委员会欧洲科技委员会 (COST)
fin.expenditure on social services, culture, education and science社会文化教育和科学事业费
avia.federal coordinating council for science, engineering and technology联邦科学、工程、技术协调委员会
USA, spaceFederal Coordinating Council for Science, Engineering, and Technology联邦科学、工程、技术协调委员会
earth.sc.Federal Coordinating Council for Science, Engineering and Technology联邦科学、工程与技术协调委员会
avia.federal coordinating council for science, engineering, and technology联邦科学,工程,技术协调委员会 (美国)
earth.sc.Federal Coordinating Council for Science, Engineering and Technology-Committee on Solid Earth Science联邦科学、工程和技术协调委员会-固体地球科学委员会
gen.Federal Council for Science and Technology联邦科学技术委员会
earth.sc.Federal Council for Science and Technology联邦科学技术委员会
anim.husb.Federal Council for Science and Technology联邦科技委员会
avia.federal council for science and technology联邦科学和技术委员会
gen.Federal Council for Science and Technology联邦科学技术委员会美国
earth.sc.Federal Council for Science and Technology-Committee for the International Geodynamics Project科学技术联合会-国际地球动力学计划委员会
earth.sc.Federal Interagency Committee on Earth and Environmental Sciences美国联邦机构间地球科学和环境科学委员会 (US)
gen.Food Science and Technology Abstracts食品科学与技术文摘
busin.Forecasting and Assessment in Science and Technology科技预测与评估
earth.sc.forecasting and assessment of science and technology科学技术预测和评价国际组织
earth.sc.forecasting, assessment and methodology in the field of science and technology科学技术领域预测、估价与方法论
gen.Foreign Science and Technics Center外国科学技术中心美国陆军所属的
earth.sc.Foreign Science and Technology Center国外科学技术中心
China, polit.formulate a medium-and long-range state plan for developing science and technology编制国家中长期科学和技术发展规划
fin.fully tap into the potential of science and technology充分挖掘科技潜力
geol.Geomechanics Abstracts and International Journal of Rock Mechanics and Mining Sciences地质力学文摘与国际岩石力学和矿业科学杂志
gen.go one's own way in developing science and technology在发展科学技术方面走自己的路
anim.husb.Grass and Forage Science牧草和饲料科学
gen.Group on System Science and Cybernetics设备科学及控制论组 (IEEE 所属的)
China, lawguideline of developing agriculture with the help of science and education科教兴农方针
commer.have respect for science and technology尊重科学技术
gen.House Committee of Science and Astronautics众议院科学与宇航委员会
gen.I have applied 2 universities and one of them accepted me. I choose this university because I think it is an excellent university in computer science我一共申请了 2所大学,其中一所录取了我。选择这所大学是因为该大学在电脑科技领域成绩卓著
earth.sc.ICSU Committee on Data for Science and Technology国际科学联合会理事会科学技术数据委员会
gen.IEE Proceedings: "Science, Measurement and Technology"电气工程师学会会报:"科学、测量与技术" (英)
gen.IEICE Transactions on Fundamentals of Electronics, Communications and Computer Sciences电子信息通信工程师学会汇刊: "电子学、通信与计算机科学基础"
tech.Imperial College of Science and Technology皇家科技学院 (英国)
consult.Imperial College of Science and Technology帝国理工学院
gen.Imperial College of Science and Technology英〔帝〕国科学技术学院
shipb.import high science and technology进口高科技
fin.increase support for work in science and technology加强科技支撑
org.name.Independent Science and Partnership Council ISPC科学及伙伴关系独立理事会
org.name.Independent Science and Partnership Council科学与伙伴关系独立理事会
avia.index to science and technology conference proceedings科学技术会议录索引
anim.husb.Indian Journal of Veterinary Science and Animal Husbandry印度畜牧兽医学报
avia.information science and technology科学技术情报
econ., agric.innovation of agricultural science and technology农业科技创新
USA, spaceinnovative science and technology program开创性科学技术计划
earth.sc.Institute for Computer Applications in Science and Engineering科学及工程计算机应用学会
USA, spaceInstitute for Computer Science and Technology计算机科学和技术学会
desert.Institute for Desert Research and Life Science Development荒漠研究与生物科学发展研究所 (内格夫大学,以色列)
earth.sc.Institute for Telecommunication Science and Aeronomy电信科学和超高层大气物理学研究所
gen.Institute of Environmental Sciences and Technology Proceedings环境科学与技术学会汇刊
earth.sc.Institute of Geological and Nuclear Sciences, Ltd.地质学和核科学研究所新西兰
earth.sc.Institute of Hydro-Sciences and Water Resources Technology Iran水文科学和水资源技术研究所伊朗
mil., air.def.institute of information science and electronics信息科学与电子学研究所
earth.sc.Institute of Marine Sciences and Technology US海洋科学技术研究所
anim.husb.Institute of Medical and Veterinary Science医学与科学研究所澳大利亚 (Australia)
tech.Institute of science and technology理工学院
avia.Institute of Space and Aeronautical Sciences〔日〕宇宙与航空科学研究院
earth.sc.Institute of Space and Terrestrial Science空间科学和地球科学研究所
fin.Institute of World Economics and Politics at the Chinese Academy of Social Sciences中国社科院世界经济与政治研究所
tech.Institute of zootechnics and veterinary science畜牧兽医科学研究所
gen.Institution of Corrosion Science and Technology防蚀科学技术协会
earth.sc.integral methods in science and engineering科学和工程中的积分法
busin.integrated science and production corporation科学生产联合公司
earth.sc.Interagency Committee on Marine Science, Research, Engineering and Facilities机构间海洋科学、研究、工程和设备委员会
earth.sc.Inter-American Committee On Science and Technology美洲国家科学技术委员会
org.name.Inter-American Council for Education, Science and Culture美洲教育、科学及文化理事会
earth.sc.Interdisciplinary Center for Aeronomy and other Atmospheric Sciences高空大气物理和大气科学学科间研究中心
earth.sc.Intergovernmental Science, Engineering, and Technology Advisory Panel政府间科学、工程与技术咨询小组委员会
UN, biol., sec.sys.Intergovernmental Science-Policy Platform on Biodiversity and Ecosystem Services生物多样性和生态系统服务政府间科学政策平台
China, lawintermediary for science and technology科学技术中介服务机构
environ.International Association for Advancement of Earth and Environment Sciences国际地球科学与环境科学促进会
earth.sc.International Association for Advancement of Earth and Environmental Science国际地球科学与环境科学促进会
avia.International Association for Advancement of Earth and Environmental Sciences国际地球与环境科学促进会
avia.International Association Meteorology and Atmospheric Science国际气象学和大气科学协会
earth.sc.International Association of Marine Science Libraries and Information Centres国际海洋科学文库与信息中心协会
tech.International Association of Meteorological and Atmospheric Sciences国际气象和大气科学协会
earth.sc.International Association of Meteorology and Atmospheric Sciences国际气象和大气科学协会
environ.International Center for Earth and Environmental Sciences地学与环境科学国际中心
ecol.International Center for Training and Education in Environmental Sciences国际环境科学训练和教育中心 (CIFCA)
tech.International Centre for training and education in Environmental Science环境科教中心
anim.husb.International Committee for Food Science and Technology国际食品科学技术委员会
sport.International Council of Sport Science and Physical Education国际体育科学与体育教育理事会
UN, agric.International Information System for the Agricultural Sciences and Technology国际农业科学技术信息系统
anim.husb.International Information System for the Agricultural Sciences and Technology GAO国际农业科学技术情报系统联合国粮农组织
anim.husb.International Information System for the Agricultural Sciences and Technology联合国粮农组织国际农业科学技术情报系统
earth.sc.International Institute for Aerial Survey and Earth Sciences Netherlands国际航测和地球科学研究所荷兰
UN, cartogr.International institute for aerospace survey and earth sciences国际航空勘测和地球科学研究所
earth.sc.International Institute for Aerospace Survey and Earth Sciences国际空间调查和地球科学研究所荷兰
earth.sc.International Institute of Nuclear Science and Engineering国际核科学与核工程研究所
avia.international institute of nuclear science and engineering国际核科学与核工程学会
gen.International Journal of Food Science and Technology国际食品科学与技术杂志
gen.International Journal of Mathematics and Mathematical Sciences国际数学与数理科学杂志
tech.International Journal of Rock Mechanics and Mining sciences国际岩石力学与矿业工程杂志
avia.international mathematics and science library国际数学和科学图书馆
gen.International Organization for Vacuum Science and Technology国际真空科学技术组织
gen.International School of Nuclear Science and Engineering国际原子能学校
earth.sc.International Science and Engineering Fair国际科学和工程博览会
UNInternational Science and Technology Centre国际科学和技术中心科技中心
anim.husb.international science and technology cooperation国际科学和技术合作
China, lawInternational Science and Technology Cooperation Prizes国际科学技术合作奖
UN, ecol.International Seminar on desertification processes of contiguous areas: science and technology policy issues and options毗连地区荒漠化过程:科技政策问题与选择国际讨论会
earth.sc.International Training Centre for Aerial Survey and Earth Science国际航测与地球科学培训中心
earth.sc.International Union for Vacuum Science, Technique and Applications国际真空科学、技术与应用联合会
anim.husb.International Union of Food Science and Technology国际食品科学技术联合会
earth.sc.International Union of the History and Philosophy of Science国际科学史与哲学联合会
China, lawinvigoration of agriculture through science and education科教兴农
earth.sc.Iowa State University of Science and Technology衣阿华州立科技大学
earth.sc.Japan Marine Science and Technology Center日本海洋科学技术研究中心
avia.Japan Society for Aeronautical and Space Science〔日〕日本航空航天学会
gen.Japanese Information Centre of Science and Technics日本科学技术情报中心
avia.Japanese Science and Technology Agency日本科学技术厅
gen.Joint British Committee on Vacuum Science and Technology英国真空科学与技术联合委员会
gen.Joint Commission on Science and its Social Relations科学及其社会关系联合委员会
chem.Journal of Chemical Information and Computer Science美国化学情报与计算机科学杂志
chem.Journal of Colloid and Interface Sciences胶体与界面科学杂志
gen.Journal of Computer and Systems Sciences International国际计算机与系统科学杂志英译俄刊 (美)
gen.Journal of Imaging Science and Technology成像科学与技术杂志
gen.Journal of Manufacturing Science and Engineering Transactions of the ASME制造科学与工程杂志——美国机械工程师学会汇刊
gen.Journal of Nuclear Science and Technology核子科学技术杂志
gen.Journal of the Optical Society of America, A: "Optics, Image Science, and Vision"美国光学会志,A 辑: "光学、图像科学与视觉"
gen.Journal of the Science of Food and Agriculture食品与农业科学杂志
gen.Journal of Vacuum Science and Technology, A :" Vacuum, Surface, & Films"真空科学与技术杂志,A 辑: "真空、表面与薄膜"
gen.Journal of Vacuum Science and Technology, B:" Microelectronics and Nanometer Structures"真空科学与技术杂志,B 辑: "微电子学与纳米结构"
anim.husb.Journal of Veterinary Science and Animal Industry畜牧兽医学报
nautic., tech.Korea Institute of Ocean Science and Technology韩国海洋科学技术院
econ.Korea Science and Engineering Foundation韩国科学与工程基金会
earth.sc.Korean Federation of Science and Technology Societies韩国科学技术学会联合会
earth.sc.Korean Institute of Science and Technology韩国科学技术研究所
avia.Korean Institute of Science and Technology〔韩〕韩国科学技术研究院
earth.sc.Laboratory for Meteorology and Earth Sciences气象学和地球科学实验室
earth.sc.Latin American and Caribbean Centre for Atmospheric Sciences拉丁美洲和加勒比海大气科学中心
earth.sc.Latin American Institute for Information and Computer Sciences拉丁美洲信息和计算机科学研究所
tech.legal system of science and technology法制
avia.life sciences payloads development engineering and operations生命科学有效载荷研制工程和作业
gen.Magazine of Fantasy and Science Fiction科学与幻想小说杂志
earth.sc.management of information in science and technology科技信息管理
tech.management of science and technology科技管理学
consult.management of science and technology科技管理
earth.sc.marine science and technology program海洋科技计划
China, lawmass organization of science and technology群众性科学技术组织
China, lawmass science and technology organization群众性科学技术组织
earth.sc.master of science in metallurgical engineering and material science冶金工程与材料科学硕士
avia.mathematical and physical sciences and engineering数学和物理科学与工程
nautic., tech.measurement for science, mathematics and read数学、阅读、科学能力的测试
expl.medium and longterm science and technology development plan中长期科技发展规划
gen.Metallurgical and Materials Transactions, A :"Physical Metallurgy and Materials Science"冶金学与材料学汇刊,A 辑: "物理冶金学与材料科学"
gen.Metallurgical and Materials Transactions, B :"Process Metallurgy and Materials Science"冶金学与材料学汇刊,B辑: "生产冶金学与材料科学"
avia.microgravity science and applications division微重力科学和应用部 (美国航空航天局)
econ.minister in Charge of the Commission of Science, Technology and Industry for National Defence国防科学技术工业委员会主任
econ.Ministry of Science and Technology科学技术部
China, polit.Ministry of Science and Technology of the People's Republic of China中华人民共和国科学技术部
gen.Modelling & Simulation in Materials Science and Engineering材料科学与工程中的建模与仿真
agric.modern high science and technology现代高新科技
tech.modern science and technology现代科学技术
China, polit.modernize the country's industry, agriculture, national defence and science and technology实现工业、农业、国防和科学技术的现代化
econ.most many, much 的最高级 up-todate science and technology最新科学技术
busin.most up-to-date science and technology最新科学技术成就
tech.most-up-to-date science and technology最新科学技术成就
tech.Museum of Science and Technology科技博物馆
avia.National Board for Science and Technology〔爱〕国家科学技术委员会
earth.sc.National Board of Science and Technology Ireland国家科学技术委员会爱尔兰
earth.sc.National Commission on Libraries and Information Science国家图书馆与信息科学委员会
earth.sc.National Committee on Science and Technology India国家科学技术委员会印度
earth.sc.National Committee on Science and Technology国家科学技术委员会印度
earth.sc.national federation of science abstracting and indexing services国家科学文献文摘和检索服务联合会
gen.National Federation of Science Abstracting and Indexing Services全国科学文摘及索引编制机构联合会
USA, spacenational hypersonic science and technology plan国家高超声速科技规划
earth.sc.National Information System for Science and Technology Japan国家科学技术信息系统日本
busin.National Information System for Science and Technology全国科技信息处理系统
earth.sc.National Information System of Science and Technology India国家科学技术信息系统印度
earth.sc.National Institute of Science and Technology Philippines国家科学技术研究所菲律宾
gen.National Lending Library for Science and Technology国立出借科技图书馆
earth.sc.National Ocean Science and Technology Agency国家海洋科技局
avia.national ocean science and technology agency国家海洋科学技术局
earth.sc.National Referral Center for Science and Technology Library of Congress, US国家科学技术资料导引中心美国国会图书馆
earth.sc.National Research Institute for Earth Science and Disaster Prevention国家地球科学和防灾研究所
USA, spaceNational Science and Technology Council国家科学技术委员会
securit.National Science and Technology Venture Capital Development Center国家科技风险资本开发中心
USA, spaceNational Space Science and Technology Center国家空间科技中心
earth.sc.Natural Science and Engineering Research Council Canada自然科学和工程研究委员会加拿大
tech.new science and technology新科技
earth.sc.Northwest College and University Association for Science西北部学院与大学科学协会
earth.sc.nuclear science and engineering核科学及工程
gen.nuclear science and engineering核子科学与工程
gen.Nuclear Science and Engineering Corp.核子科学与工程公司
earth.sc.Nuclear Science and Engineering Corporation核科学和工程公司
earth.sc.ocean and aquatic sciences海洋与水生科学
earth.sc.Ocean Science and Engineering Inc.海洋科学和海洋工程公司
comp.name.Ocean Science and Engineering,Inc.美国海洋科学和工程公司
earth.sc.ocean science and technology海洋科学技术
USA, spaceOcean Science and Technology Advisory Committee海洋科学技术咨询委员会
earth.sc.Ocean Science and Technology Advisory Committee海洋科技咨询委员会
earth.sc.Ocean Science and Technology Committee海洋科学技术委员会
avia.office of science and technical information科学技术情报办公室
busin.Office of Science and Technology科技办公室
gen.Office of Science and Technology科学技术局美国
avia.office of science and technology科学与技术处
manag.office of science and technology科学与技术总署
gen.Office of Science and Technology科学技术局美国国际开发机构所属的
earth.sc.office of science and technology policy科学技术政策局
avia.office of science and technology policy科学和技术政策办公室
earth.sc.Office of Space Science and Applications空间科学和应用局美国,总统科学顾问委员会
econ.operating expenses for culture, education, science and public health services文教科学卫生事业费
AI.Oregon Graduate Institute of Science and Technology俄勒冈科学技术研究院
earth.sc.Pakistan Institute of Nuclear Science and Technology巴基斯坦核科学技术学会
gen.Pakistan Institute of Nuclear Science and Technology巴基斯坦核子科学技术学会
tech.Pan-American Center for Health Engineering and Environmental Science泛美卫生工程与环境科学中心
org.name.Permanent Executive Committee of the Inter-American Council for Education, Science and Culture美洲间教育、科学和文化理事会常设执行委员会
gen.Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society of London, Series A: "Mathematical, Physical and Engineering Sciences"伦敦皇家学会哲学汇刊,A辑: "数学、物理与工程科学"
avia.physical and mathematical sciences research paper物理和数学科学研究报告
tech.plan for the development of science and technology科技发展规划
earth.sc.planetary and space science行星和空间科学
avia.polymer science and technology聚合物科学技术期刊
earth.sc.polymer science and technology聚合物科学与技术
gen.Polymer Science and Technology聚合物科学与工艺学美国杂志名
gen.Proceedings of the Royal Society of London, Series A:" Mathematical, Physical and Engineering Sciences"伦敦皇家学会会报,A辑: "数学、物理与工程科学"
China, lawpromote progress of science and technology推进科学技术进步
earth.sc.Regional Cooperation Agreement for Research, Development and Training related to Nuclear Science and Technology in South and Southeast Asia, the Pacific and the Far East南亚、东南亚、太平洋和远东核科学技术研究、开发与培训的地区性合用协定
UN, polit.Regional Meeting of Experts on Space Science and Technology and its Applications空间科学技术及其应用区域专家会议
earth.sc.Regional Office for Science and Technology for Latin America and the Caribbean UNESCO, Uruguay拉丁美洲和加勒比海区域科学技术局联合国教科文组织,乌拉圭
earth.sc.Regional Office for Science and Technology for Latin America and the Caribbean拉丁美洲和加勒比海区域科学技术局联合国教科文组织,乌拉圭
earth.sc.Regional Office for Science and Technology in Africa非洲区域科学技术局 (UNESCO, Kenya)
earth.sc.Regional Office for Science and Technology in Africa非洲区域科学技术局
earth.sc.Regional Office for Science and Technology in Europe欧洲区域科学技术局
earth.sc.Regional Office for Science and Technology in Latin America拉美区域科学技术局
earth.sc.Regional Office for Science and Technology in South and Central Asia南亚和中亚区域科学技术局联合国教科文组织,印度
earth.sc.Regional Office for Science and Technology in South-east Asia东南亚区域科学技术局联合国教科文组织, 印度尼西亚
earth.sc.Regional Office for Science and Technology in the Arab States阿拉伯国家区域科学技术局
China, lawreinvigorate the country through science and education科教兴国
China, lawresearch on construction science and technology建筑科学技术研究
gen.Royal College of Science and Technology英国〔皇家〕理工学院
earth.sc.Saudi Arabian National Center for Science and Technology沙特阿拉伯国家科学技术中心
gen.School of Nuclear Science and Engineering核子科学技术学校
earth.sc.science and applications information system科学与应用信息系统
earth.sc.Science and Astronautics Committee科学与航天委员会
multimed.science and development network科学发展网
earth.sc.Science and Education Administration科学与教育管理局
earth.sc.Science and Education Service科学与教育管理局
earth.sc.science and engineering research council科学和工程研究理事会
avia.Science and Engineering Research Council〔英〕科学与工程研究委员会
gen.science and information exchange科学情报交换
manag.science and sanity科学与健康
consult.science and social科学与社会
tech.science and technology科学技术
avia.science and technology administration committee科学技术管理委员会
earth.sc.Science and Technology Advisory CommitteeWMO科学技术咨询委员会世界气象组织
USA, spaceScience and Technology Advisory Panel科技咨询委员会
earth.sc.science and technology agency Japan科学技术厅日本
avia.Science and Technology Agency〔日〕科学技术厅
China, lawscience and technology award fund科学技术奖励基金
China, lawscience and technology awarding system科学技术奖励制度
China, lawscience and technology cooperation and exchange科学技术合作与交流
manag.Science and Technology Development Centre科技开发中心
tech.science and technology development fund科技发展基金
tech.science and technology development strategy科学技术发展战略
UNScience and Technology for Environmental Protection 1989-1992科学和技术促进环境保护方案 :科技促进环保方案
tech.Science and Technology for Environmental Protection科学和技术促进环境保护方案
tech.science and technology forecast科学技术预测
agric.science and technology information sources科技情报源
tech.science and technology input科技投入
USA, spaceScience and Technology Liaison Office科学技术联络处
China, lawscience and technology of environmental protection环境保护科学技术
China, lawscience and technology of national defense国防科学技术
consult.science and technology planning科学与社会
org.name.Science and Technology Policy Information Exchange System科技政策资料交换系统
UN, agric.Science and Technology Popularization System科学和技术推广体系
China, lawscience and technology prize科学技术奖
China, lawscience and technology progress科学技术进步
sport.Science and Technology Progress Award科学技术进步奖
avia.science and technology research center科学技术研究中心
agric.science and technology revolution科技革命
China, lawscience and technology system科学技术体制
earth.sc.Science and Technology-Political Action Committee科技政策活动委员会
avia.science for advancement of material and process engineering先进材料和工艺工程科学
tech.science of engineering rock and soil工程岩土学
avia.science, technology and development organization科学、技术和发展组织
China, lawsciences and technologies for energy conservation节能科学技术
UN, biol., sec.sys.Second ad hoc intergovernmental and multi-stakeholder meeting on an intergovernmental science-policy platform on biodiversity and ecosystem services生物多样性 和生态系统 服务政府间 科学政策平 台问题第二 次特设政府 间和多方利 益攸关者会议
org.name.Secretariat of the CGIAR Independent Science and Partnership Council ISPC国际农业研究磋商组织科学与伙伴关系独立理事会秘书处
UNSectoral Meeting on Science and Technology with Special Emphasis on the Environment强调环境方面的科学与技术问题部门会议
China, lawsecurity system for science and technology科学技术保密制度
gen.Semiconductor Science and Technology半导体科学与技术
gen.Senate Committee on Aeronautics and Space Sciences参议院航空与空间科学委员会
avia.Shanghai Science and Technology Association上海市科学技术协会
avia.society for science and mathematics科学和数学学会
earth.sc.Society of Geomagnetism and Earth Planetary and Space Science地磁和地球、行星及空间学会
China, lawsophisticated realm of science and technology尖端科学技术领域
tech.sophisticated science and high technology高科技
USA, spaceSpace and Earth Science Committee of the NASA Advisory Council航空航天局顾问委员会空间和地球科学委员会
avia.space and earth science committee of the NASA advisory council国家航空航天局顾问委员会空间与地球科学委员会
avia.Space Science and Technology Center〔印〕空间科学与技术中心
earth.sc.Space Science and Technology Centre空间科学技术中心
manag.Sports Medicine and Science Association体育医学和科学协会
manag.Sports Science and Education Subcommittee体育科学与教育专门委员会
tech.State Science and Technology Commission国家科学技术委员会
agric.status of safety science and engineering安全科学与工程 现状
org.name.Sub-Committee on Economic and Social Sciences经济和社会科学分委员会
UN, polit.Symposium on Solar Science and Technology太阳能科学和技术专题讨论会
agric.systematics of science and technology科学技术体系
tech.systematics of science and technology科学技术体系学
avia.systems science and cybernetics系统科学与控制论
earth.sc.systems science and engineering系统科学与工程
earth.sc.terrestrial, atmospheric and oceanic sciences陆地、大气和海洋科学公司中国台湾省
earth.sc.Texas Academy of Math and Science得克萨斯数学科学院
earth.sc.Thailand Institute of Science and Technological Research泰国科技研究所
China, polit.the Education, Science, Culture and Heath Committee教育科学文化卫生委员会
China, polit.The Education, Science, Culture and Public Heath Committee教育科学文化卫生委员会
expl.The enormous threat posed by climate change is now widely recognized by mainstream science and is increasingly gaining public acceptance气候变化带来的巨大威胁、现在已被主流科学广泛地认知、且日益得到全社会的认可
China, polit.the National Conference on Science and Technology全国科技大会
tech.the strategy of developing the country by relying on science and education科教兴国战略
China, polit.the strategy of reinvigorating China through science and technology, education and human resources科教兴国战略和人才强国战略
anim.husb.United Kingdom Co-ordinating Committee for Food Science and Technology英国食品科学技术协调委员会
earth.sc.United Nations Advisory Committee on the Application of Science and Technology to Development联合国科学技术应用于开发咨询委员会
earth.sc.United Nations Conference on Science and Technology for Development联合国科学技术应用于开发会议
tech.United Nations Conference on Science and Technology for Development联合国科学技术开发会议
earth.sc.United Nations Conference on Science Application and Technology联合国科学技术应用会议
earth.sc.United Nations Conference on the Applications of Science and Technology联合国科学技术应用会议
tech.United Nations Educational and Scientific and Cultural organization Division of Water Science联合国教组织科学部
earth.sc.United Nations Expert Committee on the Application of Science and Technology联合国科学技术应用专家委员会
gen.United Nations Intergovernmental System of Information in Science and Technology世界科技情报系统联合国教科文组织
earth.sc.universal system for information in science and technology世界科技信息系统
earth.sc.universal system for information in science and technology通用科学技术信息系统
tech.universal system for information in science and technology全球科学技术情报系统
avia.Universal System for Information in Science and Technology联合国教科文组织世界科技情报系统
earth.sc.University of Manchester Institute of Science and Technology曼彻斯特大学科学技术研究所
gen.University of Manchester Institute of Science and Technology曼彻斯特大学理工学院
agric.university of science and engineering理工大学
earth.sc.University of Wales, Institute of Science and Technology威尔士大学科学技术学院
earth.sc.University of Wisconsin Space Science and Engineering Center威斯康星大学空间科学与工程中心
earth.sc.water science and technology水科学与技术杂志
earth.sc.Water Science and Technology Board水科学技术委员会
tech.white book on science and technology科学技术白皮书
gen.Wisconsin Academy of Sciences, Arts and Letters威斯康星科学艺术文学院
ecol.wood science and technology木材科学与技术
UNWorking Party on Science for Environmentally Sound and Sustainable Development科学促进无害环境可持续发展工作队
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